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European cooperation on migration: results of the JHA Council meeting

EU-Ratspräsidentschaft - Tue, 02/02/2016 - 14:25
On 25 January the European Ministers of Justice and Home Affairs met to discuss European cooperation on migration. The informal meeting of the Justice and Home Affairs (JHA) Council in Amsterdam led to concrete results concerning temporary border measures.
Categories: Europäische Union

Ebből tényleg négyéves segélystop lehet Angliában

Eurológus - Tue, 02/02/2016 - 14:12
Az Európai Tanács elnöke megegyezett David Cameronnal. Kérdés, hogy a kormányfők elfogadják-e a javaslatot, amely korlátozza az újonnan érkezett külföldi munkavállalóknak járó támogatásokat.

Coopération européenne en matière de migration: résultats du Conseil JAI

EU-Ratspräsidentschaft - Tue, 02/02/2016 - 14:08
Le 25 janvier, les ministres de la Justice et des Affaires intérieures ont discuté de la coopération européenne en matière de migration. Ce Conseil informel Justice et Affaires intérieures a conduit à des résultats tangibles concernant l’introduction de mesures provisoires aux frontières.
Categories: Europäische Union

Paks mellett száll ringbe a FORATOM

Bruxinfo - Tue, 02/02/2016 - 14:07
Stabil szabályozói és befektetési keret létrehozására sürgeti az uniós intézményeket az európai nukleáris ipar szócsöve az atomerőmű beruházások megkönnyítése érdekében. A Foratom a paksi atomerőmű projekt mellett kíván érvelni a Bizottság által az állami támogatási vizsgálat apropóján meghirdetett konzultáción, ami február 12-én zárul le.

Pressemitteilung - EU-Initiative zur Bekämpfung von Schwarzarbeit

Europäisches Parlament (Nachrichten) - Tue, 02/02/2016 - 14:05
Plenartagung : Das Parlament hat am Dienstag einem Plan zur Einrichtung einer „Europäischen Plattform“ zur Stärkung der Zusammenarbeit bei der Prävention und Abschreckung von nicht angemeldeter Erwerbstätigkeit zugestimmt. Mit der Plattform soll der Informationsaustausch und die Zusammenarbeit der nationalen Ministerien, Gewerkschaften und Arbeitgeberverbände verbessert werden, um ein Problem in den Griff zu bekommen, dass die EU-Wirtschaft schädigt und den Arbeitsmarkt verzerrt.

Quelle : © Europäische Union, 2016 - EP
Categories: Europäische Union

Nem robbant EU-szerződést a briteknek tett javaslat

Bruxinfo - Tue, 02/02/2016 - 14:03
Donald Tusk, az Európai Tanács elnöke kedden a déli órákban előterjesztette az Egyesült Királyság és az Európai Unió közötti megállapodásról szóló javaslatát, amiről a tagállamok vezetői hivatottak dönteni február 18-19-én. Az ajánlat értelmében London egy új uniós jogszabály alapján egyelőre nem tisztázott időtartamra szóló védőintézkedést vezethet be az uniós munkavállalók által igénybe vehető jóléti kedvezmények korlátozására, és a nemzeti parlamentek is könnyebben megakaszthatnak majd nekik nem tetsző készülő uniós jogszabályokat.

What you should know about the Finno-Ugric Film Festival of 2016

Melano, a közép-európaiak magazinja - Tue, 02/02/2016 - 13:58
The Finno-Ugric Film Festival will be held third times in Estonia. We are proudly announcing call for scriptwriting workshops, volunteer works, and for the movies.

1. Call for the Scriptwriting workshop (deadline – the 15th of February).

The Finno-Ugric Film Festival (FUFF) announces its Scriptwriting workshop, to be held during the Festival in Tsiistre, Estonia, 8th-11th June 2016.
We invite 12 applications from filmmakers who wish to participate in this workshop. Those selected will receive assistance as follows:

• For applicants from the Finno-Ugric small nations (Komi, Udmurt, Khanty, Mansy, Nenets, Enets, etc.) FUFF will reimburse travel expenses from Moscow/ Saint-Peterburg as well as providing accommodation and food during the festival. For other applicants we provide accommodation and food. There is no participation fee for the workshop.

The workshop will be held by two well-known film professionals/scriptwriters/directors who will help to develop your synopsis into a short film script during the festival.

We would like to receive a one-page (A4) synopsis of a short fiction, experimental or documentary film and a motivation letter by 15th of February 2016. Please send these by email to:

Selection will be made by the end of March 2016 and all applicants will receive a reply by email. The language of participation is English; we accept Russian language synopses from the territory of Russia.

2. Call for volunteers (deadline - 28th of February).

The festival will provide food, accommodation and festival pass for their volunteers and will partly cover their travel expenses for the whole duration of the festival.

For the time of preparation, we are looking for volunteers in the following fields:
- Sponsorship assistant
- PR
- Photomaking and review- writing at the time of the festival
- general assistant
- a person responsible for the cinema hall (oversees that all screenings take place on time, cleanliness, etc.)
- Kitchen work

3. Call for films (deadline – 30th March).

 Finno-Ugric Short Film Fiction – Experimental Finno-Ugric Short Film - Finno-ugric Documentary

• There is no limit to the number of films that a filmmaker or producer may register.
• Finno-Ugric means films made by filmmakers of Finno-Ugric origin or films dealing with Finno-Ugric topics that are made by non-Finno-Ugric directors.
• The maximum duration of short films is 30 minutes, including credits.
• Music videos, commercial work and political propaganda are not accepted.
• In order to be admitted, the material must be presented with English/Russian subtitles or with a Russian dialogue list which is sent to the festival by 10th of April 2015.
Once a film has been submitted for participation it cannot be withdrawn.
• All shipping expenses of participating works, from their place of origin to the address of this organization, shall be paid exclusively by the participant. The Festival will not be responsible for the cost of receiving any additional materials.
• The Festival does not pay screening fees.
• Films in FUFF’s official selection will be viewable in the FUFF Digital Film Library, accessible to industry professionals throughout the duration of the Festival and available to be viewed privately on a secure server by jury members, film festival programmers, critics, buyers and distributors during and after the event. The contact information for each corresponding producer or rights holder will be published.
• Selected films may form part of the festival’s travelling showcase, participating around the world.
• The festival invites the filmmakers to the festival and provides accommodation and food for the time of the festival for certain filmmakers.

Send or upload film
* Фильмы можно передать через WeTransfer или загрузить на наш ftp-сервер (при необходимости за консультацией по использованию сервера обращайтесь к Паулю Нурме

Films can be sent through WeTransfer to, or uploaded to our ftp site (please, contact with Paul Nurme

Electronic Press Kit

When submitting your film, please also provide an Electronic Press Kit including the following information:

• A still photo from the film (colour at 300 dpi, jpg or tiff format)
• A film synopsis (in Russian and English if possible, or if not in either of these two languages)
• A brief Biography of the director (in Russian and English if possible, or if not in either of these two languages)
• A photograph of the director (colour at 300 dpi, jpg or tiff format)
• Film Credits

thank you very much and waiting for the text that we could spread the word!!!

Tags: FUFF Other languages: English
Categories: Kelet-Közép-Európa

Artikel - TiSA: Empfehlungen des EU-Parlaments

Europäisches Parlament (Nachrichten) - Tue, 02/02/2016 - 13:56
Plenartagung : Am Mittwoch (3.2.) haben die EU-Abgeordneten ihre Empfehlungen zu den Verhandlungen über das Abkommen über den Handel mit Dienstleistungen (TiSA) verabschiedet. TiSA wird derzeit von 23 Mitgliedern der Welthandelsorganisation (WTO), darunter die EU, verhandelt. Konsultieren Sie unsere Infografik zum Thema.

Quelle : © Europäische Union, 2016 - EP
Categories: Europäische Union

TPP: Lessons from New Zealand

Africa - INTER PRESS SERVICE - Tue, 02/02/2016 - 13:42

Jomo Kwame Sundaram was an Assistant Secretary-General responsible for analysis of economic development in the United Nations system during 2005-2015, and received the 2007 Wassily Leontief Prize for Advancing the Frontiers of Economic Thought.

By Jomo Kwame Sundaram
KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia, Feb 2 2016 (IPS)

A new paper* on the implications of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Agreement for New Zealand examines key economic issues likely to be impacted by this trade agreement. It is remarkable how little TPP brings to the table. NZ’s gross domestic product will grow by 47 per cent by 2030 without the TPP, or by 47.9 per cent with the TPP. Even that small benefit is an exaggeration, as the modelling makes dubious assumptions, and the real benefits will be even smaller. If the full costs are included, net economic benefits to the NZ economy are doubtful. The gains from tariff reductions are less than a quarter of the projected benefits according to official NZ government modelling. Although most of the projected benefits result from reducing non-tariff barriers (NTBs), the projections rely on inadequate and dubious information that does not even identify the NTBs that would be reduced by the TPP!

Jomo Kwame Sundaram. Credit: FAO

The main beneficiaries in NZ will be agricultural exporters, but modest tariff reductions of 1.3 per cent on average by 2030 are small compared to ongoing commodity price and exchange rate volatility. Extensive trade barriers to agricultural exports in the Japanese, Canadian and US food markets remain, and will be locked in under TPP. TPP has also failed to tackle agricultural subsidies that are a major trade distortion. Significant tariff barriers remain in some sectors in Japan, Canada and the US likely to be ‘locked in’ under the TPP that are almost impossible to remove in the future. TPP’s Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures limits on labelling may also restrict opportunities for food exporters to build high quality, differentiated niche market positions.TPP has also been used to undermine negotiations in the World Trade Organization, the only forum for removing such trade distorting subsidies.

TPP’s investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) provisions and restrictions on state-owned enterprises will deter future NZ governments from regulations and policies in the public interest, for fear of litigation by corporate interests. The threat, if not actual repercussions, are good enough to ‘discipline’ governments by causing ‘regulatory chill’. TPP is very much a charter for incumbent businesses, especially US transnational corporations. Thus, it inadvertently holds back the economic transformation the world needs. The agreement’s TPP’s benefits are likely to be asymmetric as it is more favourable to big US business practices and will deepen the disadvantages of small size and remoteness. Potential ISDS compensation payments or settlements could far outweigh the limited economic benefits of TPP. Even when cases are successfully defended, the legal costs will be very high.

TPP can both help and hinder ambitions to add value to raw materials and commodities, and to progress up value chains. However, it is likely to reinforce NZ’s position as a commodity producer and thus hinder progress up the value chain where greater economic prosperity lies. More analysis based on the actual agreement is required to ascertain the conditions for and likelihood of such progress. TPP will limit government’s ability to innovate and address national challenges and is likely to worsen rapidly escalating problems such as environmental degradation and climate change.

Furthermore, TPP is projected to reduce employment and increase income inequality in NZ. In its analysis, the government has not considered the likely costs, which are probably going to be very significant, and may well outweigh economic benefits.

TPP thus falls well short of being “a trade agreement for the 21st century”, as its cheerleaders claim. A more comprehensive, balanced and objective cost-benefit analysis on the basis of the October 2015 deal should be completed before ratifying the TPP.

*The report is available at:

Categories: Africa

Article - Accord sur le commerce des services : le Parlement a adopté ses recommandations

Parlement européen (Nouvelles) - Tue, 02/02/2016 - 13:42
Séance plénière : La position du Parlement européen concernant les négociations pour l'accord sur le commerce des services, plus connu sous l'acronyme anglais TiSA, a été adoptée ce mercredi 3 février. Cet accord, négocié en ce moment entre 23 membres de l'Organisation mondiale du commerce y compris l'Union européenne, vise à libéraliser davantage le commerce des services entre ces différents pays. Consultez notre infographie pour en savoir plus sur le TiSA et le secteur des services dans l'Union européenne.

Source : © Union européenne, 2016 - PE
Categories: Union européenne

Régi szovjet márkanevek: Bolsevicska / Oroszország - Tue, 02/02/2016 - 13:12

Mihail Bulgakov Kutyaszív című regényében Sarikov felkiált: Moszkvosveja, Moszkvosveja!

És rá pár évvel, 1929-ben valóban létrejött a moszkvai varrodát jelentő Moszkvosvej a tőzsde régi épületében (mely a cári időkben egy teacsomagoló üzem volt). Mivel csak nők dolgoztak az üzemben, így elég hamar a név Bolsevicskára (Bolsevik nő) változott, holott a vállalat főleg férfikabátokat, öltönyöket és egyenruhákat varrt.

A gyár jól vészelte át az időket, már a szovjet korszakban is varrt francia megrendelésre, jelenleg pedig több saját márkanév alatt kaphatók termékei.

Categories: Oroszország és FÁK

Communiqué de presse - Une plateforme européenne pour lutter contre le travail non déclaré

Parlement européen (Nouvelles) - Tue, 02/02/2016 - 13:07
Séance plénière : Le Parlement a adopté un projet législatif établissant une "plateforme européenne" pour accroître la coopération visant à lutter contre le travail non déclaré, lors d'un vote mardi. La plateforme renforcerait la coopération entre les ministères du travail, les syndicats et les associations d'employeurs des États membres sur la manière de gérer au mieux un fléau qui nuit à l'économie de l'UE et perturbe le marché de l'emploi. Le travail non déclaré représente environ 18% du PIB de l'UE.

Source : © Union européenne, 2016 - PE
Categories: Union européenne

Bien visé !

Le mamouth (Blog) - Tue, 02/02/2016 - 13:05
C'est la belle photo du jour, transmise par la marine nationale : une vue du Charles-de-Gaulle depuis
Plus d'infos »
Categories: Défense

Líbia: egy végzetes megosztottság okai

Kitekintő / Afrika - Tue, 02/02/2016 - 13:04
Előző cikkünkben feltettük a kérdést, vajon megérte-e kilőni Kadhafit, a volt líbiai diktárot. Ebben az írásban bemutatjuk az ország megosztottságának okait.
Categories: Afrika

Press release - European platform to tackle undeclared work

European Parliament (News) - Tue, 02/02/2016 - 12:55
Plenary sessions : Parliament endorsed draft EU legislation establishing a “European platform” to enhance cooperation in combatting undeclared work in a vote on Tuesday. The platform would enhance cooperation among EU member states' labour ministries, trade unions and employers' associations about how best to tackle a problem that is damaging the EU economy and distorting the labour market. The undeclared economy accounts for 18% of EU GDP.

Source : © European Union, 2016 - EP
Categories: European Union

Press release - European platform to tackle undeclared work

European Parliament - Tue, 02/02/2016 - 12:55
Plenary sessions : Parliament endorsed draft EU legislation establishing a “European platform” to enhance cooperation in combatting undeclared work in a vote on Tuesday. The platform would enhance cooperation among EU member states' labour ministries, trade unions and employers' associations about how best to tackle a problem that is damaging the EU economy and distorting the labour market. The undeclared economy accounts for 18% of EU GDP.

Source : © European Union, 2016 - EP
Categories: European Union

Article - Corporate taxation: Commission to discuss its plans for fairer taxes with MEPs

European Parliament - Tue, 02/02/2016 - 12:47
Plenary sessions : Corporate tax avoidance costs EU countries €50-70 billion in lost revenue a year, according to the European Commission. On 2 February it discussed with MEPs how it plans to make corporate taxation fairer and more efficient. The Lux Leaks scandal showed that EU countries sometimes court multinationals with advantageous tax schemes. Parliament has set up two special committees to investigate and called on the Commission to introduce legislation to restrain these practices.

Source : © European Union, 2016 - EP
Categories: European Union

Il y a vingt ans, Jacques Chirac interrompait définitivement les essais nucléaires

Défense ouverte (Blog de Jean Guisnel) - Tue, 02/02/2016 - 12:20
La France a pratiqué des essais nucléaires durant 36 ans. Le 29 janvier 1996, Jacques Chirac y mettait un terme. Retour sur une décision historique.
Categories: Défense

Reden allein bringt Syrien nicht weiter.

SWP - Tue, 02/02/2016 - 12:05
Die Passivität des Westens lässt Syrien explodieren.
