Royal Navy Type 45 destroyers cannot take the heat

The UK then joined France and Italy in the Horizon-class class of air-defence destroyers frigate program; however, differing national requirements, workshare arguments and delays led to the UK withdrawing on 26 April 1999 and starting its own national project Type 45 destroyer. The class is primarily designed for anti-aircraft and anti-missile warfare and is built…

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Ungarns Solidaritätsbeitrag und Teilnahme an der Lastenverteilung

1/ Schutz der Schengen AußengrenzenGewährleistung der Kontrolle der grünen Außengrenze gemäß des Schengen Borders Code und der Frontex-Verordnung (HU-SRB, HU-CRO): ca. 270 Mio. € im Jahr 2015, das entspricht 0,2 % des ungarischen BIP. Nur 1 % dieser Summe wurde von der EU kofinanziert, hier die im Stabilitäts- und Wachstumspakt vorgesehenen Flexibilität anzuwenden war nicht…

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Declaration by the HR on behalf of the EU concerning the political situation in the RC following the presidential election

Declaration by the High Representative on behalf of the EU concerning the political situation in the Republic of the Congo following the presidential election 07/04/2016 14:05 Press release 170/16 Foreign affairs & international relations On 4 April the Constitutional Court confirmed the result of the presidential election in Congo. The fact that many opposition candidates stood…

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