Research Fellows

Dr. habil. András István TÜRKE Ph.D (Switzerland)
head of  “CERPESC”, director of Europa Varietas Institute 

András István Türke is a diplomacy & security policy expert based in Switzerland. He specializes in European Foreign, Security & Defence Policy and industrial base issues. He is expert in geopolitics of Africa and Western Balkans on strategic and economic issues. His research focuses on the peacekeeping and regional stability with emphasis on european solutions for defence & crisis management. So far, his work has mostly drawn on EU, UN, AU and NATO activities but he has started to engage with other global and regional crisis management institutions.

Areas of expertise: CFSP, CSDP (EU, Africa, Western Balkans) ; French foreign & security & Africa policies ; European defence industry ; European naval forces ; European integration ; African geopolitics

Website & Publications


János BESENYŐ Dr.habil. (Hungary)

Colonel (retired). Between 1987 and 2018 he served as a professional soldier. He has been involved in several peace operations in Africa (Western-Sahara and Darfur) and Afghanistan. During his service, he received 27 different Hungarian and foreign medals. He received his PhD in Military Science from Miklós Zrínyi National Defense University in 2011, and in 2017, he received a habilitated doctorate at Eötvös Lórant University. In 2014, he established the Scientific Research Center of the Hungarian Defence Forces General Staff, and was the first leader of it from 2014-2018.


Kinga TORBICKA Ph.D. (Poland)

A graduate of the European Center of the University of Warsaw and Université de la Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris 3. Doctor of Humanities at Université de la Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris 3. She devoted her doctoral thesis to security systems in Central Europe after the fall of the Berlin Wall. A member of the research group of the Center of French Civilization, University of Warsaw. Associate researcher at the Europa Varietas Institute. Research interests concern: security of the CEE region in the Euro-Atlantic zone, with particular emphasis on the Visegrad Group, the Weimar Triangle, Ukraine and Russia and the migration crisis in Europe as well as the role of France in this context (Polish-French political relations since 1989).



Guillaume de Rougé Ph.D – (France)

Gergely VARGA – (Switzerland)
research fellow at Europa Varietas Institute