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USAID, Dal Dairy partner to fight malnutrition in Sudan's Red Sea

Sudan Tribune - Tue, 02/06/2015 - 08:08

June 1, 2015 (KHARTOUM) - The United States Agency for International Development (USAID), on Sunday signed an agreement with the Sudanese Dal Dairy factory to provide locally produced milk to 5000 malnourished primary school children in Red Sea State.

An advertisement by Dal dairy group showing a child drinking milk

The eastern Sudan state of the Red Sea registered the highest rate of malnutrition in the country, according to a nutrition survey conducted in January 2014.

Since 2001, Dal factory has supported Sudan's School Milk Program and provides 17,000 poor students in Khartoum state with daily dose of milk.

“The American people want to address the underlying causes of poverty and marginalization in Sudan, and by partnering with the private sector, we will be far more effective if we can bring our combined skills and resources to the effort,” said USAID Acting Mission Director Lea Swanson.

The US embassy in Khartoum said in a statement released on Monday that the purpose of this partnership with a private company is to improve education and nutrition through dairy distribution.

“The spirit of this partnership project, providing a daily source of critical nutrition to school children, reflects the ongoing support of the American people for the people of Sudan,” said U.S. Chargé d'Affaires Jerry P. Lanier.

Lanier further reiterated his government's commitment to work with Dal and “other like-minded business colleagues to alleviate poverty and support humanitarian activities in Sudan,”

On 26 May, the United States, which is the largest donor of food assistance to Sudan, delivered 47,500 tons of sorghum to the UN World Food Programme to displaced for the displaced population in Darfur and the needy in eastern region.


Categories: Africa

Az irodalmi Nobel-díjat odaítélő Svéd Akadémia első női vezetője

Magyar Szó (Szerbia/Vajdaság) - Tue, 02/06/2015 - 08:08

Hétfőtől Sara Danius személyében első ízben áll női vezető az irodalmi Nobel-díjat odaítélő Svéd Akadémia élén.

Italien: Salvini will der neue Berlusconi werden - Tue, 02/06/2015 - 08:03

In Italien beginnen die Reformmaßnahmen der Regierung Renzi langsam zu greifen, aber der Applaus der Wähler bleibt aus. Das regierende Mitte-Links Bündnis Partito Democratico konnte bei den Kommunalwahlen zwar seine Position einigermaßen behaupten, musste aber auch einige empfindliche Dämpfer hinnehmen.

Categories: Europäische Union

Wegen Einreisesperren: Tschechien bestellt russischen Botschafter ein - Tue, 02/06/2015 - 08:02

Einseitig, ohne jede Grundlage und intransparent nennt die tschechische Regierung die Einreiseverbote von Moskau gegen zahlreiche Politiker. Nun hat Tschechien den russischen Botschafter einbestellt. Auch der slowakischer Regierungschef Fico will in Moskau mit Wladimir Putin sprechen.

Categories: Europäische Union

South Sudan: the implications of the return of G-10

Sudan Tribune - Tue, 02/06/2015 - 08:00

By Steve Paterno

For over the years, South Sudanese politicians have gained notoriety of proverbial 'Prodigal Son,' well explained biblically. The recent arrival into Juba of some of G-10 members, (now the G-5), has just added into the long list of Prodigal Sons—the folks who enjoy the livelihood of defections from one political camp into another.

The return of some members of this group, nevertheless, presents unique challenges, which provides for some interesting scenarios. After accepting and acknowledging their treacherous role in igniting the current conflict, the G-10 signed the Sudan People's Liberation Movement (SPLM) Reunification Agreement, paving way for intra party dialogue, reunification, and eventual reforms.

The intra party negotiations is initiated as a parallel peace process to augment the ongoing IGAD sponsored peace talks. The negotiations is supported by regional powers. It involved three of the former SPLM splinter factions, which include the SPLM, the armed group, and the G-10.

Nonetheless, the armed opposition led by former Vice President Riek Machar reluctantly participated into the process. After signing a series of agreements under this process, the armed group ultimately abdicated their involvement entirely, leaving only the SPLM and G-10 as active participants. The armed opposition may indeed have good reasons as to why they are hesitant to participate in the intra party negotiations, since the framework guiding the negotiations does not provide platform for the outlandish demands the rebels are vowing for under the IGAD peace process.

This, compounded with other elements makes this agreement rather challenging to implement, both in theory and practice. First, this agreement as a complementary to the whole peace process; is literally pending, awaiting the results and outcomes of IGAD sponsored talks.

The implementation of this agreement is also further complicated by the personalities involved from either sides in the conflict. Actually, the return into Juba of some members of the G-10 in an attempt to implement this agreement offers some glimpse as to what may be laying ahead.

It is important to note that the implementations of this agreement hit a snag from the get go. The President of the Republic of South Sudan, Salva Kiir had to go out of his way by issuing blanket amnesty in favour of the rebels, in order, to facilitate smooth implementation of this agreement and reach a comprehensive peace.

Now that some members of G-10 gave it a chance in an attempt to implement the intra party agreement, it actually raises the spectre of speculations more than ever. The group that showed up to Juba called itself the "advance team of the G-10," even though G-5 best fits their description, because the group was initially G-11 plus, and since then, their number is on a nose dive, dwindles to only five individuals at the current rate. Some of the questions remain for speculations are such as: what would the G-5 advance in Juba, with their much hyped prodigal son farewell return? What would happen to the rest of G-10 members. who seems to have disappeared behind the scene? And the questions go as we anticipate the farewell return of more prodigal sons...

Steve Paterno is the author of The Rev. Fr. Saturnino Lohure, A Romain Catholic Priest Turned Rebel. He can be reached at

Categories: Africa

Székelyföldre érkezett Károly walesi herceg, brit trónörökös

Magyar Szó (Szerbia/Vajdaság) - Tue, 02/06/2015 - 08:00

A székelyföldi zalánpataki (Valea Zalanului) birtokára érkezett vasárnap este Károly walesi herceg, brit trónörökös, aki évek óta Erdélybe látogat a május végi, június eleji időszakban.

South Sudan former detainees return to Juba on reunification of SPLM

Sudan Tribune - Tue, 02/06/2015 - 07:59

June 1, 2015 (JUBA) - An advance team of five-member delegation from former political detainees arrived in the South Sudanese capital, Juba, on Monday, vowing to reunify the disintegrated ruling party of the Sudan Peoples' Liberation Movement (SPLM) and save the country from “collapse.”

Former South Sudanese political detainees hold a press conference in the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa, on 13 February 2014 (Photo: IGAD)

The team led by former cabinet affairs minister, Deng Alor Kuol, said they came to work with president Salva Kiir and members of his administration to avoid collapse of the country and disintegration of the ruling party.

Speaking at Juba airport upon arrival, Kuol, described the SPLM as a historical party capable of working together to resolve the differences through dialogue to avert further disintegration.

“It is a historical movement, a historical party. It can't be allowed to die. No one can accept it. We in the SPLM Leaders, we feel that SPLM has to be rescued equally in the way that we are trying to rescue South Sudan, because we can't allow this history to go to the dust bin,” Kuol told reporters in Juba.

He said he and his group would not accept the vision they have developed under the leadership of the founding leader, late John Garang, to die because of differences which could be resolved through dialogue.

The official further narrated that he would meet president Kiir to hold talks on the reunification of the SPLM and how to resolve the conflict in order to return the country to peace and stability and avert total collapse.

“The economy is collapsing. This country is collapsing,” he said.

He called on both leaders, president Kiir and former vice-president, Riek Machar, who leads an armed faction of the SPLM to stop fighting and unite the ruling party and restore its vision.

Alor however said both the intra-party dialogue in Arusha, Tanzania, and the national comprehensive peace process for the country in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, should go hand in hand in order to resolve the crisis.

“The two processes of Arusha and IGAD have decided to come together to coordinate their position because objective is one: peace in South Sudan,” he said.

“You need to stop the war because if SPLM is reunited and the war is still ranging on, then I think that will serve a very little purpose to the people of South Sudan.”

He described the South Sudanese war which erupted in mid-December 2013 as the “most difficult time” compared to the 1983 to 2005 Sudanese war between former north and south Sudan.

South African deputy president, Cyril Ramaphosa, who accompanied the former detainees to Juba as mediator in the reunification of SPLM said the aim of the visit was to expedite the Arusha process in reuniting the three factions of the ruling party.

He disclosed that the mission was a preparatory process that will end up with SPLM former detainees (SPLM-FD) returning home to Juba.

“This is a new phase in the peace making process. We are here on a preparatory mission; a mission that will end with the return home of the SPLM leaders who are made up of the former detainees,” Ramaphosa told reporters at Juba airport upon arrival.

“Today is a big day for peace in South Sudan. We have brought five of its outstanding sons back home. We have brought them home as part of the process of making sure we restore peace once again in this country,” he further explained.

However, he said the main armed opposition faction of SPLM-IO led by Machar was missing on the return process mission, but added that the three SPLM factions (SPLM-G, SPLM-IO and SPLM-FD) will meet again soon in Tanzania to continue with joint dialogue on reunification of the party.

Earlier, SPLM-G secretary general, Ann Itto, said the return by members of former detainees was in implementation of Arusha intra-party dialogue which sought to reinstate the exile leaders back into the party at home.

SPLM-IO on Sunday said they were committed to the Arusha intra-party dialogue on reunification process which involves the three factions as a complement to the Addis Ababa comprehensive peace process. They expressed doubt over intentions of former detainees in their decision for unilateral return to Juba to reconcile between SPLM-G and SPLM-IO, saying they were also a party to the internal conflict within SPLM.

Former detainees however announced they would also send their delegation to the SPLM-IO leadership in Pagak to explain their new role in trying to reunite the party.

A date is yet to be fixed for resumption of dialogue in Arusha among the three conflicting factions of the ruling party.


Categories: Africa

Maurice: la future présidente Ameenah Gurib-Fakim a conquis les médias

RFI /Afrique - Tue, 02/06/2015 - 07:59
La nouvelle présidente de Maurice prêtera serment vendredi. La scientifique Ameenah Gurib-Fakim remplacera Kailash Purryag, qui a démissionné. Une succession qui suscite l'enthousiasme de la société et des médias mauriciens.
Categories: Afrique

Berényi: az összetartozás a gyökerekhez való ragaszkodásról szól

Hí (Szlovákia/Felvidék) - Tue, 02/06/2015 - 07:44
KIRÁLYHELMEC. Az összetartozás egyaránt szól a gyökerekhez való ragaszkodásról és a kölcsönös segítségnyújtásról - jelentette ki Berényi József, a Magyar Közösség Pártjának (MKP) elnöke hétfőn Királyhelmecen, a pártnak a nemzeti összetartozás napja alkalmából megrendezett központi megemlékezésén.

Bekérették a prágai orosz nagykövetet a cseh külügyminisztériumba

Hí (Szlovákia/Felvidék) - Tue, 02/06/2015 - 07:21
PRÁGA. Bekérették hétfőn a cseh külügyminisztériumba a prágai orosz nagykövetet, adjon magyarázatot, miért tiltotta meg Moszkva négy cseh politikusnak az Oroszországba való belépést.

Ebola : l'ONU appelle à rester mobilisé jusqu'à l'éradication totale de l'épidémie

Centre d'actualités de l'ONU | Afrique - Tue, 02/06/2015 - 07:00
A l'occasion d'une réunion de l'Assemblée générale sur Ebola, le Secrétaire général de l'ONU, Ban Ki-moon, a appelé la communauté internationale à rester mobilisée jusqu'à l'éradication totale de l'épidémie et a annoncé la convocation en juillet d'une Conférence internationale sur le relèvement des pays affectés afin de mobiliser des ressources supplémentaires.
Categories: Afrique

Burundi : l'ONU s'efforce d'aider à la reprise du dialogue politique

Centre d'actualités de l'ONU | Afrique - Tue, 02/06/2015 - 07:00
L'Organisation des Nations Unies continuait mardi de multiplier les efforts pour aider à une reprise du dialogue politique au Burundi afin de sortir ce pays de la crise qu'il traverse.
Categories: Afrique

Soudan du Sud : les combats provoquent un nouvel afflux de réfugiés dans les pays voisins, selon le HCR

Centre d'actualités de l'ONU | Afrique - Tue, 02/06/2015 - 07:00
Les violents affrontements qui ont eu lieu au cours des deux derniers mois au Soudan du Sud ont entrainé des déplacements massifs de population et entravé l'acheminement de l'aide humanitaire, a déploré mardi le Haut-Commissariat des Nations Unies pour les réfugiés (HCR).
Categories: Afrique

South Sudan fighting triggers new mass displacement, warns UN refugee agency

UN News Centre - Africa - Tue, 02/06/2015 - 07:00
Heavy fighting in South Sudan’s Unity and Upper Nile states over the last two months has displaced more than 100,000 people and blocked humanitarian aid deliveries for some 650,000 people as aid organizations have been forced to withdraw, a representative for the United Nations refugee agency has confirmed today.
Categories: Africa

South Sudan fighting triggers new mass displacement, warns UN refugee agency

UN News Centre - Tue, 02/06/2015 - 07:00
Heavy fighting in South Sudan’s Unity and Upper Nile states over the last two months has displaced more than 100,000 people and blocked humanitarian aid deliveries for some 650,000 people as aid organizations have been forced to withdraw, a representative for the United Nations refugee agency has confirmed today.

Air France Flight 275 Makes Successful Emergency Landing in Khabarovsk

RIA Novosty / Russia - Tue, 02/06/2015 - 06:58
An Air France’ Boeing flying from Tokyo to Paris made a successful emergency landing in Russia’s eastern city of Khabarovsk.

Categories: Russia & CIS

Face à la progression de l’Etat islamique, quelle stratégie pour la coalition ?

LeMonde / Afrique - Tue, 02/06/2015 - 06:39
La réunion des alliés de la coalition mardi à Paris doit permettre d’échanger sur le plan à adopter après les récentes avancées des djihadistes.
Categories: Afrique

Észak-Koreát provokálják egy újabb hadgyakorlattal

Hídfő.ru / Biztonságpolitika - Tue, 02/06/2015 - 06:02
Dél-Koreával kezdett közös hadgyakorlatot az amerikai haditengerészet, melynek során ellenséges tengeralattjárók elhárítására, és Észak-Koreából érkező katonai fenyegetésre adott közös válaszra készülnek.
Categories: Biztonságpolitika

Naval combat system capabilities, challenges and future trends

DefenceIQ - Tue, 02/06/2015 - 06:00
Ahead of the Naval Combat Systems conference (28-29 July 2015, London, UK), which will  explore the value and advantages of specific system programmes and of a variety of surface vessels’ contingent combat capability, Defence IQ interviewed Captain R. Trevor King to
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Air defence vital to Poland's national security, geopolitics in Europe

DefenceIQ - Tue, 02/06/2015 - 06:00
This year, the Integrated Air and Missile Defence conference is branching out towards a special Eastern Europe-focused summit to be held in Warsaw this July. Senior ministers and officers from Poland, as well as the likes of Romania, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the Czech Repu
Categories: Defence`s Feeds
