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Partnership with HTK (former HVK TKH) 2014-2022

HDF General Staff Scientific Research Center (Honvéd Tudományos Kutatóhely former Honvéd Vezérkar Tudományos Kutatóhely, Hungary)

In accordance with the designation, operation, short-, middle- and long-term development programs of Hungarian Defence Forces General Staff as well as with the national researches, the scientific and professional research supports the scientific and professional foundation of the mission and jobs of the organization and its underlying military organizations, the commander decision-making, the scientific education and continuative education through the operation of their system. It provides appropriate scientific forecast on the area of operation and building of the armies and research and development.

Main objectives: Jobs connected with development of scientific thinking, application and sharing with the public of scientific procedures and methods, making researches and utilization of the results, designation and operation of HDF General Staff and its underlying military organizations are supports to elaborate its principal basis. Foundation of national defense, scientific and professional research workshops, providing organization, cost efficiency of researches, support of utilization of results, providing scientific methods, information for preparation of prefectural decisions. Support development of art of war and related fields of science through proper organization, methodical and continuous completion of objectives of professional and scientific researches, results of scientific researches.

The main areas of HVK TKH`s activities are : Organization of scientific jobs, completion of researches, and support the innovation of research results, scientific education and continuative education, scientific information supply, scientific cooperation, organization of scientific events, care for professional and scientific publications.

Head of Department (2014-2018) : Col. János Besenyő, Ph.D

Hungary & CSDP Handbook

Türke András István - Besenyő János - Wagner Péter (szerk.)
Magyar szerepvállalás az Európai Unió közös biztonság- és védelempolitikájában
Honvédelmi Minisztérium
Honvéd Vezérkar Tudományos Kutatóhely
Zrínyi Kiadó