New CERPESC site 2023

The new site of CERPESC started to be developed!  The old site remain available here  ——————————————————————————— 03/03/2023 Updated page : Burkina Faso 27/12/2021 New pages : Rwanda and Burundi 03/04/2018 Updated page : Trade Policy 30/11/2017 Nouvelle série : Les Manuels du CERPESC More news→

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EU finance Rwanda`s troop in Capo Delgado (Mozambique)

The intervention by 3,000 Rwandan soldiers and police officers was partly financed by the European Peace Facility, a mechanism that enables it to “support partners in the fields of defense in order to prevent conflicts and strengthen international security.” The Rwandan military benefited from assistance worth €20 million, intended particularly for the transport of troops…

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EUTM Mali continue its activity

Despite the expectation of the closure of the mission in May 2023, EUTM Mali continue its activity. This year 2021 the European Training Mission in Mali celebrated its eight birthday. Since 2013 and on request of the Malian authorities, the European Union Training Mission in Mali provides advice, training and education to the Malian Armed…

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The ECOWAS in Focus of West African Integration Efforts

JCEEAS – Journal of Central and Eastern European African Studies, Vol 2. Number 2 2022, pp. 168-188. Africa Research Institute at the Doctoral School of Safety and Security Sciences, University of Óbuda (Hungary) The Economic Community of West African States, with French and Portuguese abbreviation: CEDEAO, abbreviated in English: ECOWAS, has currently fifteen members. The…

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