I asked for more information on the activity of the mission and Iooked for an interview with the EULEX Kosovo mission. Several e-mails signed by no one have arrived : conversation with no-names, unable to understand my request and my questions.
People who treat us as idiots who do not know the sites of the European Union (www.eeas.europa.eu and www.europa.eu). Poison pens who do not dare to sign a letter, people who do not dare to take responsibility. Which simply “did not feel like” transferring questions to the right people. Answers from an EU mission`s information service with visible evidence of not wanting to help. I have never encountered such a situation concerning an EU, UN (etc.) mission or operation…
(I have not had any other choice because unfortunately there is no more e-mail address on the site.)
We strongly doubt the importance of these information services funded by European citizens. They would be obliged to answer us.
They have webpage whose links do not work anymore. (I can imagine the thousands of euros that were paid for this.) But they do not stop creating advertising for themselves, in the name of genderism, book about the biography of the female mission`s members and the other things really very, very important. (In this case, no problem with urls.) Unbelievable.
My books and university textbooks about CSDP and EU missions are used by several universities all over Europe in Africa and elsewhere in education. In our next book on the Balkans this case will be mentioned.
Dear Mr. Türke,
As already mentioned on 2 and 9 August 2018, we do not have the resources to meet each request for information.
Having explained the above, we hereby inform you that we will not respond to any further inquiries on this matter.
Yours sincerely,
Office of Chief of Staff
EULEX Kosovo
From: Dr. TÜRKE András István [mailto:(…)]
Sent: Wednesday, September 5, 2018 10:33
To: EULEX Kosovo Information <EULEXKosovoInformation@eulex-kosovo.eu>
Subject: request for additional informations II.
Dear Office of the Chief of Staff,
Please forward my e-mail towards competent persons, who are able to answer to my questions, like Ms. Alexandra Papadopoulou or Mr. Bernd Thran.
Thanks a lot.
Best regards:
Andras Istvan Türke
Europa Varietas Institute
Le 2 août 2018 à 10:13:23, EULEX Kosovo Information (eulexkosovoinformation@eulex-kosovo.eu) a écrit:
Dear Mr Türke,
Thank you for your email and interest in EULEX Kosovo.
Unfortunately, we do not currently have the resources to meet each request for information. While we regret not being able to accommodate your request for information, we would kindly direct you to the EULEX website (www.eulex-kosovo.eu) which contains information about the Mission, its work, press releases, EU in Kosovo, EU External Action, CSDP, and other relevant data. We would also kindly direct you to the websites of EEAS and EU, www.eeas.europa.eu and www.europa.eu respectively for more information.
Yours sincerely,
Office of the Chief of Staff
EULEX Kosovo
From: Dr. TÜRKE András István [mailto:(…)]
Sent: Thursday, 19 July 2018 10:18
To: EULEX Kosovo Information
Subject: request for additional informations
Madam / Sir,
I am director of the independent Swiss based Europa Varietas Institute.
I am writing a book about EU diplomacy and mission in the Western Balkans (1991-2018) and I request for some additional informations about the activity of EULEX Kosovo.
I read a lot of very critical books about EULEX activity during the period 2008-2013, the mission was accused to being biased towards former UCK members.
I would like to know how far the mission has been changed since them.
What are the on-site experiences, the most important challenges to overcome?
What are the lessons learned compared to other EULEX missions?
I would like to have information that is beyond the official EU texts.
I need some lists
– about prosecutors investigated 400 war crimes
– about the 150 drafted laws
– about EULEX HoMs with period of activity
Other interesting documents are welcome.
I need also these documents but impossible to download, there are a lot of bugs on your site :
(+ other and older verdicts)
Thanks a lot.
Best regards:
Andras Istvan Türke
Europa Varietas Institute
UPDATE on Mon, 17/12/2018 – 13:21.
Answer from EEAS
After this “story” with EULEX I asked Europe Direct at EEAS to have more information on this mission. After 2.5 months of waiting I received this insignificant answer from a certain “Johannes”. I asked for information in French, official and work language of the EU (at least legally) but they were unable to answer me in French. No comment.
“Dear Andras Türke,
Thank you for contacting the Europe Direct Contact Centre.
You will find below the answer from the EEAS :
We have followed-up on this request both within the Civilian Planning and Conduct Capability and with EULEX Kosovo. Due to legal and procedural considerations as well as due to the unspecified nature of parts of the request,
EULEX Kosovo will not be able to answer positively to the requests made by Dr. Andràs Türke.
Best regards,
Policy officer Kosovo
Civilian Planning and Conduct Capability
We hope you find this information useful. Please contact us again if you have other questions about the European Union, its activities or institutions.”