TÜRKE András István Ph.D.
Az uzbin-i csapda francia tapasztalatai és következményei 6 év távlatából
Szakmai Szemle, 2014/3, pp. 185-195.
In August 2008, French troops took over the control from the Italian force in the sector of Surobi, after the French president Nicolas Sarkozy had decided to increase the commitment of the French forces in Afghanistan. In contrast to the purely humanitarian operations carried out earlier by the Italians, the French peacekeepers engaged in armed patrols, in an effort to cut off the guerrilla groups from their rear bases in Pakistan. The Uzbin Valley ambush occurred when the French troops of the ISAF were unexpectedly raided by Taliban militants in eastern Afghanistan, on 18 August 2008. The article tries to show objectively the situation of the French Army at that time.
Keywords: Afghanistan, Uzbeen`s ambush, VAB, 8th RPIMa, Carmin-2, Gazelle