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Több pénz Kelet-Európának

Krónika (Románia/Erdély) - Tue, 02/06/2015 - 18:27

A 30 milliárd eurót meghaladó előirányzatnál is jóval több fejlesztési támogatást kaptak Közép- és Délkelet-Európa gazdaságai az elmúlt két évben.
Kategória: Gazdaság

Újrahasznosítanák az ipari hulladékot

Krónika (Románia/Erdély) - Tue, 02/06/2015 - 18:25

A hulladék újrahasznosítása, a termelésben a hulladék mennyiségének visszaszorítása, és a fenntartható fejlődés volt a témája az Országos Klaszterszövetség, a Clustero által kedden Sepsiszentgyörgyön szervezett konferenciának.
Kategória: Gazdaság

Weekly Update from the OSCE Observer Mission at Russian Checkpoints Gukovo and Donetsk based on information as of 10:00hrs (Moscow time), 02 June 2015

OSCE - Tue, 02/06/2015 - 18:25


Kamensk-Shakhtinskiy, Russian Federation. The Observer Mission (OM) continues to operate 24/7 at both BCPs. The overall cross-border traffic increased at both Border Crossing Points (BCPs).


OM’s staff composition

The OM is currently operating with 21 staff members, consisting of 19 permanent international observers (incl. the Chief Observer) and two first-responders, one of which is performing the duties of an administrative assistant. Eight staff members are currently on leave.

Cross-border movements common to both BCPs

The profile of the people crossing the border remains unchanged and can be categorised as follows:

  1. Families on foot or travelling by car, with a lot of luggage, often accompanied by elderly people;
  2. Adults (usually of younger age) with no luggage or empty cars;
  3. People wearing military-style clothes with or without backpacks, crossing on foot or in vehicles.

As compared to last week, the average number of entries/exits increased overall from 8,378 to 8,507 per day for both BCPs; the average net flow went from minus 218 to minus 160 (i.e. more exits from the Russian Federation). The Donetsk BCP continued to experience more traffic than the Gukovo BCP. The cross-border movements registered at both BCPs accounted for just over 32 percent of all entries/exits in the Rostov region. The majority of the vehicles crossing the border have number plates issued in the Luhansk region, including an increasing number of articulated trucks and the long-distance coaches commuting between Luhansk and cities in the Russian Federation, predominantly in the Rostov region.

Common observations at the BCPs

The situation at both BCPs remained calm. The OM continued to observe that the Russian Federation border guard and customs service conducted checks and controls.

Regular local and long-distance bus connections continued to operate between the Luhansk region and cities in the Russian Federation. In addition to regular bus connections, the Observer Teams (OTs) also continued to observe bus connections on irregular routes. Often the buses do not state their route; instead they just have a sign in the window saying “Irregular”.

During the reporting period, the number of men and women in military-style dress crossing the border in both directions decreased from 292 to 257 at both BCPs which is the lowest recorded number since the Observer Mission’s inception. These people have been crossing individually or in groups and on foot or in vehicles. Approximately eighty five percent of border crossings occurred at the Donetsk BCP. The OTs continue to observe that persons in military-style dress have been travelling by bus across the border which makes it more difficult for the OTs to observe their movement across the border. The OTs also continue to observe physically fit young men in civilian clothing, who frequently travel in groups, with short haircuts who often have camouflage-colored bags.

Furthermore, the OTs continued to observe Ukrainian vehicles including articulated trucks with “DPR/LPR” stickers on their license plates replacing the Ukrainian flag.

During the reporting week, the OM continued to observe an increased number of trucks crossing the border in both directions. The OTs continued to observe dumper trucks transporting coal from the Luhansk region to the Russian Federation through the BCP Gukovo. The OTs observed intense cargo truck traffic at BCP Donetsk crossing the border in both directions. While the majority of the trucks are registered in Luhansk oblast, during the reporting period the OTs have also observed trucks registered in Belarus crossing the border. The OTs have observed that the number of trucks registered in Belarus has decreased compared to the previous reporting week; these trucks were observed crossing the border in both directions at the Donetsk BCP. Separately, the OTs also observed tanker trucks crossing the border both ways. These crossings occurred at both BCPs. These trucks for the most part had the word “Propane” and “Flammable” written across the tanks in Russian.

Military movement

At the two BCPs the OM did not observe military movement, apart from the usual vehicles of the Russian Federation Border Guard Service.

Observation at the Gukovo BCP

The traffic flow at the Gukovo BCP has increased compared to last week. A daily average of 2,513 entries and exits was recorded, which accounted for just under ten per cent of all entries/exits in the Rostov region. The net flow went from plus 50 to plus 103 (i.e. more entries to the Russian Federation) on average per day.

During the week, the OM observed a total of 32 persons in military-style clothing crossing the border at the Gukovo BCP, 20 of whom left for Ukraine while 12 entered the Russian Federation.

As in previous weeks, the OM observed dumper trucks transporting coal from the Luhansk region to the Russian Federation, though the intensity of the transportation remains relatively low compared to past reporting periods. As reported previously, the observers saw Russian Federation customs officers verifying that the trucks were empty while leaving the Russian Federation.

In addition to the above-mentioned tanker trucks with the word “Propane” and “Flammable”, the OT observed a number of orange articulated fuel trucks crossing at the Gukovo BCP.

The OTs picked up on the sound of trains running down the train tracks located approximately 150 meters south west of the BCP on seven occasions during the reporting week; the OTs estimated that four trains were going to Ukraine; three were bound for the Russian Federation. Visual observation was not possible because of the line of trees in between the train tracks and the BCP.

On May 28 at 21:30hrs the OT heard 12 light caliber single shots which came from a south eastern direction.

On May 28 at 11:29hrs the OT observed three men carrying a coffin from Russian Federation to Ukraine, crossing the border on foot. The OT also observed two women together with these three men dealing with documentations while crossing the border.   

On two occasions during the reporting period, the Border Guards held drills during which the gates of BCP were closed on both sides and spike mats were deployed on the road. Border guards were observed wearing helmets and bulletproof vests.


Observation at the Donetsk BCP

During the reporting period the activity at the Donetsk BCP was slightly higher compared to last week. The daily average of 5,994 entries and exits accounted for over twenty three percent of all entries/exits in the Rostov region. The net flow changed from minus 269 to minus 264 on average per day (i.e. more exits from Russian Federation). The OT observed 225 persons in military-style clothing crossing the border at the Donetsk BCP individually and in groups; 133 persons entered the Russian Federation while 92 left for Ukraine.

During the reporting week the OTs observed three ambulances at the Donetsk BCP. On one occasion, the OT observed an ambulance arriving from Russian Federation direction at the BCP to the other side of the customs control building. All the ambulance staff was dressed in full biohazard clothing. The ambulance remained for 15 minutes before returning to the RF.  The ambulance was parked out of line of vision of the OT and consequently it was unable to observe what happened.

On May 26 at 11:43hrs a white minivan arrived to BCP from Russian Federation side. On its windshield was written in large black letters “GRUZ 200” and there was a large Christian cross on the front of the vehicle. The OT observed four persons in civilian clothing and a sealed brown coffin on its board. After quick checks by the Russian Federation officials including the representative of the Veterinary Service the vehicle proceeded to Ukraine.

On May 30 and June 1 the OTs heard the sound of firing in three occasions. The first and second were heard from a north-west direction and approximately 10 to 20 rounds were shot.  The third shooting was heard from a northern direction and consisted of nine light caliber rounds shot in a row.



On 28 May 2015 at 07:00hrs (Moscow time), a Russian convoy arrived at the Donetsk BCP (see the OM Spot Report of 28 May). A total of 50 vehicles - 44 cargo trucks and 6 support vehicles - were checked by the Russian border guard and customs services; one Russian service dog was used to check most of the cargo trucks. Ukrainian officers were present on site during the check of both the outgoing and the returning convoy. All the vehicles had crossed back into the Russian Federation by 15:10hrs on 28 May.

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No Shangri-La in South China Sea

Foreign Policy Blogs - Tue, 02/06/2015 - 18:07

U.S. Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter arrives at the International Institute for Strategic Studies Shangri-la Dialogue, or IISS, for the 14th Asia Security Summit, Friday, May 29, 2015, in Singapore. TPhoto: Wong Maye-E, AP

On Saturday in Singapore, U.S. Defense Secretary Ashton Carter addressed the attendants at the 14th Shangri-La Dialogue, a high-level security forum, asserting China’s recent land reclamation in the South China Sea was “out of step” with international norms, and adding his opposition to “any further militarization” in the region. As a high-level Chinese military delegation looked on uncomfortably, Carter asked for “a peaceful resolution of all disputes” and called for  “an immediate and lasting halt to land reclamation by all claimants.”

But before the Chinese delegation got too uncomfortable in their seats, he acknowledged the actions of the other claimants who have been busy constructing their own outposts in the South China Sea. (Vietnam currently has 48, the Philippines eight, Malaysia five and Taiwan one.) Despite their activity, Carter pointed out the Chinese have far exceeded the others in pace and scale, having reclaimed over 2,000 acres on five outposts within the last 18 months — more than all of the other claimants combined have done in their history.

The Chinese reaction to Carter’s speech was quick and pointed, with one Chinese military official saying his comments were “groundless and not constructive.” Senior Colonel Zhao Xiaozhuo of the Chinese Academy of Military Science added further, “Freedom of navigation in the South China Sea is not at all an issue because the freedom has never been affected.”

Colonel Zhao’s remarks are disingenuous, given freedom of navigation should include the right of foreign militaries to fly their aircraft over the South China Sea. Last week, the Chinese military ordered a U.S. Navy P-8 Poseidon surveillance aircraft to “go now”— an obvious attempt by Beijing to impede freedom of navigation in the skies over the South China Sea.

Freedom of navigation should also include the right of Vietnamese fishermen to fish in traditional fishing grounds. Last month’s declaration of the municipal administration of Haikou in Hainan, China’s southernmost province, of an annual fishing ban would appear to hinder the freedom of navigation for Vietnamese fishermen. The affected area encompasses the Gulf of Tonkin, the Paracels island chain which China took from Vietnam in 1974, and the Scarborough Shoal, a disputed reef in the Spratly Islands China seized from the Philippines in 2012.

Colonel Zhao went even further, adding, “It is wrong to criticize China for affecting peace and stability through construction activities.”

Yet, his comments followed reports confirmed by the Pentagon that China had placed mobile artillery on one of its reclaimed islands in the South China Sea, causing John McCain, Chairman of the U.S. Senate Armed Service Committee to call the action “disturbing and escalatory.” While the deployment of artillery is largely symbolic, given the Chinese navy’s more formidable presence in the waters (and all regional claimants except Brunei have military fortifications in the Spratly island chain), the move has focused international attention on Beijing’s motives in the region and precipitated the call for a halt to all militarization of the islands of the South China Sea.

Beijing’s escalation of land reclamation efforts on islands it controls, and the denial of actions taken to limit freedom of navigation have only motivated Southeast Asian nations with claims in the South China Sea to undertake joint military preparations while building up their own militaries and drawing military assistance from actors outside the region, such as the U.S. and Russia.

On Sunday, Carter visited the Vietnamese navy and coast guard and pledged $18 million toward the purchase of U.S. patrol boats. McCain had earlier proposed an amendment to the 2016 U.S. Defense Authorization Act entitled the East Sea Initiative. Under the amendment, the U.S. would provide assistance in training and equipping the armed forces of Southeast Asian countries in order to deal with territorial challenges.

What many of the delegates of the Shangri-La forum called for was immediate action by China and the 10-member Association of Southeast Asian Nations to agree on and adopt a “code of conduct” governing the disputed waters. Yet as Chinese dredgers are hard at work reclaiming land and increasing China’s de facto control, there is little incentive for Beijing to sign such a document.

Meanwhile, the U.S. is unlikely to remove its “pivot to Asia” anytime soon, and any further restriction on the freedom of navigation in the South China Sea by Beijing will likely be met with a challenge from Washington, as Defense Secretary Carter foreshadowed in his comments to the Shangri-La delegates, “Turning an underwater rock into an airfield simply does not afford the rights of sovereignty or permit restrictions on international air or maritime transit….There should be no mistake: the United States will fly, sail, and operate wherever international law allows, as US forces do all around the world.”

Expect more turbulence in these waters in the coming months.

Hátrányosan érinti a kisebbségi oktatást az új törvénytervezet

Krónika (Románia/Erdély) - Tue, 02/06/2015 - 18:05

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