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Azonosították a tojásdobálót (VIDEÓ)

Magyar Szó (Szerbia/Vajdaság) - Thu, 04/06/2015 - 20:10

A szabadkai rendőrség tagjai azonosították azt a fiatalembert, aki mintegy két hónappal ezelőtt tojással dobált egy idősebb hölgyet, majd a videofelvételt megosztotta a Facebook közösségi oldalon.

A felvétel szerdán jelent meg a közösségi oldalon, amelyen az látható, hogy egy fiatalember fényes nappal a Sugárúton tojással tarkón dobott egy idősebb hölgyet, társa pedig kamerával felvételt készített a támadásról. Ezt követően mindketten, nagy röhögés közepette távoztak a helyszínről.

A videó igen gyorsan elterjedt a világhálón és elítélő megjegyzések áradatát váltotta ki.

A rendőrség csütörtökön, terepi nyomozás során felderítette, hogy a támadó a szabadkai illetőségű D. S. (18) volt. Őt előállították és szabálysértési eljárást kezdeményeztek ellene. A szabálysértési bíróság bírája tíz napig terjedő elzárást szabott ki rá, amelynek letöltését azonnal megkezdte.

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Mint közleményükből kiderül, „Szabadka Város Önkormányzata leghatározottabban elítéli az egyik idősebb polgártársnőnk ellen elkövetett támadást, ami az interneten megjelent felvételek alapján a Sétaerdő Helyi Közösség területén, a Sugárúton, valahol a Dositej Obradović Iskolaközpont és a Tejpiac között történt.

Hogy segíteni tudjunk az illetékes hatóságoknak e szomorú eset felderítésében és az elkövetők megbüntetésében, felkérjük a megtámadott hölgyet, illetve azokat akik ismerik, hogy jelentkezzenek a Szabadkai Rendőrkapitányság 192-es telefonszámán” – áll a közleményben.

Az év elejétől 630 ezer turista látogatta meg Krímet

Orosz Hírek - Thu, 04/06/2015 - 20:09

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Categories: Oroszország és FÁK

Nemzeti összetartozás napja: Emlékezés a három éve ültetett királyhalmi almafánál

VajdaságMA (Szerbia/Vajdaság) - Thu, 04/06/2015 - 20:08
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Lalo Schifrin - Jaws

C'est pas secret... Blog - Thu, 04/06/2015 - 20:07

Categories: Défense

Megmaradásunkért talpra kell állnunk

Szé (Románia/Erdély) - Thu, 04/06/2015 - 20:05

A 95 éves tragédia, a trianoni békeszerződés évfordulóján, június 4-én nem a kesergés, a panasz volt az uralkodó Gyergyószentmiklóson.
Kategória: Aktuális/Gyergyószék

Tom Hanks Budapesten forgatja az új Dan Brown-filmet (Szlovákia/Felvidék) - Thu, 04/06/2015 - 20:03
A kétszeres Oscar-díjas sztár a napokban kezdte el forgatni Budapesten, a Gutenberg téren a Da Vinci-kód és az Angyalok és démonok folytatását, az Infernót.

Chez Fralib, François Hollande se rappelle au bon souvenir des socialistes

Le Figaro / Politique - Thu, 04/06/2015 - 20:03
Sur les traces de sa campagne de 2012 et à la veille du congrès de Poitiers, le chef de l'État a rendu visite aux ex-Fralib, ancienne fabrique de sachets de thé Lipton et des infusions Éléphant, transformée en société coopérative.
Categories: France

Sous le soleil de Pegasus

Le mamouth (Blog) - Thu, 04/06/2015 - 20:03
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A RegioJetnek Szlovákiában kb. 60 mozdonyvezetője van, akik közül a vég szerint 23-an ma beadták a felmondásukat.

2014: une bonne année pour l'export défense

RP Defense - Thu, 04/06/2015 - 19:55
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Categories: Défense

Latest from OSCE Special Monitoring Mission (SMM) to Ukraine based on information received as of 19:30 (Kyiv time), 3 June 2015

OSCE - Thu, 04/06/2015 - 19:54

This report is provided for the media and the general public.

The SMM monitored the implementation of the “Package of measures for the Implementation of the Minsk agreements”. Its monitoring was restricted by third parties and significant caution regarding security considerations *. The SMM observed a sharp increase in the number of ceasefire violations at and around Donetsk airport. The SMM remained unable to travel to Shyrokyne due to security reasons.


The SMM noticed a sharp increase in the number of ceasefire violations at and around Donetsk airport (“Donetsk People’s Republic” (“DPR”)-controlled, 12km north-west of Donetsk). From the Joint Centre for Control and Co-ordination (JCCC) observation point at the Donetsk central railway station (“DPR”-controlled, 8km north-west of Donetsk city centre), over a nine hour period during the day, the SMM heard 249 explosions[1] of both incoming and outgoing fire consistent with artillery, mortar and multiple launch rocket systems (MLRS) outgoing from south, west, north-west, north and north-east of the SMM position. Most of the MLRS shelling originated from “DPR”-controlled Kyivskyi district (8km north-west of Donetsk city centre) and Spartak (8km north of Donetsk). It was mostly concentrated and impacted in the area of government-controlled Opytne (10km north-west of Donetsk). The SMM also observed returning fire that the SMM assessed to be outgoing and incoming from Opytne and impacting on the residential area of Kyivskyi district. South of Olenivka (“DPR”-controlled, 23km south-south-west of Donetsk), the SMM heard several incoming explosions approximately 500-1000m west of the SMM position and more than 20 outgoing explosions originating from 200-500m west and east of the H20 road. The SMM unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) observed live shelling in Pervomaiske. The SMM observed civilian infrastructure on fire 500m south-west of Donetsk airport.

Fighting erupted around the government-controlled town of Marinka (23km west-south-west of Donetsk) in the morning of 3 June. The SMM observed the movement of a large amount of heavy weapons in “Donetsk People’s Republic: (“DPR”)-controlled areas – generally in a westerly direction towards the contact line – close to Marinka, preceding and during the fighting. At approximately 06:00hrs, an SMM UAV observed intense shelling targeting an intersection of the H15 highway, 3.5km south-west of Marinka. Calm was restored by the early evening. (For further information, please see SMM Spot Report at:

In Donetsk city the SMM observed what it assessed to be an increase in military equipment and intensive fighting starting early morning and continuing throughout the day. From the Park Inn Hotel the SMM heard several salvos of outgoing MLRS and close to one hundred artillery rounds impacting in the city. In Petrovskyi district (“DPR”-controlled, 15km south-west of Donetsk), at 07:40hrs, the SMM heard at least 17 salvos of outgoing MLRS (BM-21) and multiple explosions consistent with outgoing mortar fire west of the SMM position.

The security situation remained calm in Mariupol (government-controlled, 103km south of Donetsk), although late in the afternoon between 19:00hrs to 21:00hrs, from its position in Mariupol, the SMM heard continuous shelling in the area of Shyrokyne (20km east of Mariupol). In line with security considerations, the SMM did not monitor the Shyrokyne area.

The SMM observed at least 200 civilian passenger vehicles and some civilian trucks waiting at the Ukrainian Armed Forces checkpoint north of Novotroitske (government-controlled, 36km south-south-west of Donetsk). The commander told the SMM that the checkpoint had been shelled during the night and that eight mortar rounds had impacted on the checkpoint, of which some had not exploded. He said that the civilian vehicles would not be allowed to proceed until the area had been cleared of unexploded ordnance. Subsequently, the SMM was led by Ukrainian Armed Forces soldiers on foot through the checkpoint past marks on the tarmac of one exploded round and one visible tail of a mortar round (assessed to be 82mm) sticking in the tarmac.

At a government-controlled checkpoint in Volnovakha (government-controlled, 50km south-south-west of Donetsk), the SMM observed a total of 168 civilian vehicles lined up in both directions. Ukrainian Armed Forces personnel at the checkpoint informed the SMM that there were at least four unexploded grenades in the vicinity of the checkpoint resulting from shelling during the previous night. The SMM saw three of the unexploded grenades stuck in the tarmac.

In Luhanske (government-controlled, 57km north-east of Donetsk), the village inhabitants informed the SMM by telephone that children attending the village kindergarten were sheltered in the basement due to on-going shelling of the village. The SMM visited the kindergarten. Women at the kindergarten informed the SMM that they had heard outgoing mortars being fired from positions nearby the kindergarten during the night and later, during school hours.

The Ukrainian Armed Forces representative at the JCCC office in Avdiivka, who had visited Pisky (government-controlled, 11 km north-west of Donetsk), informed the SMM that the village had been shelled by Grad (BM-21). According to the interlocutor Pervomaiske, Novoselske, Vodyane, Opytne, Voyennaya Chast (military installation) and Shahta locations were also shelled with 120mm mortars starting at 02:30hrs. Further, three of the villages (Opytne, Pisky and Vodyane) had again been shelled with Grad (BM-21) in the afternoon hours. The Russian Federation Armed Forces representative at the JCCC office in Avdiivka confirmed this information.

Late in the afternoon the SMM was informed by a “DPR” member that a mine in Donetsk city lost electricity supply because of the recent shelling. Other “DPR” members later confirmed to the SMM that three mines in Donetsk were cut off current. In two of them the miners had been working underground at that time. According to the interlocutor, 375 employees were trapped under ground in the “Skachinskogo” mine (Kirovskiy district), and 576 in the “Zasiadko” mine (Kyivskyi district).[2]

The SMM observed that the overall security situation in the Luhansk region remained calm. The SMM heard one burst of automatic small arms fire outgoing from 300 to 400m south-east of the SMM position at the last checkpoint manned by Chernihiv battalion serving under the Ukrainian Ministry of Interior, prior to the Stanytsia Luhanska bridge (government-controlled,16km north-east of Luhansk). The Chernihiv battalion commander informed the SMM that a “Lugansk People’s Republic” (“LPR”) unit had attacked the last checkpoint prior to the bridge. The SMM inspected the site of the incident and observed multiple craters around the checkpoint, assessed to have been caused by automatic grenade launcher fire, and three damaged civilian houses. The SMM observed holes in the roofs and damaged walls, shrapnel in front of the houses and broken windows.

The Ukrainian Armed Forces personnel informed the SMM about a mine incident 200m north of Kapitanove (50km north-west of Luhansk). At the site the SMM observed one heavily damaged civilian vehicle and several impact holes on the right side of the vehicle. There were two dead bodies inside the vehicle, a male driver and a female passenger, both in their sixties. The SMM observed two craters located approximately 20m from the vehicle. A police investigator informed the SMM that a detonation of the two improvised explosive devices (IED) had been triggered by remote control by unknown persons, at 06:45hrs. The SMM observed another two IEDs 15m from the detonation site.   

The SMM travelled to six Ukrainian Armed Forces heavy weapons holding areas, all in compliance with Minsk withdrawal lines, but the SMM was denied access at three of the six sites.[1] At two previously visited sites that the SMM was able to access, the SMM observed that some previously recorded heavy weapons were missing, specifically two MLRS (122mm BM-21 “GRAD”) from one site and four MLRS (122mm BM-21 “GRAD”) from the other site. The SMM also visited one Ukrainian Armed Forces heavy weapons holding area for the first time, where it recorded three anti-tank guns (MT-12, 100mm) and was told by Ukrainian Armed Forces personnel that two additional anti-tank guns (MT-12, 100mm) normally stored at the site had been taken away for training.

Despite the claims that heavy weapons have been withdrawn, the SMM observed the following movement or presence of weapons in areas that are non-compliant with the Minsk withdrawal lines. In “DPR”-controlled areas the SMM observed 12 main battle tanks (MBT T-64 and T-72) and a military type truck towing a 122mm artillery piece. In government-controlled areas the SMM observed a single MBT (T-64). Additionally, the SMM UAV observed four MBTs and three howitzers in government-controlled areas.

In Kyiv the SMM monitored a demonstration in front of the building of the Cabinet of Ministers. The SMM observed the presence of approximately 500 individuals (most of them in their 40ies, mixed gender). Participants represented labour unions and were demonstrating against deterioration of the quality of life, lack of reforms and increase of utility prices. 20 police officers were present at the event, supported also by the National Guard. The demonstration ended peacefully.

On 2 June the SMM went to Kulykove Pole square in Odessa, to monitor a commemoration of 2 May 2014 events by anti-Maidan activists and a counter demonstration by pro-Maidan groups. Access to the square was closed off by 100 uniformed police officers. The SMM was informed by one police officer that this was due to a bomb scare. Near the square, the SMM observed the presence of two groups: 60 anti-Maidan activists (aged 30-70, 70% female) and 20 pro-Maidan activists (aged 20-60, 80% male). Each of the groups played music and held speeches. They also exchanged slogans - the anti-Maidan side chanted Odessa is a Russian city. 25 police officers in black uniforms were present. The SMM observed minor scuffles between the two groups, but the police separated them. The two groups dispersed after one hour.

The SMM continued to monitor the situation in Dnepropetrovsk, Kharkiv, Kherson, Lviv, Chernivtsi, and Ivano-Frankivsk.


* Restrictions on SMM monitoring: access and freedom of movement

The SMM is restrained in fulfilling its monitoring functions by restrictions imposed by third parties and security considerations including the lack of information on whereabouts of landmines.

The security situation in Donbas is fluid and unpredictable and the ceasefire does not hold everywhere.

  • The SMM was stopped at the Ukrainian Armed Forced checkpoint located west of Volnovakha (government-controlled, 52km south of Donetsk). Military personnel informed the SMM that it could not continue as they had received orders from their superiors to not let the SMM pass. The SMM contacted JCCC, but the situation remained unchanged. The SMM left the area and returned after one hour. This time, it was allowed to proceed.  
  • On route from Ilovaisk (“DPR”-controlled, 30km south-east of Donetsk), the SMM patrol was stopped by a dark blue civilian vehicle with no marks. An armed “DPR” member in uniform asked the SMM about security clearance and escort. After clarification of the situation, the “DPR” member advised the SMM about a high risk of booby-traps inside the urban area. He suggested the SMM to immediately report to the “DPR” commander’s office in town upon arrival, to ensure a security escort.
  • When returning from Petrovskyi district of Donetsk city, the SMM was stopped several times by uniformed persons driving unmarked civilian vehicles who suggested that the SMM should leave the area immediately as there was active fighting.
  • The SMM was refused access to three Ukrainian Armed Forces heavy weapons holding areas. In one of them the personnel manning the entrance explained the SMM that they could not enter because the Battery’s Officers were attending a meeting.
  • The SMM UAV experienced jamming around the contact line in the vicinity of “DPR”-controlled Oktyabr (24km north-east of Mariupol) and around government-controlled Hnutove (20km north-east of Mariupol) and Lebedynske (16km north-east of Mariupol).


[1] For a complete breakdown of the ceasefire violations, please see the annex table.

[2] Outside of the reporting period, the SMM followed the developments with the “minister of emergency situations” who informed the SMM that the miners were all successfully evacuated.

[1] Please see the section “Restrictions on SMM monitoring: access and freedom of movement”

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