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Somalie : l'ONU proroge le mandat de sa mission pour une durée de trois mois

Centre d'actualités de l'ONU | Afrique - Tue, 26/05/2015 - 07:00
Le Conseil de sécurité de l'ONU a voté mardi une résolution prorogeant le mandat de la Mission d'assistance des Nations Unies en Somalie (MANUSOM) pour une durée de trois mois.
Categories: Afrique

Tanzania cholera epidemic improving but &#39significant challenges&#39 still remain - UN

UN News Centre - Africa - Tue, 26/05/2015 - 07:00
United Nations-backed containment measures aimed at stemming the deadly cholera epidemic in western Tanzania&#39s Lake Tanganyika region appear to be working, the Organization&#39s refugee agency (UNHCR) announced today amid a tapering off in the number of reported deaths among both Burundian refugees and locals.
Categories: Africa

Tanzania cholera epidemic improving but &#39significant challenges&#39 still remain - UN

UN News Centre - Tue, 26/05/2015 - 07:00
United Nations-backed containment measures aimed at stemming the deadly cholera epidemic in western Tanzania&#39s Lake Tanganyika region appear to be working, the Organization&#39s refugee agency (UNHCR) announced today amid a tapering off in the number of reported deaths among both Burundian refugees and locals.

Marsouins et commandos royal marines : 20 ans du partenariat

RP Defense - Tue, 26/05/2015 - 06:50
photo Armée de Terre 22/05/2015 CNE Laisné - Armée de Terre La 9e brigade d’infanterie de Marine (9e BIMa) et la 3° commando brigade Royal Marines (3° Cdo Bde RM) ont célébré leurs 20 ans de partenariat le mercredi 13 mai 2015 à Paris aux Invalides. Une...
Categories: Défense

Immigration clandestine: coopération entre Grèce, Bulgarie et Turquie

RFI (Europe) - Tue, 26/05/2015 - 06:49
La Bulgarie, la Grèce et la Turquie renforcent leur coopération contre les migrations clandestines. Les trois pays ont signé un accord à Sofia, la capitale bulgare, en vue de créer un centre d'échange d'informations en temps réel.
Categories: Union européenne

Sangaris : Transfert de la base opérationnelle avancée de Bria au profit de la MINUSCA

RP Defense - Tue, 26/05/2015 - 06:45
photo EMA / Armée de Terre 22/05/2015 Sources : État-major des armées Le 19 mai 2015, dans le cadre de l’opération Sangaris, a eu lieu le transfert de la BOA (base opérationnelle avancée) de Bria par les militaires français au profit de la MINUSCA. Une...
Categories: Défense

S. Sudan's former detainees expected in Juba next week

Sudan Tribune - Tue, 26/05/2015 - 06:38

May 25, 2015 (JUBA) – An advance team of South Sudan's former political detainees are expected in the country this week, officials from the ruling Sudan People's Liberation Movement (SPLM) said.

Former South Sudanese political detainees (from left to right) Ezekiel Lol Gatkuoth, Majak d'Agoot, Pagan Amum and Oyai Deng Ajak at a trial hearing in Juba on 11 March 2014 (Photo: AFP/Andrei Pungovschi)

Anne Itto, the acting secretary general of party, said former cabinet affairs minister, Deng Alor will lead the team, comprising of former finance minister, Kosti Manibe, former justice minister, John Luk and former postal services and telecommunications, Madut Biar.

“We should expect an advance team led by Deng Alor to come this week. And before they arrived we will have the visit from South African vice president and secretary of CCM [Chama Cha Mapinduzi] on 27th [May] to consult with the president about the return arrangement of the former detainees”, Itto said on Monday.

“This is good news to the SPLM and South Sudanese. Once they are here, we will begin to implement the reunification of the SPLM", she added.

At least 60 South African security personnel, Itto said, have been permitted to provide protection to officials during their meetings.

“When it comes to security matters, I do not know much about them because there are people who handle such issues, but what I have been told is that there are contacts already, and this will be finalised before the visit take place,” stressed Itto.

“Their security will be guaranteed as agreed before”, added the senior SPLM official.

It is unclear whether the officials are coming as part of the SPLM re-unification agreement reached in Arusha, Tanzania, early this year or as part of the initiative of the ex-detainees who requested regional leaders to help them reach out to the warring parties.


Categories: Africa

South Sudan to “disarm” rebels after recapturing Malakal

Sudan Tribune - Tue, 26/05/2015 - 06:35

May 25, 2015 (JUBA) – The South Sudanese army (SPLA) has vowed to disarm all government-turned rebel fighters after they regained full control of Malakal, the Upper Nile state capital on Monday.

Defence minister Kuol Manyang Juuk (ST)

The country's defence minister, Kuol Manyang Juuk told reporters in Juba that the army was moving to clear the young nation of rebels.

“We [SPLA] captured Malakal this morning,” the minister told reporters shortly after he was summoned by the council of states.

“We have to disarm those who took up guns because if they opted to take up guns, then we must meet them with guns,” he added.

Malakal fell under forces loyal to Johnson Olony, a militia commander affiliated to the Juba government last week. Olony's forces later advanced towards the country's main oilfields of Paloch, capturing Melut, a town located about 30 km from the oil territory.

The army has now regained full control Melut after flashing out rebels.

The defence minister, however, described the continued fighting in Unity, Upper Nile and Jonglei states as the “work of negative forces.”

“We will move on them wherever they go and clear the country from the armed groups. We will do so everywhere,” stressed Juuk.

“We will move everywhere and disarm everybody who is carrying guns. Whether it is organized or unorganized [forces], anybody carrying guns unlawfully, we will take these guns,” he added.

The African Union condemned renewed clashes between the warring factions, calling for sanctions on those obstructing peace talks and an arms embargo on South Sudan.


Categories: Africa

South Darfur governor establishes tribal reconciliation committee

Sudan Tribune - Tue, 26/05/2015 - 06:16

May 25, 2015 (KHARTOUM) – The governor of South Darfur state Major General Adam Mahmoud Gar al-Nabi issued a decision on Monday to form a committee to reconcile between Burgud tribe and Rizeigat Aballa clans in Menawashi and Hamada areas which are part of al-Wihda locality east of the state capital of Nyala.

The two sides have been in dispute since 2005 over a piece of land as the Burgud are farmers while the Aballa are herders which creates continuous friction between them.

The Aballa refuse to allow the voluntary return of the Burgud claiming that they have monopoly over the use of the land for grazing.

The governor appointed al-Tom Hadi Dabke as the chairman of the reconciliation committee and tasked him with healing the rift in preparation for a conference that would end the conflict and enable the voluntary return of the population and pave the way for the flow of basic services to help citizens in agricultural production.

The commission is to submit a report within a week.

Last November 15 people were killed and 11 were wounded in Menawashi area in an ambush by armed militias in Hamada area while returning from a voluntary return event.

The state has been plagued with tribal conflicts that destroyed several villages and forced thousands of villagers to flee to camps that lie on the outskirts of city.


Categories: Africa

Három díj a Béres Márta One Girl Show-nak

Magyar Szó (Szerbia/Vajdaság) - Tue, 26/05/2015 - 06:00

A belgrádi Štrihfest színházi fesztiválon óriási sikert aratott a Kosztolányi Dezső Színház Béres Márta One Girl Show című előadása. Elnyerte a közönségdíjat és a médiatámogatói díjat, a színésznő, Béres Márta pedig megkapta a legjobb női szereplőnek járó díjat.

Háromból egy se

Magyar Szó (Szerbia/Vajdaság) - Tue, 26/05/2015 - 06:00

Az egyetlen magyar, valamint két szerbiai teniszező számára is az első forduló után ért véget a Roland Garros, hiszen Babos Tímea a német Angelique Kerbertől kapott ki, Aleksandra Krunićot a kazah Julija Putinceva győzte le, Filip Krajinović a belga David Goffin ellen veszített.

Krajinović jó játékkal megnyerte az első játszmát, a másodikat elvesztette, majd a harmadikban nagy esélyt szalasztott el, hiszen két break előnybe került, de az egyre inkább belendülő Goffin ellen nem volt ellenszere. A 18. kiemelt játékos a rövidítés megnyerése után 2:1-es szettelőnybe került, majd kihasználta pszichikai fölényét, és a negyedik játszmát is megnyerte.

Babost a 11. helyen kiemelt német Kerber 6:0, 6:1 arányban legyőzte. A magyar lánynak a meccs során egy breaklabdája volt, azt sem tudta pontra váltani. Az ellenfél ebből a szempontból rendkívül hatékonynak bizonyult, hét lehetőségből hatszor vette el Babos adogatását. Krunić megnyerte az első játszmát, aztán viszont ellenfele felülkerekedett és fordított.

A nevesebb teniszezők közül a hétfő jelentette a végállomást a lengyel Agnieszka Radwanskának, a világranglista 14. helyezettjét a 83. német Annika Beck ejtette ki három játszmában, illetve a 12. kiemelt spanyol Feliciano López is kiesett a 74. grúz Tejmuraz Gabasvili ellen.

Ma két szerbiai teniszező, a férfiak jelenlegi ranglistavezetője, Novak Đoković és a nők egykori világelsője, a 25. helyen kiemelt Jelena Janković lép pályára, és mindketten toronymagas esélyesek. Đokovićnak ez lesz a hatodik találkozója a világranglistán 87. finn Jarkko Nieminennel, az eddigi eredmények alapján 4:1-re vezet, 2006-ban Cincinnatiben, 2007-ben Hamburgban, 2010-ben Bázelben és 2013-ban Monte-Carlóban győzte le, egyedüli vereségét 2009-ben Sydneyben szenvedte el ellene. Đoković a Roland Garros megnyeréséért érkezett Párizsba, ilyen célokkal ezen a meccsen kötelező a győzelem. Elmondása szerint úgy érzi, remek állapotban van, de szerényen igyekszik hozzáállni a tornához, mindig csak a következő meccsre koncentrálva: – Jó úton járok, minden úgy alakul, ahogy kell. Elengedhetetlen, hogy szerény legyek, és hogy mindig csak a következő mérkőzésre fordítsam a figyelmem. Ha túl sokat gondolok a Rafael Nadal elleni lehetséges negyeddöntőre, elveszthetem a koncentrációm, és az megzavarhat.

Jelena Janković 81 hellyel magasabban rangsorolt, mint mai ellenfele, a bolgár Szeszil Karatancseva, aki ellen elvesztette eddigi egyetlen mérkőzésüket. Az a meccs azonban nem szolgáltat túl sok támpontot, hiszen már tíz éve, 2005-ben Moszkvában játszották, Karatancseva 6:2, 6:1-re nyert.

„Azt hiszik, minden gyerek apja ismert”

Roger Federer: A hatéves csemetéink azt hiszik, minden gyerek apja ismert. Egyelőre annyit tudnak, hogy sok időt töltök teniszezéssel. Van egy édesanyjuk, aki gondoskodik róluk, és mindent megtesz értük, s van két testvérük, így mindig élményszámba megy az utazgatás. Úgy gondolom, nem fontos, hogy a sikereimet magyarázzam nekik, mivel nem is értenék. Majd meglátjuk, mi lesz később, elmagyarázom nekik azt, amit tudniuk kell.

Ana Ivanović (a Svedova elleni győzelem után): Szerintem senki nem szeret vasárnap játszani, de én már évek óta a hét utolsó napján lépek pályára Párizsban. Egyáltalán nem volt könnyű nyernem, az ellenfelem jól játszott. Fonák oldalról nagyon pontos volt, ezen igyekeztem változtatni, többet ütöttem a tenyeresére, és ez meghozta az eredményt.

A legfrissebb világranglisták

Férfiak: 1. Đoković 13 845, 2. Federer 9235, 3. Murray 7040, 4. Berdych 5230, 5. Nisikori 5220, 6. Raonić 4800, 7. Nadal 4570, 8. Ferrer 4490, 9. Wawrinka 3845, 10. Čilić 3370, 11. Dimitrov 2760, 12. F. López 2280, 13. Simon 2210, 14. Monfils 2065, 15. Tsonga 2045, 16. Isner 1980 pont stb. További szerbiai és magyar helyezettek: 33. Troicki 1217, 67. Lajović 730, 99. Krajinović 527, 167. Fucsovics 304, 247. Györe 200, 284. Krstin 172, 329. Zekić 156, 349. Milojević 132, 357. M. Janković 128, 362. Čaćić 124, 378. Bjelica 116, 399. Tepavac 110, 469. Tipsarević 76 pont stb.

Nők: 1. S. Williams 9361, 2. Sarapova 7710, 3. Halep 7360, 4. Kvitová 6760, 5. Wozniacki 4940, 6. Bouchard 3888, 7. Ivanović 3655, 8. Suárez Navarro 3645, 9. Makarova 3510, 10. Petković 3310, 11. Kerber 3230, 12. Ka. Plíšková 3010, 13. Šafářová 2995, 14. A. Radwanska 2885, 15. V. Williams 2646, 16. Keys 2275 pont stb. További szerbiai és magyar helyezettek: 25. Janković 1860, 60. Jovanovski 906, 81. Babos 693, 87. Krunić 678, 244. Jakšić 186, 248. Dolonc 182, 257. Jani 172, 267. Jorović 162, 292. Stojanović 140, 351. Lukić 98, 423. Czink 71, 427. Totka 71, 428. Erić 70, 438. Gálfi 67, 492. Lukács 51, 508. Kostić 48, 514. Bukta 47, 555. Argyelán 40, 631. Bondár 31, 632. Bonić 31 pont stb.

Női párosok: 1. Mirza 7940, 2. Hingis 6955, 3. Errani és Vinci 6090, 5. Mladenović 5740, 6. Black 5515, 7. Makarova és Vesznyina 5340, 9. Peng 5252, 10. Hszie 5025, 11. Babos 4980 pont stb.

Investment in Latin America's armoured vehicle market on the rise

DefenceIQ - Tue, 26/05/2015 - 06:00
Latin American countries are continuing armed forces modernisation efforts, either through new funding efforts or through external aid, as issues related to the illicit drug trade, militant terrorism and economic and social inequality fuel persistent violence. While not reaching the he
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

What the Information Operations community can learn from Hollywood

DefenceIQ - Tue, 26/05/2015 - 06:00
“You can design and create, and build the most wonderful place in the world. But it takes people to make the dream a reality” - Walt Disney.   As far as I know, Walt Disney isn’t often cited in articles about information operations,
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

4 key nations' naval combat systems requirements revealed

DefenceIQ - Tue, 26/05/2015 - 06:00
Australia The RAN’S ANZAC upgrade programme has benefited from a series of incremental update packages.  One of the most important has involved the fitting of the RIM-162 Evolved Sea Sparrow Missile (ESSM), which offers improved kinematic performance and
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Russian Lawmakers Seek Criminal Liability for Failure to Label GMO Products

RIA Novosty / Russia - Tue, 26/05/2015 - 05:30
Russian lawmakers have drafted a bill making it a criminal offense subject to imprisonment of up to two years for withholding information on genetically modified organisms (GMO) in products, local media reported Tuesday.

Categories: Russia & CIS

Lakes state border advisor survives deadly ambush

Sudan Tribune - Tue, 26/05/2015 - 05:30

May 25, 2015 (RUMBEK) – An advisor to South Sudan's Lakes state governor, Elizabeth Poth Dumic has been found, three days after she fell into an ambush.

Dumic, an advisor on border matters was involved in an ambush, which claimed the life of Rumbek North county commissioner at the border between Lakes and Unity states.

“The advisor arrived in Rumbek North county with SPLA [South Sudan army] platoon, which protected her from Nyal ambush,” said information minister, Dhiel Wal Takpiny.

Lake state authorities claimed a group of the country's rebels laid the ambush.

Meanwhile, five people, were killed and four others injured in a revenge attack in Rumbek Central county in an attack allegedly carried out by the Rup section on Saturday.


Categories: Africa

La justice saisie pour faire publier le rapport sur Marikana

RFI /Afrique - Tue, 26/05/2015 - 05:15
Les mineurs de Marikana font appel à la justice. Ils veulent que le rapport sur la mort de 34 mineurs grévistes abattus par la police en août 2012 soit rendu public. Pour l'instant, le rapport est entre les mains du chef de l'Etat qui ne semble pas être pressé de le rendre public. Les avocats des mineurs ont annoncé lundi qu'ils comptaient déposer un dossier auprès de la cour pour obtenir la publication du document.
Categories: Afrique

Ismertek az Ady Endre ösztöndíj felvidéki támogatottjai

FELVIDÉ (Szlovákia/Felvidék) - Tue, 26/05/2015 - 05:10
Már ismertek a magyar nyelvű oktatásban résztvevő, kiemelkedően tehetséges s ugyanakkor szociálisan hátrányos helyzetű tanulók támogatására kiírt pályázat nyertesei.

First Ship Repair Laser System to Appear in Russia's Far East

RIA Novosty / Russia - Tue, 26/05/2015 - 04:44
Russia's first laser system specializing in the production tasks of ship repair and addressing the import substitution of ship parts will be built at the Dalzavod Ship Repair Center, part of the Far Eastern Shipbuilding and Ship Repair Center.

Categories: Russia & CIS

S-97 Raider Flies | Heaviest Heavy Lift Copter Ever Upgraded, Produced Again | Bell to Let Russian Firm Build 407GXP

Defense Industry Daily - Tue, 26/05/2015 - 04:35

  • Sikorsky’s S-97 Raider helicopter prototype has made its maiden flight, with this likely to be a welcome distraction from the firm’s current ailing business situation. The coaxial helicopter’s core X2 technologies will be at the heart of the Sikorsky-Boeing Defiant, a finalist for the Army’s Joint Multi-Role, Future Vertical Lift (JMR – FVL) competition.

  • BAE Systems has submitted a bid for the USMC’s Amphibious Combat Vehicle (ACV) competition, with the company teaming with Italian firm Iveco Defence to develop the ACV 1.1 design.

  • Lockheed Martin has been handed a $27.3 million option for seven TB-37 multi-function towed array (MFTA) production units, as well as auxiliary equipment and support services. The work and production will be split between the US Navy and Japan under a previous Foreign Military Sale. The TB-37 is a potent anti-submarine warfare sensor, with the system offering several enhancements to the AN/SQR-19 Tactical Towed Array System which it replaces. The TB-37 Multi-Function Towed Array is the first new surface ship array to be built for the US Navy in 25 years and is configured as a long array that can be towed behind surface ships for ASW mission sets.


  • Russian Helicopters has begun series production of the company’s new Mi-26T2 model, a modernized version of the Mi-26T. The model is the most powerful heavy-lift series production helicopter ever, capable of lifting 15 metric tons, with recent reports indicating that Russia and China may have recently signed a joint construction deal for a large heavy-lift helicopter, thought to be the upgraded Mi-26T.

  • Russia’s Sputnik News is reporting that US firm Bell Helicopter has signed a contract with Russian firm Urals Civil Aviation Plant (UZGA) for the licensed assembly of the former’s latest 407GXP single-engine helicopter. Bell Helicopter is a Textron company, which was recently awarded another sole-source contract from the Canadian Coast Guard.

  • Polish and German defense companies are collaborating to develop a new 6×6 amphibious armored personnel carrier. Two Polish firms – Polska Grupa Zbrojeniowa (Polish Armament Group) and the OBRUM company will partner with Germany’s Rheinmetall Man Military Vehicles on the new vehicle, intended to form a potential option to replace the Polish fleet of Soviet-era BRDM-2 APCs.

  • Poland has also released a tender for 200 “revolver-type” 40mm grenade launchers, with five firms having completed the technical dialogue with the government’s armaments directorate earlier in the year, including South African and Turkish, as well as domestic companies.

Middle East

  • Egypt is reportedly ordering 46 MiG-29 fighters, according to Russian media. Two Russian industry sources leaked details of the deal on Monday to Russian newspaper Vedomosti [Russian], indicating that the deal could be worth up to $2 billion in the highest single order of MiG-29s since the end of the Soviet Union. The Egyptians have mulled purchasing Russian MiGs before – both the -29 and more advanced -35 models. The Air Force possesses a diversified fleet, including US, French and Russian aircraft, partially a result of the US’s decision to suspend military aim to the country following the overthrow of the government in July 2013.


  • In addition to the recent order of 145 M777 howitzers, the Indian Army is to receive 114 upgraded Dhanush guns, based on the Swedish Bofors 155mm guns bought by the country in the 1980s. The initial $252 million contract comes on the heels of a set of successful trials, with the upgraded guns mostly (80%) Indian-manufactured. India’s attempts to both recover from the Bofors scandal and plug operational gaps previously led to a messy and ambiguous competition. A follow-on order for up to 481 guns is expected following the delivery of these 114 guns within a three-year time frame.

Today’s Video

  • The above mentioned Sikorsky S-97 Raider’s first flight…

Categories: Defence`s Feeds
