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Blast from the past. Vice Admiral Thomas Connolly...moral courage under a dictatorial SecDef.

Snafu-solomon.blogspot - Tue, 23/02/2016 - 07:12
Thanks to RC for the link! via New York Times. By then Admiral Connolly was on a four-star track, having distinguished himself as a crack test pilot, established the Navy's elite test pilot training...

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Categories: Défense

Olaszországból bombázzák Líbiát az amerikaiak

Hídfő.ru / Biztonságpolitika - Tue, 23/02/2016 - 06:49

Olaszország kormánya engedélyezi, hogy az Amerikai Egyesült Államok Szicíliából kiindulva hajtson végre drónokkal légi csapásokat Líbia területén. A terror elleni háborúra hivatkozva újabb európai országban fokozódik az amerikai katonai jelenlét.

Tovább olvasom

Categories: Biztonságpolitika

A Bujumbura, Ban Ki-moon salue la décision du Président burundais de relâcher 1.200 détenus

Centre d'actualités de l'ONU | Afrique - Tue, 23/02/2016 - 06:00
Au deuxième jour de sa visite à Bujumbura, le Secrétaire général de l'ONU, Ban Ki-moon, a salué mardi la décision du Président burundais, Pierre Nkurunziza, de relâcher 1.200 personnes en détention, mesure qu'il a qualifiée de pas dans la bonne direction pour une résolution pacifique du conflit actuel.
Categories: Afrique

Ouganda : l'ONU préoccupée par les tensions après le scrutin présidentiel

Centre d'actualités de l'ONU | Afrique - Tue, 23/02/2016 - 06:00
Le Haut-Commissariat des Nations Unies aux droits de l'homme (HCDH) s'est dit préoccupé par la situation tendue en Ouganda depuis l'élection présidentielle du 18 février, alors que des informations font état d'au moins deux personnes tuées et d'un nombre inconnu de blessés, ainsi que du déploiement des forces militaires et de police dans les rues de la capitale Kampala et de l'arrestation de quatre dirigeants de l'opposition.
Categories: Afrique

Senator delictis quisquam inlicito urbi ne ex et et mittuntur

Panapress (FR) - Tue, 23/02/2016 - 02:02

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint occaecati cupiditate non provident, similique sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollitia animi, id est laborum et dolorum fuga

Categories: Afrique

"Northern Thunder" military exercise..prelude to a Saudi Arabia/GCC invasion of Syria?

Snafu-solomon.blogspot - Tue, 23/02/2016 - 01:19
via Business Insider. On February 14, the "Northern Thunder" military exercise began, involving troops from 20 countries. Saudi Arabia's state newsdescribes Northern Thunder as"the largest military...

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Categories: Défense

Airbus A330 MRTT - Tue, 23/02/2016 - 00:55

Airbus A330 MRTT Aerial Refueling and Transport Aircraft
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

The Brexit Summit Show

German Foreign Policy (DE/FR/EN) - Tue, 23/02/2016 - 00:00
(Own report) - Assessing the outcome of last week's "Brexit" Summit quite positively, Berlin continues to urge London to remain in the EU. In the shadow of British demands to restrict social benefits for foreigners from other EU member countries, the German government has reached its objective of significantly cutting payments of child support benefits to immigrant workers from Eastern und Southeastern Europe - with an estimated three digit millions in savings to the German budget. The other concessions to London are primarily symbolic and, therefore, without consequences. It is also not sure that they fulfill the stipulations of EU jurisprudence. According to reports, a "summit choreography" was stage-managed, to be able to sell the meager results of the meeting to the British public as the negotiating success of their prime minister: All-night debates and hectic appearances of a seemingly stressed David Cameron suggesting tough power struggles over decisions that, in fact, had long since been made. Berlin is interested in keeping Britain in the EU, primarily for military and economic reasons.

Local EU Statement - Myanmar/Burma

EEAS News - Tue, 23/02/2016 - 00:00
Categories: European Union

Five Comments on Britain’s EU Settlement

Ideas on Europe Blog - Mon, 22/02/2016 - 22:52

The UK’s renegotiation of its EU membership concluded on Friday at the European Council in Brussels. The text of the settlement is contained in the Council conclusions. We also now know that the EU referendum will take place on Thursday 23 June 2016. Some comments on the renegotiation and referendum:

David Cameron EU Statement – Feb 2016, Georgina Coupe (Crown Copyright), CC-BY-NC-ND-2.0

1. This is an historic agreement. It is the first time that a Member State has unilaterally sought (and achieved) a renegotiation of its own terms of EU membership. This process has been entirely centred on the UK. In practice, however, many elements of the deal will impact the other Member States and the EU more generally. More to the point, how long before the next country seeks its own deal? The future of European integration, which inherently depends upon a high degree of policy harmony and/or unity, could be put into question in the months and years ahead.

2. The deal combines symbols and substance. Stating that the EU is a ‘multi-currency Union’, opting the UK out of ‘ever closer union’ and reiterating that states are responsible for its own national security are highly symbolic. The new ‘red card’ on subsidiarity for national parliaments is interesting, but it is unlikely to be used often. Parliaments would need to work together to exercise this right and, for different reasons, they may well not be interested in doing so. The restrictions on the free movement of workers (ie access to in-work benefits) represent a fundamental change in how the EU has functioned. The measures are relatively modest and unlikely to reduce the movement of EU citizens into the UK, which is ostensibly their objective. However, the precedent that non-discrimination on the basis of nationality can be made flexible in this way is a significant concession on the part of the other Member States.

3. Its impact on the campaign will be mixed. The content of the deal may not exert substantial influence on (undecided) voters. Most of it is technical and legalistic. The principles which the agreement is meant to amend are also not particularly well known amongst the UK public. However, that is not to say that the deal is unimportant. The fact of simply having a deal (whatever it contains) plays into the narrative that the EU has been ‘reformed’ and is therefore now more acceptable. Instrumentalisation of the deal could sway voters one way or the other.

4. The referendum date has broader implications. The decision by the UK government on the June date raises questions about the impact on the devolved institutions and local government. Devolved elections in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland and local elections in England and Wales are scheduled for Thursday 5 May 2016. That leaves just under seven weeks (48 days) between the elections and the referendum. It is possible that the campaigns will become conflated with each other. The emergence of ‘Europe’ as a central issue in the May elections could also alter the dynamics of the respective campaigns. More broadly, the four months between the announcement of the date and the referendum is not a particularly long time to campaign (compared for instance to the Scotland independence referendum), although low-level campaigning and preparation have been ongoing for some time.

5. The vote won’t settle the UK’s relationship with the EU. The referendum is only one step in a wider process. If the UK votes to stay in the EU, the status quo of membership will continue, as modified by the changes provided for in the settlement. Arguments around EU membership will continue and opponents are likely to seek a second referendum in the future. If the UK votes to leave the EU, years-long discussions will take place to determine the new arrangements for UK-EU relations. This new relationship will presumably need to be legitimised in some way, perhaps through a vote in Parliament or even another referendum. In any case, the debate will continue, at varying intensities, for the foreseeable future. The next four months are likely to be particularly intense indeed.

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How to cite this article:

Salamone, A (2016) ‘Five Comments on Britain’s EU Settlement’, Britain’s Europe (Ideas on Europe), 22 Feb 2016,

The post Five Comments on Britain’s EU Settlement appeared first on Ideas on Europe.

Categories: European Union

Confirmation of what I've been saying. Chinese radar on man made islands could put stealth aircraft at risk.

Snafu-solomon.blogspot - Mon, 22/02/2016 - 22:01
via USNI Blog. A possible new Chinese radar installation in the South China Sea could put American and allied stealth aircraft at risk as part of a wider detection network similar to U.S. efforts to...

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Categories: Défense

F-35 May not be VLO to X-Band Radar in the Front Quarter

Snafu-solomon.blogspot - Mon, 22/02/2016 - 20:35
Hey guys, this is snippets of a conversation I've been monitoring and I might have to take it down if the principals get pissed but check this out.... F-35 JSF May not be VLO to X-Band Radar in the...

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Categories: Défense

Darfur : the forgotten crisis

CSDP blog - Mon, 22/02/2016 - 19:33

For several weeks, the Sudanese army led a deadly offensive to people in Darfur. And, until now, in general indifference. The Sudanese warplanes bombed continuously the mountainous plateau Jebbel Marra, causing many civilian casualties. The military strategy remain the same: once the bombs from the sky hit the villagers, the militias of the regime kill, rape, plunder and the survivors or neighboring villagers flee en masse. In a few days, according to the head of humanitarian affairs in Sudan Marta Ruedas, 34 000 people have been forcibly displaced. Several villages have been attacked, burned, destroyed.

The violence in Darfur erupted again in 2013, moving about a half million people, bombings and attacks continue without international echo. In February 2015, HRW alleged that 221 women and girls were raped by Sudanese forces during an organized attack in October 2014 against the city of Tabit, North Darfur. The activity of UNAMID staff on site (15 784 people in January 2015) is contested, the mission "spend more time to protect itself against attacks from pro-government militias, as acting with civilians. "

Nowadays the results of the EU support the AMIS mission, (one of the firts EU missions) are completly annulated. Read the CERPESC Analysis on Darfur in French (soon in English). This report has kept its relevance

See our book on the first EU missions in Africa here
Second, updated edition coming soon!

Tag: Darfur

Boris Johnson’s big blunder

Ideas on Europe Blog - Mon, 22/02/2016 - 17:59

The mayor of one of the world’s most pro EU capital cities has announced that he wants Britain to leave the European Union.

Boris Johnson, MP and London’s Mayor, made his announcement after apparently agonising over the decision for hours and following the pleas of Prime Minister, David Cameron, for him not to abandon the government’s position for Britain to remain in the EU.

Boris’s view is apparently clear: in the event of Britain leaving the EU, he will be in ‘pole position’ to see-off David Cameron and rival, Chancellor George Osborne, and grab his long coveted job of Prime Minister of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

From his comments today, it seems that his strategy on a ‘Leave’ victory in the referendum would then be to negotiate a new and ‘better’ deal with the European Union.

My view? It’s an enormous gamble by Mr Johnson and one he may live to regret for the rest of his life.

Over the next four months, Britain and Britons are going to be exposed for the first time to fuller facts about the European Union, and all the hype and misinformation that we’ve been fed for years will be robustly challenged and corrected.

The country will go from blissful ignorance about the functioning and benefits of the European Union, to becoming global experts.

We’ve seen from past referenda campaigns in other European countries that such increased knowledge usually results in the populace becoming much more in favour of EU membership.

The bookies currently foresee a referendum victory for Britain to ‘remain’ in the EU – and unlike pollsters, bookmakers are more usually accurate at predictions.

It seems Boris has backed the wrong side. No doubt he’ll be able to brush that off with his usual bluster and buffoonery when the referendum results are announced on 24 June that Britain has voted to ‘Remain’ in the EU.

But just say Britain votes to ‘Leave’ the EU, and Boris cycles over to 10 Downing Street to take up his new position as Prime Minister. If he then tries to negotiate a ‘new deal’ with the EU, he will almost certainly be sent back home with a severe haircut.

Contrary to the view of Brexiters, EU leaders are not so desperate to keep Britain in the European club, otherwise they would have given Mr Cameron everything he demanded. They didn’t.

The foundational principles of the EU are much more important than the vexatious demands of one recalcitrant EU member, let alone an ex-member.

And if Britain leaves the European Union, what will happen to our Union of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland?

Almost certainly, Scotland would immediately demand a referendum to leave the United Kingdom and apply to join the European Union as an independent state. It’s quite possible that Wales and Northern Ireland, which are both much more pro-EU than England, could follow.

Then Boris would be Prime Minister only of Little England. Yes, he might ‘get his country back’, but it could be only one country out of four. He’d be ‘king’ of a much smaller castle; no longer an island state and leading EU member, but surrounded and sandwiched by EU member-states over which he’d have no say or influence.

So the referendum exercise – if ‘Leave’ wins as Boris Johnson hopes – could result in not ‘getting our country back’ but instead losing our United Kingdom of countries.

The European Union would still exist, without England, but possibly with Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland as EU members.

Such a scenario is not beyond the realms of possibility. Boris could become leader of a country – and a Tory party – literally cut in half.

Boris has blundered. He should have shown loyalty to his Prime Minister and backed the ‘Remain’ campaign, in the unselfish interests of his party, the countries of the United Kingdom, and the capital city which he represents as Mayor.

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The @MayorofLondon @BorisJohnson has made a big mistake backing #LeaveEU. My blog explains:

— Jon Danzig (@Jon_Danzig) February 22, 2016


#EUReferendum: Boris’s big blunder – does he wants #UK to #LeaveEU so he can lead UK? Blog:

— Jon Danzig (@Jon_Danzig) February 22, 2016

The post Boris Johnson’s big blunder appeared first on Ideas on Europe.

Categories: European Union

En route pour le désarmement nucléaire ?

Conformément au vote par 138 États de la résolution « A/RES/70/33. Faire avancer les négociations multilatérales sur le désarmement nucléaire » lors de la dernière Assemblée générale de l’ONU ; la première session du groupe de travail (OEWG) va ce tenir cette semaine du 22 février au Palais des Nations à Genève.

(lire la suite…)

Categories: Défense

Politique étrangère n°1/2016 : votez pour (é)lire votre article préféré !

Politique étrangère (IFRI) - Mon, 22/02/2016 - 17:03

 Note: There is a poll embedded within this post, please visit the site to participate in this post's poll.

Military perspectives on SESAR

EDA News - Mon, 22/02/2016 - 16:45

With more than 11,000 aircraft currently stationed in Europe, the military are Europe’s biggest airline. Europe’s armed forces operate more than 150,000 flights per year. The Single European Sky initiative and its technological pillar, the Single European Sky Air Traffic Management Research (SESAR) programme, thus have considerable implications for the military. The European Defence Agency (EDA) will outline the military perspectives on SESAR at a seminar at the World ATM Congress in Madrid on 8 March.

EDA supports its Member States in the identification of the military operational and financial risks expected with the implementation of SESAR. The Agency facilitates also the coordination of military views by gathering input and requirements from Ministries of Defence.

At the World ATM Congress in Madrid, the European Defence Agency organises for the first time a seminar to outline military perspectives on SESAR. High-level speakers from the Agency, the Spanish Air Force, SESAR Joint Undertaking, SESAR Deployment Manager, EUROCONTROL and NATO will discuss challenges and opportunities stemming from SESAR for the armed forces. The seminar will take place on 8 March, 14:30 – 16:00, in the Delegate Theatre. To attend the seminar, you need to register for the World ATM Congress (free, see link below). More details on the agenda and speakers are available here.

In addition to the EDA led seminar, Agency staff will also provide contributions to the following seminars taking place during the World ATM Congress:

  • The European ATM Standards Coordination Group (EASCG), Tuesday, 8 March, 10:30-13:30 
  • SESAR JU seminar on the ATM Master Plan 2015, Wednesday, 9 March, 15:30-17:30
  • SESAR JU seminar on “SESAR and the military”, Thursday, 10 March, 11:30-12:30


More information:
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

News Roundup: 15 February – 21 February 2016

SSR Resource Center - Mon, 22/02/2016 - 16:29
Want to keep up to date on the SSR field? Once a week, the CSG’s Security Sector Reform Resource Centre project posts pertinent news articles, reports, projects, and event updates on SSR over the past week. Click here to sign-up and have the SSR Weekly News Roundup delivered straight to your inbox every week!   SSR Resource Centre
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Comme l’Union européenne, le pape un militant de la lutte contre la peine de mort : Aucune exécution capitale pendant l’Année de la miséricorde !

EU-Logos Blog - Mon, 22/02/2016 - 16:26
Cité du Vatican, 21 février 2016 (VIS).Cela va de soi, mais cela va encore mieux en le disant. Après l’angélus, le Pape François a évoqué le congrès international intitulé « Pour un monde sans peine de mort », qui s’est ouvert le 22 février à Rome, organisé par la communauté Sant’Egidio, en vue de donner un nouvel élan pour l’abolition de la peine de mort.

Le Pape a souligné le signe d’espérance en ce sens lié au développement dans l’opinion publique d’un sentiment plus répandu d’une certaine hostilité à la peine de mort même comme instrument de légitime défense sociale. « En effet, les sociétés modernes ont la possibilité de réprimer efficacement le crime sans enlever définitivement à celui qui l’a commis la possibilité de se racheter. Le problème doit être encadré dans l’optique d’une justice pénale qui soit davantage conforme à la dignité de l’homme et au dessein de Dieu sur l’homme et sur la société, mais également à une justice pénale ouverte à l’espérance de réinsertion dans la société. Le commandement de ne pas tuer a une valeur absolu et concerne autant l’innocent que le coupable ». pour diffuser, spécialement en cette Année de la miséricorde, l’amour, le pardon et la fraternité ». Pour en savoir Plus :

Dossier des articles de Eulogos consacrés à la peine de mort


Classé dans:Dignité humaine, Droit à l'intégrité de la personne, DROITS FONDAMENTAUX, Interdiction de la torture et des traitements inhumains et dégradants
Categories: Union européenne
