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A magyarkanizsai fogadónapon járt Magyarország új vezető konzulja

VajdaságMA (Szerbia/Vajdaság) - Tue, 26/05/2015 - 18:18
Sokadik nyílt konzuli fogadónapját tartotta ma délelőtt Magyarkanizsán a szabadkai Magyar Főkonzulátus.

Democracy Lab Weekly Brief, May 26, 2015

Foreign Policy - Tue, 26/05/2015 - 18:17
To keep up with Democracy Lab in real time, follow us on Twitter and Facebook. Howard W. French argues that President Obama’s choice to run the United States Agency for International Development exposes the bankruptcy of Washington’s thinking on Africa. Juan Nagel profiles Venezuela’s top comedian, whose act exposes the absurdity of his country’s regime. ...

Német támogatás a marosvásárhelyi szakoktatásnak

Krónika (Románia/Erdély) - Tue, 26/05/2015 - 18:16

A marosvásárhelyi szakoktatás felélesztése érdekében nyújtana támogatást a megyeszékhely németországi testvérvárosa, Ilmenau önkormányzata – jelentette be kedden Dorin Florea polgármester.
Kategória: Erdélyi hírek

Terrorizmus vádjával börtönbe került egy 14 éves fiú Ausztriában

Hí (Szlovákia/Felvidék) - Tue, 26/05/2015 - 18:16
BÉCS. Terrorizmus vádjával nyolc hónap letöltendő és tizenhat hónap felfüggesztett börtönbüntetésre ítélt egy 14 éves fiút kedden a Sankt Pölten-i tartományi bíróság.

The Choking Point

Foreign Policy - Tue, 26/05/2015 - 18:14
May/June Visual Statement

Silencing the Guns: Strengthening Governance to Prevent, Manage, and Resolve Conflicts in Africa

European Peace Institute / News - Tue, 26/05/2015 - 18:13

Since independence, African states and organizations have made significant investments in conflict management and resolution tools. So why do some African states and regions remain saddled by conflict and instability? How can African states leverage democratic governance to end wars?

The new report Silencing the Guns suggests that the key to ending conflict in Africa lies in fostering effective governance and creating political and economic institutions that can effectively prevent, manage, and resolve conflicts. Author Gilbert Khadiagala unpacks how and why democratic governance is linked to conflict prevention and management, and provides an overview of landmark trends that have influenced governance in Africa since the 1950s. He shows that not all forms of democratic governance reduce conflicts and examines the ways in which “developmental dictatorships,” corruption, and the privatization of security are posing obstacles for governance and peace today.

To strengthen governance as a tool for peace in Africa, the author offers the following recommendations:

  • African governments and states should prioritize national infrastructures for peace that allow early detection, prevention, management, and resolution of violent conflicts. They should enhance people’s participation in political and economic processes, promote sound and equitable livelihoods, and strengthen Africa-specific strategies for conflict transformation.
  • Regional economic communities should consolidate their current efforts to implement regional collective security and governance frameworks that promote peace, enshrine common democratic values, and foster disarmament and military reductions consistent with regional resources.
  • The African Union should advance implementation of normative frameworks around governance, conflict prevention, management, and resolution, such as the African Peace and Security Architecture and the African Governance Architecture.
  • The international community should cut the sources of armaments that have fueled African wars and renew attempts to clamp down on unsustainable arms flows into Africa.

This report is a joint undertaking by the African Union and the International Peace Institute.


Sürgősségi ellátás Szerbiában

Magyar Szó (Szerbia/Vajdaság) - Tue, 26/05/2015 - 18:13

Hétfő este vette kezdetét a Szerb Orvosi Kamara által szervezett Szerbiai Sürgősségi Egészségügyi Ellátás Konferenciája, melyet az idén kilencedik alkalommal rendeznek meg, s a tanácskozásnak immár második alkalommal Szabadka ad otthont.

Le procès Habré, un tournant dans la justice africaine et la lutte contre l'impunité

Jeune Afrique / Politique - Tue, 26/05/2015 - 18:09
Avocate au barreau du Tchad, pr�sidente de l'Association tchadienne pour la promotion et la d�fense des droits de l'Homme (ATPDH) et r�cipiendaire du Right Livelihood Award en 2011, Jacqueline Moudeina lutte depuis une quinzaine d'ann�es pour que l'ancien pr�sident Hiss�ne Habr� r�ponde des accusations de crimes de guerre, crimes contre l'humanit� et crimes de torture qui p�sent sur lui.
Categories: Afrique

Moscou et Téhéran auraient terminé les discussions sur la livraison du système de défense aérienne russe S-300

Zone militaire - Tue, 26/05/2015 - 18:07

En 2010, le président russe d’alors, Dmitri Medvedev, avait décidé de surseoir à la livraison de systèmes de défense aérienne S-300 que l’Iran avait commandés trois ans plus tôt, en mettant en avant la résolution 1929 du Conseil de sécurité des Nations unies, laquelle interdisait la vente de matériels militaires, dont « les missiles et les […]

Cet article Moscou et Téhéran auraient terminé les discussions sur la livraison du système de défense aérienne russe S-300 est apparu en premier sur Zone Militaire.

Categories: Défense

Barika a kuplerájban

Kolozsvári Rádió (Románia/Erdély) - Tue, 26/05/2015 - 18:06
A német rendőrség őrizetbe vett egy 25 éves müncheni prostituáltat. A vád többsíkú: kábítószer birtoklása és báránytartás. A prostitúció, mint olyan nem ütközik törvénybe Németországban, teljesen más tál tészta viszont kiskorú juhot tartani a kupiban! Rendőrségi források szerint a vádlott ugyan rész...

Híd: A Smernek nem érdeke, hogy a családi- és kisgazdaságok könnyebben juthassanak termőföldhöz (Szlovákia/Felvidék) - Tue, 26/05/2015 - 18:05
Továbbra sem lesznek egyenlő feltételek a földosztásnál. Csicsai Gábor, a Híd parlamenti képviselője előterjesztette a föld- és területrendezéssel kapcsolatos törvényjavaslatot, amelyet a parlament a májusi ülésen tárgyalt.

Táncra perdülő végzősök

Magyar Szó (Szerbia/Vajdaság) - Tue, 26/05/2015 - 18:05

Szerdán délben a főtéren először nyílik alkalmuk a szabadkaiaknak megtekinteni a végzős középiskolások táncát, mely városunkban egy egészen új módja lesz a ballagó diákok búcsúzásának a középiskolától.

Arlene Kushner Addresses The Confusion in Israel's Netanyahu Government

Daled Amos - Tue, 26/05/2015 - 18:04
From Arlene Kushner:
May 25, 2015
Confusion on the Government FrontWith regard to the establishment of a government, I do not remember the situation ever being quite as unclear and in flux as it is now.

Part of the problem is that ministry responsibilities have not been precisely delineated – that is, there is overlap among various ministries.  Makes it tougher to understand who is accountable for what, and tends to generate tensions between those heading those ministries.

In addition, there are ministries in which responsibilities are shared internally or even farmed out to persons outside the ministry in question.  This is the case, for example, with Silvan Shalom, who is not in the Foreign Ministry and yet has been given responsibilities that might be expected to be within the jurisdiction of that ministry, such as strategic dialogue with the US.

And, to top it all off, there are MKs who have been given more than one ministry, although we are seeing shifts in that situation.


What I want to do here is provide an update on the situation since my last posting. But be forewarned: none of this is carved in stone and there may yet be other “adjustments.”

Last I wrote, I said that Gilad Erdan (pictured below), who is second on the Likud list, would not be taking a portfolio:  He had hoped for Public Security - which was in the end given to Yariv Levin - but only in conjunction with Interior – a position Erdan had held, but which was given to Shalom - because the two ministries work together.  He said that what he was offered by Netanyahu didn’t provide him with the tools to do his job effectively.  The problems that ensued here were a reflection of tensions between Netanyahu and Erdan, which have now been smoothed over.

Credit: Huffington Post
Photo not from original post
The word today is that Erdan will be Minister of Public Security after all.  And no, he will not be given Interior, but the reports are that he will be given a generous budget and possibly the Ministry of Strategic Affairs, which had been given to Ze’ev Elkin, along with Immigration.


A bit of clarification might help here:

Public Security is the statewide enforcement agency responsible for police, the prison system, rescue system, etc.  There are no independent local police departments – everything is overseen at a national level.  In light of terrorist acts inside of Israel and decisions that must be made regarding how to respond to them, this is a position of considerable import. An enhanced budget for police work seems to me an excellent thing.

Interior is the agency responsible for local government, citizenship and residency, identity cards, and student and entry visas.  Erdan had felt that coordination between local governments (municipal, etc.) and the services of Public Security was appropriate.

Strategic Affairs is, in broadest terms, responsible for coordinating security, intelligence and diplomatic initiatives regarding strategic threats.


Erdan should have a place in the (inner) Security Cabinet now, as I understand it because of his involvement with Strategic Affairs – which is critical.

Additionally, Erdan may be given the Ministry of Communications (a position he has held before).  As I noted last time, Netanyahu had retained that position for himself.  I am not clear as to where this leaves Ofir Akunis, who had been assigned a place in the Ministry of Communications as a Minister-without-Portfolio. (I had read that as being a de facto Minister of Communication position, but now?)

Reports are that – because of the limit on the number of ministers who can be appointed - Benny Begin will have to resign his position as Minister-without-Portfolio.


And there is yet one more piece of news regarding the government: Dore Gold, president of the Jerusalem Center of Public Affairs, will be taking a leave of absence from that position in order to serve as Director-General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.Dr. Dore Gold – a long time advisor to Netanyahu and former Israeli Ambassador to the UN - is a good man. ~~~~~~~~~~

A ministry routinely has a director-general, who oversees the operation, in addition to the minister him or herself.  Gold, it must be said, is a notably well-known personage to fill that role.  There are ways in which this may be good, because he has considerable prestige and depth of strategic understanding.  But I see something else happening as well: Tzipi Hotovely is Deputy Foreign Minister, and, as Netanyahu is retaining that ministry for himself, there are ways in which it might have been said that she was de facto Foreign Minister.  We’ve already seen, however, that certain responsibilities that might have been hers were assigned to others.

What I suspect here is that the presence of Gold in the Ministry may further undercut her autonomy and latitude to function.  This has to be watched.  What is certainly the case is that Gold will provide reports to the prime minister on what is happening vis-à-vis Hotovely.


What I close with here, is a marvelous statement last week by Hotovely – for Israeli diplomats and Foreign Ministry staff  - that has caused more than a bit of nervousness in certain government quarters, even as it has brought a smile to the faces of some of us (emphasis added):

“The international community deals with considerations of justice and morality. We need to return to the basic truth of our right to this land.”Hotovely then quoted the late journalist Uri Elitzur, who said that for the last 40 years, while the Palestinians were demanding “their” lands, Israel’s has been that: “We have strategic interests and security concerns.”Those arguments, she said, are the arguments of a robber.“If I wear your coat because I’m cold, and I can prove pragmatically and analytically that it really is cold for me, the world will ask a primitive and analytic question: Who does the coat belong to? In this context, it is important to say that this coat is ours, this country is ours, all of it. We didn’t come here to apologize for that.”Hotovely said the world understands Israel’s security needs, but arguments based on justice and morality always trump those dealing with security concerns.

Bravo to Deputy Minister Hotovely.  That took courage when the prime minister says we must keep the land for security reasons.

~~~~~~~~~~© Arlene Kushner. This material is produced by Arlene Kushner, functioning as an independent journalist. Permission is granted for it to be reproduced only with proper attribution.  

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Categories: Middle East

Családi érvek urnaundor ellen

Kolozsvári Rádió (Románia/Erdély) - Tue, 26/05/2015 - 18:03
Patinásabb és zsengébb demokráciák egyre népesebb csoportjában uralkodik el az egyszerű választón a krónikus urnaundor. Hiába na, a néhai Béketábor részvételi arányait nehéz a mai gyatra mozgósítási eszközökkel megismételni! Azért van, ahol próbálkoznak. Egyes országokban rájöttek, mennyire improduk...

Római kori sírokat találtak Várpalota közelében

Hí (Szlovákia/Felvidék) - Tue, 26/05/2015 - 17:59
VÁRPALOTA. Római kori temetőt tártak fel Inotánál, a sírhelyre a leletek tanúsága szerint több száz évig temetkeztek az előkelőségek – tájékoztatta az MTI-t az ásatást vezető régész.

Kipusztulhat a tarvarjak vadon élő populációja Szíriában

Vajdasághírek / Szerbia - Tue, 26/05/2015 - 17:58

By tklaura

Nyoma veszett ugyanis a kolónia kulcsfontosságú egyedének az után, hogy az Iszlám Állam dzsihadista szervezet a közelmúltban elfoglalta Tadmur városát, ókori nevén Palmürát. A libanoni természetvédő társaság most ezer dollár pénzjutalmat ajánlott fel annak, aki információkkal tud szolgálni a Zénobiának elnevezett nőstény hollétéről, A súlyosan veszélyeztetett tarvarjakat több évtizeden A cikk folytatása …

Read more here: Pannon RTV


Dans les rayonnages

Le mamouth (Blog) - Tue, 26/05/2015 - 17:57
Robert Paturel, l'ancien policier du RAID ressort  une version augmentée de son livre les "Panthères
Plus d'infos »
Categories: Défense
