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Toronyomlásra vészalap

Kolozsvári Rádió (Románia/Erdély) - Mon, 22/02/2016 - 07:57
Műemlékmentésre szánt vészalap létrehozását javasolja a művelődési miniszter. A pénzalapot olyan épületek állagának javítására használnák, amelyek már gyakorlatilag végveszélybe kerültek. A bejelentést maga Vlad Alexandrescu miniszter tette, személyes facebook oldalán, miután a hétvégén két Brassó m...

Konjunktur: Überkapazitäten in China bedrohen Europa - Mon, 22/02/2016 - 07:54

Peking – Obwohl die Nachfrage nicht mithalten kann, bauen chinesische Unternehmen ihre Produktion massiv aus. Europäische Unternehmen betrachten die gewaltigen Überkapazitäten der chinesischen Industrie mit zunehmend grosser Sorge.

«Wir sind in einer viel schlechteren Position als zuvor», sagte Jörg Wuttke, Präsident der Europäischen Handelskammer in China am Montag bei der Vorlage einer neuen Studie zum Thema. Demnach sind die Überkapazitäten praktisch aller wichtigen Industrien Chinas in den vergangenen Jahren stark gestiegen. Das bedeutet: Fabriken betreiben mehr Produktionsanlagen und beschäftigen viel mehr Personal, als eigentlich notwendig wäre.

Erst vergangene Woche hatten Tausende Stahlarbeiter in Brüssel demonstriert, weil sie ihre Arbeitsplätze durch die chinesischen Stahlexporte nach Europa bedroht sehen. Laut Wuttke werde sich die Situation wegen des wirtschaftlichen Abschwungs in China eher noch verschärfen.

Die Zentralregierung in Peking habe zwar schon vor Jahren damit begonnen, Massnahmen gegen die steigenden Überkapazitäten zu beschliessen. Viele Lokalregierungen würden sich jedoch weigern, die neue Regeln auch umzusetzen oder nach Wegen suchen, sie zu umgehen.

Provinzen und Städte, die von den betroffenen Industrien abhängig sind, wollen demnach um jeden Preis Fabrikschliessungen und Massenentlassung verhindern. Viele Staatsunternehmen könnten den Betrieb dabei nur noch mit Hilfe immer neuer Kredite aufrechterhalten. «Dieser Protektionismus muss enden», sagte Wuttke. «Je länger China warten, desto grösser wird das Problem.»

Laut der Studie der Europäischen Handelskammer, verschärft sich nicht nur die Situation in Chinas Stahlindustrie zunehmend. Die Überkapazitäten der chinesischen Zementindustrie legten so zwischen 2008 und 2014 von 450 Millionen auf 850 Millionen Tonnen zu.

Die Überkapazitäten der Öl-Raffinerien der zweitgrössten Volkswirtschaft haben sich im gleichen Zeitraum auf 230 Millionen Tonnen sogar mehr als verdreifacht. Auch in den Chemie-, Glas-, Papier, Aluminium- und Papierbranche wachsen die Produktionskapazitäten schneller als die Nachfrage.

Die Europäische Handelskammer hatte erstmals 2009 auf steigende Überkapazitäten in China hingewiesen. Mitverantwortlich für die Probleme war damals ein gewaltiges Konjunkturprogramm der Regierung. Um die Wirtschaft des Landes trotz der globalen Finanzkrise am Laufen zu halten, wurden vielerorts Milliarden in den Bau neuer Fabriken gesteckt, die bis heute nicht gebraucht werden.

Da Chinas Industriebetriebe in der Regel weit mehr Schadstoffe ausstossen als etwa die Konkurrenz in Europa, ist die überschüssige Produktion laut Experten nicht nur die grösste Gefahr für Chinas Wirtschaft, sondern bedroht auch Pekings Pläne, die Luft- und Umweltverschmutzung in weiten Teilen des Landes in den Griff zu kriegen.

Categories: Swiss News

Familiennachzug im Asylbereich: So viele Personen kamen im letzten Jahr - Mon, 22/02/2016 - 07:53

Bürgerliche Politiker wollen den Familiennachzug im Asylbereich einschränken. Allerdings: Insgesamt ist der Zustrom in diesem Bereich relativ bescheiden.

Fast 40'000 Asylgesuche wurden letztes Jahr in der Schweiz eingereicht – und auch für dieses Jahr rechnet der Bund mit hohen Zahlen. Insbesondere um den Zustrom eritreischer Flüchtlinge gehen die Wogen hoch. Bürgerliche Politiker wollen den Flüchtlingszustrom senken – zum Beispiel über eine Beschränkung des Familiennachzugs.

So fordert der Kanton Luzern mit einer Standesinitiative, dass Dienstverweigerern – insbesondere aus Eritrea – nicht mehr der Flüchtlings-, sondern bloss der Schutzstatus zugesprochen wird. Damit soll auch das Recht auf Familiennachzug entfallen. Und die SVP möchte vorläufig Aufgenommenen das Recht auf Familiennachzug gleich gänzlich streichen.

2555 Kinder und 735 Erwachsene

Doch wie gross ist die Problematik wirklich? 

BLICK liegen die neusten Zahlen des Staatssekretariats für Migration (SEM) vor. Diese zeigen: Der Familiennachzug bei anerkannten Flüchtlingen und vorläufig Aufgenommenen macht nur einen relativ kleinen Teil des Flüchtlingszustroms aus. Im Jahr 2015 profitierten insgesamt 3290 Personen von einer Familienzusammenführung. Dabei handelt es sich um 2555 Kinder (bis 17 Jahre) sowie 735 Erwachsene.

Allerdings haben sich die Zahlen seit 2010 verdoppelt. Damals wurden 1572 Familienmitglieder nachgezogen. «Die Anzahl Familiennachzüge korreliert direkt mit der absoluten Zahl der Asylgesuche und der Asylgewährungen», erklärt SEM-Sprecherin Léa Wertheimer den Anstieg.

Am meisten kommen aus Eritrea

In den letzten sechs Jahren lag jeweils Eritrea als Herkunftsland an der Spitze. So auch im vergangenen Jahr mit 1276 Personen. Dahinter folgen Syrien mit 664 und Sri Lanka mit 545 Personen. Die Zahl der Syrer stieg in den letzten beiden Jahren markant an. Nicht ohne Grund, wie Wertheimer weiss: «Die Schweiz hat für Syrer in zwei Aktionen erleichterte Visa für Familienzusammenführungen erlassen.»

Was auffällt: Der Familiennachzug wird praktisch nur anerkannten Flüchtlingen gewährt. Sie machen mit 3218 Personen – und damit 98 Prozent – den Löwenanteil aus. Anerkannte Flüchtlinge haben nämlich grundsätzlich ein Anrecht auf einen sofortigen Nachzug von Ehe- und eingetragene Partnern sowie minderjährigen Kindern. «Sie werden als Flüchtlinge anerkannt und erhalten Asyl, wenn keine besonderen Umstände dagegen sprechen», so Wertheimer. Für hier geborene Flüchtlingskinder muss zudem jeweils ein spezielles Gesuch gestellt werden.

Tiefe Zahlen bei vorläufig Aufgenommenen

Bei vorläufig Aufgenommenen profitierten nur gerade mal 72 Personen vom Familiennachzug. 2010 waren es sogar nur 6 Personen. Grund: Die Hürden sind hier viel höher. Für vorläufig Aufgenommene gilt nämlich eine Wartefrist von mindestens drei Jahren, bevor sie ein Gesuch für Familiennachzug stellen dürfen.

Voraussetzung ist zudem, dass die Personen zusammen wohnen, die Wohnung genügend gross ist und dass die Familie selber finanziell für sich aufkommen kann. Für Sozialhilfebezüger ist der Familiennachzug damit ausgeschlossen.

Verdoppelung seit 2010

Wie sich die Zahlen in den letzten Jahren entwickelt haben, zeigt folgende Liste zu den Familienzusammenführungen im gesamten Asylbereich und in den jeweiligen Top-3-Herkunftsländern (in Klammer jeweils die Anzahl bei vorläufig Aufgenommenen):

2010: 1572 (6) – Eritrea 846 (0), Türkei 133 (0), Sri Lanka 98 (0)

2011: 1719 (12) – Eritrea 1051 (0), Türkei 81 (0), Somalia 78 (0)

2012: 1580 (13) – Eritrea 878 (2), Türkei 105 (0), Syrien 84 (0)

2013: 2337 (34) – Eritrea 1518 (13), Somalia 158 (2), Syrien und Türkei je 98 (0)

2014: 2928 (37) – Eritrea 1401 (7), Syrien 410 (1), Sri Lanka 240 (11)

2015: 3290 (72) – Eritrea 1276 (12), Syrien 664 (3), Sri Lanka 545 (11)

Da auch dieses Jahr mit einer hohen Anzahl von Asylgesuchen gerechnet wird, dürfte der Familiennachzug wieder in einem ähnlich hohen Bereich liegen. Wertheimer sagt aber: «Prognosen sind insgesamt schwierig, da die Lage sehr volatil ist.» Der Familiennachzug hänge eng mit der Zahl und der Zusammensetzung der Asylgesuche zusammen. «Wie sich diese künftig entwickeln, lässt sich heute nicht sagen.»

Kleiner Teil des Familiennachzug-Kuchens

Anzumerken bleibt auch noch, dass der Familiennachzug im Asylbereich vergleichsweise einen nur sehr bescheidenen Teil des ganzen Familiennachzug-Kuchens ausmacht: Die ständige ausländische Wohnbevölkerung wuchs aufgrund des Familiennachzugs im letzten Jahr um 46'607 Personen – wobei knapp 26'000 aus EU/Efta-Staaten stammen.

Categories: Swiss News

Javult a fővárosi Marie-Curie kórházba utalt argesi gyerekek állapota

Kolozsvári Rádió (Románia/Erdély) - Mon, 22/02/2016 - 07:53
A 7 kicsi közül már csak egy szorul intenzív ellátásra, kettő pedig ezen a héten elhagyhatja a kórházat. A gyerekeket immár természetes úton lehet táplálni, ami óriási haladást jelent – hangsúlyozta a veseosztály vezetője, Mihaela Balgradean. rra...

Azerbaijani armed forces inflict 122 strikes on Armenian positions

News.Az - Mon, 22/02/2016 - 07:52
Armenian armed units violated ceasefire with Azerbaijan 122 times on various parts of the contact line of Azerbaijani and Armenia troops in one day, the Azerbaijani Defense Ministry said on Feb.22.
Categories: Russia & CIS

Schulz: csak Magyarország nem fogad be menekültkontingenseket

Hí (Szlovákia/Felvidék) - Mon, 22/02/2016 - 07:52
BUDAPEST. Magyarország egész biztosan nem vesz részt menekültkontingensek befogadásában, de más közép- és kelet-európai államokban van hajlandóság az együttműködésre - mondta Martin Schulz, az Európai Parlament (EP) elnöke vasárnap a ZDF német országos közszolgálati televíziónak.

Should we just forget about integration?

The European Political Newspaper - Mon, 22/02/2016 - 07:51
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When the euro – the common currency in 19 out of the 28 European Union countries – was created, there was a sense that we had already taken a big step toward economic and ultimately political integration.

After all, European economies had to continue a rapprochement and the gap between the rich and the not-so-rich countries was being diminished.

But today, we can conclude that we were wrong. The reality is a completely different situation and it is one that has been tormenting the European Union during these last couple of months.

Unfortunately, there are many places inside the Union where no one cares about integration. But that’s not all. There is also growing hostility toward the European idea and the European Union itself. It is growing dramatically.

On the economic level, when the euro was introduced, every national government continued to act as though the common currency were a national currency. No institution controlling financial policies was active in reality. As a result, some of the countries in the euro zone – and not just the bloc’s southern members – fell deep in economic crisis.

The reaction of the richest countries was not the creation of a controlling mechanism, but a campaign against the “lazy and corrupt” members. It should not come as a surprise now to see a considerable proportion of Europeans asking for the financially weak countries to be placed under irrational rescue programmes. It is no surprise either that there is a growing tendency among some member states to want severe punishment against the weaker members like Greece today.

But, as we can see, every country, according to its power, can impose conditions on the Union, as we are experiencing now with the United Kingdom. Can we talk today about economic integration to the citizens of Europe? Probably not.

On the political level, the situation seems to be a lot worse.

After the latest EU enlargements during which countries that had experienced a long period of communist totalitarianism joined our European home, we thought that political integration was on the right track. It meant the creation of a huge union – one based on democratic and liberal values in which every citizen would live equally with his or her religious, cultural, national or sexual particularities.

Again, we were wrong.  From the onset of the economic crisis, Europe was divided. Some EU members verbally attacked other members. This resulted in a breeding ground for populist politics.

Mainstream newspapers discovered lucrative merchandise in nationalist and populist news by rousing the lowest level of sentiments among their readers. Attacking the poorest countries and especially the European idea became a top-selling daily headline. 

As a result, a considerable portion of EU citizens in many member countries tend to think that less Europe is the best medicine for any ailment.

There’s more. Every state, guided by public opinion polls, presented its own planning and schedule – not taking in consideration what the European Union, as a body, had decided.

One example is how some EU countries reacted when Brussels imposed sanctions against Russia after the annexation of Crimea.

The constitution in some countries also became the target of ultraconservative leaders. The freedom of the media came under threat. Some citizens, especially the Roma minority, were condemned to a life in the margins of society. But it was the massive waves of refugees and migrants starting to arrive to Europe in 2014 (first through Italy and then through Greece) that proved just how deep the divisions are in Europe.

Xenophobia, nationalism, Islamophobia and racism, as well as Europhobia and homophobia, violently entered our daily life, despite the fact that all of these are alien to our post-war European culture.

So can we talk about integration today? Should we remain hopeful we will reach the goal in the end? Many of the actions taken, such as that of the summit of the Visegrad Group, have left us wondering. Still, let’s hope the EU will know what to do and manage to isolate these negative examples before they spread.

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Categories: European Union

“112 fights against the tide” – New Europe Print Edition Issue 1153

The European Political Newspaper - Mon, 22/02/2016 - 07:50
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The post “112 fights against the tide” – New Europe Print Edition Issue 1153 appeared first on New Europe.

Categories: European Union

Ismét működnek a bolgár-görög határállomások

Kolozsvári Rádió (Románia/Erdély) - Mon, 22/02/2016 - 07:50
A bolgár szállítmányozók egyelőre letettek a görög gazdák akciója nyomán tervezett tiltakozásukról, ám a helyzet bármikor változhat – figyelmeztet a román külügy. Azoknak a román állampolgároknak, akik gépkocsival utaznak Görögországba, azt tanácsolják, hogy kövessék folyamatosan a fejleményeket, a ...

Iran: Azerbaijan facilitates visa regime for Iranian citizens

News.Az - Mon, 22/02/2016 - 07:45
10 cooperation agreements between Azerbaijan and Iran are expected to be fully agreed tomorrow, Iran's Minister of Communications and Information Technology, co-chairman of the intergovernmental commission Mahmoud Vaezi told APA.
Categories: Russia & CIS

Who will manipulate the manipulators?

The European Political Newspaper - Mon, 22/02/2016 - 07:44
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We have two open issues with the Directorate General for Research and Innovation (RTD) of the European Commission. A cancelled audit which resulted to € 5,5 mo. loss for the Community budget and the reduction of a recovery from € 70 mo. by € 61 mo.

Politically, RTD comes under Commissioner Carlos Moedas, a young yet dynamic and sharp Portuguese politician. Director General is Robert-Jan Smits. The two cases above, were powered during the previous Barroso II Commission and were both staged by Director General Robert-Jan Smits. Commissioner Carlos Moedas at the time was in Portugal and had nothing to do with the wheeling-dealings. Therefore we presume that Carlos Moedas will not attempt to cover-up any possible investigations on the matter as will take personally, and will certainly affect the present Commission, “sins” of his predecessors.

The cancellation of the audits to a European scientific foundation was illegitimate. Full stop. There was not College or other decision for that and was direct responsibility of the Director General. The why, in known only to the God and to the Director General. It would be most interesting to share this information with us but we doubt. Certainly he will have to explain that to OLAF which to the best of our knowledge received a fully substantiated complaint for the case.

The case of the reduction of the €70 mo. recovery from the French Research organization CNRS by € 61 mo. is the second problem. The reduction was made on the grounds of a Commission Decision of December 17, 2012 which authorized RTD to come to a deal with CNRS. How, the good Director General managed within the same day to conclude the deal and get CNRS to sign the “protocole transactionnel” while he signed the next day, shows efficiency! The fact that CNRS announced the deal two months before, specifically on October 26, 2012, goes besides the efficiency of the good Director General and enters the field of  sphere metaphysics.

However, in good faith we accept also metaphysics. What we cannot “digest” is that the protocole transactionnel signed by the Commission includes a confidentiality clause which does not allow other organizations, possibly in the same situation of CNRS versus the Commission, to have knowledge of the deal and on the basis of that, receive equal treatment. This is unfair and serious misconduct on the part of the European Commission. For this reason, we release in our website (

the entire confidential “protocole transactionnel” as signed by CNRS and the Commission. In reality, we are doing what the Commission should have done in the first instance.

We are waiting to see what Carlos Moedas and the Juncker Commission will do for those two cases as they are far from being over, as yet. We have noticed with interest that the Deputy Director General W Burtscher in Charge of Budget and Legal Maters (the most crucial of the three verticals of RTD) was moved to the vertical Science and Innovation. It is most interesting that W Burtscher was temporarily replaced by the Director in this department  F. Biscontin. But this seems to be a temporary arrangement. It remains to be seen who will replace F. Biscontin as he cannot stay there forever. If will be somebody of the entourage of RJ Smits, it will mean that for sometime the problems will be hidden under the rug and the present Commission will become responsible for the “sins” of its predecessors. Otherwise, if the new Deputy Director General is appointed by the Cabinet of  Juncker, it will imply that for as long as R-J Smits remains at the post of Director General, he will be under probation.

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Categories: European Union

Sprinkle & Sparkle

The European Political Newspaper - Mon, 22/02/2016 - 07:44
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Georgina Chapman and Keren Craig, of high-end evening wear brand, Marchesa, presented a sumptuous collection inspired by American painter John Singer Sargent, who was famous for his portraits of society ladies in the 1880’s. Gold and silver embroidery embellished long pastel-toned ethereal gowns in satin, tulle and organza, while the flower theme and Belle Epoque-inspired costume jewellery, gave the romantic models an infinitely regal allure.

Carly Cushnie and Michelle Ochs, the designers behind upcoming label Cushnie et Ochs, presented a minimal sexy collection in classic black, white, red, champagne and silver tones.

The ensembles with ruffles and monochromatic evening dresses with flattering cutouts had an understated elegance that would suit women of all ages and body types.

For his eponymous collection, Ralph Lauren presented preppy Bostonian outfits, woollen chequered suits borrowed from the male wardrobe, trenches, ample midi skirts, coats, men-inspired shirts and ties in earthly tones and the brand’s signature camel, all of which seemed to wink at Diane Keaton’s look in Annie Hall. The latter part of the collection was devoted to evening wear, with dandy-like outfits made up of white shirts with jabot collars, slim black pants, and long coats with embroidered detailing and military uniform touches.

Among the closing looks were several long velvet gowns in precious tones, as well as a couple of outfits in an impressive metallic silk fabric that seemed to be ‘dripping gold’.

At Ohne Titel, designers Flora Gill and Alexa Adams’ fall collection had goth influences, as purple lipstick and 90’s inspired choker collars complemented the sporty chic woollen and leather outfits with sophisticated knitted detailing. The recurring metallic satin trend also made its way across several evening outfits like a cherry satin number with a bustier top, for classy rebels on a night out.

Michael Kors’ collection was quite eclectic: the designer’s typical preppy style was combined with Liberty prints and British chequered wool, as well as fur and feather detailing in anise green, sky blue, lilac, beige and grey.

Formal dresses and ensembles were in glittering gold and silvery tones that owned a distinct 60’s Courrèges and 70’s Paco Rabanne glamour.

Last but not least, Tommy Hilfiger presented a retro nautical collection: dresses with 40’s cuts, romantic baby blue tops with Peter Pan collars, sailor jackets and pants with stripes, denim navy suits and silk dresses with nautical motifs, all worn with ruffled socks and tiaras: all so very Mary Jane, indeed.

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Categories: European Union

Réforme du code du travail : succès d'une pétition contre le projet

LeParisien / Politique - Mon, 22/02/2016 - 07:44
Déjà plus de 195 000 signatures. La pétition sur internet contre le projet de loi sur la réforme du code du travail, mise en ligne il y a quatre jours, a beaucoup de succès. C'est notamment Caroline de...
Categories: France

South Sudan to revert to 10 states if no agreement: SPLM-IO

Sudan Tribune - Mon, 22/02/2016 - 07:40

February 21, 2016 (ADDIS ABABA) – The main armed opposition faction led by the first vice president designate, Riek Machar, said the country will revert to the 10 states as provided for in the August 2015 peace agreement should the South Sudanese parties not agree on a number of states to be created, an official said.

Counting officers, who were part of a referendum commission, count votes in Abyei on 30 October 2013 (Photo: Reuters/Andreea Campeanu)

Government's spokesman, Michael Makuei Lueth, on Sunday said the government wants a referendum to be conducted by the people of South Sudan in order to determine the number of states, adding that Juba will not revoke the presidential decree for creating the 28 states until the outcome of the referendum.

In reaction to the proposal by the government, the armed opposition faction of the Sudan People's Liberation Movement (SPLM-IO) said the proposal was not necessary and had no legal backing.

“The peace agreement has been signed based on the constitutionally recognized 10 states at the time of signing in August 2015,” said James Gatdet Dak, opposition leader's press secretary, when contacted on Sunday whether or not the SPLM-IO would approve the referendum proposal from the government.

“Also the recent IGAD communiqué has called for establishment of an inclusive boundary commission with membership of all the parties to the peace agreement. The commission will determine the number of states and basis for their creation within one month from formation of a Transitional Government of National Unity. In case of disagreement the parties will revert to the 10 states as simple as that,” Dak added.

He said the peace agreement has not provided for referendum to be conducted in determining the states, challenging the government for what he said had been their “fluctuating positions” in their approach to the states of the country.

Dak further reminded that the government rejected their proposal to create 21 states based on colonial districts when the parties were negotiating in the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa, and never came up with a counter-proposal of the number of states. They never mentioned their desire to create 28 states so that the parties could discuss it during the negotiations, he added.

He also said the government did not consult the people or ask for a referendum first when it suddenly decreed 28 states in the name of “popular demand” five weeks later after President Salva Kiir signed the peace agreement based on the 10 states.

The opposition official further said it was unnecessary to hold an expensive nationwide referendum in the face of the political and economic crisis in the country, adding it would not only be a misplaced priority or further obstacle to the implementation of the peace agreement, but also an “unnecessary burden” on the people of the country with collapsing economy.

He said the best course of action is for the government to abide by the peace agreement and the recent IGAD communiqué.

The alliance of 18 South Sudanese political parties led by Lam Akol, the former detainees and the international community have also called on President Kiir to suspend the creation of the states until the parties come to a consensus, saying the decision has contributed to the inter-communal violence in the country.


Categories: Africa

Sudan mulls invitation to consultative meeting with some opposition groups

Sudan Tribune - Mon, 22/02/2016 - 07:40

February 21, 2016 (KHARTOUM) - Sudanese government is considering whether to attend a “strategic consultative meeting” that seeks to end war and achieve democratic reforms in Sudan with some opposition and armed forces next month, said the government spokesperson.

A group photo after the signing of the agreement on national dialogue and constitutional process on 5 September 2014 (Photo courtesy of the AUHIP)

Several days ago, the Sudan People's Liberation Movement - North (SPLM-N) and the Sudanese ruling National Congress Party (NCP) said that the African Union High Level Implementation Panel (AUHIP) had extended an invitation for a meeting to discuss issue of peace and constitutional reforms in Addis Ababa between 16 to 18 March.

In statement to the semi-official Sudanese Media Center (SMC) Sunday, Information minister and government spokesperson Ahmed al-Balal Osman said that his government had received the invitation and is studying the matter before to take a decision .

Osman further said it is agreed that the "government will participate if the meeting was about (peace) negotiations but if it is for the national dialogue, the 7+7 mechanism will take part in it, stressing" that the government's position and its agenda for the negotiations remain unchanged.

On Wednesday, the NCP had issued a statement welcoming the invitation but withdrew it several hours later. Sources said, the statement had not been approved by presidential aide and government chief negotiator Ibrahim Mahmoud Hamid who is also the NCP deputy chairman.

Hamid in a press conference Thursday referred to the SPLM-N's statement about the meeting saying the armed group is not willing to discuss peace. The rebel group had called to mobilize the Sudanese street to bring the government to accept a comprehensive and inclusive peace.

In October 2015 President Omer al-Bashir who is also the chairman of the dialogue committee directed the 7+7 committee to meet with the signatories of Addis Ababa agreement on the national dialogue on 5 September 2014.

Sudan Tribune has learnt that the invitation was extended to the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM), National Umma Party (NUP) and Sudan Liberation Movement - Minni Minnawi (SLM-MM).

The three forces didn't yet issue a formal decision on their participation but they are discussing some points about the nature of the meeting and its purpose with the mediation.

The NUP which is a political opposition party does not see why to be involved in discussions about security arrangements. Also some rebel groups want their political partners being involved in the meeting.


Categories: Africa

Brussels Airport rejects ‘Hindu Prayer Room’ idea

The European Political Newspaper - Mon, 22/02/2016 - 07:40
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Brussels Airport, which is Belgium’s largest and one of the world’s leading airports, features Catholic, Jewish, Muslim, Orthodox and Protestant “places of worship,” as well as a “Humanist meditation room.” But airport officials reportedly rejected a request for a designated Hindu prayer room.

In response to Hindu statesman Rajan Zed’s email on January 24, Cindy Wullems, Customer Feedback Officer Operations of Brussels Airport Company (BAC), said that the Brussels Airport only foresees a place of worship for the regions recognised in the country.

Rajan Zed, who is President of Universal Society of Hinduism, said it is “very sad” considering that Hinduism is a major world religion.

Rajan Zed further said that prayer/worship to God was highly important in Hinduism, and it would be great to have “Hindu Prayer Room” at Brussels Airport so that Hindu passengers did not miss their daily worship rituals/rites while travelling through it; which might include recitation of texts, repetition of mantras and dhayan (meditation).

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Categories: European Union

Last gifts to the Britts?

The European Political Newspaper - Mon, 22/02/2016 - 07:36
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We notice with interest progress in the EU Delegation in Serbia, as a second tender was awarded once again to …the British Council, in a week time. The amount was € 3,7 mo. to build judicial efficiency. That the Head of the Delegation, Michael Davenport, was previously the UK Ambassador in Belgrade, we presume it is coincidental. The explanation is simple. All in a sudden the British Council got involved in the tender process in Serbia as after the Brexit Referendum might not be able to participate in similar tenders.

In the meanwhile, our correspondent in Belgrade is working on the «correction» letter published last week as it was sent by the Delegation and is collecting relevant information which will present shortly. The matter was concerning another tender which was cancelled once and was repeated recently. The matter is quite important as it shows the sensitivities of the Delegation, as they result from the letter published last week but also involves the sensitivities of the Head Offices (DG NEAR) which after the cancellation, reported the case directly to the anti-fraud service of the Commission.

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Categories: European Union

Sürgősségi műemlékvédelmi alapot hozna létre a kulturális minisztérium

Erdély FM (Románia/Erdély) - Mon, 22/02/2016 - 07:35

Vlad Alexandrescu tárcavezető közösségi oldalán tegnap azt írta, a minisztérium a Műemlékvédelmi Intézettel közösen elindít egy országos leltározási programot, hogy felmérjék a műemlék épületek állapotát, és ezzel egy időben egy stratégiát is kidolgoznak a romos állapotban lévő épületek megmentésére. A döntés a minisztérium hétvégi sürgősségi ülésén született, amelyet annak kapcsán hívtak össze, hogy februárban két Brassó megyei erődtemplom tornya is összedőlt. A kulturális minisztérium a rádosi és a szászveresmarti templomok esetén is felajánlotta az evangélikus egyháznak, hogy segítséget nyújt az épületek állagmegőrzéséhez, hogy megakadályozzák a teljes összeomlásukat. Egy második lépésben pedig a helyreállításukat is támogatná a szaktárca az Országos Restaurálási Program keretében, amely előkészítés alatt áll, és amelyet hamarosan meghirdet a Műemlékvédelmi Intézet. Vlad Alexandrescu tárcavezető szerint országos szinten mintegy 600 műemlék van romos állapotban.

Megjelent a Carissimi idei első száma

Hí (Szlovákia/Felvidék) - Mon, 22/02/2016 - 07:35
POZSONY. Megjelent a Carissimi idei első száma. A kéthavonta megjelenő lapban ezúttal is sok érdekes és mindenekelőtt hasznos írás, tanácsadás olvasható.

Sex Change Macedonians Complain of Rejection - Mon, 22/02/2016 - 07:34
Legal gaps and administrative problems make life difficult for Macedonian trans-gender people who want to formalize their change of sex.
Categories: Balkan News
