Missions and operations of the European Union
Missions and operations of the CSDP (en) / PSDC (fr) / GSVP (de) and former ESDP (en) / PESD (fr) / ESVP (de). There are 3 types : military, civil or civil-military. With regard to the major categories, the EU carries out (rather military) operations , the “… FOR”, and (rather civilian) missions. The missions include: police missions (…POL), rule of law missions (…LEX and …JUST), training missions (…TM), border assistance missions (…BAM), military advisory missions (…MAM), monitoring missions (…MM) and capacity building missions (… CAP).
click on the region to see more details about missions & operations
- EUPM (BiH) 01/01/2003 – 30/06/2012
- CONCORDIA (FYROM) 31/03/2003 – 15/12/2003
- PROXIMA (FYROM) 15/12/2003 – 14/12/2005
- EUPAT (FYROM) 15/12/2005 – 06/2006
- EUFOR ALTHEA (BiH) 02/12/2004 –
- EULEX Kosovo 18/02/2008 –
CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States)
- EUJUST THEMIS (Georgia) 16/07/2004 – 14/07/2005
- EU BAM /Border Assistance Mission/ (Moldavia, Ukraine) 01/12/2005 –
- EUPM Moldova (European Union Partnership Mission in the Republic of Moldova) 24/04/2023 –
- EUMM Georgia 15/09/2008 –
- EUAM Ukraine (EU Advisory Mission for Civilian Security Sector Reform Ukraine) 22/07/2014 –
- EUMCAP Armenia (European Union Monitoring Capacity to Armenia) 06/10/2022 – 19/12/2022
- >> EUPAT Armenia (European Union Planning Assistance Team in Armenia) 20/12/2022 – 23/01/2023
- >> EUMA (European Union Mission in Armenia) 23/01/2023-
- (EUFOR) ARTEMIS (DRC) 12/06/2003 – 01/09/2003
- EUPOL-Kinshasa (DRC) 30/04/2005 – 01/07/2007
- >> EUPOL RD Congo 01/07/2007 – ?31/12/2014
- EUSEC (Security sector reform mission) DR Congo 08/06/2005 – 30/06/2016
- Soutien de l’UE á l’AMIS II. (Sudan/Darfur) 18/07/2005 – 31/12/2007
- EUFOR RD Congo (DRC) 23/06/2006 – 30/11/2006
- EUFOR Tchad/CAR (15/10/2007) 15/03/2008 – 15/03/2009
- EUSSR Guinea-Bissau 16/06/2008 – 30/09/2010
- EUNAVFOR Somalia – Operation ATALANTA (Somalia) 08/12/2008 –
- EUTM SOMALIE 05/2010- (Le Quartier général sera situé en Ouganda, une unité de liaison à Nairobi, et une cellule de soutien à Bruxelles)
- EUFOR Libye – mission non réalisée (OpPlan : 13/05/2011, le lancement de la mission a été bloqué par l’OCHA )
- EUAVSEC-South Sudan (EU Aviation Security Mission) 18/06/2012-17/01/2014
- EUCAP NESTOR (EU Capacity Building Mission, Corne de l’Afrique, Somalie) 16/07/2012- 28/02/2017
- >>> EUCAP Somalia 01/03/2017-
- EUCAP Sahel Niger (EU Capacity Building Mission) 16/07/2012-
- EUMPM Niger (European Union Military Partnership Mission in Niger) 20/02/2023 –
- EUTM Mali (EU Training Mission) 18/02/2013-
- EUBAM Libya (EU Border Assistance Mission) 22/05/2013-
- EUCAP Sahel Mali (EU Capacity Building Mission) 15/04/2014-
- EUFOR RCA 01/04/2014 – 15/03/2015
- >>> EUMAM RCA (Military Advisory Mission) 16/03/2015 – 15/07/2016
- >>> EUTM RCA 16/07/2016 –
- EUAM RCA 09/08/2020 –
- EUNAVFOR MED (Sophia) 22/06/2015 – 31/03/2020
- >>> EUNAVFOR MED Irini 2020/03/31 –
- EUNAVFOR ASPIDES (Red Sea) 19/02/2024 (?) –
- EUPOL Afghanistan 30/05/2007 – 31/12/2016
- EUPOL COPPS (Palestine) 01/01/2006 –
- EU BAM Rafah (Palestine) 30/11/2005 –
- EUJUST LEX (Iraq) 01/07/2005 – 31/12/2013
- EUAM Iraq 22/11/2017 –
- AMM /Aceh Monitoring Mission/ (Indonésie) 15/09/2005 – 15/12/2006
CONCORDIA – military operation ; EUPM – police mission ; EUJUST LEX (Iraq) – rule of law mission
PSDC sur le site de SEAE
Les coûts des opérations de la PSDC (PESD)
Youtube – EU Security and Defense
Last update : February, 20 2024
french version