Freedom of expression is the right of every person to think as he wishes and to be able to express his opinions by any means he deems appropriate in the fields of politics, philosophy, religion, morals. Freedom of expression in a democratic country of the European Union is considered illegal. In a EU that never hesitates to give lessons in human rights and democracy, for example to African or Balkans countries.
According to Barcelona, the YES has won with 90 percent of the votes. Some 2.26 million people voted and 2.02 million voted in favor of independence. These figures represent a participation of almost 42.3 percent, Catalonia counting 5.34 million voters.
The referendum is quite illegal under the Spanish Constitution and the interpretation given to it by the Spanish Constitutional Court. (“It is not within the competence of the autonomies to hold consultations … which have an impact on the fundamental issues resolved by the constitutional process.”) But it is legal according to the Catalan law.