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La délicate question de l'internement à vie

Tribune de Genève - Mon, 22/02/2016 - 08:15
Dès le 7 mars, le Tribunal criminel du Nord vaudois se penchera sur la mort de Marie.
Categories: Swiss News

La délicate question de l'internement à vie - Mon, 22/02/2016 - 08:15
Dès le 7 mars, le Tribunal criminel du Nord vaudois se penchera sur la mort de Marie.
Categories: Swiss News

La délicate question de l'internement à vie - Mon, 22/02/2016 - 08:15
Dès le 7 mars, le Tribunal criminel du Nord vaudois se penchera sur la mort de Marie.
Categories: Swiss News

Government to send investigation team to Malakal and Wau over recent killings

Sudan Tribune - Mon, 22/02/2016 - 08:14
South Sudanese civilians flee fighting in an United Nations base in the northeastern town of Malakal on February 18, 2016, where gunmen opened fire on civilians sheltering inside killing at least five people. (Photo AFP/Justin Lynch)

February 21, 2016 (JUBA) – South Sudan government on Friday said it will soon dispatch a high profile of investigation team to the oil rich Upper Nile state's capital Malakal and Western Bahr el Ghazal state's capital, Wau, to investigate the recent inter-communal clashes which left dozens killed in the towns.

The announcement came hours after the national council of minister's urgent meeting on Friday over the report of rampant insecurity in the two states when clashes between Shilluk and Dinka displaced persons inside Malakal's United Nations camp was allegedly joined by soldiers from the South Sudanese army (SPLA). Also Dinka armed youth backed by SPLA also target members of Fertit tribe in Wau, killing a number of them.

Speaking to media in the national capital, Juba, on Friday, South Sudanese government's spokesperson, Michael Makuei Lueth, said the council of ministers meeting came up with a discussion of sending investigation committees to the two states to investigate the incidents.

“As the government is waiting for the UN report on how the clashes started inside Malakal UN IDPs protection site, yet there [is] an investigation delegation dedicated to go on the ground to investigate these problems,” Makuei told journalists in Juba.

“We are now waiting for the UN report because the fighting took place inside their civilian's protection camp of which government was incapable to intervene, therefore we need to have a clear report on the matter,” said Lueth.

For Wau town, he added, it was worth mentioning that the incident happened while the state governor was in Juba, “therefore, the national government is ready to go and investigate the matter.”

Fighting erupted on Wednesday night and continued on Thursday between Dinka members and Shilluk inside Malakal civilians protection site of UN camp calming 18 lives while 90 wounded. Members of the Nuer were later on involved in the clashes when their members were also killed by the Dinka and their tents burned.

While on Thursday morning in Wau town clashes occurred between armed youth of the Dinka ethnic group and youth from Fertit ethnic group. The national army (SPLA) was accused of shooting dead two young girls as they allegedly sided with the Dinka youth who attacked the Fertit tribesmen.


In the connection to Wau incident, state deputy governor, Major General Andrea Dominic was arrested by national security on Thursday and transferred to Juba on Friday for investigation.

According to Lueth, Andrea was arrested in connection to disagreement over the SPLM-IO members who were wounded in battles last week and were admitted to Wau teaching hospital “illegally.”

“The wounded of [SPLM]IO were brought to Wau hospital by some citizens. From there, the army got information that the wounded people from IO were at the hospital. The army went to the hospital and moved them to the army hospital,” Lueth explained.

“But the deputy governor went to the army hospital and brought the wounded people from the IO to the Wau hospital again and also admitted some into his house for treatments,” he said.

Depending on the tone Lueth was using, it seemed the government charged the deputy governor of their newly created state of Wau as supporter of the SPLM-IO.


Categories: Africa

Mali : Economie : La mauvaise collaboration entre la Douane, le trésor et les Impôts du Mali, fait perdre à l’Etat des centaines de milliards de FCFA

Maliactu - Mon, 22/02/2016 - 08:13
Il été instruit à la direction générale des Impôts (DGI) de mobiliser, en 2016, 720 milliards de FCFA. Ce montant représente seulement une infime partie du potentiel fiscal de notre pays. Qui pourrait valablement financer son développement si les administrations financières travaillaient en synergie. La mauvaise collaboration entre la Douane, le trésor public et les […]
Categories: Afrique

Aurélie Filippetti nommée présidente du festival Cinemed

La Tribune - Mon, 22/02/2016 - 08:13
L’ex-ministre de la Culture a été nommée, vendredi 19 février, présidente du festival du film méditerranéen de Montpellier, Cinemed. Elle sera secondée par Christophe Leparc (la Quinzaine des réalisateurs à Cannes) pour booster cet événement qui fêtera cet automne sa 38e édition.
Categories: France

Mali : Incivisme !

Maliactu - Mon, 22/02/2016 - 08:11
Le mal du Mali, ce n’est ni l’insécurité, ni la corruption et encore moins la pauvreté. C’est tout simplement l’INCIVISME. Une « maladie » qui étouffe toutes les initiatives dans ce pays. Est-il nécessaire de rappeler que l’incivisme est le manque de civisme, de dévouement pour le bien de la nation ? Au Mali, ce […]
Categories: Afrique

Mali : Au-delà d’IBK, Karim et Mara : Le régime d’IBK n’a qu’un seul qualificatif aux yeux des maliens. Scandale !

Maliactu - Mon, 22/02/2016 - 08:09
Quand on y cherche les coupables de ces scandales, trois noms sonnent de façon unanime à travers le Mali. IBK, Karim et Moussa Mara. Sur divers dossiers sensibles de la nation. En prime IBK, le patron des patrons, lui, il se trouve au centre de tout. Car le pouvoir l’appartient et à lui de choisir […]
Categories: Afrique

Arseniy Yatsenyuk: the eternal survivor

The European Political Newspaper - Mon, 22/02/2016 - 08:08
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He survived, on Tuesday last week, a no-confidence vote in parliament, but then two junior parties left his government coalition, leaving it hanging in the limbos of incertitude.

Arseniy Yatsenyuk once said that taking the job of Ukrainian prime minister was an act of “political suicide” and on Tuesday he was almost proven right. Facing charges that he has been unable to deliver on a pledge to tackle corruption and fix the economy, the bespectacled pro-Western premier was asked to step down by the president, Petro Poroshenko, “in order to restore trust in the government”.

When he was made premier, Yatsenyuk was one of Europe’s youngest government chiefs, a post made more powerful since parliament voted to return to a 2004 constitution that handed a raft of powers from the president to lawmakers. He was born on May 22, 1974, into a family of professors. After having studied law and economics, he worked in a Kiev bank, went to Ukraine’s central bank, and in 2001 he became minister of economy for Crimea, which enjoyed limited autonomy as part of Ukraine. The then president Yushchenko had him in the government as economy minister (2005-2006), then made him briefly foreign minister in 2007. He was chief negotiator for Ukraine’s entry into the World Trade Organisation.  Following the so-called Orange Revolution in 2004, Yatsenyuk began pushing a more pro-Western agenda and became a close ally of Yuliya Tymoshenko, the prime minister from 2007 to 2010 who was jailed under Yanukovych for abuse of power. Being the protege of Tymoshenko, Yatsenyuk rose to prominence as one of the main protest leaders on Kiev’s Independence Square, shedding his intellectual image with stormy speeches from the podium. For all his talking tough to the crowds, he is also a skilled behind-the-scenes political operator who had held top posts under previous governments. A former speaker of parliament, he came fourth in the 2010 presidential election won by pro-Kremlin Viktor Yanukovych, winning just 7 % of the vote.

Yatsenyuk served as foreign minister under another president, Viktor Yushchenko, in 2007 and became a compromise figure when a personal conflict between Yushchenko and Tymoshenko began to spiral out of control. Yatsenyuk was always good at preparing his coups quietly and manoeuvring by surprise. He entered Yuliya Tymoshenko’s party Batkivshchyna on time, and he left it on time. He ran against Tymoshenko in the 2010 presidential elections, then accepted to lead her party while she was in jail. In last year’s elections he had his own platform, on which he narrowly beat out Poroshenko’s Bloc.

Only two weeks after he took the oath, Russia annexed Crimea and a bloody pro-Moscow insurgency soon raged in the industrial east.

The war-torn country was also in dire economic straits and Yatsenyuk openly admitted that dragging the former Communist republic from the brink of collapse would mean pushing through wrenching austerity measures. Yatsenyuk’s considerable economic experience proved a boon as he took on the task of negotiating a massive multi-billion-dollar loan from the International Monetary Fund, European Union, World Bank and allied countries to keep Ukraine afloat.

Although he did not have an image as a tough politician, he became known for his vitriolic condemnations of Moscow and he won plaudits for standing up to Russia as it cut off vital gas supplies to Ukraine over a bitter price dispute. But that image has faded in recent months, with two top reformist officials resigning in protest against alleged state graft, and Yatsenyuk’s closest allies becoming embroiled in corruption charges.

He had come to power pledging to root out Ukraine’s endemic corruption but ended up facing allegations that he was backing the interests of the very billionaires he had vowed to sideline.

After the parliament failed to garner the votes required to oust Yatsenyuk’s team, this left Ukraine in the peculiar position of its two top leaders at seeming odds over how to proceed further.

The post Arseniy Yatsenyuk: the eternal survivor appeared first on New Europe.

Categories: European Union

Újfajta regisztráció a balkáni migránsútvonalon

Hí (Szlovákia/Felvidék) - Mon, 22/02/2016 - 08:08
Szerbia nem zárta le egyik határát sem, ugyanakkor a migránsok regisztrálását a balkáni útvonalon hétfőtől a néhány napja megbeszélt új rendszer szerint végzi majd, jelentették be Belgrádban. Horvátország, Macedónia, Szerbia, Szlovénia és Ausztria rendőrségeinek vezetői csütörtökön Zágrábban arról állapodtak meg, hogy ezentúl a migránsokat közös erővel a macedón-görög határon regisztrálják, hogy elkerüljék a visszatoloncolásokat.

Óriási iráni fegyvervásárlás Oroszországban

Biztonságpiac - Mon, 22/02/2016 - 08:03

Orosz források szerint minden eddiginél nagyobb összegért tervez fegyvereket vásárolni Irán Oroszországtól. A Kommerszant az üzlet értékét legalább nyolcmilliárd dollárra becsüli.

A bevásárlásban meghatározó szerepe volt az iráni védelmi miniszter, Hosszein Dehgan február 15-dikén kezdődött két napos moszkvai látogatásának. A lap úgy értesült, hogy ebből az alkalomból Teherán előterjesztette azoknak a fegyvereknek és hadianyagoknak a listáját, amelyeket Oroszországtól kíván beszerezni.

A Szputnyik hírügynökség szerint a terjedelmes listán szerepelnek Sz-300-as és Sz-400-as légvédelmi rendszerek, Szuhoj 30SZM vadászgépek, Mil Mi-8-as és Mil Mi-17-es helikopterek, Jakovlev Jak-130-as kiképző- és könnyű harci gépek, a K-300P Bastion-P mobil partvédelmi rakétarendszerek, fregattok és dízel-elektromos tengeralattjárók. Emellett Teherán Moszkva segítségét kéri MiG-29-es és Szu-24MK légiflottája és tengeralattjárói javításához.
Barabás T. János

Categories: Biztonságpolitika

Il frappe un postier avant de s'enfuir

Tribune de Genève - Mon, 22/02/2016 - 08:01
L'office postal de Bedano (TI) a été la cible d'un braquage lundi matin.
Categories: Swiss News

Il frappe un postier avant de s'enfuir - Mon, 22/02/2016 - 08:01
L'office postal de Bedano (TI) a été la cible d'un braquage lundi matin.
Categories: Swiss News

Il frappe un postier avant de s'enfuir - Mon, 22/02/2016 - 08:01
L'office postal de Bedano (TI) a été la cible d'un braquage lundi matin.
Categories: Swiss News

Kolozsvári gázrobbanás – súlyos állapotban a Bukarestbe szállított sérült

Kolozsvári Rádió (Románia/Erdély) - Mon, 22/02/2016 - 08:01
Visszafogottan nyilatkoznak az orvosok a kolozsvári gázrobbanásban megégett 21 éves nő esélyeiről. A sérültet a Rohammentő Szolgálat helikopterével szállították a fővárosi szakkórházba. Ennek szóvivője szerint a nő fejbőrének 60%-a égett meg, feltehetőleg légzőszervei is sérültek. rra...

Indien: Lage beruhigt sich in Nordindien - Mon, 22/02/2016 - 08:01

Sonipat – Nach den schweren Unruhen im nordindischen Bundesstaat Haryana ist es in den meisten Gebieten in der Nacht wieder ruhig geworden. Ausgangssperren wurden wieder aufgehoben. Nur im Bezirk Bhiwani gab es noch vereinzelte Zusammenstösse.

Bei den schweren Unruhen im nordindischen Bundesstaat Haryana sind neuen Angaben zufolge mindestens 19 Menschen getötet worden. Seit Freitag wurden ausserdem mehr als 200 Menschen verletzt, wie ein örtlicher Regierungsvertreter am Montag mitteilte.

Im Zentrum der Auseinandersetzungen standen Befürchtungen der Kaste der Jat vor sozialer Benachteiligung. Besonders schwere Unruhen gab es in Rohtak und Jhajjar.

In Rohtak wurden nach Polizeiangaben Gebäude in Brand gesetzt, Geschäfte geplündert und Geldautomaten leergeräumt. Auch mehrere Bahnhöfe wurden niedergebrannt. Ein Teil der Protestierenden hatte auch die Wasserversorgung der indischen Hauptstadt Neu Delhi über den Haryana-Kanal lahmgelegt.

Die indische Zentralregierung entsandte Tausende Soldaten nach Haryana, um die Lage unter Kontrolle zu bringen. Bei Verhandlungen zwischen Kastenvertretern und der Regierung wurden den Jat schliesslich Quotenregelungen für staatliche Stellen zugesagt.

Die Quotenregelungen wurden in Indien eingeführt, um die traditionelle Benachteiligung vor allem der sogenannten Unberührbaren zu überwinden. Zum Teil rufen solche Regelungen aber Unzufriedenheit bei anderen Bevölkerungsgruppen wie den Jat hervor.

Zur Jat-Kaste gehören rund acht Millionen Menschen. Im Bundesstaat Haryana stellen die Jat fast ein Drittel der Bevölkerung.

Categories: Swiss News

Ouganda: les tensions politiques restent présentes

RFI /Afrique - Mon, 22/02/2016 - 08:00
En Ouganda, deux jours après l'annonce des résultats donnant Museveni vainqueur, les tensions politiques sont encore bien présentes. S'il n'y a pas de manifestants dans les rues, un grand meeting devant célébrer la victoire de Museveni ce lundi 22 février a cependant été repoussé. Dimanche, le candidat Besigye restait toujours dans sa résidence sous surveillance policière.
Categories: Afrique

Des éleveurs en colère débarquent chez Le Foll et Le Drian

Le Point / France - Mon, 22/02/2016 - 07:59
VIDÉO. Le ministre de l'Agriculture a tenté d'engager le dialogue avec la trentaine de manifestants qui se sont rendus à son domicile dimanche soir.
Categories: France
