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Briefing - The European Year for Development: Sustainable Growth - PE 549.039 - Subcommittee on Human Rights - Committee on Development - Committee on Foreign Affairs

Economic growth is a key driver of poverty reduction, but its impact on the poor depends on growth patterns and policies. It is increasingly accepted that economic growth that advances development must be both socially inclusive and ecologically sustainable. Unlike the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), the new Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are expected to contain a goal on sustainable and inclusive growth. Some have challenged the revived focus on growth, both for ecological reasons and because they argue that wellbeing is not fully reflected in GDP figures. EU development policy has focused on sustainable and inclusive growth since 2011, with more attention devoted to trade, private sector engagement and promoting a favourable business environment. The European Parliament has recognised the role of growth in achieving development objectives, but insists on the need to include the most deprived and vulnerable, and on combatting inequality.
Source : © European Union, 2015 - EP
Categories: Union européenne

Briefing - The European Year for Development: Sustainable Growth - PE 549.039 - Subcommittee on Human Rights - Committee on Development - Committee on Foreign Affairs

Economic growth is a key driver of poverty reduction, but its impact on the poor depends on growth patterns and policies. It is increasingly accepted that economic growth that advances development must be both socially inclusive and ecologically sustainable. Unlike the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), the new Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are expected to contain a goal on sustainable and inclusive growth. Some have challenged the revived focus on growth, both for ecological reasons and because they argue that wellbeing is not fully reflected in GDP figures. EU development policy has focused on sustainable and inclusive growth since 2011, with more attention devoted to trade, private sector engagement and promoting a favourable business environment. The European Parliament has recognised the role of growth in achieving development objectives, but insists on the need to include the most deprived and vulnerable, and on combatting inequality.
Source : © European Union, 2015 - EP
Categories: European Union

Sudan's Bashir vows to amend relations with the West

Sudan Tribune - Wed, 03/06/2015 - 00:00

June 2, 2015 (KHARTOUM)- Speaking at his swearing-in ceremony, Sudan's president Omer al-Bashir vowed to pursue dialogue with the West to normalize relations and announced that the national dialogue would kick off soon.

Surrounded by the speakers of the lower and upper houses Sudanese President Omer al-Bashir (centre) takes part in his swearing in ceremony for another term of five years at the parliament in Khartoum, on June 2, 2015 (AFP Photo/Ashraf Shazly)

Bashir, 71, won re-election with 94% of the vote in an election boycotted by opposition and marred by low voter turnout, extending his nearly three-decade rule for another five years.

The inauguration ceremony was attended by several heads of state and government including Egypt's president Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi, Zimbabwe's president Robert Mugabe, Chadian president Idris Deby, Kenyan president Uhuru Kenyatta and Ethiopian prime minister Hailemariam Desalegn among others.

South Sudan was represented by its Vice-President James Wani, Qatar by the deputy prime minister and minister of state for cabinet affairs Ahmed bin Abdullah Al-Mahmoud, and Saudi Arabia by its state minister Mansour Bin Mutaib.

"Sudan will seek, God willing and with an open heart to complete dialogue with Western countries to return relations to normal guided by the recent positive indicators," Bashir said in his speech before the Sudanese legislators.

He further pledged to exert the necessary efforts to attract Arab capital to invest in food security projects in Sudan.

Relations between Sudan and Western countries deteriorated since the military coup d'état that brought Bashir to power in June 1989. But the arrest warrant over Darfur crimes against him dimmed any opportunity to improve relations as the country has been already under US economic sanctions since 1997 for alleged support of terrorism.

However, following the separation of South Sudan and considering the regional instability, the US administration and a number of European countries are reviewing their relations with Khartoum. But Washington still links between the normalization process and peace and democratic reforms.

A US delegation is expected in Khartoum during the upcoming weeks for talks on bilateral relations.


Bashir further reiterated his commitment to the national dialogue process that he launched in December 2013 and called to the holdout forces from the opposition and rebel groups to join it.

"I can assure your esteemed Assembly that we finalized the arrangements and identified mechanisms of the comprehensive national dialogue with its political and social tracks for which we called all people last year," he told the lawmakers.

"It will begin its activities, with the benediction of God, in the next few days," he said.

He further renewed his call for the "undecided" or "refusing" opposition parties to join the internal process and directed the same call for the rebel groups that "have chosen the path of violence".

Also, he renewed the offer of full amnesty for rebels who sincerely want to return to participate in the dialogue.

"We welcome them all around the table of dialogue to get out a document acceptable to all the people of Sudan," he stressed.

The Sudanese government said the dialogue process should take place inside the country without any foreign involvement.

However, it accepted that the African Union High-Level Implementation Panel (AUHIP) facilitate the process through talks on the security arrangements with the rebel groups including the ceasefire.

But Khartoum refused last March to take part in a preparatory meeting for the national dialogue arguing it will send a wrong message to the Sudanese people and asked for it to be held it after the elections.

The alliance of the opposition and rebel forces wants to create a new process for peace and constitutional reforms involving the international community.

The Sudanese president vowed to work for the welfare of all the Sudanese and to improve the economy of the country.

He also pledged to fight corruption and nepotism announcing that around 8,000 tons of gold reserves have been identified in the country worth $330 billion.


Categories: Africa

South Sudan's SPLM to hold high level reunification meeting

Sudan Tribune - Wed, 03/06/2015 - 00:00

June 2, 2015 (JUBA) - The disintegrated leadership of South Sudan's ruling party, the Sudan People's Liberation Movement (SPLM), will convene a high-level consultative meeting in the third week of June in Juba to discuss reunification process. This will be based on the roadmap agreement signed in Arusha, Tanzania, by three rival factions early this year.

Former cabinet affairs minister and G-10 team leader Deng Alor with former justice minister, John Luk Jok, after their arrival at Juba Airport on 1 June 2015 (Photo Moses Lomayat)

President Salva Kiir's spokesperson, Ateny Wek Ateny, on Tuesday said the meeting will bring together SPLM of former detainees, led by former secretary general, Pagan Amum and SPLM in government under president Kiir.

Ateny said the aim of the summit, which he said will also take place in the country's national capital, Juba, will be to assess progress made in the implementation of the Arusha intra-party agreement.

Scheduled for 26 June, the meeting, he said, is expected to be attended by leaders of Uganda, Tanzania and Ethiopia.

The president's spokesman did not however say whether representatives of the main armed opposition faction of SPLM led by former vice president, Riek Machar, will also take part or not in the planned summit.

He pointed out that president Kiir on Tuesday met and held talks with an advance preparatory team of the former detainees led by Deng Alor Kuol following their return on Monday from neighbouring Kenya where they lived in exile for the past one year.

The 5-member delegation of the ex-detainees, sometimes referred to as G-10, who returned to Juba on Monday included Deng Alor, former cabinet affairs minister and team leader, John Luk Jok, former justice minister, Kosti Manibe Ngai, former finance minister, Cirino Hiteng, former youth minister and Madut Biar, former postal service minister.

Others who remained behind included Pagan Amum Okiech, former SPLM secretary general, Oyai Deng Ajak, former national security minister, Majak Agoot, former deputy defence minister, Gier Chuang Aluong, former roads minister and Chol Tong Mayai, former governor of Lakes state.

The ex-political detainees fled to exile in 2014 following their release from detention after they were accused of allegedly masterminding a plot in 2013 to topple the government through unconstitutional means; charges they dismissed as false.

But Ateny said the returning officials have expressed readiness to work with president Kiir and members of his administration with the view of putting their acts together and efforts aimed at reunifying the ranks and file of the ruling party.

They also announced that their delegation will equally visit the leadership of the SPLM-IO in Pagak and hold similar talks aimed at unifying the party.

Earlier, spokesperson for the leader of SPLM-IO said they were not sure about intentions of the former detainees who unilaterally decided to travel to Juba to allegedly mediate between Machar's group and the government.

In reaction to the slated meeting in Juba to implement the Arusha agreement in June, SPLM-IO said they would also discuss with the mediation in the intra-party dialogue a way forward.

“As we stated earlier we are committed to the Arusha tripartite intra-party dialogue. Any other new proposed mechanism for the reunification process should seek prior consultation and agreement with our leadership,” said Machar's spokesman, James Gatdet Dak.

On the announced plan by former detainees to visit Pagak to hold talks with Machar, he said the opposition leadership would welcome the visit so as to hear from the former detainees what their new initiative was all about.

He however pointed out that there was still need to finalize negotiations on the Arusha intra-party reunification process, explaining that what was signed was only a ‘roadmap” agreement to guide further dialogue towards reaching a final agreement for the party.

The opposition group further explained that a party agreement would only complement the Addis Ababa comprehensive peace process under the mediation of the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD), saying the issues that need to be resolved have become national beyond the SPLM party.

Representatives of the warring parties are invited by IGAD for a consultative meeting on 8 June before the talks can resume under an expanded mediation mechanism which will include countries and international bodies beyond African continent.


Categories: Africa

South Sudan explains why UN relief coordinator was expelled

Sudan Tribune - Wed, 03/06/2015 - 00:00

June 2, 2015 (JUBA) – The South Sudanese government has explained circumstances under which it expelled Toby Lanzer, the United Nations relief coordinator in the country.

South Sudan's presidential spokesperson, Ateny Wek Ateny (AFP)

The spokesperson for the presidency said the council of ministers reached the decision during its weekly meeting held on Friday last week.

“This [decision] came as a result of council of ministers' resolution against the background of the statement he has made that is not responsible completely,” Ateny told reporters on Tuesday.

He described UN official as an “enemy”, who allegedly predicted that the South Sudanese economy would collapse, a statement in "violation" of his UN mandate.

“And Toby Lanzer's statement was not giving hope to people of South Sudan given that he was predicting the collapse, the total collapse [of the country],” he said at a briefing in the capital, Juba.

On Tuesday, the UN secretary general, Ban Ki Moon condemned the expulsion of the Lanzer, urging South Sudan government to reverse its decision towards the UN envoy.

But Ateny said only president Salva Kiir had the prerogative to reverse the council of ministers' decision, which held at the moment.

“If a country collapses, it will be rule of guns that will prevail and so anybody who makes statements that would not give hope to people of South Sudan is an enemy of South Sudan,” he stressed.

South Sudan's information minister, Michael Makuei Lueth accused the former UN relief coordinator of uttering “misleading” statements.

“That guy [Lanzer] has been making untruthful statements,” he said.


The European Union delegation joined the UN secretary general in condemning South Sudan's decision to expel the senior UN humanitarian official.

"The Heads of Mission join UN secretary general Ban Ki Moon in condemning the decision of the government of South Sudan to expel Mr Toby Lanzer, deputy special representative of the secretary general,” the EU said in a statement issued Tuesday.

Lanzer, the delegation members said in a joint statement, had spared no effort on behalf of the millions of victims of the man-made crisis in world's youngest nation.

“He has echoed the views of many members of the international community who believe it is time the leaders of South Sudan pay heed to the suffering of their people, and make the decisions and compromises that their people and the deepening humanitarian tragedy demand,” added the statement also extended to Sudan Tribune.

They further called for the reinstatement by the South Sudanese government of the expelled UN humanitarian coordinator to enable him complete his term of appointment.

“The heads of mission further call for all those who are working in the humanitarian field, from UN agencies and non-governmental organisations alike, to be accorded full respect and for their vital work to be facilitated by the Government of South Sudan,” it said.

Lanzer, a Briton, was last month appointed for another UN mission in the Sahel region.


Categories: Africa

SPLM-N rebels ambush government troops in S. Kordofan

Sudan Tribune - Wed, 03/06/2015 - 00:00

June 2, 2015 (KHARTOUM) - The fighters of the Sudan People's Liberation Movement-North (SPLM-N) killed six Sudanese soldiers in an attack on a Sudanese military convoy in the troubled South Kordofan state.

A SPLM-N fighter stands near Gos village in the rebel-held territory of the Nuba Mountains in South Kordofan on 1 May 2012 (Photo: Reuters)

Reports from the region say the Sudanese army intensified during the past days attacks on the rebel stronghold town of Kauda, in preparation of a ground operations.

In a statement extended to Sudan Tribune on Tuesday, SPLM-N official spokesperson, Arnu Ngutulu Lodi the ambush took place on the road between Shamshaka and Teri village in Rashad county.

“Six enemy forces were killed and more than 25 others wounded, two land cruisers completely destroyed and the following equipment captured in good condition, 1- one Doshka MG, 2- six pcs AKM rifles,” Lodi said.

The Sudanese army spokesperson was not reachable for comment.

The Sudanese government and rebel group failed to reach a cessation of hostilities agreement after a series of talks brokered by the African Union High Level Implementation Panel (AUHIP) in December 2014.

Since, the fighting between the warring parties resumed in South Kordofan and Blue Nile.


Categories: Africa

Senators Call on Pentagon to Counter Islamic State’s Use of IEDs

Foreign Policy - Tue, 02/06/2015 - 23:58
A pair of senators is pushing the Pentagon to do more to prevent the Islamic State from using massive improvised explosive devices that have long been a hallmark of Sunni insurgents and, more recently, cleared the extremists’ pathway to seize the Iraqi city of Ramadi last month.

Energieunabhängigkeit: EU plant diplomatische Großoffensive - Tue, 02/06/2015 - 23:55

Die EU-Kommission bereitet einen "diplomatischen Energieaktionsplan" für die Diversifizierung der Erdgaslieferungen in die EU vor. Algeriens große unerschlossene Reserven spielen dabei eine Schlüsselrolle. Bis zum nächsten Jahr will die Kommission auch eine Flüssigerdgas-Strategie vorlegen. EurActiv Brüssel berichtet.

Categories: Europäische Union

Congress Passes Overhaul of NSA Surveillance Program

Foreign Policy - Tue, 02/06/2015 - 23:51
Ending more than a week of intense debate, the Senate voted on Tuesday to limit the federal government’s vast surveillance powers while keeping many powerful snooping programs intact -- a compromise meant to balance civil liberties concerns with the intelligence community’s insistence that it needs the tools to prevent future attacks against the United States.

Le président nigérian Buhari au Niger sur fond de lutte contre Boko Haram

RFI /Afrique - Tue, 02/06/2015 - 23:41
Il a réservé sa première visite à l'étranger à son voisin du nord : le nouveau président du Nigeria se rend ce mercredi à Niamey pour une visite officielle, la première depuis son investiture à Abuja. Cette visite est placée sous le signe de la coopération régionale dans la lutte contre Boko Haram.
Categories: Afrique

Sambo – egy különleges sportbemutató és edzés a Világszövetség szervezésében

Orosz Hírek - Tue, 02/06/2015 - 23:39

2015. június 2-án mintegy félszáz néző előtt az Orosz nagykövetség és a FIAS szervezésében Sergey Tabakov FIAS igazgató, Dmitry Maximov FIAS Sportigazgató és Orosz Sambo szakmai stáb érkezett hazánkba a Budapesti Honvéd Judo Szakosztályának edzőtermébe. Az eseményen részt vett Simicskó István sportért felelős államtitkár, dr. Mészáros János MOB Alelnök és Vlagyimir Szergejev orosz nagykövet is.

Categories: Oroszország és FÁK

Az orosz EU-nagykövet persona non grata az EP-ben

Bruxinfo - Tue, 02/06/2015 - 23:37
Közel 90 EP-képviselő feketelistázására válaszul az Európai Parlament kitiltotta az épületéből az orosz EU-nagykövetet és egy másik diplomatát, és felfüggesztette részvételét az EU-orosz parlamenti vegyesbizottságban.

Spiegel: az Egyesült Államok saját szankciói ellenére is üzletel Oroszországgal

Orosz Hírek - Tue, 02/06/2015 - 23:29

Amíg az európai vállalkozók szenvednek az Oroszország elleni szankcióktól, addig az amerikai konkurensek új nagy hasznot hozó vállalkozásokat kötnek – írja a RIA Novosztyi a Spiegel-re hivatkozva. „Amikor az amerikai gazdaság számára fontos, akkor a nyugati nagyhatalom szünetelteti az új orosz hidegháborút” – írja a Spiegel.

Categories: Oroszország és FÁK

Liberté d'expression

Survie - Tue, 02/06/2015 - 23:21
L'écrivain et homme politique camerounais Enoh Meyomessé, lauréat du prix 2012 Oxfam Novib/PEN pour la liberté d'expression, injustement emprisonné au Cameroun depuis novembre 2011 pour « complicité de vol aggravé et de vente illégale d'or » vient d'être libéré après 40 mois de détention. Il sort, âgé de la soixantaine, gravement malade en raison de ce qu'il a subi. Le 27 décembre 2012, après un procès « sans preuve de malversations de ma part, sans témoins, sans plaignants, et après des séances de tortures par (...) - 246 - mai 2015 / , , , ,
Categories: Afrique

Obama Doubles Down on Criticism of Netanyahu and Israel’s Politics of ‘Fear’

Foreign Policy - Tue, 02/06/2015 - 23:21
President Barack Obama doubled down on criticisms of Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in an interview with an Israeli television station.

Is Khartoum Sending Weapons to Rebels in South Sudan?

Foreign Policy - Tue, 02/06/2015 - 23:19
A new report alleges Sudan is helping fuel a conflict that has helped spark a famine and a refugee crisis.

Vive les opex !

Survie - Tue, 02/06/2015 - 23:16
« Comment le Rafale a convaincu les acheteurs de sortir le carnet de chèques » s'interroge 20 minutes (10/04) : « C'est au cours de l'intervention en Libye que le jeune avion a montré toute sa fougue. "Le premier raid en Libye a été spectaculaire. Il a prouvé qu'il était pleinement opération­nel", souligne Thierry Vigoureux, journa­liste au Point, spécialiste en aéronautique. (...) Le Mali et l'opération Serval ont achevé de convaincre les dubitatifs. "Certains avaient des doutes quant à la résistance des (...) - 246 - mai 2015 / , , , , ,
Categories: Afrique

UN expert calls on Azerbaijan to free human rights defenders ahead of 2015 Baku Games

UN News Centre - Tue, 02/06/2015 - 23:12
United Nations Special Rapporteur Michel Forst today criticized the “relentless prosecution and repression of prominent rights activists in Azerbaijan” and called for their immediate release – before the inaugural European Games begin in Baku on 12 June.

Gifle judiciaire

Survie - Tue, 02/06/2015 - 23:11
C'est ce que vient d'infliger la Cour européenne des droits de l'homme (CEDH) à certains des magistrats en charge de l'affaire Borrel, du nom de ce juge assassiné à Djibouti en 1995 avec la complicité des réseaux françafricains et de l'armée française. Sa veuve s'est depuis battue inlassablement pour faire reconnaître ce crime, grossièrement maquillé en suicide, version que certains magistrats français appuyèrent complaisamment, avant que la thèse du meurtre soit enfin tardivement reconnue. En 2008, l'avocat (...) - 246 - mai 2015 / , , ,
Categories: Afrique

Petit pas

Survie - Tue, 02/06/2015 - 23:08
En 2005, l'ambassadeur de France en Algérie, Hubert Colin de Verdière, avait pour la première fois qualifié les massacres de Sétif de « tragédie inexcusable », propos réitérés en 2008 par son successeur Bernard Bajolet. A partir du 8 mai 1945, l'armée française avait férocement réprimé des émeutes provoquées par le meurtre d'un manifestant algérien par un policier français, étincelle dans le baril de poudre des humiliations de la colonisation et de la guerre sous les drapeaux français. En représailles au meurtre (...) - 246 - mai 2015 / , , , ,
Categories: Afrique
