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Diaszpórában élő magyar fiatalok látogatnak Magyarországra

Hí (Szlovákia/Felvidék) - Sat, 14/01/2017 - 09:35
BUDAPEST. Százhúsz diaszpórában és szórványban élő magyar fiatalt lát vendégül a Rákóczi Szövetség Magyarországon január 14. és 28. között.

29 millions d'euros aux Nantais et aux Cherbourgois pour 29 remorqueurs-pousseurs

Lignes de défense - Sat, 14/01/2017 - 09:28

Selon l'avis d'attribution du 13 janvier (lire ici), le marché pour le "développement et la fourniture de remorqueurs-pousseurs polyvalents pour les bâtiments de surface et les sous-marins de la Marine nationale et réalisation de prestations associées" a bien été attribué la société Merré (groupe BMA) de Nort sur Erdre et à son cotraitant, les CMN cherbourgeois.

La valeur totale finale du marché est de 29 256 501 euros. Hors TVA.

Selon l'appel d'offres du 17 décembre 2015, le marché consistait dans le "développement et à la fourniture de remorqueurs-pousseurs neufs, destinés à la marine nationale": "Ces remorqueurs-pousseurs auront une capacité de 10 tonnes de bollard pull, une longueur inférieure à 12 mètres et un faible tirant d'eau. Ils seront polyvalents et pourront être mis en oeuvre à la fois pour les bâtiments de surface et les sous-marins de la marine nationale."

Le marché a été officiellement notifié le 30 décembre aux chantiers lauréats avec une première commande ferme de sept premiers remorqueurs-pousseurs. Trois tranches conditionnelles suivront de 7 à 8 remorqueurs-pousseurs chacune.

Categories: Défense

Az USA nem kapott meghívást a szíriai béketárgyalásokra

Hídfő.ru / Biztonságpolitika - Sat, 14/01/2017 - 09:23

Mark Toner, az amerikai külügyminisztérium szóvivője kijelentette, hogy az Egyesült Államok nem kapott meghívást a Kazahsztánban kezdődő béketárgyalásokra, melyen a szíriai belföldi csoportok nemzetközi segítséggel kötnek megállapodást.

Tovább olvasom

Categories: Biztonságpolitika

Emmanuel Macron se voit en "rempart" contre le Front national

Le Point / France - Sat, 14/01/2017 - 09:22
Le candidat à la présidentielle était en visite dans l'ancien bassin minier du Pas-de-Calais. Il a qualifié le FN de "parti qui porte la haine".
Categories: France

Primaire de la gauche : les sept nains orphelins

Le Point / France - Sat, 14/01/2017 - 09:12
En acceptant le principe de la primaire puis en renonçant à briguer un second mandat, François Hollande a semé une immense pagaille dans son camp.
Categories: France

U.S. House votes to begin repealing Obamacare

News.Az - Sat, 14/01/2017 - 09:08
U.S. House Republicans on Friday won passage of a measure starting the process of dismantling Obamacare, despite concerns about not having a ready replacement and the potential financial cost of repealing Democratic President Barack Obama's landmark health insurance law.
Categories: Russia & CIS

Législatives : investitures en suspens pour Guaino et Gorges

Le Point / France - Sat, 14/01/2017 - 09:02
Ils cherchent tous deux des signatures pour se présenter à l'élection présidentielle. Les Républicains ont donc suspendu l'investiture des deux députés.
Categories: France

Sudan's PCP decides to join post-dialogue government

Sudan Tribune - Sat, 14/01/2017 - 09:00

January 13, 2017 (KHARTOUM) - Sudan's opposition Popular Congress Party (PCP) of the late Islamic leader Hassan al-Turabi on Friday has decided to join the upcoming government of national concord led by the National Congress Party (NCP).

Ibrahim Al-Sanosi

Since January 2014, Sudan's President Omer al-Bashir has been leading a national dialogue process whose stated aims are to resolve the armed conflicts, achieve political freedoms, alleviate poverty and the economic crisis, and address the national identity crisis.

The opposition groups boycotted the process because the government didn't agree on humanitarian truce with the armed groups and due to its refusal to implement a number of confidence building measures.

Last October, the political forces participating at the national dialogue concluded the process by signing the National Document which includes the general features of a future constitution to be finalized by transitional institutions.

On October 25th, Sudanese presidency deposited new amendments to the 2005 transitional constitution with the parliament, which allow introducing a Prime Minister post, increasing the number of national MPs and adopting the name of the Government of National Concord.

In a meeting that lasted until the early morning hours of Friday, PCP's Leadership Commission decided to join the government of national concord which is expected to be formed next month.

In a press release extended to Sudan Tribune on Friday, PCP Secretary General Ibrahim al-Sanosi said the Leadership Commission issued a decision to “participate in the government of national concord at all levels following the approval of the constitutional amendments agreed upon and especially these pertaining to freedoms”.

On Wednesday the PCP disclosed it has agreed with the ruling NCP to deposit the constitutional amendments pertaining to public freedoms to the parliament for approval soon.

PCP's decision to join the government of national concord has stirred controversy within the party ranks with some groups, particularly the youths, rejecting the idea categorically and others who say participation in the government is contingent upon approval of the freedoms bills.

The Islamist Popular Congress Party splinted from the NCP since 1999, and joined the opposition ranks since that time but it supported the dialogue process and participated in all its forums.


Categories: Africa

Two Turkish soldiers killed in anti-PKK operation

News.Az - Sat, 14/01/2017 - 08:51
Two Turkish soldiers were killed and two others were wounded in an operation conducted against outlawed Kurdistan Worker's Party (PKK)
Categories: Russia & CIS

EN DIRECT - Le fil politique du week-end

Le Figaro / Politique - Sat, 14/01/2017 - 08:51
Pour suivre et ne rien rater de ce qui se dit ou s'écrit à une semaine du premier tour de la primaire de la gauche, nous vous proposons ce fil politique du week-end dans lequel vous retrouverez les articles du Figaro mais aussi notre veille, les petites phrases et les dernières informations.
Categories: France

Wau State hits by fuel shortage

Sudan Tribune - Sat, 14/01/2017 - 08:46

January 13, 2017 (WAU) – A severe fuel crisis has hit Wau State in Western Bahr el Ghazal province since the beginning of the New Year 2017 as many fuel stations have been forced to close down.

Local residents wait in line to pay for fuel at Runway petrol station in Western Bahr el Ghazal capital Wau on 12 September 2014 (ST)

On Thursday morning, Petro city station in Wau town was the only remaining station with last than 200,000 litters of fuel. Following its closure on Friday, Boda Boda raiders and transport companies increased their charges.

Also, the fuel shortage has forced hotels to reduce their operation power supply from 24 hours to less than eight hours per day.

The litter of petrol which was at 70 SSP has increased to 200 SSP in the black market. A bottle of 1.5 litter amounted to 300 SSP, while last December you had only to pay 100 SSP in the parallel market.

Many people in Wau accuse fuel dealers of creating an artificial fuel scarcity in order to increase the prices.

Martin Khamis who is a black-market trader in Wau town since 2005 says the petrol is sold to some traders who store it instead of delivering it to fuel stations.

“We are getting this fuel we are selling now through difficulties. We are getting it from some traders who do buy it from exporters in barrels before to sell it to us,” said Khamis.

To explain the situation, another Somali trader ,Mohamed al-Sadiq, spoke about highway robbery by armed gangs when they bring petrol from Juba to Wau.
“We are experiencing a lots of insecurity along the way from Juba to Wau particularly between Yirol to Rumbek where there are a lot of robbers who attack trucks along the road," he said.

"This is why when we manage to reach Wau, we make the price of fuel a bit high to recover our loses during the risky travel road,” al-Sadiq, added as he was speaking to Sudan Tribune upon his arrival from Rumbek on Friday.

This is not the first time that Wau experiences such fuel shortage, last year in 2016, similar scarcity hit all the Bahr el-Ghazal region.

People generally blame the government for this chronic fuel shortage, pointing to Juba failure to build oil refineries to cover local needs from the oil produced in Unity and Upper Nile regions, since the secession from Sudan in July 2011.

The import of fuel from Kenya and Uganda increases the prices of basic commodities and leads to a rise in the inflation and deterioration of the whole national economy, analysts say.


Categories: Africa

Sudan's SPLM-N delegation meets mayor of Oslo

Sudan Tribune - Sat, 14/01/2017 - 08:45

January 13, 2017 (KHARTOUM) - A senior delegation from the rebel Sudan People's Liberation Movement/North (SPLM-N) on Friday has concluded a three-day visit to Norway.

On the last day of the visit, SPLM-N delegation led by the Secretary General Yasser Arman held a meeting with the Governing Mayor of Oslo, Raymond Johansen.

In a press release extended to Sudan Tribune Friday, SPLM-N pointed to the importance of the meeting, saying the Mayor of Oslo is an influential figure in Norway's politics.

According to the press release, the two sides discussed the current political situation in Sudan and the need for the international community to respond to the legitimate desire of the Sudanese to achieve new transitional arrangements to end the war and the one-party regime.

It is noteworthy that Norway is a member of the Troika countries (together with the UK and the U.S.) that support the African Union efforts to achieve peace in Sudan.

Following the meeting, the SPLM-N delegation discussed with the Sudanese activists in Oslo issues of unifying the opposition and Sudanese abroad to overthrow the regime.

The SPLM-N, which demands to establish a secular state with a system of government conferring a large autonomy to the regions, is negotiating with the government President Omer al-Bashir since June 2011 weeks after the eruption of war in South Kordofan.

Last March, the African Union mediators proposed the Roadmap Agreement which aims to create a conducive environment to stop war and to hold an inclusive process over the future constitution in Sudan.

However, the parties failed to reach a truce to allow aid workers to reach the needy civilians in the war affected areas. The SPLM-N said the humanitarian file should top the agenda of any initiative to end the conflict and blamed the government for refusing to make any concession, pointing they did a lot to reach an agreement.


Categories: Africa

Marad a kanyaróveszély

Kolozsvári Rádió (Románia/Erdély) - Sat, 14/01/2017 - 08:26
Országszerte egyre több a kanyarós megbetegedés. Az elmúlt évben összesen 2165 esetet jeleztek, 13-án belehaltak a betegségbe. A kanyaró legsúlyosabb szövődményei az agyvelőgyulladás illetve a tüdőgyulladás, de a betegség kedvez a bakteriális fertőzéseknek meg a fülgyulladásoknak is – figyelmeztetne...

Támad az influenza

Kolozsvári Rádió (Románia/Erdély) - Sat, 14/01/2017 - 08:13
Szaporodnak az influenzás megbetegedések. Csupán a fővárosban több, mint száz esetet diagnosztizáltak ezen a héten. Országszerte csaknem 88.000 személy esett ágynak különböző légúti megbetegedésekkel. Ezek közül azonban mindössze 230-an influenzásak. Ez utóbbi megbetegedések zömét Bukarestből, valam...

Import gyógyszerek könnyebben

Kolozsvári Rádió (Románia/Erdély) - Sat, 14/01/2017 - 07:45
Kormányhatározattal törölték el 106 importból származó gyógyszer különleges jóváhagyási kötelezettségét. A bizonyos rákformákban, reumatikus, máj- és ritka betegségekben, meddőségben, diabéteszben vagy Parkinson-kórban szenvedő pácienseknek felírt gyógyszereket eddig az országos, illetve a megyei eg...

Turkmen petroleum products to be transported via Georgia

News.Az - Sat, 14/01/2017 - 07:45
After seven years of suspension Turkmenistan’s oil products are returning to Georgia’s transit corridor thanks to a new three-year deal signed between the two countries today.
Categories: Russia & CIS

Dernier sommet Afrique-France pour François Hollande : l'heure du bilan

France24 / Afrique - Sat, 14/01/2017 - 07:37
François Hollande participe ce week-end à Bamako au 27e sommet Afrique-France "pour le partenariat, la paix, et l'émergence", l'occasion d'un bilan de sa politique africaine dominée par l'intervention armée au Mali depuis janvier 2013.
Categories: Afrique

Bruxelles salue la levée de l’embargo américain sur le bœuf français

RFI (Europe) - Sat, 14/01/2017 - 07:31
La France et les Etats-Unis sont enfin parvenus à un accord pour rétablir la possibilité d'importer du bœuf français sur le sol américain, mettant ainsi fin à un embargo de près de vingt ans déclenché par la crise de la vache folle. L'encéphalopathie spongiforme bovine ou ESB n'est d’ailleurs pas la seule cause de son maintien, lié aussi au colibacille escherichia coli. Cet accord a été amplement salué par l'Union européenne.  
Categories: Union européenne

Police violence against peaceful protesters unpunished in Armenia

News.Az - Sat, 14/01/2017 - 07:20
Protesters often face long sentences, while violence against them goes unpunished.
Categories: Russia & CIS

Quand droite et gauche se réconcilient pour la primaire !

LeParisien / Politique - Sat, 14/01/2017 - 07:00
« Bon, c'est pas mal l'audience de ton débat, même s'il y a beaucoup plus de téléspectateurs quand le décor est bleu ! » Juste après la publication des chiffres d'audience du premier grand oral télévisé...
Categories: France
