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Saab se propose d’installer un « éco-système industriel » en Inde pour produire son avion Gripen E/F

Zone militaire - Sun, 12/02/2017 - 10:38

Le 3 janvier, le ministre indien de la Défense, Manohar Parrikar, a confirmé que New Delhi lancerait prochainement un appel d’offres visant à doter sa force aérienne de 200 à 250 exemplaires d’un avion de combat monomoteur qui serait produit sous licence en Inde dans le cadre de la politique gouvernementale « Make in India ». À […]

Cet article Saab se propose d’installer un « éco-système industriel » en Inde pour produire son avion Gripen E/F est apparu en premier sur Zone Militaire.

Categories: Défense

Puisé aux meilleurs sources

Le mamouth (Blog) - Sun, 12/02/2017 - 10:38
Thomas Hernault, un passionné d'histoire militaire de 23 ans a sorti son deuxième livre, intitulé "Les
Plus d'infos »
Categories: Défense

Magyar Innovációs Nagydíj

PAFI - Sun, 12/02/2017 - 10:35
A kiírók 25. alkalommal hirdeti meg a MAGYAR INNOVÁCIÓS NAGYDÍJ pályázatot.
Categories: Pályázatok

Non-profit Vezetői Akadémia 2017

PAFI - Sun, 12/02/2017 - 10:28
Az EQ-Skill Humán Tanácsadó és Vezetőfejlesztő Kft. arra törekszik, hogy vállalati alapértékeinek és küldetésének megfelelően olyan szervezeteknek is szakmai támogatást adhasson, melyek számára a készségfejlesztés és vezetőképzés (jellemzően anyagi okok miatt) nem volna elérhető. Kiemelt fontosságú szempontunk az is, hogy tanácsadói munkánkat olyan intézmények számára ajánlhassuk fel, melyek munkájukkal és működésükkel társadalmi célt szolgálnak, s maguk is arra hivatottak, hogy megoldást vagy támogatást nyújtsanak az arra rászorulóknak.
Categories: Pályázatok

Gábor Dénes középiskolai tanulmányi ösztöndíj

PAFI - Sun, 12/02/2017 - 10:19
A pályázat célja: A természettudományi ismeretek magas szintű elsajátításának ösztönzése a középiskolai oktatásban résztvevő tanulók körében.
Categories: Pályázatok

Valentin-napi tippek: Romantikus vacsora / Kaukázus - Sun, 12/02/2017 - 10:09

Meghitt környezetben töltene el egy estét párjával? Kipróbálna újdonságokat? Van megoldás!

Lepje meg párját egy vacsorával Budapest egyetlen azeri éttermében. Minden amit tudni kell a helyről, itt megtalálja, a Marquis de Salade közösségi oldalát pedig itt.


Categories: Oroszország és FÁK

Sudan's NCP accuses SPLM-N of killing S. Kordofan herders

Sudan Tribune - Sun, 12/02/2017 - 09:11

February 11, 2017 (KHARTOUM) - Sudan's ruling National Congress Party (NCP) has accused the SPLM-N rebels of killing of seven cattle herders in south Kordofan State and called on the African Union and the international community to investigate the incident.

Seven cattle herders from the Hawazma tribe have been killed and one injured on Friday morning near Al-Hujairat area, some 30 kilometres west of Kadugli, South Kordofan capital.

Before the official reaction of the NCP, several officials from the ruling party accused SPLM-N elements saying they were behind the assault.

The SPLM-N on Friday issued a statement denying any involvement in the attack, pointing its army has no presence in the Al-Hujairat area.

Nonetheless, the NCP accused on Saturday the rebel group saying it takes advantage of the unilateral cessation of hostilities to target civilians and steal their cattle.

"We call on all parties keen to stop the war and achieve peace in the Sudan and in particular the African Union, international and regional organizations and the international community to the strongly condemn the ongoing crimes, which have been committed by the SPLM-N," said the statement of the ruling party.

It further called to designate the SPLM-N as a terrorist group saying the rebel group "has been committing acts of murder and triggering the displacement of civilians".

The ruling party recently said frustrated by the SPLM-N refusal to accept an American proposal to break the deadlock over a humanitarian cessation of hostilities agreement between the two parties in the Two Areas.

The SPLM-N said they were attached to their demand to open a safe humanitarian corridor to the rebel controlled areas through the Ethiopian border town of Asosa, to transport 20% of humanitarian relief.

They said this safe corridor can also serve to transport the sick and wounded fighters abroad for treatment and the movement of its negotiators between their territory and the venue of the peace talks in Addis Ababa.


Categories: Africa

Zimbabwe’s High Court Frees Activist Pastor

HRW / Africa - Sun, 12/02/2017 - 08:21

Yesterday, Zimbabwe’s High Court freed prominent activist and pastor Evan Mawarire on US$300 bail after a week in prison. Mawarire’s arrest on February 1 at Harare International Airport after he returned from six months in the United States caused an outcry from local and international rights groups. However, the sham charges against him – subverting a constitutional government, which carries a 20-year prison sentence, inciting public violence, and insulting the national flag – remain, and are reportedly being investigated.


Zimbabwean pastor Evan Mawarire speaks on the mobile phone upon his release from Chikurubi Maximum Prison in Harare, Zimbabwe, February 9,2017.

© 2017 Reuters

It’s clear that the authorities are abusing the law to persecute Mawarire for his role as leader of the #ThisFlag campaign, which led protests against President Robert Mugabe’s government and called on authorities to address rights problems and a failing economy.

Zimbabwe’s authorities should stop their judicial harassment of Mawarire and drop the sham charges. Like all citizens, he should be free to speak out against injustice and corruption without fear of reprisals.

Categories: Africa

Ray of Light for Dadaab’s Residents

HRW / Africa - Sun, 12/02/2017 - 08:21

Early this morning, Somali friends in Dadaab, the world’s largest refugee camp that’s home to more than 300,000 people, were celebrating the selection of Mohamed Abdullahi “Farmajo” as the new president of Somalia. Residents in Dadaab have been waiting years, and in some cases decades, for Somalia to be safe enough for them to return home, and many appear to see Farmajo’s election as an encouraging sign.


An aerial view shows makeshift shelters at the Dagahaley camp in Dadaab, near the Kenya-Somalia border in Garissa County, Kenya. Photo taken April 2011. 

© 2011 Reuters

With the election victory still fresh on people’s minds, news came that Kenya’s High Court had passed an important ruling, which will help protect the rights of Somali refugees in Kenya. It ruled that recent attempts by the Kenyan government to repatriate Somali refugees back home, close Dadaab camp, and disband its Department of Refugee Affairs, are unconstitutional.

The case was brought in 2016 by two Kenyan rights organizations, Kenya National Commission on Human Rights and Kituo Cha Sheria, and supported by Amnesty International. Today, Judge Mativo ruled that plans to close Dadaab and send residents home are illegal because they discriminate against Somali refugees and violate the principle of nonrefoulement, which forbids the forced returns of refugees.

Dadaab residents have already been through months of anxiety. They’ve had the possible camp closure hanging over their heads, and increasingly restricted asylum options – in no way helped by the recent suspension of refugee resettlement by the United States. So the court’s decision may offer them a moment of respite, and the sense that they may still have a choice other than being sent back to a country which remains insecure and drought-ridden.

The Kenyan government has already said that it plans to appeal the decision. It might also just ignore the ruling – and not for the first time. In July 2013, the High Court ruled unconstitutional a government directive ordering all refugees in Nairobi and other Kenyan cities to move into the Dadaab and Kakuma camps. But one year later, the government basically re-issued the same directive.

For Dadaab refugees’ flicker of hope to become a reality, the Kenyan government should not appeal the decision, but rather move quickly to implement it. It should ensure that Somalis throughout Kenya have access to fair, transparent, and effective asylum procedures. And it should publicly tell the many Somalis in Kenya who still fear persecution, violence, or hunger back home that they are welcome to stay in Dadaab.

Categories: Africa

Lőbajnokság Koszovóban

Honvé / Balkán - Sun, 12/02/2017 - 08:21
A KFOR Harcászati Tartalék Zászlóalj (KTM) magyar századának szervezésében rendeztek lőbajnokságot a Pristinától északra fekvő Kicic-helységben lévő KFOR lőtéren, a napokban. A versenyen a magyarok mellett a portugál század katonái is részt vettek.
Categories: Nyugat-Balkán

Önkéntes véradás Koszovóban

Honvé / Balkán - Sun, 12/02/2017 - 08:21
A pristinai Slim Lines táborban várta véradásra az önkénteseket a Koszovói Nemzeti Vérellátó Központ, a KFOR JMED, valamint a KFOR Harcászati Tartalék Zászlóalj Egészségügyi Központja. Összesen 80 katona - köztük 29 magyar - adott vért.
Categories: Nyugat-Balkán

A tárkony termesztése

Kárpá (Ukrajna/Kárpátalja) - Sun, 12/02/2017 - 08:00

A tárkony Ázsia pusztáin honos, valószínű, hogy a népvándorlás során még őseink hozták be a Kárpát-medencébe és terjesztették el. Erdélyben az egyik legismertebb és legkedveltebb fűszernövény.
Két fő változata terjedt el: a francia tárkony (Artemisia dracunculus) és az orosz tárkony (Artemisia dracunculus redowsky). Az orosz változat jóval igénytelenebb, de lényegesen kevesebb illóolajat tartalmaz a franciával szemben, így mára már szinte csak a francia tárkonyt találjuk az ültetvényekben.

A növény jellemzői
A növény lágy szárú, évelő, rövid gyökértörzséből igen dús gyökérzet ered. A gyökértörzs évente fokozatosan vastagodik, ez a fő terjedési módja. Ebből ered a 10-20 barnásfehér, 10-15 cm hosszú tarack, amelyet gyakran a sok járulékos gyökér annyira befed, hogy maga alig látható. A hajtások zöldek, a tövükön barnásvörösek, alulról felfelé a vegetáció előrehaladtával fokozatosan fásodók. Az ép szélű szálas-lándzsás levelek a száron szórtan helyezkednek el. Kopaszok, mindkét oldalukon fénylő zöldek.
Termése bóbita nélküli kaszat. Sokszor nem hoz magot, így a fő szaporítási módja a tőosztás.
A föld feletti részekben fűszeres, csípős ízű illóolaj halmozódik fel. Az aromaanyagok virágzáskor fordulnak elő a legnagyobb mennyiségben a növényben.

Környezeti igénye
Közepes hőigényű növény. A magok 4-5°C-on már csírázásnak indulnak. Későbbi fejlődéséhez elegendő 15-20°C is, de a nagy melegtől sem károsodik. Fagytűrő képessége kiváló. Hótakaró nélkül is elvisel a mínusz 15-20°C-os fagyokat, ezért régiónkban ritkán fagy ki. Zöld hajtásai néhány fokos késő tavaszi vagy kora őszi fagyot károsodás nélkül elviselnek.
Fényigénye is közepes. Gyengébb fényben, félárnyékban is termeszthető.
Erőteljes növekedéséhez és nagy lombfelület kialakításához sok vízre van szüksége. Vízigénye a legnagyobb értéket a július közepi virágzás előtt éri el. Vízszükséglete ellenére nyirkosabb fekvésű területeken öntözés nélkül is termeszthető. Száraz vidékeken, különösen laza, homokos talajon, évente többször is pótolni kell a hiányzó csapadékot. Termőterületének kiválasztásánál a nagy vízigényének kielégítését tartsuk szem előtt. Jó vízgazdálkodású, nyirkos talajok a legmegfelelőbbek számára.
Tetemes vízigényéhez nagy tápanyagigény is párosul, ez utóbbit különösen telepítés előtt vegyük figyelembe, mert több évig marad egy helyen. A talajt szerves és műtrágyával együttesen töltsük fel. Ősszel 10 m²-enként 35-45 kg érett istállótrágyát adjunk 40-50 dkg szuperfoszfáttal és 300 dkg kálisóval kiegészítve.
A talajból kivont tápanyagot a következő években a sorközökbe pótoljuk. Az őszi talajmunkák előtt szórjunk ki 30-40 dkg szuperfoszfátot és 20-30 dkg kálisót, majd a sorközök felásásával forgassuk alá. Nitrogént a vegetáció idején 2-3 részletben, fejtrágyaként adjunk, erre elegendő egy-egy alkalommal 20-25 dkg pétisó 10 m2-es területre.

Magról nehéz szaporítani, mert a legelterjedtebb francia tárkony nem, vagy ritkán hoz magot. Ilyen esetben márciusi vetéssel mindenképpen neveljünk palántát, majd május körül a legalább 15-20 cm hosszú palántákat ültessük ki szabad földbe.
Legelterjedtebb szaporítási formája a tőosztás. A többéves töveket késő ősszel vagy kora tavasszal, még mielőtt a sarjadás megindul, ásóval emeljük ki és daraboljuk fel. Egy-egy tövet fejlettségétől függően 4–8 vagy akár 12 részre vághatunk szét. Mindegyik darabon legyen gyökér és néhány rügy, ezeket 50X50 cm-es sor- és tőtávolságra ültessük el.
Tősarjakkal is szaporítják a 2-3 éves tárkonytöveket. Tősarjas szaporításnál serkenthetjük a gyökérképződést az anyatövek 5–10 cm-es felkupacolásával, földes takarásával. A sarjak szedését május közepétől kezdjük meg. Kissé bontsuk ki a töveket, hogy pontosabban tudjuk leválasztani a szaporító hajtást a hozzá tartozó gyökérrel együtt. Egy-egy tőről húsznál több sarjat ne törjünk le, mert erősen legyengítjük. A leszedett tősarjakat azonnal, vagy 1-2 napon belül feltétlen ültessük el, mert a gyökerek gyorsan kiszáradnak, és utána már nem erednek meg. Ültetés után alaposan öntözzük meg a növényeket, és a vízutánpótlást eredésig többször ismételjük meg.
Év közben a területet tartsuk gyommentesen. A futó gyomnövények, pl. a szulákfélék okozhatnak gondot. A telepítés évében érdemes néhányszor megöntözni növényállományunkat, később csak hosszan tartó szárazság esetén pótoljuk a csapadékot, hogy ne csökkenjen a hozam. Öntözés nélkül is termeszthető a tárkony. Évente legalább 2-3-szor nitrogéntartalmú műtrágyával fejtrágyázzunk. Jó hatású a levéltrágyázás, erre alkalmasak a Wuxal, Peretrix, Mikramid, Tomasol stb. permettrágyák, önmagukban vagy kombinációkban.
Szedésre legalkalmasabb a virágzás ideje, azaz július eleje. A hajtásokat legalább 8-10 cm-es csonk visszahagyásával vágjuk le, majd száraz, szellős helyen szárítsuk meg. Az újra serkenő hajtások a fagyok előtt még egyszer betakaríthatók. A második szedés illóolaj-tartalma már némileg elmarad a nyárihoz képest.
A tövek 10-12 évig elélhetnek, de hajtásképző tevékenységük 5-6 év múlva fokozatosan csökken, ilyenkor ajánlatos megújítani az ültetvényt.
A kórokozók közül a lisztharmat és a rozsdagomba fertőzésére a tövek korának előrehaladtával fokozottabban kell számítani. Állati kártevője nem ismeretes.

Kellemes fűszeres illatáért és zamatáért közkedvelt fűszernövény. Virágzáskor gyűjtött föld feletti részeit megszárítva porrá őrlik és levesek, mártások, saláták ízesítésére használják. A sült húsok fűszerezéséből szinte nem is hiányozhat. Nagyon jól kiemeli a marhasült ízét.
Fűszeres íze a gyomor­nedv elválasztását fokozza, így étvágyjavító hatású. A népi gyó­­gyá­szatban gyo­mor­meg­be­te­ge­dé­sek kezelésén túl magas vér­nyomás esetén is használták, bár ezen a területen már csökkent a szerepe.

Balog Nóra, a „Pro agricultura Carpathica”
Kárpátaljai Megyei Jótékonysági Alapítvány munkatársa

Security Council warns of renewed calls for sanctions on war-torn S. Sudan

Sudan Tribune - Sun, 12/02/2017 - 07:58

February 11, 2017 (JUBA) - The United Nations Security Council has again condemned in the “ strongest terms” the continued fighting in the Equatoria and Upper Nile regions of the South Sudan and warned that attacks on civilians could renew calls for sanctions.

The UN Security Council votes unanimously to impose sanctions on those blocking peace in South Sudan (Photo: UN/Devra Berkowitz)

Members of the 15-member Council, in a statement, called on all parties involved in the conflict to cease hostilities immediately.

According to the Council, there are reports of killing of civilians, sexual and gender-based violence, destruction of homes, ethnic violence, and looting of livestock and property during the fighting.

The members of the Security Council reiterated that targeting civilians may constitute war crimes and those involved could be subject to sanctions as authorized under resolution 2206 (2015) for actions that threaten the peace, security or stability of South Sudan.

“The members of the Security Council urged the Transitional Government of National Unity to take measures to ensure that those responsible for the attacks are held accountable,” the statement noted.

More than 84,000, according to the U.N have fled South Sudan since beginning of January and many continue to be displaced internally.

In its statement, members of the Security Council stressed the primacy of the political process and that there is no military solution to the conflict and reminded all parties in South Sudan that implementation of the ceasefire is critical for the success of any genuine, inclusive political process, including national dialogue, and that such a process should be based on the framework provided by the Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in the Republic of South Sudan (the Agreement) and aimed at achieving national reconciliation and enhancing trust among parties in South Sudan.

They reiterated their call on all stakeholders to commit to full implementation of the accord on resolution of the South Sudan crisis.

However, while the Security Council expressed appreciation for its South Sudan mission's (UNMISS) tenacity in its efforts to carry out its protection of civilians mandate, it also expressed deep concern that UNMISS continues to face obstacles from the Transitional Government of National Unity hindering the ability of UNMISS to carry out its mandate to protect civilians and create conditions conducive to delivery of humanitarian assistance.


Meanwhile, South Sudanese army (SPLA) dismissed accusations that it denied UNMISS patrol team access to civilians displaced in the various parts of the country.

“No mere notification or request was submitted to SPLA GHQs. SPLA challenges UNMISS to produce evidence indicating it was denied access for us to take responsibility and administrative measures against those involved in alleged blockade,” said SPLA spokesperson, Lul Ruai Koang.

The official also dismissed accusations of rapes, looting of livestock and destruction of property, and challenged UNMISS to produce concrete evidence so that the army leadership can take punitive measures on the culprits.

He reiterated the army's commitment to fight impunity, willingness and readiness to keep working and cooperating with all U.N bodies and other monitoring mechanisms.


Categories: Africa

Kuwait's senior military official visits Sudan

Sudan Tribune - Sun, 12/02/2017 - 07:48

February 11, 2017 (KHARTOUM) — Kuwait's Army Chief of Staff Lt Gen. Mohammad Khaled Al-Khodher Saturday has started a three-day visit to Sudan for talks on military cooperation.

According to the official SUNA, the Kuwaiti senior military official and his accompanying delegation, aims to strengthen military cooperation in the areas of training and exchange of experiences between the Sudanese Kuwaiti armed forces.

Al-Khodher was received on Sayruday evening by his Sudanese counterpart, Lt Gen. Emad Al-Din Mustafa Adawi at Khartoum airport and will meet the Sudanese Defence Minister Awad Ibn Ouf.

Also, he will attend the graduation ceremony for the Kuwaiti officers from the Sudanese Military Academy and visit a number of military academic and training institutions.

The visit of the Kuwait military official comes four days after a similar visit to Khartoum by the United Arab Emirates Armed Forces Chief of Staff, Lt Gen. Hamad Mohammed Thani Al Rumaithi.

It confirms the improvement of Sudan's relations with the Gulf countries which have increased its political and economic support to Khartoum since its participation in the Saudi-led regional coalition against the Shiite Houthi militants in Yemen.

Also Khartoum broke off diplomatic relations with Tehran and expelled Iranian diplomats after an attack on Saudi embassy in January 2016.


Categories: Africa

South Sudan largest refugee crisis in Africa: UNHCR

Sudan Tribune - Sun, 12/02/2017 - 07:01

February 11, 2017 (JUBA) - More than three years of civil war in South Sudan has forced 1.5 million people to flee into neighboring countries, creating Africa's largest refugee crisis and the third largest in the world, the United Nations refugee agency (UNHCR) said.

South Sudanese refugee Nyarout Chuol with her children at a UNHCR-run refugee camp in Gambella, Ethiopia (Photo: William Davison)

Over 3.5 million people, it says, have been displaced since fighting erupted between the government of President Salva Kiir and rebel forces led by the country's former First Vice-President Riek Machar in mid-December 2013.

More than 2 million people have been displaced within the country, while more than 1.5 million have reportedly taken refuge in Uganda, Ethiopia, Sudan, Kenya, Congo, and Central African Republic.

A spokesperson for the agency, William Spindler, said more than 760,000 people fled across borders after the collapse of a peace deal between the government and the armed opposition forces.

"More than 60 percent of the refugees are children, many arriving with alarming levels of malnutrition — enduring devastating impact of the brutalities of the ongoing conflict," he said in statement.

Some half-a-million had to flee the young nation in the last four months since September 2016, according to the U.N refugee body.

The South Sudan crisis, Spindler said, adds to the numerous humanitarian challenges the agency is grappling with, yet the refugee body lacks enough funds to tackle all these world problems.

He expressed concern about the South Sudan situation, citing the large size of its refugee crisis, which has also spread to its neighbours.

Last year's appeal for $649 million, said Spindler, was funded to only 33 percent, making it extremely difficult to provide critical services, such as clean drinking water, food, health and sanitation facilities.

He, however, said that UNHCR was currently working with authorities in the host countries to provide life-saving support and basic needs for the many South Sudanese arriving in desperate condition.

Uganda is reportedly hosting nearly 700,000 South Sudanese refugees and its authorities have been commended for helping them.

Meanwhile UNHCR has appealed to the international community responded to the refugee agency's appeal for $782 million to enable it could carry out its regional humanitarian operations.


Categories: Africa

Deux ans après les accords de Minsk, la tension persiste dans l'est de l'Ukraine

RFI (Europe) - Sun, 12/02/2017 - 06:50
Sur les onze premiers jours de février, neuf civils ont été tués dans des affrontements dans l’est de l’Ukraine et au moins 41 ont été blessés. Ces chiffres ne prennent pas en compte les pertes militaires, provoquées par une forte explosion de violences dans la région. Et pourtant, il y a deux ans exactement, les accords de paix de Minsk avaient été signés. Ils devaient mettre fin au conflit.
Categories: Union européenne

Sudan, Zambia sign framework cooperation agreement

Sudan Tribune - Sun, 12/02/2017 - 06:23

February 11, 2017 (KHARTOUM) - Sudan and Zambia on Saturday have signed a framework cooperation agreement besides a number of Memorandum of Understandings (MoU).

On Friday, Zambia's foreign minister Harry Kalaba arrived in Khartoum in an official two-day visit to hold bilateral talks. His visit is considered the first of its kind by a senior Zambian official to Sudan during the last thirty years.

The visiting Zambian top diplomat and his accompanying delegation on Saturday met with the Sudanese President Omer al-Bashir at the guest house in Khartoum.

Following the meeting, Kalaba told reporters that al-Bashir asked him to convey several messages to the Zambian President Edgar Lungu, adding his visit to Khartoum aims to develop bilateral relations in the various fields.

It is noteworthy that the official joint session was held on Saturday at the foreign ministry premises where the two sides discussed ways to enhance economic, trade and cultural cooperation besides political coordination on regional and international issues.

Sudan's foreign minister Ibrahim Ghandour told reporters following the meeting that “the two sides signed a framework agreement that would open the door to sign a number of agreements during the visit of the Zambian President to the country”.

However, he didn't elaborate on the exact date of the upcoming visit of the Zambian President Edgar Lungu to Khartoum.

He added that Kalaba's visit was closely coordinated between the two ministries on the sidelines of the Executive Council of the African Union in Addis Ababa.

“The two nations have enjoyed old economic relations and they agreed to proceed on to establish a joint ministerial committee,” he said.

Ghandour pointed that the two countries seek to strengthen African relations, saying the meeting “discussed all peace issues in the region”.

He stressed that the two sides share identical views on the various issues, pointing they work together to achieve peace and security in Africa.

The Sudanese foreign minister further said the meeting underscored the need to strengthen political, security, social and economic relations between the two countries.


Categories: Africa

Wife of Sudanese rights defender warns against his deteriorating health situation

Sudan Tribune - Sun, 12/02/2017 - 06:23

February 11, 2017 (KHARTOUM) - Family of the detained activist Mudawi Ibrahim Adam on Saturday said he still continues with his hunger strike pointing that his health situation has deteriorated significantly.

Mudawi Ibrahim

Adam was arrested on Wednesday 7 December at the Khartoum University, where he works as an engineering professor.

It is noteworthy that the family of the human rights defender had previously disclosed he was exposed to severe physical torture and expressed deep concern about his health condition.

They pointed that Adam had underwent esophagus surgery, saying he also suffers from a heart problem.

Also, Adam's family earlier said it has submitted two memos to the NISS and the Justice Ministry asking to be allowed to visit him and demanding authorities to bring him before court.

In a press conference on Saturday, Adam's wife, Sabah Mohamed said her husband “spent 62 days in prison amid very complex health conditions and hunger strike”.

She pointed that the information office at the National Intelligence and Security Services (NISS) has contacted the family and allowed them to visit him in his detention facility.

“[We] found him in a bad health situation and he was debilitated and suffered from weakness and wasting,” she said.

Mohamed added that her husband looked exhausted due to hunger strike he entered from 22 to 29 January and the current one which is still ongoing, saying she tried to convince him to end the hunger strike to give a chance to efforts made by his brothers and friends to secure his release or bring him to a fair and public trial.

“All efforts [to release him] have failed which made him enter a second hunger strike from 2 February to present in protest against detaining him without interrogation except for two times since he was arrested,” she added.

Mohamed pointed that the office of the state security prosecution filed charges against her husband accusing him of attempted suicide, denying that they were being informed about the reasons behind her husband's arrest.

Amnesty International has earlier demanded the Sudanese authorities to “immediately and unconditionally” release Adam and “all other detainees who have been arrested arbitrarily”, and take measures to rein in the excessive powers of the NISS.

From December 2003 to January 2005, Mudawi had been arrested, during several months in connection with his work with the Sudan Social Development Organization (SUDO) in Darfur.

Categories: Africa

RDC : la MONUSCO condamne la violence persistante dans les provinces du Kasaï

Centre d'actualités de l'ONU | Afrique - Sun, 12/02/2017 - 06:00
La Mission des Nations Unies en République démocratique du Congo (MONUSCO) s'est déclarée samedi préoccupée par le conflit persistant dans les provinces du Kasaï, marqué par de violentes atrocités commises par les milices Kamwina Nsapu.
Categories: Afrique

UN chief Guterres engages in 'constructive' discussions on Yemen, Libya with Saudi Foreign Minister

UN News Centre - Sun, 12/02/2017 - 06:00
Visiting Saudi Arabia, United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres said today that he and the Arab country&#39s foreign minister had &#8220very important and very constructive discussions&#8221 on the possible future political solutions for Yemen and Libya.
