EUNAVFOR MED / Operation Sophia – French Contribution

Read the Restricted report about EUNAVFOR MED (Wikileaks), Brussels, 28 January 2016 
Dear Dr. Turke good morning,
according to your request I need to underlined that the number are not fixed but changeable due to the situation. We can normally count on

– around 160 people in the Operational Headquarters (OHQ) in Rome

– and around 60 personnel acting for the staff of the Force Commander on board ITS CAVOUR (the flagship).

The total of EUNAVFOR MED personnel is around 1460, depending on the assets involved. 

On the occasion I invite you to follow us on our website ( the related social media.

Antonello de Renzis Sonnino

(EUNAVFOR Med logo)
CAPTAIN Antonello de Renzis Sonnino
Spokesperson and Chief of Media Cell

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