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Kolumbien : Zerstritten über den Weg zum Frieden

Konrad Adenauer Stiftung - Tue, 02/06/2015 - 00:00
Kolumbien muss sich auf Reformen vorbereiten, um die Postkonfliktphase nach der Unterzeichnung eines Abkommens mit der FARC-Guerilla gestalten zu können.

Der deutsche OSZE-Vorsitz 2016

Konrad Adenauer Stiftung - Tue, 02/06/2015 - 00:00
Die Bundesrepublik übernimmt 2016 den Vorsitz in der Organisation für Sicherheit und Zusammenarbeit in Europa (OSZE). Das Auswärtige Amt hat bereits angekündigt, den Vorsitz auch als Chance nutzen zu wollen, um die OSZE zu modernisieren und zu reformieren. Damit dies gelingen kann, ist es wichtig, dass die OSZE nicht nur als institutionelles Scharnier für den klassischen Sicherheitsdialog zwischen dem Westen und der Regierung im Kreml wahrgenommen wird, sondern alle Partner in der OSZE und alle Dimensionen der OSZE entsprechende Aufwertung erfahren.

Sudan's Bashir conducts major reshuffle in top army posts

Sudan Tribune - Tue, 02/06/2015 - 00:00

June 1, 2015 (KHARTOUM) - The Sudanese president Omer Hassan al-Bashir has relieved on Monday the military chief of staff and other senior officers hours before his swearing-in ceremony for a new term in office.

Sudanese president Omer Hassan al-Bashir (ASHRAF SHAZLY/AFP/Getty Images)

Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) spokesperson, Colonel al-Sawarmi Khalid Sa'ad, said in a statement Monday the changes come in the context of the annual routine work at the SAF, saying that Bashir met with the outgoing chiefs of staffs and thanked them for their services.

He said that Lieutenant General Mustafa Osman Obeid Salim has been appointed the army's new Chief of Staff. Lieutenant General Ismail Breima Abdel-Samad has replaced Lieutenant General Hashim Abdallah Mohamed Hassan as the deputy Chief of Staff.

Lieutenant General Ahmed Abdalla al-Naw has replaced Lieutenant General Mohamed Graham Omer Sha'oul as the SAF General Inspector, General Isam Mubarak Habib Allah Ibrahim has been appointed as the Chief of Staff of the Air Force and General Ibrahim Mohamed Al-Hassan as the Chairman of the Joint Operations Staff.

The state minister of defence Lieutenant General, Yahia Mohamed Khair Ahmed, has been appointed as the Chief of Staff of the Land Forces while General Ali Mohamed Salim has replaced General Sideeg Amer Hassan Ali as the Chairman of the Intelligence and Security.

General Fath al-Rahman Muhi al-Din Salih Mohamed has replaced Lieutenant General Dalil al-Daw Mohamed Fadlalla as the Chief of Staff of the Navy.

The vice-president of Karari University Lieutenant General Salah al-Din Ahmed Abas was also referred to retirement.

According to the statement, General Emad al-Din Mustafa Adawi has been appointed as director of international relations department at the defence ministry while General Ahmed Ali Osman was appointed as director of human resources department at the ministry.

The minister of defence, Abdel-Rahim Mohamed Hussein, for his part thanked the retirees for their efforts and outstanding performance, wishing the new chief of staff every success in the upcoming period.

Categories: Africa

South Sudan expels UN humanitarian coordinator

Sudan Tribune - Tue, 02/06/2015 - 00:00

June 1, 2015 (JUBA) – The United Nations secretary general, Ban Ki Moon has condemned South Sudan's decision to expel its humanitarian coordinator in the country.

United Nations Humanitarian Coordinator in South Sudan, Toby Lanzer, talking to the media during a press conference on August 28, 2014 in Juba (AFP/Samir Bol)

Toby Lanzer, the Ki moon said, has been instrumental in addressing the increasing humanitarian needs of conflict-affected communities in the country, and ensuring that life-saving humanitarian assistance reaches the most vulnerable.

“This has been necessary because of continuing violence by both parties in the absence of a comprehensive peace agreement,” the secretary-general said in a statement extended to Sudan Tribune.

South Sudan's ongoing conflict began in December 2013 and has been marked by brutal violence against civilians and deepening suffering across the country. Some 119,000 people are sheltered in UN compounds across the country, the world body said.

In recent weeks, however, the fighting in the country has worsened considerably with reports of widespread killings, rapes, abductions and the burning and destruction of towns and villages, particularly throughout South Sudan's Unity and Upper Nile states.

The UN chief, however, called on South Sudan government to reverse its decision immediately, further urging it to fully cooperate with all UN entities in the country.

Lanzer, who also doubled as the deputy special representative of the UN secretary general, was due to end of his term in South Sudan before leaving for the Sahel region.

The secretary general has appointed Ghana's Eugene Owusu as Lanzer's successor.


In November 2014, South Sudan expelled a UN official who carried out investigations into the human rights situation in the country.The expulsion was reportedly linked to a report published in August, accusing the army of torture, rapes, killings and abduction.

The UN condemned the decision, which is said violated South Sudan's legal obligations.

In recent years, however, domestic and international human rights bodies have accused the South Sudanese army of gross human rights violations, allegations it has dismissed.


Categories: Africa

Calm returns to Wau county after rebel attack: officials

Sudan Tribune - Tue, 02/06/2015 - 00:00

June 1, 2015 (WAU) – Wau county in South Sudan's Western Bahr el Ghazal state is now calm, a day after opposition forces took control of Bazia payam, its commissioner Elia Kamilio Dimo, said.

Dimo said the population in the county have resumed their normal cultivation activities.

“Our people are now in their farms carrying out their normal duties,” the Wau county commissioner told Sudan Tribune Monday.

“The rebels have been flashed out from the town a day after Sunday's attack on our payam headquarters,” he further stressed.

Dimo said government forces now control of Bazia town after pushing out rebels.

On Sunday, government officials admitted that the opposition forces had captured Bazia, a strategic town south of the state capital.

At two people were reportedly killed during the attack, which also witnessed the massive destruction of properties in the area.

The state security advisor, Wol Dhel Theip said government had deployed heavy security personnel within Wau county to monitor and militarily deal with rebels.

The presence of rebel forces in Wau county forest had earlier been reported by state authorities since conflict erupted in the country. In January this year, an attack on a group of journalists traveling on Wau-Raga road was blamed on the armed opposition.


Categories: Africa

Rheinische Post: Hasselfeldt wirft EU bei Kampf gegen Maut "falsche Prioritätensetzung" vor - Tue, 02/06/2015 - 00:00
Rheinische Post: Düsseldorf (ots) - Im Streit um die geplante Pkw-Maut in Deutschland hat CSU-Landesgruppenchefin Gerda Hasselfeldt der EU eine "falsche Prioritätensetzung" vorgeworfen. "Statt ständig die Maut zu bekämpfen, sollte die EU-Kommission alle Kraft für ...

In Iraq, UN reports insecurity and violence taking ‘terrible toll’ on civilians from all communities

UN News Centre - Mon, 01/06/2015 - 23:55
At least 1,031 Iraqis were killed in May 2015 and another 1,684 injured in acts of terrorism, violence and armed conflict, according to the United Nations Assistance Mission in Iraq (UNAMI), which said the actions of the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant’s (ISIL) were to blame for the growing number of casualties.

La Réunion : Encore un surfeur attaqué par un requin - Mon, 01/06/2015 - 23:47

Un surfeur de 47 ans qui naviguait dans une zone interdite a été très grièvement blessé par un requin ce lundi, à la Réunion. Son bras aurait été arraché.

Categories: Défense

Kína bejelentkezett a nagyhatalmak szűk klubjába

Honvé - Mon, 01/06/2015 - 23:35
Először artikulálta meg ilyen egyértelműen és nyilvánosan saját világhatalmi törekvéseit a kínai állam, amikor nemrégiben kiadta az ország stratégiai prioritásait tartalmazó, úgynevezett Fehér könyvet. Már nem az a kérdés, hogy lesz-e újabb tagja a szuperhatalmakat tömörítő szűk klubnak, hanem, hogy mikor.
Categories: Biztonságpolitika

Rand Paul’s NSA Victory Lap Could Be a Short, Costly One

Foreign Policy - Mon, 01/06/2015 - 23:31
Rand Paul managed to temporarily derail an NSA surveillance program. But it will live to spy another day, and Paul's maneuvering could cost him as he embarks on a 2016 presidential run.

Le gouvernement lance une enquête sur la découverte d'engrais de mauvaise qualité

Malijet - Mon, 01/06/2015 - 23:30
L'affaire concerne environ 40.000 tonnes d'engrais importés de mauvaise qualité livrée aux paysans.
Categories: Afrique

BERLINER MORGENPOST: Eltern haben abgestimmt/Ein Kommentar von Regina Köhler - Mon, 01/06/2015 - 23:27
BERLINER MORGENPOST: Berlin (ots) - Jede Sekundarschule darf nun eine Oberstufe einrichten, vorausgesetzt, sie findet andere Sekundarschulen, Oberstufenzentren oder Gymnasien, mit denen sie sich zu diesem Zweck verbündet. Eine vernünftige Entscheidung, die das Problem ...

Is India’s Deadly Heat Wave Global Warming?

Foreign Policy - Mon, 01/06/2015 - 23:26
In one of the hottest cities in India, residents blame overcrowding, rapid urbanization, and pollution for record-breaking temperatures.

Stuttgarter Zeitung: Kommentar zu Monopolkommission/Gabriel/Google - Mon, 01/06/2015 - 23:15
Stuttgarter Zeitung: Stuttgart (ots) - Natürlich ist es richtig zu überprüfen, ob Internetgiganten wie Google ihre Marktmacht missbrauchen. Wenn darauf der deutsche Wirtschaftsminister Sigmar Gabriel die Antwort gibt, der US-Konzern müsse zerschlagen werden, mutet dies ...

Stuttgarter Zeitung: Kommentar zu Italien/Renzi/Wahlen - Mon, 01/06/2015 - 23:15
Stuttgarter Zeitung: Stuttgart (ots) - In seinen ersten 15 Regierungsmonaten hat Matteo Renzi nach dem Kommandoprinzip regiert: einer gegen alle. Das war nötig. Viele Barrikaden in einem chronisch reformunfähigen Land ließen sich nur niederrennen, nicht beseitigen. Die ...

Stuttgarter Zeitung: Kommentar zu SPD/Edathy - Mon, 01/06/2015 - 23:15
Stuttgarter Zeitung: Stuttgart (ots) - Für die SPD-Spitze bedeutet der unentschlossene Schiedsspruch eine Niederlage. Ihr Ansinnen, eine Trennlinie zu ziehen zwischen der Partei und dieser anrüchigen Geschichte, ist vorerst gescheitert. Was das Schiedsgericht sich von ...

Somalie: au moins 35 morts dans des combats à la frontière éthiopienne

RFI /Afrique - Mon, 01/06/2015 - 23:11
Depuis vendredi, des affrontements sporadiques opposent des milices somaliennes aux unités spéciales de la police éthiopienne dans la région de l'Ogaden, à la frontière entre les deux pays. Trente-cinq personnes auraient été tuées.
Categories: Afrique

At Geneva jobs summit, UN labour chief urges a global debate on the future of work

UN News Centre - Mon, 01/06/2015 - 23:06
Addressing some 4,000 government, worker and employer representatives, the head of the United Nations International Labour Organization (ILO) called for a global debate on the future of work at the 104th International Labour Conference in Geneva today.

A balközép nyert, de a jobbközép sem veszített

Magyar Szó (Szerbia/Vajdaság) - Mon, 01/06/2015 - 23:04

A Matteo Renzi kormányfő vezette balközép csak számokban nyerte meg a vasárnapi tartományi és önkormányzati választásokat. A voksolás politikai győztese a jobbközép, amelynek az Északi Liga lett a legerősebb pártja.

Nigeria: la lutte contre Boko Haram au cœur de la diplomatie de Buhari

RFI /Afrique - Mon, 01/06/2015 - 23:01
Le nouveau président du Nigeria va consacrer sa première visite officielle au Niger et au Tchad, pays affectés par l'insurrection armée de Boko Haram. Une annonce faite ce week-end à RFI, par le ministre nigérien des Affaires étrangères. Cette visite montre l'engagement de Muhammadu Buhari à lutter contre ce mouvement terroriste et à contribuer aux opérations menées conjointement avec le Cameroun, le Tchad et le Niger. Une attitude qui tranche avec son prédécesseur. Buhari discute avec l'ensemble de la communauté internationale pour lutter contre le terrorisme.
Categories: Afrique
