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OSCE Project Co-ordinator presents awareness-raising videos to boost cybercrime prevention efforts in Ukraine

Fri, 03/08/2019 - 12:06
413582 Andrii Dziubenko

Two videos designed by the OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Ukraine to support efforts by the Department of Cyberpolice, National Police of Ukraine in raising awareness of cybersecurity issues, were presented at a joint event in Kyiv on Wednesday, 6 March 2019. One video provides instructions on how to avoid fraud and phishing during shopping, the other prompts Ukrainians to abide by basic rules to protect personal and corporate data while they are online.   

“With these materials, we are distributing information that every Internet user should be aware of to avoid being a victim of cybercrime. We also call on citizens to file statements about committed online crimes, even if the damage caused is not significant,” said Head of Cybercrime Department Serhiy Demedyuk.

Both videos have the confirmed status of social advertising and can be used by TV channels for social media campaigns. The OSCE PCU also produced two sets of leaflets with the same messages and gave 1,000 copies of each set to the Department of Cyberpolice for distribution during awareness-raising meetings organized by the police, including in schools. 

“It is important that the authorities run such campaigns focusing on the prevention of crimes. It can diminish the workload for law enforcers investigating cyberfraud, and also help Ukrainians to keep financial and personal data protected,” said Liliia Grudko, Head of the OSCE Project Co-ordinators’ Human Security Programme.  

According to the cyberpolice, in 2018 Ukraine’s law enforcement bodies investigated more than 11,000 crimes committed with the use of ICT, almost third of them were related to payment systems, another third dealt with e-commerce, and over 2,600 were related to the hacking of data.  

Categories: Central Europe

Chief Monitor of OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine Apakan and Special Representative of OSCE Chairperson-in-Office Sajdik welcome recommitment to ceasefire in eastern Ukraine

Fri, 03/08/2019 - 10:58

KYIV, 8 March 2019 – Yesterday, the Trilateral Contact Group recommitted to the ceasefire in eastern Ukraine. Ertugrul Apakan, Chief Monitor of the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission, and Martin Sajdik, Special Representative of the OSCE Chairperson-in-Office in Ukraine and to the Trilateral Contact Group, welcomed the recommitment by issuing the following statement:

“We sincerely welcome the recommitment to the ceasefire made by the Trilateral Contact Group. The recommitment came into effect at 00:01 (Kyiv time) on 8 March 2019, coinciding with International Women’s Day. We encourage full adherence to the ceasefire as envisaged in the recommitment well beyond this holiday, and hope it benefits not only all women but the entire population of Ukraine.

We appreciate that the sides have once again recommitted to the Minsk agreements and urge them to take all the necessary measures to ensure that a sustainable and long-lasting ceasefire follows.”

Categories: Central Europe

Ertugrul Apakan: Meaningful Change for Progress - Statement by Chief Monitor of OSCE SMM on International Women’s Day

Fri, 03/08/2019 - 10:29
SDGs SDGs:  16 - Peace, justice and strong institutions

“Today, 8 March 2019, the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine (SMM) joins people around the world in celebrating International Women’s Day. We take this opportunity to honour the achievements of women and to highlight this year’s theme urging all of us to ‘think equal, build smart and innovate for change’.

As we celebrate International Women’s Day, we should reflect on how we can further create meaningful change, recognizing the crucial role women play in conflict prevention, conflict resolution and post-conflict reconstruction.  We should redouble our efforts to enhance the participation of women in peace and security initiatives.  

The SMM is monitoring and reporting on UN Security Council Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security, which recognizes the unique role women should and do play in conflict management, conflict resolution and sustainable peacebuilding.

On this International Women’s Day, I would like to honour the efforts of Ukrainian women, as well as to highlight that gender equality is a necessary precondition for building lasting peace and prosperity for all – women and men alike.  

The Mission in this regard welcomes the launch by the OSCE Secretariat of the Survey Report on the Safety and Well-being of Women which includes a particular focus on Ukraine. This research provides important data for informed decision-making and advocacy at different levels with the aim of reducing violence against women in Ukraine and across the region.

Well beyond International Women’s Day, the OSCE SMM will continue to invest in gender mainstreaming all its activities as well as in enhancing women’s participation in the Mission, making our contribution to peace and security better and more inclusive.”

Categories: Central Europe

Special Representative of OSCE Chairperson-in-Office Sajdik welcomes recommitment to ceasefire in eastern Ukraine in connection with 8 March

Fri, 03/08/2019 - 00:27

KYIV, 8 March 2018 – Yesterday, the Working Group on Security Issues reached a decision on the recommitment to the ceasefire, starting at 00:01 (Kiev time) on 8 March 2019. Welcoming this decision, the Special Representative of OSCE Chairperson-in-Office in Ukraine and in the Trilateral Contact Group Martin Sajdik informed the Trilateral Contact Group and issued the following statement in his personal capacity:

“I sincerely welcome the recommitment to the ceasefire in the east of Ukraine, agreed at today’s videoconference of the Working Group on Security under the leadership of the Chief Monitor of the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine, Ertuğrul Apakan.

The recommitment will come into effect at the beginning of the brightest and most beautiful spring holiday –International Women’s Day. This raises optimism and hope that it will be observed not only during this very day, but also during the days and weeks to come, for the benefit of the entire population of Ukraine.

I express my deep appreciation to the sides for having reached this decision and urge them to ensure all the necessary means for the observation of a reliable, sustainable and long-lasting ceasefire.”

Categories: Central Europe

“We need to continue working together. Now more than ever” – OSCE Chairperson Lajčák calls for stronger UN-OSCE co-operation at UN Security Council

Thu, 03/07/2019 - 19:14

NEW YORK, United States, 7 March 2019 – Briefing the United Nations Security Council on the priorities of the 2019 Slovak OSCE Chairmanship in New York today, OSCE Chairperson-in-Office Slovakia’s Minister for Foreign and European Affairs, Miroslav Lajčák reconfirmed the OSCE’s commitment to supporting the implementation of the UN global mandate at the regional level.

Reminding the members of the Security Council that the United Nations and the OSCE – as the world’s largest security organization under Chapter VIII of the UN Charter –  are based on the same vision of “systems of agreed rules, principles and norms”, “new forms of co-operation between decision makers - so that life can be better for people on the ground” and “dialogue in places where there has been none”, Minister Lajčák called for closer UN-OSCE co-operation on resolving today’s conflicts.

Making the case for closer co-operation, Lajčák stressed that “In working together, we have nothing to lose – and everything to gain.”

“The OSCE has a lot to gain from closer UN engagement, such as operational readiness, capacities and capabilities at various stages of the conflict cycle,” the Chairperson-in-Office said. “But the OSCE has a lot to give, too,” he continued, mentioning tailored regional knowledge, niche expertise and lessons learned from the ground, thanks to its field operations. 

“In addition, in this climate of eroding global arms control, the OSCE can be a platform for confidence building and increased transparency,” Lajčák added.

Looking at future challenges, the OSCE Chair pointed out that as the security landscape is changing, and unpredictability is rising, both organizations need to adapt by pooling their capacities in the areas of conflict prevention and resolution, sustainable development, institution building, rule of law and good governance, in line with the OSCE’s comprehensive approach to security.

Concluding his briefing, Lajčák stressed that “there is absolutely no alternative when it comes to the legitimacy the UN brings and the reach it allows,” and, similarly, “when it comes to the OSCE’s 57, there is absolutely no alternative to local know-how and field presence.”

While in New York, the OSCE Chairperson-in-Office also met with the President of the 73rd session of the UN General Assembly, María Fernanda Espinosa; Deputy-Secretary-General Amina J. Mohammed; UN Under-Secretary-General for Political and Peacebuilding Affairs Rosemary A. DiCarlo; UN Under-Secretary-General for Peace Operations Jean-Pierre Lacroix; UNICEF’s Executive Director, Henrietta H. Fore; and Under-Secretary-General of the UN Counter-Terrorism Office Vladimir Voronkov.

Categories: Central Europe

Latest from the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine (SMM), based on information received as of 19:30, 6 March 2019

Thu, 03/07/2019 - 17:49
SDGs SDGs:  16 - Peace, justice and strong institutions

This report is for the media and the general public.


  • Compared with the previous reporting period, the SMM recorded more ceasefire violations in Donetsk region and fewer in Luhansk region.
  • A car with armed men inside blocked the SMM’s passage near Sakhanka.
  • An SMM mid-range unmanned aerial vehicle spotted anti-tank mines on the northern edge of Marinka.
  • The Mission monitored adherence to the ceasefire to enable repairs to essential civilian infrastructure in Donetsk and Luhansk regions.
  • Restrictions of the Mission’s access continued in all three disengagement area and its access was also restricted at a checkpoint near non-government-controlled Mykolaivka.*

Ceasefire violations[1]

In Donetsk region, the SMM recorded more ceasefire violations, including about 160 explosions, compared with the previous reporting period (about 100 explosions). The majority of ceasefire violations, including the majority of explosions, were recorded in areas south-east and south-south-east of Chermalyk (government-controlled, 31km north-east of Mariupol), in areas south and west of the Donetsk Filtration Station (DFS) (15km north of Donetsk) and at south-westerly directions of Svitlodarsk (government-controlled, 57km north-east of Donetsk).

In Luhansk region, the Mission recorded fewer ceasefire violations, including about 15 explosions, compared with the previous reporting period (about 20 explosions). All explosions were recorded in areas north-west of Veselohorivka (non-government-controlled, 64km west of Luhansk).

A car with armed men in military-style clothing blocked the SMM’s passage

On 6 March, near Sakhanka (non-government-controlled, 24km north-east of Mariupol), the SMM saw a stationary civilian car with three armed men in military-style clothing inside blocking the lane in which two of the Mission’s vehicles were moving. As the SMM patrol attempted to bypass the civilian car, its driver started the engine and began manoeuvring towards the first SMM vehicle, almost colliding with it, and then stopped in front of the second SMM car, blocking its way. The car drove away after about one minute. The SMM then continued its patrol.

Disengagement areas[2]

On the evening of 5 March, the SMM camera in Zolote (government-controlled, 60km west of Luhansk), recorded a projectile in flight at an assessed range of 3-5km east-north-east (assessed as outside the disengagement area).

During the day on 6 March, positioned near the disengagement areas close to Zolote, Stanytsia Luhanska (government-controlled, 16km north-east of Luhansk) and Petrivske (non-government-controlled, 41km south of Donetsk), the SMM observed a calm situation.[3]

Withdrawal of weapons

The SMM continued to monitor the withdrawal of weapons in implementation of the Memorandum and the Package of Measures and its Addendum.

Beyond withdrawal lines but outside of designated storage sites

Government-controlled areas

6 March

The SMM saw:

  • a surface-to-air missile system (9K33 Osa) on road M04 near Novopavlivka (51km north-west of Donetsk).

Indications of military presence in the security zone[4]

Government-controlled areas

6 March

The SMM saw:

  • an armored personnel carrier (BTR-70) near Novobakhmutivka (28km north of Donetsk).

Presence of mines

On 5 March, an SMM mid-range unmanned aerial vehicle spotted 33 anti-tank mines (probable TM-62) on the northern edge of Marinka (government-controlled, 23km south-west of Donetsk): 18 were laid out in two rows across a road leading to Donetsk city (non-government-controlled), about 35m south-east of the nearest residential houses; three were laid across the same road about 200m further east-north-east; four were fixed to a wooden board laid on a side road located between the above-mentioned two sets of anti-tank mines; and eight mines were laid across a local road about 400m south-east of the above-mentioned group of mines.

Unexploded ordnance in Donetsk city

On Stratonavtiv Street in Donetsk city’s Kyivskyi district (non-government-controlled), about 30m from inhabited residential houses, the SMM saw two objects: the first one lying on the ground, the second embedded in the tarmac. In the same district, the Mission also saw another object lying on the side of Bashkyrska Street, about 10m from inhabited residential houses. All three objects were not fenced off. It assessed all three of them as pieces of unexploded ordnance (UXO) (Grad-type rockets).

SMM facilitation of repairs to civilian infrastructure

The SMM monitored adherence to the ceasefire to enable repairs to power lines near Holmivskyi (non-government-controlled, 49km north-east of Donetsk and a re-start of a water pump at the Petrivske water pumping station near Artema (government-controlled, 26km north of Luhansk). The Mission also monitored adherence to the ceasefire to enable repairs to a water pipeline running along road H20 between Berezove (government-controlled, 31km south-west of Donetsk) and Olenivka (non-government-controlled, 23km south-west of Donetsk). A representative of the Voda Donbassa water company told the SMM that the pipeline had been successfully repaired.

The Mission continued to facilitate the operation of the DFS and to monitor the overall security situation in the area of the pumping station near Vasylivka (non-government-controlled, 20km north of Donetsk).

The Mission continued monitoring in Kherson, Odessa, Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk, Kharkiv, Dnipro, Chernivtsi and Kyiv.

*Restrictions of SMM’s freedom of movement or other impediments to fulfilment of its mandate

The SMM’s monitoring and freedom of movement are restricted by security hazards and threats, including risks posed by mines, unexploded ordnance (UXO) and other impediments – which vary from day to day. The SMM’s mandate provides for safe and secure access throughout Ukraine. All signatories of the Package of Measures have agreed on the need for this safe and secure access, that restriction of the SMM’s freedom of movement constitutes a violation, and on the need for rapid response to these violations. They have also agreed that the Joint Centre for Control and Co-ordination should contribute to such response and co-ordinate mine clearance. Nonetheless, the armed formations in parts of Donetsk and Luhansk regions frequently deny the SMM access to areas adjacent to Ukraine’s border outside control of the Government (for example SMM Daily Report 5 March 2019). The SMM’s operations in Donetsk and Luhansk regions remain restricted following the fatal incident of 23 April 2017 near Pryshyb; these restrictions continued to limit the Mission’s observations.

Denial of access:

  • At a checkpoint east of Mykolaivka (non-government-controlled, 39km north-east of Mariupol), a member of the armed formations did not allow the SMM to enter the settlement, citing ongoing “small-arms fire in the area”.

Regular restrictions related to disengagement areas and mines/UXO:

  • The sides continued to deny the SMM full access to the three disengagement areas, as well as the ability to travel certain roads previously identified as important for effective monitoring by the Mission and for civilians’ movement, through failure to conduct comprehensive clearance of mines and UXO.

[1] Please see the annexed table for a complete breakdown of the ceasefire violations as well as a map of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions marked with locations featured in this report. During the reporting period, the SMM camera in Krasnohorivka was not operational.

[2]Disengagement is foreseen in the Framework Decision of the Trilateral Contact Group relating to disengagement of forces and hardware of 21 September 2016.

[3] Due to the presence of mines, including on a road between Bohdanivka and Petrivske, the SMM cannot access its camera in Petrivske, and thus the SMM has not been able to access observations from the camera since 22 June 2018.

[4] The hardware mentioned in this section is not proscribed by the provisions of the Minsk agreements on the withdrawal of weapons.

Categories: Central Europe

While Armenia’s parliamentary elections enjoyed broad public trust, further efforts needed to preserve integrity of electoral process, says OSCE/ODIHR final report

Thu, 03/07/2019 - 16:26
Public Affairs Unit, OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights Armenia, Early Parliamentary Elections, 9 December 2018: Final Report

While noting that Armenia’s 9 December 2018 early parliamentary elections enjoyed broad public trust and were held with respect for fundamental freedoms, the final report issued by the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) recommends that the authorities, political parties, the media and civil society continue their efforts to preserve the integrity of the electoral process.

The report, published on 7 March 2019, acknowledges that the legal framework for elections is comprehensively regulated and recommends addressing remaining legal gaps and ambiguities in a timely and inclusive manner.

It also recommends the provision of enhanced training to members of polling station commissions on counting votes and documenting the voting results. The report also recommends that the authorities take a more proactive role in ensuring an accessible environment for the electoral participation of persons with disabilities and addressing overcrowding at polling stations.

The media generally ensured balanced and informative coverage of the campaign, the report says. It recommends that authorities further support the editorial independence of public media and foster citizens’ access to impartial, critical and analytical political information.

The report reiterates ODIHR’s previous recommendation to introduce a legal obligation for electoral contestants to account for and report on all campaign-related expenditures and contributions. It further recommends conducting meaningful oversight of campaign finance by relevant authorities.

The report also recommends a legal review of measures to guarantee the protection of voters’ private data during the publication of voters’ lists, and further enhancing special measures to promote women candidates, so as to strengthen the participation of women in public and political life.

For election day observation, ODIHR was joined by the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe and the European Parliament.

Categories: Central Europe

Kazakh trainers trained in countering terrorist financing by OSCE and UN Office on Drugs and Crime

Thu, 03/07/2019 - 14:05
Communication and Media Relations Section

A two-day train-the-trainer course on countering terrorist financing was organized in Vienna for Kazakh participants on 6 and 7 March 2019 by the OSCE’s Transnational Threats Department, in co-operation with the OSCE Programme Office in Astana and the UN Office on Drugs and Crime's Global Programme against Money Laundering (UNODC/GPML), and supported by the Eurasian Group on Combating Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism (EAG).

The course, which took place on the premises of the OSCE Secretariat, was led by international experts and tailored to Kazakhstan. It included country- and region-specific scenarios.

The five participants of the course will deliver training courses to local officials upon their return to Kazakhstan, together with international experts from the OSCE, UNODC/GPML and the Eurasian Group on Combating Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism.

The training programme covered areas such as sources of information, case management, investigation, preventing the abuse of non-profit organizations for terrorist financing, and foreign terrorist fighters.

The train-the-trainer course is part of a comprehensive multi-annual OSCE-UNODC capacity-building programme to support national efforts to counter terrorist financing in Central Asia.

Categories: Central Europe

Kazakh trainers trained in countering terrorist financing by OSCE and UN Office on Drugs and Crime

Thu, 03/07/2019 - 14:03
Communication and Media Relations Section

A two-day train-the-trainer course on countering terrorist financing was organized in Vienna for Kazakh participants on 6 and 7 March 2019 by the OSCE’s Transnational Threats Department, in co-operation with the OSCE Programme Office in Astana and the UN Office on Drugs and Crime's Global Programme against Money Laundering (UNODC/GPML), and supported by the Eurasian Group on Combating Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism (EAG).

The course, which took place on the premises of the OSCE Secretariat, was led by international experts and tailored to Kazakhstan. It included country- and region-specific scenarios.

The five participants of the course will deliver training courses to local officials upon their return to Kazakhstan, together with international experts from the OSCE, UNODC/GPML and the Eurasian Group on Combating Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism.

The training programme covered areas such as sources of information, case management, investigation, preventing the abuse of non-profit organizations for terrorist financing, and foreign terrorist fighters.

The train-the-trainer course is part of a comprehensive multi-annual OSCE-UNODC capacity-building programme to support national efforts to counter terrorist financing in Central Asia.

Categories: Central Europe

OSCE helps to promote 30 per cent gender quota in local councils of Kyrgyzstan

Thu, 03/07/2019 - 12:24
Kunduz Rysbek

A high-level OSCE-supported forum aimed at promoting the political rights of women in Kyrgyzstan, in particular at pushing forward the draft bill on establishing a 30 per cent gender quota in the nearly 500 local councils in Kyrgyzstan, was held on 6 March in Bishkek. 

Entitled “We support the 30% gender quota in village councils!”, the forum was organized by the public foundation Women Support Center within the framework of the 2018-2020 National Action Plan for Achieving Gender Equality in Kyrgyzstan. It was supported by the OSCE Programme Office in Bishkek, the UN Women, the UN Development Program in Kyrgyzstan and the United States Embassy to Kyrgyzstan.     

The event was attended by the former President of Kyrgyzstan, Roza Otunbaeva, women deputies from across local councils of Kyrgyzstan, representatives of the government, national parliament, presidential administration, Central Commission for Elections and Referenda, civil society, independent experts, international organizations and the media community.

Women’s equal participation in decision-making is directly related to the solution to many socially significant challenges, such as improving healthcare and education and preventing gender-based violence, the participants said. They highlighted the particular relevance of the issue in light of the President of Kyrgyzstan’s pronouncement of 2019 as the Year of Regional Development and Digitalization, as well as in anticipation of the next parliamentary and local council elections, which will take place in 2020.

Today the political landscape has changed. All of the decision-making positions are occupied by men, and I would like to draw the attention of the country’s current leadership to this burning issue,” Otunbaeva said.

According to Baken Dosalieva of the Women Support Center, the national statistics for the past 15 years demonstrate a gradual decline in the number of women across local councils in Kyrgyzstan: in 2004, 19 per cent of those elected to local councils were women; in 2008 it was 17 per cent, in 2012 the number decreased to 13 per cent, and in 2016 women made up only 10 per cent of local councils. In other words, Kyrgyzstan’s village councils currently consist 90 per cent of men. According to Dosalieva, if the current trend continues there will be only 2 per cent women in local councils after the 2020 elections and no women at all by 2028.  

The Head of the OSCE Programme Office in Bishkek, Pierre von Arx, said: “Women’s equal participation in decision making is not just an international best practice, it is the requirement of our times. Today’s event, to which we contributed, is a timely and uniting platform in promoting these important processes.”

At the conclusion of the forum, women deputies from local councils read out the text of an official appeal, which they submitted to the president of Kyrgyzstan, to extend meaningful support to the draft bill on reserving 30 per cent of the mandates in village councils for women.

Categories: Central Europe

OSCE Border Management Staff College approaches its 10-year anniversary with the conclusion of 23rd staff course

Thu, 03/07/2019 - 10:31
Fotima Sokhibova

Twenty-six mid to senior-ranking border security and management officials completed a staff course at the OSCE Border Management Staff College (BMSC) on 1 March in Dushanbe, Tajikistan. It was the 23rd such course offered by the College since its founding.

The staff course aims at building capacity and promoting high standards in border management and security. It covers an extensive array of topics in all three OSCE dimensions of security. It also provides its participants with a platform for sharing best practices in the field.

Jonathan Holland, Director of the BMSC, noted that the 23rd staff course bears a particular significance for the College: “It is our last such course conducted prior to the celebration of the 10 year anniversary of the BMSC in May. Launched as a temporary project almost a decade ago, it has evolved into a successful endeavour. It has become a centre of academic excellence designed specifically to serve the global border security community, and we look forward to welcoming many more courses in the future.”

Representatives of customs, border, phytosanitary, immigration, drug control and training institutes from 16 different countries – Afghanistan, Albania, Belarus, Bulgaria, Georgia, Italy, Kyrgyzstan, Lithuania, Moldova, Mongolia, Republic of North Macedonia, Poland, Spain, Tajikistan, Turkey and Ukraine – have participated in BMSC courses.

Reflecting on her experience with the BMSC, Meeri-Maria Jaarva, Mediation Support Officer with the OSCE Conflict Prevention Centre, who delivered training sessions during the course, noted: “Recently I met some BMSC alumni who had previously attended short courses and were now participating in the year-long blended-learning course. The fact that alumni come back for more is the best feedback the BMSC can get”.

Topics covered during the four-week staff course included promotion of border security and management in the OSCE area, border security and management models, elements of border control and co-operation, economic, environmental and human aspects of border security. In-class activities were complemented by two study visits to Tajik border crossing points on the borders with Uzbekistan and Afghanistan.

A roundtable discussion on countering corruption in the context of border security and management was conducted in the framework of the course. The event brought together subject area experts, representatives of diplomatic missions and international organizations, and participants of the 23rd Staff Course.

Categories: Central Europe

OSCE Representative Désir concerned about numerous lawsuits against journalists in Croatia and disputes involving public service broadcaster HRT

Wed, 03/06/2019 - 17:27

VIENNA, 6 March 2019 - The OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media Harlem Désir today expressed his concern about the high number of lawsuits filed against journalists and news outlets by politicians and public officials in Croatia and an ongoing dispute involving the public service broadcaster HRT. Both issues could negatively affect media freedom in Croatia, he warned.

According to the Croatian Journalists’ Association (CJA), there are more than 1,100 ongoing lawsuits against journalists and news outlets in the country. Many cases were filed by politicians and public figures and include the offence of ‘shaming’ which is still part of the Croatian Criminal Code. On 2 March, hundreds of journalists led by the CJA gathered in Zagreb to express their discontent at the media freedom environment.

“Such a high number of court cases against journalists is astonishing,” said Désir. “Defamation laws should not be misused in order to intimidate journalists. I call for the removal of ‘shaming’ as an offence from the legislation and for the full decriminalization of defamation.”

Désir stressed that the OSCE Ministerial Council Decision on the Safety of Journalists adopted in December 2018 calls on participating States to “ensure that defamation laws do not carry excessive sanctions or penalties that could undermine the safety of journalists and/or effectively censor journalists and interfere with their mission of informing the public and, where necessary, to revise and repeal such laws, in compliance with participating States’ obligations under international human rights law.”

The Representative also noted that there are 36 lawsuits filed by the public service broadcaster HRT against journalists, some of whom are its own staff. HRT has also filed lawsuits against the CJA president Hrvoje Zovko and the president of the CJA’s branch at HRT, Sanja Mikleušević Pavić.

“I urge HRT to engage in a constructive out-of-court dialogue with journalists and resolve the current disputes,” said Désir. “It is commendable that the reconciliation process has started in some of the cases and this will hopefully result in the dropping of all charges against journalists.”

The Representative regretted that the whole situation resulted in a decision by different organizations and political parties to temporarily boycott the work of HRT, which led to the expulsion of its journalists from a press event last week.

“Public service broadcasters are a vital part of the media scene and should contribute to the quality of information, diversity and pluralism. I insist on two issues: public service broadcasters need to be independent and free from any kind of political interference, and that there should be no boycott of their activities,” Désir concluded.

Categories: Central Europe

OSCE supports Istanbul Process Regional Infrastructure working groups meeting hosted by Turkmenistan

Wed, 03/06/2019 - 15:35
OSCE Centre in Ashgabat

ASHGABAT, 6 March 2019The Foreign Affairs Ministry of Turkmenistan, supported by the OSCE Centre in Ashgabat, hosted today in Ashgabat a meeting of the technical working groups on the Regional infrastructures Confidence Building Measures (RI-CBM) within the framework of the Istanbul Process on Afghanistan.

During the meeting, representatives of the participating countries of the Istanbul Process and international stakeholders presented reports on the implementation of the Regional infrastructures CBM plan.

Vepa Hajiyev, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan, stressed in his opening address that Turkmenistan is committed to the principle of peaceful political settlement of the situation in Afghanistan.  He also expressed hope that the meeting will serve as a positive impulse for further advancement of goals and objectives of joint co-operation in the framework of providing assistance to the strengthening of security, stability and economic progress in Afghanistan.

“We have gathered here today to discuss the progress of infrastructure projects implemented by all stakeholders of the RI-CBM,” said Natalya Drozd, Head of the OSCE Centre in Ashgabat.

“The OSCE stands ready to employ its comprehensive security instruments to maintain a sustainable dialogue on the existing and planned infrastructure projects and to facilitate discussions in the areas pertinent to the RI-CBM, such as security of regional infrastructure and trade facilitation on new trade and transport routes.”

The participants stressed the importance of the effective implementation of various large-scale and local economic projects in the region for fostering the socio-economic stability, security and further prosperity of the "Heart of Asia" region. The discussions also addressed the role of international and regional organizations in promoting infrastructure projects in the energy sector on the basis of partnership and in the current investment climate.

The event was attended by representatives of the participating countries of the Istanbul Process, as well as regional and international organizations.

The Istanbul Process was established as a platform for regional dialogue and co-operation for encouraging security, political, and economic co-operation between Afghanistan and its neighbours. The project includes a number of large-scale regional initiatives, including the construction of the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) gas pipeline, the Asian International Railway Corridor and the Lapis Lazuli Trade and Transportation Corridor.

The participating countries of the Istanbul Process include Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, China, India, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Tajikistan, Turkey, Turkmenistan and the United Arab Emirates.

Assistance in the organization of the regional technical groups meeting is provided as a component of an extra-budgetary project of the OSCE Centre funded by the United Kingdom.

Categories: Central Europe

New OSCE-led survey reveals violence against women in South-Eastern and Eastern Europe

Wed, 03/06/2019 - 15:14

BRUSSELS, 6 March 2019 – OSCE Secretary General Thomas Greminger launched today in Brussels a report that gives a detailed picture of the physical, sexual and psychological violence many women and girls have had to endure in South-Eastern and Eastern Europe in the last decades.

The report is based on a survey undertaken in 2018 in seven OSCE participating States: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia, Moldova and Ukraine. The survey also covered Kosovo. In total, 15,179 women aged 18 to 74 were interviewed for the survey.

“Violence against women and girls is a human rights violation that has wide-reaching consequences: it not only threatens the security and safety of its victims, but also influences the communities and societies they live in,” said OSCE Secretary General Thomas Greminger.

“This OSCE-led survey sheds light for the first time on the prevalence of violence that women and girls suffer in this part of Europe,” he added. “It also gives policy-makers the data and tools they need to improve national laws and policies and put in place efficient frameworks to better protect victims.”

The survey was designed to provide high quality research and data to increase the understanding of women’s experience of violence in conflict and non-conflict situations. In addition to a quantitative view, it also gives a unique insight into the prevalence and consequences of violence against women, and into persistent harmful norms and attitudes in the region.

“Conflict-related sexual and gender-based violence are part of a continuum of gender-based violence closely intertwined with persistent inequalities and broader attacks on gender equality and women’s human rights, including digital and cyber violence,” said Mara Marinaki, the European Union External Action Service’s Principal Advisor on Gender and on the implementation of UNSCR 1325 on Women, Peace and Security. “This means that domestic violence can also constitute conflict related sexual violence,” she added. The European Commission contributed 80 per cent of the total project budget.

The survey is based on the methodology used by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) for its report “Violence against women: an EU-wide survey” published in 2014. More than 42,000 women from all European Union countries were interviewed for that report. Together, the two surveys cover 35 OSCE participating States. Since the methodologies are the same, the data collected for the two reports are comparable, which makes it easier to plan and develop regional initiatives and actions, as well as local policies and services.

The survey reveals that 70% of women interviewed experienced some form of violence since the age of 15, while 45% of all women interviewed experienced at least one form of sexual harassment since they were 15 years old and 21% of women experienced physical, sexual or psychological violence during childhood (up to the age of 15).

According to the survey, some of the factors that make it more likely for women to be subjected to violence are being part of a minority, being young, poor or economically dependent, or having children. Women with partners who often drink, are unemployed or have fought in armed conflict are also more likely to experience violence.

The report makes a number of recommendations to OSCE participating States on how to use the survey data, including to update and implement national legal frameworks to cover all forms of violence against women and girls, including online violence, sexual harassment, stalking and psychological violence; regularly review and monitor recently introduced laws and policies on combating violence against women; engage national human rights institutions and transparent reporting on the support provided to victims; properly resource and support national institutions working on gender equality so they can fulfil their key role to implement and monitor policy and legislation; and train police and judiciary on how to protect and support victims, putting the victims at the centre of their work.

In addition to the European Commission, the survey received support from the United Nations Population Fund, UN Women and UNICEF, as well as from the governments of Germany, Norway, Sweden, the United States of America, Italy, Austria and Finland. A copy of the report can be downloaded at


Saule Mukhametrakhimova Media and Outreach Officer Tel: +43 1 514 36 6215 Mobile: +43 676 9100 382 Email:

Categories: Central Europe

OSCE/ODIHR helps strengthen Georgian civil society coalition against discrimination

Wed, 03/06/2019 - 15:09
413426 Mariam Tsitsikashvili (l), Project Manager at Georgia's Reforms Associates (GRASS) and Christie Edwards (r), Deputy Head of the ODIHR Tolerance and Non-Discrimination Department discussing good practices for enhancing the capacity of civil society coalitions promoting tolerance and non-discrimination. Borjomi, 5 March 2019. Public Affairs Unit, OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights

Enhancing the capacity of a civil society coalition campaigning against discrimination and hate speech in Georgian politics and media was the focus of a workshop organized by the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) in Borjomi, Georgia on 5 and 6 March 2019.

The workshop brought together 19 participants (11 men and eight women) from the 13 civil society groups that form the "No to Phobia!" coalition. The participants reviewed the coalition's goals and explored ways to broaden its strategies in light of the institutional, social and legal changes that have taken place since the coalition's creation in May 2017.

“No to Phobia’s mission to counter expressions of discrimination and support political unions in creating interparty mechanisms to help eliminate discrimination in the political sphere is admirable,” said Christie Edwards, Deputy Head of the ODIHR Tolerance and Non-Discrimination Department. “Advocacy tools must be as dynamic as the discriminatory practice they seek to address. We are proud to help coalitions bring together groups with different skills, experiences, resources and connections, which is a proven mechanism for building more tolerant societies.”

Lev Samovski, Member of the European Jewish Parliament and Head of the Center for Combating Anti-Semitism, said: “While Georgia’s diverse society is generally tolerant, problems in upholding human rights and building the capacity of democratic institutions persist. ODIHR provides great support to Georgia in this regard. This training is of great importance because it enables the sharing of best practices for building coalitions and provides participants with practical guidance on how to build and increase the capacity of coalitions promoting more tolerant and peaceful societies. It is also encouraging participants to be more active in promoting freedom and democracy, as well as providing them with knowledge about how to recognize and respond to hate crimes.”

The workshop was part of ODIHR's efforts to support civil society in the OSCE region. ODIHR carried out a needs assessment mission in Georgia in August 2018, the results of which informed the contents of the workshop. The format of the workshop and the strategies explored and adopted by its participants drew on ODIHR's practical guide Coalition Building for Tolerance and Non-Discrimination.

Categories: Central Europe

Latest from the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine (SMM), based on information received as of 19:30, 5 March 2019

Wed, 03/06/2019 - 12:26
SDGs SDGs:  16 - Peace, justice and strong institutions

This report is for the media and the general public.


  • Compared with the previous reporting period, the SMM recorded more ceasefire violations in Donetsk region and fewer in Luhansk region.
  • The Mission saw anti-tank mines close to road H-20 near Olenivka and Berezove.  
  • The Mission monitored adherence to the ceasefire to enable repairs to essential civilian infrastructure in both Donetsk and Luhansk regions.
  • Restrictions of the Mission’s access continued in all three disengagement areas. Its access was also restricted at a checkpoint near non-government-controlled Verkhnoshyrokivske, preventing the SMM from following up on reports of a civilian casualty.*

Ceasefire violations[1]

In Donetsk region, the SMM recorded more ceasefire violations, including, however, fewer explosions (about 100), compared with the previous reporting period (115 explosions). More than half of the ceasefire violations were recorded in areas south and south-east of Chermalyk (government-controlled, 31km north-east of Mariupol) and west of Horlivka (non-government-controlled, 39km north-east of Donetsk). On the evening and night of 4-5 March, the SMM camera at the Donetsk Filtration Station (DFS) (15km north of Donetsk) recorded about 70 projectiles in flight, about 40 of which were recorded as close as 100-500m from the camera, and two undetermined explosions, all at an assessed range of 0.1-2km at southerly directions.

In Luhansk region, the Mission recorded fewer ceasefire violations, including about 20 explosions, compared with the previous reporting period (about 50 explosions). The majority of explosions were recorded in areas west of Yuzhna Lomuvatka (non-government-controlled, 60km west of Luhansk) and in areas south-west of Kalynove-Borshchuvate (non-government-controlled, 61km west of Luhansk).

Disengagement areas[2]

During the day on 5 March, positioned near the disengagement areas close to Zolote (government-controlled, 60km west of Luhansk), Stanytsia Luhanska (government-controlled, 16km north-east of Luhansk) and Petrivske (non-government-controlled, 41km south of Donetsk), the SMM observed a calm situation.[3]

Withdrawal of weapons

The SMM continued to monitor the withdrawal of weapons in implementation of the Memorandum and the Package of Measures and its Addendum.

Weapons that the SMM could not verify as withdrawn

At heavy weapons holding areas in government-controlled areas of Luhansk and Donetsk region[4]

5 March

The SMM noted that:

  • ten howitzers (D-30 Lyagushka, 122mm) and eight mortars (2S9 Nona-S, 120mm) were present and
  • four howitzers (D-30) and three mortars (2S9) were again missing.

Weapons permanent storage site

At a permanent storage site in a non-government-controlled area of Luhansk region

4 March

The SMM noted that all weapons previously observed at the site were present.

Indications of military and military-type presence in the security zone[5]

Government-controlled areas

3 March

An SMM mid-range unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) spotted:

  • an infantry fighting vehicle (BMP-2) and an armoured combat vehicle near Berezove (31km south-west of Donetsk).

5 March

The SMM saw:

  • an armoured personnel carrier (BTR-70) on road H-20 near Novobakhmutivka (28km north of Donetsk).

Presence of mines

On 3 March, an SMM mid-range UAV spotted for the first time a row of eight probable anti-tank mines laid out south-east to north-west across 90m in a field north of road H-20, about 900m north-east of the forward position of the armed formations near Olenivka (non-government-controlled, 23km south-west of Donetsk), and 16 probable anti-tank mines laid in two parallel rows of eight in a field about 220m west of road H-20 about 2km north-east of Berezove.

Demining activities

About 3.5km south-east of Lomakyne (government-controlled, 15km north-east of Mariupol), the SMM saw a van with the logo of a non-governmental organization parked on the side of road T0519 and four people conducting demining activities in a field 80m north-east of the road.

SMM facilitation of repairs to civilian infrastructure

The SMM monitored adherence to the ceasefire to enable repairs to water pipelines near Popasna (government-controlled, 69km west of Luhansk) and power lines near Holmivskyi (non-government-controlled, 49km north-east of Donetsk) and in Marinka (government-controlled, 23km south-east of Donetsk), as well as to the Petrivske water pumping station near Artema (government-controlled, 26km north of Luhansk). A representative of the water company Popasna Vodakanal told the SMM that all their water wells were operational and that the water pressure had returned to normal levels, and that all works had been concluded. The SMM also monitored adherence to the ceasefire to enable an inspection to a water pipeline running along road H-20 between Berezove and Olenivka. Despite security guarantees having been provided that the ceasefire would be adhered to for the inspection, the SMM heard four undetermined explosions close to where the repairs were being carried out. The SMM also continued to facilitate the operation of the DFS and to monitor the overall security situation in the area of the pumping station near Vasylivka (non-government-controlled, 20km north of Donetsk).

Border area outside government control

While at a border crossing point near Marynivka (78km east of Donetsk) for about an hour, the SMM saw 12 cars (five with Ukrainian and three with Russian Federation licence plates as well as four with “DPR” plates), two covered cargo trucks (one with Ukrainian and one with Lithuanian licence plates), two mini-buses (one with Ukrainian licence plates and one with “DPR” plates), as well as seven pedestrians (two females and five males, mixed ages) entering Ukraine. The SMM also saw 25 cars (six with Ukrainian, eight with Russian Federation and 11 with “DPR” plates), three covered cargo trucks (two with Ukrainian licence plates and one with “DPR” plates) and two pedestrians (one female and one male, aged 30-40) exiting Ukraine.

SMM continued to observe a calm situation south-east of Kherson

On 3 March, the SMM continued to observe a calm situation at a Ukrainian State Border Guard Service security post in Valok (188km south-east of Kherson). On 4 March, the Mission observed a calm situation at the crossing point between Chonhar (163km south-east of Kherson) and Crimea (see SMM Daily Report 30 January 2019).

The Mission continued monitoring in Odessa, Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk, Kharkiv, Dnipro, Chernivtsi and Kyiv.

*Restrictions of SMM’s freedom of movement or other impediments to fulfilment of its mandate

The SMM’s monitoring and freedom of movement are restricted by security hazards and threats, including risks posed by mines, unexploded ordnance (UXO) and other impediments – which vary from day to day. The SMM’s mandate provides for safe and secure access throughout Ukraine. All signatories of the Package of Measures have agreed on the need for this safe and secure access, that restriction of the SMM’s freedom of movement constitutes a violation, and on the need for rapid response to these violations. They have also agreed that the Joint Centre for Control and Co-ordination should contribute to such response and co-ordinate mine clearance. Nonetheless, the armed formations in parts of Donetsk and Luhansk regions frequently deny the SMM access to areas adjacent to Ukraine’s border outside control of the Government (for example SMM Daily Report 5 March 2019). The SMM’s operations in Donetsk and Luhansk regions remain restricted following the fatal incident of 23 April 2017 near Pryshyb; these restrictions continued to limit the Mission’s observations.

Denial of access:

  • At a checkpoint 600m west of Verkhnoshyrokivske (formerly Oktiabr, non-government-controlled, 29km north-east of Mariupol), two members of the armed formations denied the SMM passage, citing concerns about its safety. The SMM was therefore unable to reach Sakhanka (non-government-controlled, 24km north-east of Mariupol) to follow up on reports of a civilian casualty.

Regular restrictions related to disengagement areas and mines/UXO:

  • The sides continued to deny the SMM full access to the three disengagement areas, as well as the ability to travel certain roads previously identified as important for effective monitoring by the Mission and for civilians’ movement, through failure to conduct comprehensive clearance of mines and UXO.

[1] For a complete breakdown of ceasefire violations, please see the annexed table. During the reporting period, the SMM camera in Krasnohorivka was not operational.

[2] Disengagement is foreseen in the Framework Decision of the Trilateral Contact Group relating to disengagement of forces and hardware of 21 September 2016.

[3] Due to the presence of mines, including on a road between Bohdanivka and Petrivske, the SMM cannot access its     camera in Petrivske, and thus the SMM has not been able to access observations from the camera since 22 June 2018.

[4] The SMM observed weapons that could not be verified as withdrawn, as their storage did not comply with the criteria set out in the 16 October 2015 notification from the SMM to the signatories of the Package of Measures on effective monitoring and verification of the withdrawal of heavy weapons. The SMM noted that one of the sites was abandoned.

[5] The hardware mentioned in this section is not proscribed by the provisions of the Minsk agreements on the withdrawal of weapons.

Categories: Central Europe

OSCE Programme Office in Astana supports discussion on criminal justice development

Wed, 03/06/2019 - 12:12
413381 Colin McCullough, OSCE Programme Office in Astana

Current approaches to increasing the effectiveness of criminal policy were the topic of a two-day OSCE-supported conference that began in Ak-Bulak near Almaty, Kazakhstan on 6 March 2019.

The two-day event is co-organized by the OSCE Programme Office in Astana in co-operation with the Prosecutor General’s Office, the Constitutional Council, and the Supreme Court of Kazakhstan with the support of German Foundation for International Legal Co-operation.

Some 60 high-level officials from governmental institutions, law enforcement agencies, representatives of the judiciary, academia, the Bar Association, non-governmental organizations, as well as national and German legal experts, discussed issues concerning the modernization of criminal procedure.

Participants elaborated on the existing practice of pre-trial proceedings, key challenges in ensuring the adversarial principle in criminal proceedings and new approaches to the competitive selection of judges. Particular attention was paid to citizens’ involvement in justice delivery, including the extension of the jurisdiction of jury trials in Kazakhstan. Experts shared their thoughts on procedural guarantees and the protection of human rights in criminal proceedings.

A concept of the draft law on an enhancement of criminal and criminal procedure legislation was presented by the Prosecutor General’s Office.

The event is part of the Programme Office’s long-term efforts to support criminal justice reform in Kazakhstan.

Categories: Central Europe

OSCE helps to promote gender equality in the security sector of Kyrgyzstan

Wed, 03/06/2019 - 11:05
413246 Kunduz Rysbek

Women from across the security and law enforcement sectors in Kyrgyzstan met at a national forum in Bishkek on 4 March to discuss ways of promoting gender equality in their fields of work.

The forum, entitled Women of Kyrgyzstan for Peace, Security and Development, was co-organized by the Kyrgyz Association of Women in Security Sector (KAWSS), the National Council of Women, the National Committee of Soldiers’ Mothers, and the Forum of Women Members of Parliament.

It gathered Members of Parliament, female representatives of Kyrgyzstan’s security sector and law enforcement agencies, municipal councils,  international organizations and civil society.

The participants explored ways of strengthening inter-agency co-operation, intensifying efforts to prevent gender-based violence, searching for improved ways to shape security and peace-building policies, and further developing a shared sense of responsibility among the local population in general.

The discussion focused specifically on  enhancing the role of women in decision making, which is also in line with Kyrgyzstan’s Action Plan on the Implementation of the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security, and with the country’s National Action Plan to Achieving Gender Equality 2018-2020.

Vice-Prime Minister Altynai Omurbekova noted that the National Action Plan includes measures to tackle various gender issues including gender-based violence. “Today’s event is a great platform that enhances the importance of further implementing this Action Plan by all stakeholders, together,” she said.

The Head of the OSCE Programme Office in Bishkek, Pierre von Arx, expressed his recognition of the role women play in combating gender-based violence, in dispute settlement, early warning and prevention of violent extremism and radicalization that lead to terrorism, and in the fight against corruption, amongst many other social problems and security issues. “It is therefore essential to strengthen women’s capacities and participation in security and other government sectors at all levels, from the highest decision-making level to the local, grassroots level,” he stressed.

This is one of the important roles of the Forum of Women Members of Parliament and the KAWSS, and I would like to reaffirm the readiness of the OSCE Programme Office in Bishkek to support all their positive efforts,” von Arx added.

A resolution was adopted by all participants at the conclusion of the forum. The document specifies seven steps to increase the representation and ensure the active participation of women at all levels of decision-making, especially in the security sector.

Categories: Central Europe

OSCE Media Freedom Representative and UN Special Rapporteur welcome EU initiative to protect whistleblowers, but raise some concerns about draft directive

Tue, 03/05/2019 - 19:51

VIENNA, 5 March 2019 – The OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, Harlem Désir, together with the UN Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression, David Kaye, today welcomed in a letter sent to the European Commission, the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union the initiative of a new directive on protection of whistleblowers, but also expressed a number of potential concerns about the current draft text. 

The Representative and the UN Special Rapporteur strongly support the recognition that whistleblowers “play a key role in exposing and preventing breaches of the law harmful to the public interest and in safeguarding the welfare of society.” Moreover, they note that the proposed Directive recognizes that “potential whistleblowers are often discouraged from reporting their concerns or suspicions for fear of retaliation.”

They also commend the intention to legislate whistleblower protection and support several elements of the proposed Directive and applaud the Commission’s work in these areas.

However, the Representative and the UN Special Rapporteur identified a number of concerns in areas that could undermine the purpose of the initiative. In particular, they noted problems regarding the EU’s preference for internal reporting of breaches, categories of prohibited disclosures under national security and the standards for protection of whistleblowers.

The Representative and the UN Special Rapporteur recall that whistleblowers protection rests upon a core right to freedom of expression, guaranteed under international law, in particular the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) and the European Convention on Human Rights, to which all EU Member States are bound.

Find the letter here 

Categories: Central Europe

Latest from the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine (SMM), based on information received as of 19:30, 4 March 2019

Tue, 03/05/2019 - 17:02
SDGs SDGs:  16 - Peace, justice and strong institutions

This report is for the media and the general public.


  • Compared with the previous 24 hours, the SMM recorded a similar number of ceasefire violations in Donetsk region and fewer ceasefire violations in Luhansk region.
  • The SMM camera at the Donetsk Filtration Station recorded undetermined explosions and projectiles at a range of 50-600m from its location.
  • The Mission monitored adherence to the ceasefire to enable repairs to essential civilian infrastructure in both Donetsk and Luhansk regions.
  • Restrictions of the Mission’s access continued in all three disengagement areas and elsewhere. Its access was also restricted in government-controlled Taramchuk as well as near non-government-controlled Izvaryne and Voznesenivka, areas near the border with the Russian Federation.*

Ceasefire violations[1]

In Donetsk region, the SMM recorded a similar number of ceasefire violations, including, however, fewer explosions (115), compared with the previous 24 hours (about 260 explosions). More than half of the ceasefire violations were recorded in south and south-easterly directions of Chermalyk (government-controlled, 31km north-east of Mariupol).

On the afternoon of 3 March, the SMM camera at the Donetsk Filtration Station (DFS) (15km north of Donetsk) recorded 18 undetermined explosions at an assessed range of 0.1-4km south-south-east, south and south-south-west and 33 projectiles in flight at an assessed range of 0.05-3km south and south-west.

In Luhansk region, the Mission recorded fewer ceasefire violations, including, however, more explosions (about 50), compared with the previous 24 hours (about 35 explosions). The majority of ceasefire violations were recorded in areas north-west and north-north-west of Sentianivka (formerly Frunze, non-government-controlled, 44km west of Luhansk)

Disengagement areas[2]

On the evening of 3 March, the SMM camera in Zolote (government-controlled, 60km west of Luhansk) recorded an illumination flare at an assessed range of 1-3km east-north-east (assessed as outside the disengagement area).

On the same evening, the SMM camera at Prince Ihor Monument south-east of the Stanytsia Luhanska bridge (15km north-east of Luhansk) recorded an explosion (assessed as an airburst) at an assessed range of 4-6km west-north-west (assessed as outside the disengagement area).[3]

Withdrawal of weapons

The SMM continued to monitor the withdrawal of weapons in implementation of the Memorandum and the Package of Measures and its Addendum.

Beyond withdrawal lines but outside of designated storage sites

Government-controlled areas

 3 March

An SMM long-range unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) spotted:

  • three surface-to-air missile systems (9K35 Strela-10) in Ocheretyne (31km north-west of Donetsk).

4 March

The SMM saw:

  • 24 tanks (T-64) and seven self-propelled howitzers (2S1 Gvozdika, 122mm) stationary at the railway station in Zachativka (74km south-west of Donetsk) and
  • a surface-to-air-missile system (9K33 Osa) in Novookhtyrka (55km north-west of Luhansk).

Indications of military and military-type presence in the security zone[4]

Government-controlled areas

2 March

An SMM mini-UAV spotted:

  • two infantry fighting vehicles (IFV) (BMP-2), two armoured personnel carriers (APC) (a BTR-70 and a BTR-variant) and an anti-aircraft gun (ZU-23, 23mm) north-east of Berezove (31km south-west of Donetsk) and
  • an armoured reconnaissance vehicle (BRDM-2) near and an anti-aircraft gun  (ZU-23, 23mm) in Novotroitske (36km south-west of Donetsk).

3 March

An SMM long-range UAV spotted:

  • two IFVs (BMP-1) near Mykolaivka (40km south of Donetsk);
  • six IFVs (BMP-1) near Trudivske (47km south of Donetsk);
  • an IFV (BMP-2) near Novohryhorivka (55km south of Donetsk) and another IFV (BMP-2) in an area between positions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and the armed formations near Novohryhorivka;
  • two IFVs (BMP-2) in Starohnativka (51km south of Donetsk); and
  • an APC (MT-LB) near Hranitne (60km south of Donetsk).

4 March

The SMM saw:

  • an IFV(BMP-1) near Myrna Dolyna (67km west of Luhansk);
  • an IFV (BMP variant) and an APC (BTR-70) in Avdiivka (17km north of Donetsk);
  • two anti-aircraft guns (ZU-23, 23mm) near Novoselivka (31km north-east of Donetsk); and
  • two armoured reconnaissance vehicles (BRM-1K) and five IFVs (two BMP-2 and three BMP-1) near Mariupol (102km south of Donetsk).

Non-government-controlled areas

1 March

An SMM mini-UAV spotted:

  • an IFV (BMP-1) near Vesela Hora (16km  north of Luhansk).

3 March

An SMM long-range UAV spotted:

  • two IFVs (BMP-1) near Bila Kamianka (51km south of Donetsk) and
  • three APCs (MT-LB) near Kalmiuske (42km south-east of Donetsk), in a zone within which deployment of heavy armaments and military equipment is proscribed according to Point 5 of the Memorandum of 19 September 2014.

An SMM mini-UAV spotted:

  • two APCs (MT-LB) and an anti-aircraft gun (ZU-23) mounted on an APC (MT-LB) in Katerynivka (formerly Yuvileine, 8km west of Luhansk).

4 March

The SMM saw:

  • an APC (BTR-80) in Yasynuvata (16km north-east of Donetsk).

Fresh impact craters near Molodizhne

Around 1.5km south-west of Molodizhne (non-government-controlled, 63km north-west of Luhansk) in a snow-covered field about 5m from a checkpoint of the armed formations on road T-0504, the SMM observed six fresh impact craters within a radius of 5-60m south and north-north-west of the road. The SMM was unable to assess the type of weapon used or the direction of fire.

Presence of explosive remnants of war and mines as well as of mine hazard signs

About 800m east of the checkpoint of the Ukrainian Armed Forces on road H15 near Marinka (government-controlled, 23km south-west of Donetsk), the SMM saw again three anti-tank mines (assessed as TM-62), at the distance of 4-15m south-west of the road between the abovementioned  checkpoint near Marinka and the checkpoint of the armed formations in Oleksandrivka (non-government-controlled, 20km south-west of Donetsk). At the checkpoint of the Ukrainian Armed Forces,  the SMM again saw 17 anti-tank mines (assessed as TM-62) (fenced off by wooden bars and white plastic strips) about 15m north of road H-15 as well as a mine hazard sign (red with skulls and crossbones and “Stop Mines” written in Ukrainian).

Approximately 3km east of Pobeda (government-controlled, 27km west of Donetsk), the SMM saw for the first time a mine hazard sign in a field about 13m west of road O0531. The sign in Ukrainian language is warning the public about the presence of explosive devices in the area while also informing them about the telephone number to be used to report such devices. The SMM saw a similar sign 10m east of road O0531 and another mine hazard sign  (with skull and crossbones and “Danger Mines” written in Ukrainian and Russian) on the southern edge of the same road about 4km  north-east of Novomykhailivka (government-controlled, 28km south-west of Donetsk).

About 4.5km west-south-west of Hranitne (government-controlled, 60km south of Donetsk), the SMM saw for the first time two mine hazard signs (with skulls and crossbones and “Stop Mines” written in Ukrainian and Russian) and three wooden sticks with red rags tied around the top of each stick (assessed as improvised mine hazard signs) south-east of road T0512.

SMM facilitation of repair works to civilian infrastructure

The SMM monitored adherence to the ceasefire to enable repairs to water pipelines near Popasna (government-controlled, 69km west of Luhansk), Berezove and at the Petrivske water pumping station near Artema (government-controlled, 26km north of Luhansk), as well as to electric transformers and the gas distribution network near Betmanove (formerly Krasnyi Partyzan, non-government-controlled, 23km north-east of Donetsk). The latter were concluded within the day. The SMM continued to facilitate the operation of the DFS and to monitor the overall security situation in the area of the pumping station in Vasylivka (non-government-controlled, 20km north of Donetsk).

Border areas outside of government control

While at a border crossing point near Izvaryne (52km south-east of Luhansk), the SMM saw six pedestrians (three men and three women, aged 15-60) exiting Ukraine and 14 pedestrians (mixed gender, aged 20-50) entering Ukraine. After five minutes, a member of the armed formations told the SMM to leave the area.*

While at a border crossing point near Voznesenivka (formerly Chervonopartyzansk, 65km south-east of Luhansk), the SMM saw a bus (with Ukrainian licence plates) entering Ukraine. After about five minutes, a member of the armed formations told the SMM to leave the area.*

At the Chervona Mohyla railway station in Voznesenivka, the SMM saw at least 80 stationary cargo wagons (including 15 fuel tanks). After about five minutes, a member of the armed formations told the SMM to leave the area.*

The Mission continued monitoring in Kherson, Odessa, Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk, Kharkiv, Dnipro, Chernivtsi and Kyiv.

*Restrictions of SMM’s freedom of movement or other impediments to fulfilment of its mandate

The SMM’s monitoring and freedom of movement are restricted by security hazards and threats, including risks posed by mines, unexploded ordnance (UXO) and other impediments – which vary from day to day. The SMM’s mandate provides for safe and secure access throughout Ukraine. All signatories of the Package of Measures have agreed on the need for this safe and secure access, that restriction of the SMM’s freedom of movement constitutes a violation, and on the need for rapid response to these violations. They have also agreed that the Joint Centre for Control and Co-ordination should contribute to such response and co-ordinate mine clearance. Nonetheless, the armed formations in parts of Donetsk and Luhansk regions frequently deny the SMM access to areas adjacent to Ukraine’s border outside control of the Government (for example, see below). The SMM’s operations in Donetsk and Luhansk regions remain restricted following the fatal incident of 23 April 2017 near Pryshyb; these restrictions continued to limit the Mission’s observations.

Denial of access:

  • In Taramchuk (government-controlled, 29km south-west of Donetsk), two Ukrainian Armed Forces soldiers stopped the SMM and requested it to leave the area.
  • At a border crossing point near Izvaryne (non-government-controlled, 52km south-east of Luhansk), a member of the armed formations again told the SMM to leave the area.
  • At a border crossing point near Voznesenivka (formerly Chervonopartyzansk, non-government-controlled, 65km south-east of Luhansk), a member of the armed formations told the SMM to leave, citing the need for prior permission from senior members of the armed formations to visit the area.
  • At the Chervona Mohyla railway station in Voznesenivka, a member of the armed formations told the SMM to leave, citing the need for prior permission from senior members of the armed formations to visit the area.

Regular restrictions related to disengagement areas and mines/UXO:

  • The sides continued to deny the SMM full access to the three disengagement areas, as well as the ability to travel certain roads previously identified as important for effective monitoring by the Mission and for civilians’ movement, through failure to conduct comprehensive clearance of mines and UXO.
  • At a checkpoint of the armed formations about 3km south of the bridge in Shchastia (government-controlled, 20km north of Luhansk), an armed member of the armed formations told the Mission that mines on the road leading north had not been cleared.


  • At a checkpoint 600m west of Verkhnoshyrokivske (formerly Oktiabr, non-government-controlled, 29km north-east of Mariupol), a member of the armed formations again stopped the SMM on two occasions (for about 20 and 30 minutes).  After the delays, he allowed the SMM to pass through the checkpoint.

Other impediments:

  • On 2 March, an SMM long range-UAV lost its GPS signal, assessed as due to jamming, while flying in areas near Stepanivka (government-controlled, 54km north of Donetsk).[5]
  • On 3 March, an SMM long range-UAV lost its GPS signal, assessed as due to jamming, while flying in areas near Hranitne (government-controlled, 60km south of Donetsk).[6]

[1] Please see the annexed table for a complete breakdown of the ceasefire violations as well as a map of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions marked with locations featured in this report. During the reporting period, the SMM camera in Krasnohorivka was not operational.

[2] Disengagement is foreseen in the Framework Decision of the Trilateral Contact Group relating to disengagement of forces and hardware of 21 September 2016.

[3] Due to the presence of mines, including on a road between Bohdanivka and Petrivske, the SMM cannot access its     camera in Petrivske; thus, the SMM has not been able to access observations from the camera since 22 June 2018.

[4] The hardware mentioned in this section is not proscribed by the provisions of the Minsk agreements on the withdrawal of weapons.

[5] The interference could have originated from anywhere within the radius of several kilometres of the UAV’s position.

[6] The interference could have originated from anywhere within the radius of several kilometres of the UAV’s position.

Categories: Central Europe


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