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L'organisation de l'État islamique s'empare de l'aéroport de Syrte en Libye

France24 / Afrique - Fri, 29/05/2015 - 17:15
Profitant d'un chaos sans précédent, l'organisation de l'État islamique prend pied en Libye. Le groupe jihadiste a pris le contrôle de l'aéroport de Syrte, qui abrite une importante base aérienne, a-t-on appris vendredi.
Categories: Afrique

A sajtótörvény megváltoztatását javasolja a KDH

Hí (Szlovákia/Felvidék) - Fri, 29/05/2015 - 17:15
POZSONY. Pavol Abrhan, a Kereszténydemokrata Mozgalom frakcióvezetője a parlament júniusi ülésére a sajtótörvény módosítását célzó indítványt terjeszt elő, amely tilalmat vezetne be a hatóság minden szerve számára, hogy ne korlátozzák a média információkhoz való hozzáférését. A KDH így reagál a kormány jelenlegi információs embargójára a Denník N napilap ellen.

Cameron indul a munkaerő ellen

Magyar Szó (Szerbia/Vajdaság) - Fri, 29/05/2015 - 17:08

Fölényesen nyerte május elején a parlamenti választást David Cameron brit miniszterelnök pártja. Így egyedül kormányozhat a továbbiakban, de nem lesz könnyű dolga. Sőt, megannyi problémával kell megbirkóznia, miközben a választóknak azt is meg kell magyaráznia, hogy miért lesznek kormányzati megszorítások. Ezekről a népszerűtlen intézkedésekről, persze, csak elvétve esett szó a kampányban.

Burundi : tirs soutenus à Bujumbura, la mobilisation ne faiblit pas

Jeune Afrique / Politique - Fri, 29/05/2015 - 17:07
De plus en plus isol�, Pierre Nkurunziza fait chaque jour face � une mobilisation populaire qui ne faiblit pas.
Categories: Afrique

Staff Course for Women Leaders Concludes at OSCE Border Management Staff College in Tajikistan

OSCE - Fri, 29/05/2015 - 17:06

DUSHANBE, 29 May 2015 – The OSCE Border Management Staff College concluded its 13th Border Management Staff Course for Women Leaders in Dushanbe today.

“In the 21st century in spite of all changes, women remain underrepresented in the border security and management agencies. This course aims at promoting and encouraging women inclusion and participation in ensuring the safety and security of our borders,” said Alexander Eliseev, Chief of Education at the OSCE Border Management Staff College.

Twenty-five mid-level and senior managers from 14 OSCE participating States and Partners for Co-operation attended the course. The countries include Afghanistan, Belarus, Bulgaria, Egypt, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Lithuania, Moldova, Romania, Tajikistan, Tunisia and Ukraine.

The one-month initiative was designed according to the principles and standards of the OSCE Border Security and Management Concept which covers the political-military, economic and environmental as well as human aspects of the security.

It is composed of six overarching modules each reflecting relevant best practices and lessons identified. They focus on promoting border security and management in the OSCE area, review of the existing border security and management models; elements of border controls and co-operation; economic and environmental factors of border security and management; human dimension of border security and management; and organizational management and leadership.

The Staff Course for Women Leaders is added to the list of core offerings of the College since 2014.

In the framework of the one-month course, the participants visited the nearby border post with Afghanistan, participated in the group research projects and took part in the roundtable focusing on the recent developments in and around Afghanistan. Distinguished scholars, international subject area experts, as well as diplomats participated in the discussion. For more on the roundtable see here

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Categories: Central Europe

Burundi: deux explosions dans la capitale Bujumbura

RFI /Afrique - Fri, 29/05/2015 - 17:06
Au Burundi, le gouvernement dit regretter le retrait jeudi 28 mai de l'Église catholique du processus électoral, et celui de la mission d'observation européenne pour les élections législatives et communales de vendredi prochain et présidentielle du 26 juin. Sur le terrain, les manifestations contre le chef de l'Etat et la tension continuent. La journée a surtout été marquée par deux explosions dans le centre de la capitale burundaise.
Categories: Afrique

Islamic State Calls for Lone-Wolf Attack on Arizona Man Planning Muslim Protest

Foreign Policy - Fri, 29/05/2015 - 17:03
The Islamic State's cyber chief calls for lone-wolf attack on Arizona man planning a Mohammed cartoon contest.

15 frégates de premier rang: les détails du panachage à la mode lorientaise

Lignes de défense - Fri, 29/05/2015 - 16:57

A Lorient, ce matin, Jean-Yves Le Drian a décliné le volet maritime de la LPM rénovée et confirmé "la feuille de route Frégates". Feuille de route qui se résume ainsi: 8+5+2= 15.

Le ministre a rappelé que la Marine disposera de "6 FREMM anti sous-marines, d’ici fin 2019, selon le plan fixé par la LPM. La production des frégates devra donc être accélérée. Par la suite, d’ici 2022, deux autres FREMM anti sous-marines seront livrées. Ces dernières auront une capacité de défense anti-aérienne renforcée, par rapport aux premières FREMM."

Ces FREMM seront suivies, dès 2023 (et non plus 2025), par la livraison des 5 frégates de taille intermédiaire (FTI):
"Pour prendre en compte le réaménagement des livraisons des FREMM que je viens d’évoquer, j’ai décidé d’avancer le programme FTI de près de deux ans. Le lancement de ce programme permettra donc une première livraison dès 2023, dans la continuité de la production des FREMM à Lorient."

Cette feuille de route s’appuie également, pour finir, sur des travaux de rénovation et de modernisation des frégates de type La Fayette, "afin de garantir le format de 15 frégates de premier rang dans l’attente de la livraison des frégates FTI."

Cette décision, "opérationnelle"  et peut-être surtout "industrielle", va donner "à DCNS et à l’ensemble des sous-traitants une visibilité significative dans leurs plans de charge (tant en ingénierie qu’en production)". Lorient va donc bénéficier d'un plan de charge robuste. C'est tout bénéfice pour DCNS qui gagne sur toute la ligne puisque Kership, sa co-entreprise avec Piriou, a décroché 4 B2M et, si tout va bien, 4 BSAH.

Jean-Yves Le Drian pouvait donc conclure ainsi:
"Les commandes nationales, pour les FREMM à Lorient, les B2M, mais aussi les contrats à l’exportation remportés auprès de la Malaisie et de l’Egypte, soulignent une fois de plus le dynamisme et la capacité d’innovation de la région Bretagne, et plus particulièrement des chantiers DCNS et Piriou, que je veux féliciter."

Categories: Défense

Merkel: közös akarattal megőrizhető a brit uniós tagság

Hí (Szlovákia/Felvidék) - Fri, 29/05/2015 - 16:57
BERLIN. Közös akarattal meg lehet őrizni Nagy-Britannia tagságát az Európai Unióban - mondta a német kancellár pénteken Berlinben a brit kormányfővel folytatott megbeszélése után.

Kiállnak Rádulyék mellett

Szé (Románia/Erdély) - Fri, 29/05/2015 - 16:56

Megdöbbenésének adott hangot, és foglalt állást Csíkszereda képviselő-testülete a soros májusi önkormányzati ülésen a tisztségéből felfüggesztett Ráduly Róbert Kálmán polgármester és Szőke Domokos alpolgármester ügyében.
Kategória: Aktuális/Csíkszék

What If ‘The Wire’ Were Set in Ramallah?

Foreign Policy - Fri, 29/05/2015 - 16:56
A hit TV series has found audiences among Israelis and Palestinians alike with its brutal honesty about the ugliness of war and the complexity of human life.

A Szeretethíd önkéntes napok Gömörből indultak

FELVIDÉ (Szlovákia/Felvidék) - Fri, 29/05/2015 - 16:50
A rimaszombati hivatalos megnyitót követően összesen 2790 lelkes önkéntes több tucat helyszínen megkezdte az önként vállalt feladatok teljesítését.

A Marseille, le difficile parcours des travestis algériens

LeMonde / Afrique - Fri, 29/05/2015 - 16:46
Arrivés dans la cité phocéenne dans les années 1980, de nombreux travestis d’origine algérienne sont aujourd’hui victimes d’agressions physiques et verbales. Une association s’inquiète du rétablissement du délit de racolage passif, voté par le Sénat fin mars.
Categories: Afrique

Két motoros sérült meg Csíkszeredában

Szé (Románia/Erdély) - Fri, 29/05/2015 - 16:42

Egy súlyosabb és egy enyhébb sérültje van a pénteken délben a csíkszeredai Brassói úton történt közúti balesetnek.
Kategória: Aktuális/Csíkszék

Latest from OSCE Special Monitoring Mission (SMM) to Ukraine based on information received as of 19:30 (Kyiv time), 28 May 2015

OSCE - Fri, 29/05/2015 - 16:38

This report is provided for the media and the general public.

The SMM monitored the implementation of the “Package of measures for the implementation of the Minsk agreements”. The SMM, based on its monitoring – which was restricted by third parties and by security considerations* – observed an increased number of ceasefire violations in areas around Donetsk airport, as compared to previous days. Due to security considerations, the SMM was unable to patrol in Shyrokyne. In “DPR”-controlled Petrivske, the presence of an unknown armed group was reported.

From an observation point at the “Donetsk People’s Republic” (“DPR”)-controlled Donetsk central railway station (8km north-west of Donetsk city centre), the SMM noticed an increase in the number of ceasefire violations compared to previous days. Over a nine hour period during the day, the SMM heard 150 explosions from west and north-west, mostly consistent with mortar (82 and 120mm) and tank fire. In Luhansk region the SMM heard explosions in the area of government-controlled Trokhizbenka (33km north of Luhansk) and “Lugansk People’s Republic” (“LPR”)-controlled Frunze (40km north-west of Luhansk)[1]. Due to security considerations, the SMM was unable to observe the situation in Shyrokyne (20km east of Mariupol). However, from its position in Mariupol, the SMM heard several explosions emanating from an easterly direction.

In Petrivske (“DPR”-controlled, 38km south-east of Donetsk) the SMM spoke to a young man who said that the former local holiday camp was currently occupied by an unknown armed group. He could not specify for how long this armed group had been stationed in the village. In the village the SMM spoke to two women, both wearing military uniforms, with caps with Russian Federation Armed Forces insignia. They said that they were from Kramatorsk. During the conversation with the two women a vehicle with Russian Federation number plates stopped next to the OSCE vehicles and two armed men, similarly dressed, exited the car and ordered the women to stop the conversation with the SMM.  Behind a tall fence inside the holiday camp, the SMM observed one infantry fighting vehicle.

At a checkpoint on the outskirts of “DPR”-controlled Makiivka (10km east of Donetsk), the SMM observed a child, approximately 12-14 years old, wearing a camouflage uniform and holding an AK-47 rifle.

Alexander Zakharchenko, the “prime minister” of the “DPR” told the SMM that he was unavailable to attend meetings outside the country until the end of July due to health reasons.

In government-controlled Stanytsia Luhanska (16km north-east of Luhansk), a male resident told the SMM that on 27 May at around 00:00hrs, he heard heavy artillery fire until 01:30hrs near the bridge. According to the interlocutor, on 27 May there had been a gathering at the village administration building, where people had been informed by a municipal employee that the bridge in town would remain closed for 60 days, based on the decision of Luhansk governor Moskal from 26 May. He said that this announcement had caused bitterness among people present at the gathering.   

The SMM met with the Stanytsia Luhanska deputy district head and a representative of the village council. According to the interlocutors, the reason for closing the bridge was the deteriorating security situation. They stated that the district had received EUR 2.1 million from Luhansk regional administration to repair infrastructure damaged by shelling. However, given the resumption of shelling, infrastructure repairs were suspended. The officials explained that the shelling was the reason behind the governor’s decision to close the bridge. The officials acknowledged large queues formed on a daily basis, as people hope to cross the bridge. According to them on 27 May, in order to accommodate people’s wish to cross into “LPR”-controlled areas, the village administration organized free public transportation to transfer people to one of the official crossing points that remain open, such as government-controlled Zolote (60km north-west of Luhansk). Approximately 200 local inhabitants used this service. However, the interlocutors pointed out that their current budget would not enable them to continue this service. According to the officials on 28 May, there were 150 people gathering at the government-controlled side of the bridge demanding access to “LPR”-controlled territory.

The SMM re-visited two Ukrainian Armed Forces and one “LPR” heavy weapon holding areas observing that weapons previously recorded were in situ, and that their locations comply with the respective withdrawal lines.

Despite claims that withdrawal of heavy weapons was complete, the SMM observed 17 tanks in two concentrations in “LPR”-controlled areas north and north-west of Luhansk city.

The SMM visited the administrative boundary line in Chonhar (220km south-east of Kherson) and observed about 100 people queuing in front of the Ukrainian Border Guard containers and about 100 private vehicles with Ukrainian registration plates and 25 trucks queuing in front of the crossing point. The SMM also visited the bridge where the last position of the Ukrainian Border Guards is located and observed some 10 vehicles queuing to enter mainland Ukraine. The Ukrainian Border Guard personnel said the situation had been calm with no incidents reported. They said they do not have contact with the Russian Federation Border Guards. The officer in charge of the crossing point said the number of passengers traveling to Crimea for tourism had recently increased. The SMM visited a Ukrainian Border Guard position on Arabat Spit (238km south-east of Kherson) at the administrative boundary line with Crimea. The SMM spoke with the commander and soldiers at the last position of the Ukrainian Border Guards, just before a strip of land that serves as a neutral zone between Ukrainian Border Guards and Russian Federation Border Guards. The SMM observed a military tent some 300 metres away from the Ukrainian Border Guard position, which according to the Ukrainian commander belongs to the Russian Federation Armed Forces.

The SMM continued to monitor the situation in Kharkiv, Odessa, Dnepropetrovsk, Chernivtsi, Ivano-Frankivsk, Lviv and Kyiv.


* Restrictions on SMM access and freedom of movement:

The SMM is restrained in fulfilling its monitoring functions by restrictions imposed by third parties and security considerations including the lack of information on whereabouts of landmines.

The security situation in Donbas is fluid and unpredictable and the cease-fire does not hold everywhere.

  • In Krasne (government-controlled, 47km west of Donetsk) the SMM was approached by Ukrainian Armed Forces personnel who requested from SMM IDs, the red OSCE booklet and passports. The SMM was held for 15 minutes.
  • In Kramatorsk the SMM was halted at a Ukrainian Armed Forces checkpoint for 15 minutes. The SMM was ordered to park their vehicles, whilst civilian traffic was allowed to proceed. The SMM was informed by the Ukrainian Armed Forces personnel that they were looking for one suspicious person. A member of the Ukrainian Armed Forces asked the patrol if there were any citizens from the Russian Federation in the patrol. Additionally, the SMM was requested to step out of the vehicles. Five SMM members showed their IDs and one SMM monitor with Russian Federation citizenship was requested to hand over his mobile telephone.
  • At a Ukrainian Armed Forces checkpoint in  Volnovakha (55km north of Mariupol, government-controlled), Ukrainian Armed Forces soldiers at a checkpoint asked the SMM for the patrol members’ nationalities, names and OSCE ID numbers. The SMM was allowed to proceed after 20 minutes.

* Please see the section at the end of this report entitled “Restrictions on SMM access and freedom of

movement” for further information.

[1] For a complete breakdown of the ceasefire violations, please see the annexed table.

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Categories: Central Europe

Vádat emeltek Gyergyószentmiklós polgármestere ellen

Szé (Románia/Erdély) - Fri, 29/05/2015 - 16:36

Az Országos Korrupcióellenes Ügyészség (DNA) vádat emelt pénteken a házi őrizetben levő Mezei János, Gyergyószentmiklós polgármestere ellen.
Kategória: Aktuális/Gyergyószék

Három év felfüggesztett börtön a kóbor kutyák által megölt kisfiú ügyében

Krónika (Románia/Erdély) - Fri, 29/05/2015 - 16:35

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Bombariadó volt a FIFA-kongresszuson

Hí (Szlovákia/Felvidék) - Fri, 29/05/2015 - 16:34
ZÜRICH. Bombafenyegetés érkezett a Nemzetközi Labdarúgó Szövetség (FIFA) kongresszusának zürichi helyszínére.

Magyar iskola alapításáról döntött a besztercei önkormányzat

Krónika (Románia/Erdély) - Fri, 29/05/2015 - 16:30

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