
Book about Wagner PMC

Russia’s Wagner PMC (Wagner Group):Establishment, purpose, profile and historic relevance worldwide > Autors: Besenyö, Janos – Türke, András István – Szénási, Endre > Publisher: Helion> EUVI/ CERPESC Contribution: Wagner PMC in Africa> COMING SOON (Spring 2024) The Wagner Group is symbolic of Russia’s deployment of private military companies (PMCs) to exercise influence in Africa, the Middle…

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Book on Security Issues in North Africa and the Sahel

Terrorism and Political Contention New Perspectives on North Africa and the Sahel Region > Editors: János Besenyő, Leonid Issaev, & Andrey Korotayev > Publisher: Springer International Publishing (Verlag)     978-3-031-53428-7 (ISBN) > Newly Published  (April 2024) The book analyzes factors of political contention in North Africa and the Sahel after the Arab Spring. The…

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Livre sur l`Afrique francophone

Frankofón Afrika (Afrique francophone) (HU) > Editeur: SZTE Frankofón Egyetemi Központ (CUF – Centre Universitaire Francophone), Szeged. > Rédacteur-en-chef: Brucker, Balázs – Kruzslicz, Péter > Parution : février 2024 (Dépôt légal: 2022.) Contribution de l`Institut Europa Varietas (CERPESC): Türke, Andras Istvan:A CEDEAO (Nyugat-afrikai Államok Gazdasági Közössége) a nyugat-afrikai integrációs törekvések tükrébenLa CEDEAO et le processus…

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New CERPESC site 2023

The new site of CERPESC started to be developed!  The old site remain available here  ——————————————————————————— 03/03/2023 Updated page : Burkina Faso 27/12/2021 New pages : Rwanda and Burundi 03/04/2018 Updated page : Trade Policy 30/11/2017 Nouvelle série : Les Manuels du CERPESC More news→

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EU finance Rwanda`s troop in Capo Delgado (Mozambique)

The intervention by 3,000 Rwandan soldiers and police officers was partly financed by the European Peace Facility, a mechanism that enables it to “support partners in the fields of defense in order to prevent conflicts and strengthen international security.” The Rwandan military benefited from assistance worth €20 million, intended particularly for the transport of troops…

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