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Russian Prosecutor General's Office Won't 'Weaken Grip' After Navalny's Film

The Moscov Times - Tue, 12/01/2016 - 14:43
Russia's Prosecutor General Yury Chaika gave an interview to the state-run Rossiiskaya Gazeta newspaper Tuesday and said his office wouldn't "weaken its grip" because of "information attacks" on it.
Categories: Russia & CIS

Deprived of school, future of 24 million children in conflict zones under threat – UN report

UN News Centre - Tue, 12/01/2016 - 14:33
Nearly 24 million children living in crisis zones in 22 strife-torn countries are being deprived of a school education, threatening their own future and that of their societies, the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) reported today.

AirPro SAR Services: quand Airbus D&S se lance sur le marché canadien

Lignes de défense - Tue, 12/01/2016 - 14:29

Airbus D&S vient d'annoncer la constitution d'une co-entreprise baptisée AirPro SAR Services. AirPro a été constituée en partenariat avec Provincial Aerospace (spécialiste de l'ISR) pour soutenir l'offre du constructeur européen dans le cadre du futur marché SAR canadien. Airbus propose son C295W (photo ci-dessus).

Le "team C295W" inclut aussi CAE, L3 Wescam et Pratt and Whitney Canada.

Le communiqué de presse est à lire ici.

La fiche du C295 est à découvrir ici.

Le Canada a lancé, désormais il y a bien longtemps, son fameux programme Fixed-Wing Search and Rescue (FWSAR). Voir ici. L'achat pourrait porter sur 17 avions. Il s'agit de remplacer les vieux Buffalo et Hercules; Embraer propose son KC-390 et Alenia le C-27J.


Categories: Défense

EU-Entwicklungshilfe steigt um 35 Prozent - Tue, 12/01/2016 - 14:27

Die Flüchtlingskrise zwingt die EU, ihre internationalen Hilfsgelder für 2016 drastisch aufzustocken. NGOs fürchten jedoch, dass ein solcher Schritt 2017 Kürzungen erfordert.

Categories: Europäische Union

Artikel - Was wird das neue Jahr bringen? Unser Ausblick auf 2016

Europäisches Parlament (Nachrichten) - Tue, 12/01/2016 - 14:23
Allgemeines : Das Europäische Parlament wird sich 2016 mit einer großen Bandbreite an Themen beschäftigen. Dazu zählen Maßnahmen zur Bewältigung der Flüchtlingskrise sowie das Engagement der EU im Bereich des Klimaschutzes. Im Kampf gegen den Terrorismus sollen europäische Strafverfolgungsbehörden aufgewertet werden. Des Weiteren werden sich die EU-Abgeordneten mit der Körperschaftssteuer und dem Datenschutz befassen. Lesen Sie unseren Ausblick auf die parlamentarische Agenda 2016.

Quelle : © Europäische Union, 2016 - EP
Categories: Europäische Union

La France a enregistré 79 130 demandes d'asile en 2015

France24 / France - Tue, 12/01/2016 - 14:16
La France a enregistré 79 130 demandes d'asile en 2015, soit une hausse de 22 % par rapport à 2014. Un asile qui a été accordé à 31,5 % des demandeurs l'an dernier.
Categories: France

Pásztor: Tartományi választások április 22-e és május 22-e között

VajdaságMA (Szerbia/Vajdaság) - Tue, 12/01/2016 - 14:11
Pásztor István tartományi házelnök bejelentette: a tartományi választásokra az április 22-e és május 22-e között kerül sor, és azt is elmondta, szeretné, ha a választásokat a korrekt és egymás megbecsülésén alapuló hangnem jellemezné, és hogy ez elsősorban a politika szereplőitől függ majd.

Kosovo Opposition Builds Resistance to Brussels Agreements - Tue, 12/01/2016 - 14:07
A Constitutional Court ruling against an EU-brokered agreement to give Kosovo’s Serbs more political representation may have fuelled support for the country’s opposition, experts said.
Categories: Balkan News

Moscow Court Refuses Navalny's Chaika Lawsuit

The Moscov Times - Tue, 12/01/2016 - 14:07
Moscow's Presnensky district court has declined to process Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny's lawsuit against Prosecutor General Yury Chaika and the opposition-leaning Echo Moskvy radio station.
Categories: Russia & CIS

Fatal 16-Hour Traffic Jam on Russian Highway Sparks Criminal Investigation

The Moscov Times - Tue, 12/01/2016 - 14:04
The Orenburg region branch of Russia's Investigative Committee has opened a criminal investigation after a man died on a local highway on Jan. 3, when dozens of drivers were trapped in a traffic jam for more than 16 hours amid heavy snowfall, the Kommersant newspaper reported Tuesday, citing the Committee's online statement.
Categories: Russia & CIS

Kenya evangelicals oppose registration

BBC Africa - Tue, 12/01/2016 - 14:04
Kenya's evangelical churches condemn government plans to make it tougher for religious bodies and clerics from all faiths to operate.
Categories: Africa

Granting Assad Asylum Would Be Easy - Putin

The Moscov Times - Tue, 12/01/2016 - 14:01
Granting Syrian President Bashar Assad asylum in Russia would be much easier than sheltering U.S. intelligence leaker Edward Snowden, President Putin said in a recent interview, noting that it was premature to discuss this idea.
Categories: Russia & CIS

Russian Inflation for 2015 Set at 12.9%

RIA Novosty / Russia - Tue, 12/01/2016 - 14:01
Rosstat reports that Russian annual inflation for 2015 on consumer prices was set at 12.9 percent.

Categories: Russia & CIS

Niger : l'opposant Hama Amadou reste en prison - Tue, 12/01/2016 - 13:58
Categories: Afrique

Britain doesn’t need EU help for floods, says PM

Ideas on Europe Blog - Tue, 12/01/2016 - 13:58

According to Prime Minister, David Cameron, Britain doesn’t need EU funds to help areas devastated by floods because ‘it’s quicker and better’ to use the country’s own money.

So it seems that Britain is so flush with cash that it can turn down around £125 million in EU emergency help for areas of the country devastated by record levels of rain. Really?

  • If that’s the case, then why does the government need to impose £12 billion of austerity measures that will mostly hit the poor and needy?
  • If that’s the case, then why did the government scrap flood defence plans that could have saved hundreds of homes and businesses from ruination?
  • If that’s the case, then why does the country have a shortage of homes, hospitals and schools?
  • If that’s the case, why are patients being denied life-saving drugs on the grounds of cost?
  • If that’s the case, then why isn’t there more help for the hundreds of thousands of people who have to use charitable food-banks because they can’t afford a proper meal?

Labour MP for Bury South, Ivan Lewis, asked David Cameron in Parliament, “When are the Government going to apply for the European solidarity fund money?”  (Hansard, Column 41)

Mr Lewis explained, “Hundreds of my constituents in Radcliffe have had a terrible Christmas due to the flooding that has devastated so many people’s homes and businesses in Greater Manchester and across the north of England. Bury and other councils have to pick up the infrastructure costs.

“The European solidarity fund exists to help in such circumstances. It would be unforgivable to put Tory party management and posturing on Europe ahead of the national interest.”

Mr Cameron responded, “First of all, I send the hon. Gentleman’s constituents my sympathy for the flooding that they suffered”

But he made clear, “I think it is quicker and better to give people the help they need from our own resources.”

Mr Cameron explained, “I have looked very carefully at the question of EU funding; we looked at it previously in 2013. It takes a very long time to get hold of any money and it is very uncertain whether you get it. Indeed, you end up paying for it in many ways as well.”

He added, “Let me say that we will do everything we can, including through the Bellwin scheme, to make sure that his council is fully reimbursed for all the emergency measures that it had to take. We will also make sure that we put in place the flood prevention measures and investment that are coming down the track.”

As I reported here last week, EU member states are entitled to apply for money from the EU Solidarity Fund when a natural disaster causes substantial damage, calculated as a percentage of Gross National Income.

According to calculations by accountants, KPMG, the floods have already caused over £5 billion of damage, meaning that the UK is entitled to apply for emergency EU help.

Catherine Bearder, Liberal Democrat MEP for south-east England, said that EU officials told her that the UK government could apply for £125m in grants for flood victims, 10% of which could be available within six weeks.

Although some of the grants would be clawed back from our EU rebate, the European Commission explained to me today that this would only affect a proportion of the funds, and overall Britain would gain a net benefit from the receipt of the emergency money.

I asked Defra, the UK’s Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, whether the Prime Minister’s reply definitely meant that the UK would not be applying for EU funds to help with our floods disaster.

Defra emailed me a reply from ‘a government spokesperson’ that I could use as a quote for my story:

“We are committed to supporting communities hit by the recent flooding. We have opened the Bellwin scheme for local authorities, with 100% of eligible costs to be met by the Government, and our investment in recovery from Storm Eva and Storm Desmond now stands at nearly £200m.

“This will help people directly affected by the floods, support homeowners protect their properties and ensure flood affected businesses that have had their trading disrupted can get back on their feet.”

I immediately complained to the Defra Press Office:

“Thank you, but the quote doesn’t even mention the EU Solidarity Fund, which seems somewhat odd. Is the government going to apply for the fund or not? Is it the case that the country is rich enough not to need the EU emergency help?”

I will report back here if I receive a reply.

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According to @David_Cameron UK doesn’t need EU funds for floods. My Facebook report:

— Jon Danzig (@Jon_Danzig) January 8, 2016

The post Britain doesn’t need EU help for floods, says PM appeared first on Ideas on Europe.

Categories: European Union

A bord du Charles de Gaulle

RP Defense - Tue, 12/01/2016 - 13:55
Revue navale - Ballet d'hélicoptères des autorités au-dessus du PA CDG le 15 août 2004 à Toulon - Photographe : Janick Marcès / ECPAD 08.01.2016 - source ECPAD La construction du porte-avions à propulsion nucléaire Charles De Gaulle a débuté en 1987 pour...
Categories: Défense

AUDIO: 'Kony's daughters not loved' after LRA escape

BBC Africa - Tue, 12/01/2016 - 13:47
The ex-wife of Ugandan rebel leader Joseph Kony says she is yet to be fully reintegrated into the society years after fleeing from the notorious Lord's Resistance Army (LRA).
Categories: Africa

Présidentielle 2016: Lionel Zinsou reçoit le soutien du Parti Conscience Citoyenne

La Nouvelle Tribune (Bénin) - Tue, 12/01/2016 - 13:34

Le Parti Conscience citoyenne a tenu samedi dernier, sa convention nationale à Porto-Novo. À l’issue de cette convention, plusieurs grandes décisions ont été prises, au nombre desquelles la confirmation du premier ministre Lionel Zinsou comme candidat du parti. Lisez ici l’intégralité du communiqué final de ladite convention.

Categories: Afrique
