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Can This Election Straighten Crooked Mexico?

Foreign Policy - Fri, 05/06/2015 - 22:06
After years of kickbacks and backroom deals with drug traffickers, Mexicans are finally talking about corruption.

UNAMID Withdrawal: Darfur “Janjaweed” sharpening their knifes

Sudan Tribune - Fri, 05/06/2015 - 22:00

By Trayo A. Ali

The “Janjaweed” are coming. The blood thirsty carnivorous predator militias that created genocidal havoc in Darfur are making in again as the UNAMID busy talking withdrawal. With that notorious reputation of terror haunting Darfur people, the “Janjaweed”, with full vengeance, are sharpening knifes, machetes, hatchets and axes. Of course with their heavy machine guns on top of that preparation. All geared to accomplish their mission: “turn the already devastated Darfur into total ashes”.

“Not only am I back, bitch, I am back with a vengeance”, reads one “Janjaweed” post in the net.

All that “opportunity” is precipitated by the talks of withdrawal of the “much harassed” UNAMID. Its withdrawal, if materialized, would definitely means paving the way for the “Janjaweed” to enter and fill the vacuum.

Seriously speaking that is unacceptable move and the worst judgment that could happen. It only increases unfavorable chances and widens the gap in the much needed security in Darfur and unleashes the “Janjaweed” militia to effect the most ruining phase of genocide.

(1) Withdrawal? How? On what based and what ground?
Nothing on earth the most hated issue government harbor than the one of UNAMID presence on Darfur soil. Remember the “hissing and humming” government made in the early stages of the deployment process till it was able to drastically reduce the potential capability of the would-be deployed “force” to the level of what been coined as “African character”. It was the tasteless and colorless entity government wanted to be and fought for, the docile and submissive it got it. That was the genesis of the prevailing bullying and blackmailing policy visited on UNAMID.

(2) Zero Security on the ground
The UN knows very well (more than anybody else) the reality that; there is nothing anything similar condition to security of any kind on the ground including that of surrounding the mission's personnel. Not only in the already “ravaged” Darfur (where everybody is effectively in the IDP camps) but, as we reported earlier, nobody is safe within the entire Sudan for the mere fact of being a “Darfuri”. Look at the ongoing predicament of Darfur students who are being hunted throughout the country, from Port Sudan in the extreme East to Al-Genaina in the West and from Dongola in the up-North to Kosti and Danazeen in the South.

May be the UMAMID abandoned the reason why it's there been deployed. If the UNAMID primary purpose of being deployed in Darfur is to “protect civilian” from government militia, the “Janjaweed” aggression, protect IDPs from frequent raids and rape, then the reasons for UNAMID being there are still prevailing. It's even getting worst. Everybody now knows, including the UNAMID, the simple reality that, while the “Janjaweed” mission remained the same, the militias are today even better organized than any time before. They are trained, financed, equipped and even a big portion of it is organized under the official government security apparatus and known as Rapid Support Force (RSF).

The “Jamjaweed” havoc is gone far to the extent of targeting and preventing the UN agencies accessing the IDPs with food, medicine, water and shelter. The situation remained bizarre. One of the pity aspect of it is that, none of the UN agencies, including UNAMID, has any accurate or credible number of the ongoing “genocide related deaths” or that of the IDPs. All that coupled with the daily routine of aerial bombardments. Of course forgotten is the refugee's situation.

On the “peace process”, that is becoming an “abominable” issue.
With Qatar government virtually “vetoing” every attempt or initiative on the peace process with the argument that, everything should ends up with the document known as ”DDPD” which turned into a real recipe for continual chaos in Darfur. By the grace of Qatar the government is clinging on it till death to them a part. Discuss this issue with the UN and AU officials and the answer you get is Qatar.

(3) All has to do with the UN compromising position
So after ably reducing mission's capability to that of “African character” level, the government started imposing restrictions, including expulsion of the humanitarian agencies working in Darfur (as partners to UN), preventing the free movement of the UNAMID (in valagrant violation to what is stipulated in the Status of Forces Agreement-SOFA), editing and doctoring and UNAMID reports, refusing visa granting for the UN appointees to UNAMID, vetoing UN Secretary General envoys(including head of UNAMID and the Force Commanders), “neutralizing” AU official, classifying and labeling its official as “persona non- grata”, spying on their communication system, unleashing militia to ambush and kill UNAMID persons, bull-shitting the ICC and now is daring to eject the Mission by this cunning argument of “exit strategy”.

(4) Darfur minus UNAMID equals second phase of genocide
My argument doesn't sound contradicting either. I remember a journalist once posed me question that goes as “As the UNAMID presence does not please the government as well as its withdrawal will not please the movements, yet both sides criticize the “Mission” on equal foots, does not that sound contradictive?

My answer was like this: “The two criticisms come from different perspective and of different connotations. The government wants to expel the UNAMID all together, while the movements want the Mission to perfect its role. There is no comparison down here.”

So that tallies with today's position too. The UNAMID should be there and be re-enforced. One prerequisite is that the government should take its long hand off the mission and let free to operate respected peace keeping force. It's the UN to correct this situation. Nobody buys this feeble argument of “the government doesn't cooperate”. After all, how one can expect the criminal to willingly give his/ her neck to be hung it?

(5) Where is that slogan “Never again”?
If there is one sure thing terribly felt flat and failed to accommodate the case of Darfur, it's this internationally cherished slogan “Never again” before our eyes. However, under these circumstances it's crucial to rally international support that would influence to mitigate the unfolding of another genocide in Darfur. Thus, it's imperative for the Darfurians, international community (the UN and the AU in particular), “stop-genocide” activists and the media should move to stop this “withdrawal” palaver. What is needed now is the re-enforcement The UNAMID needs and not the abort of the mission.

The writer is a leading member in the Sudan Liberation Movement-Minni Minnawi and humanitarian secretary of the Sudanese Revolutionary Front. He is reachable at

Categories: Africa

Kihirdették a idei Lifka-díjasokat

Magyar Szó (Szerbia/Vajdaság) - Fri, 05/06/2015 - 21:58

Želimir Žilnik és Roy Andersson az idei Lifka Sándor-díjasok – hangzott el a nyár folyamán sorra kerülő Európai Filmek 22. Nemzetközi Fesztiváljának első sajtótájékoztatóján, amely Belgrádban zajlott.

Tijana Jurić-ügy: Védőbeszéd jövő pénteken

Magyar Szó (Szerbia/Vajdaság) - Fri, 05/06/2015 - 21:55

Ma folytatódott a Tijana Jurić meggyilkolásával vádolt Dragan Đurić pere a szabadkai bíróságon. A bírói tanács elutasította a védelem indítványát, hogy tanúként hallgassák meg Zvezdana Savić pszichológust, aki részt vett azon a pszichiátriai vizsgálaton, amelynek keretében a vádlott beszámíthatóságát vizsgálták. A bizonyítási eljárás végén az ügyészség módosította a vádiratot, és abból törölte a „kegyetlenség” kifejezést. A vádbeszéd pénteken, június 12-én hangzik majd el.

Viktor Gostiljac, a vádlott védője azért szerette volna ismét beidézni a pszichológust, mert szerinte annak jelentésében ellentmondások vannak. A bírói tanács, élén Gordana Kojić bírónővel, elutasította a javaslatot, mert úgy véli, a pszichológiai szakvélemény teljes, és nincsenek benne ellentmondások. Ezt követően az ügyvéd azt kérte, hogy a kragujevaci vagy a niši Orvostudományi Egyetem szakértői csoportja vizsgálja meg ismét védencét, de a bírói tanács ezt is elutasította.

Mladenka Manojlović Gajin ügyészhelyettes ezután ismét felolvasta a vádiratot, amelyből a bizonyítási eljárást követően törölték a „kegyetlenség” szót.

A kérdésre, hogy megértette-e a vádiratot, Dragan Đurić vádlott egy szóval felelt: értem.

Mivel a pénteki tárgyalási napra a védelem nem készítette el védőbeszédét, ezért Viktor Gostiljac kérésének helyt adott a bíróság, így a következő tárgyalásra június 12-én, a jövő pénteken kerül majd sor.

Mira Orović, a Jurić család ügyvédje szerint a „kegyetlenség” szónak a vádiratból való törlése nem lesz hatással a bűncselekmény minősítésére.

Igor Jurić a hírportálnak úgy nyilatkozott, hogy a védőbeszéd elhalasztása a család számára az agónia meghosszabbítását jelenti. Mint mondta, abban bízott, hogy a mostani tárgyalás lesz az utolsó, mivel számára fájdalmas minden újabb nap a tárgyalóteremben.




Szombaton Durindó, vasárnap Gyöngyösbokréta

Magyar Szó (Szerbia/Vajdaság) - Fri, 05/06/2015 - 21:54

Szombaton a Durindón Vajdaság minden részéből 104 népdalkórus, énekes szólista, hangszeres csoport lép fel. Vasárnap a Gyöngyösbokréta szentmisével kezdődik, majd a tánccsoportok felvonulnak a templomtól a csantavéri színházig. A műsorban 34 néptáncegyüttes mutatkozik be. A produkciókat szakmai zsűri értékeli. E hétvégén több mint 2500-an lépnek majd fel a vajdasági magyarság legrangosabb, legtömegesebb népzenei és néptáncfesztiválján. A Csantavérre látogatókat kézművesvásár, gyermekfoglalkozások, koncertek is várják.

Doubling Down on a Doubtful Strategy

Foreign Policy - Fri, 05/06/2015 - 21:48
Why the current U.S. plan to win back Iraq only guarantees the Islamic State won’t be defeated.

Jeb is ringbe száll

Magyar Szó (Szerbia/Vajdaság) - Fri, 05/06/2015 - 21:36

Jeb Bush (a felvételen) korábbi floridai republikánus kormányzó, George W. Bush volt elnök fivére június 15-én jelenti be Miamiban, hogy beszáll a 2016-os amerikai elnökválasztási küzdelembe. A legifjabb Bush ezt csütörtök reggel tette közzé. Rick Perry volt texasi kormányzó ugyancsak csütörtökön jelentette be, hogy ringbe száll a Republikánus Párt elnökjelöltségéért.

Une pétition contre le directive « droit des affaires »

Bruxelles2 - Fri, 05/06/2015 - 21:36

(B2) Elise Lucet, journaliste à France Télévisions, vient de lancer une pétition contre la directive sur le droit des affaires. En 24 heures, la pétition avait déjà atteint 40.000 signataires. Pour la présentatrice de CashInvestigation, il ne faut pas « les entreprises dicter l’info ».

« Bientôt, les journalistes et leurs sources pourraient être attaqués en justice par les entreprises s’ils révèlent ce que ces mêmes entreprises veulent garder secret. A moins que nous ne réagissions pour défendre le travail d’enquête des journalistes et, par ricochet, l’information éclairée du citoyen.

Sous couvert de lutte contre l’espionnage industriel, le législateur européen prépare une nouvelle arme de dissuasion massive contre le journalisme, le « secret des affaires », dont la définition autorise ni plus ni moins une censure inédite en Europe.

Avec la directive qui sera bientôt discutée au Parlement, toute entreprise pourra arbitrairement décider si une information ayant pour elle une valeur économique pourra ou non être divulguée. Autrement dit, avec la directive « Secret des Affaires », vous n’auriez jamais entendu parler du scandale financier de Luxleaks, des pesticides de Monsanto, du scandale du vaccin Gardasil… Et j’en passe.

Notre métier consistant à révéler des informations d’intérêt public, il nous sera désormais impossible de vous informer sur des pans entiers de la vie économique, sociale et politique de nos pays. Les reportages de « Cash Investigation », mais aussi d’autres émissions d’enquête, ne pourraient certainement plus être diffusés. »

A signer…

Categories: Défense

OSCE Chairperson-in-Office calls for greater partnership to ensure sustainable management of natural resources

OSCE - Fri, 05/06/2015 - 21:36

VIENNA, 5 June 2015 –  On World Environment Day, the OSCE Chairman-in-Office, Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dačić stresses the need for co-operation to protect environment at all levels.

The theme of this year’s United Nations Environment Programme World Environment Day, “Seven Billion Dreams. One Planet. Consume with Care”, highlights consumption patterns of water, food, energy and all natural resources and calls for ensuring a decent quality of life for all people without increasing environmental degradation, and without compromising the resource needs of future generations.

“Environmental degradation has the potential to contribute to conflicts,” said Dačić. “Poor governance, mismanagement and depletion of natural resources can undermine prosperity and sustainable development. Addressing these challenges is one of the many ways the OSCE works to enhance security and to improve living conditions for people across the OSCE region.”

OSCE Secretary General Lamberto Zannier underscored the importance of environmental co-operation in the OSCE’s comprehensive approach to security: “This year’s World Environmental Day motto reminds us that we need to share the limited resources of our planet responsibly if we want to ensure peace and prosperity for all.”

Acknowledging the importance of environmental issues, the Serbian Chairmanship has made water governance one of its priorities.

“Safeguarding our environment for future generations also requires investing in sustainable energy,” said Dačić. “Sustainable energy solutions are essential to effectively addressing the challenges of global climate change as well as security concerns that come along.”

Dačić commended the Joint Declaration for co-operation signed by the Aarhus Centres in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Serbia during the 2015 Aarhus Centres Annual meeting on 3 June as a good example of trans-boundary co-operation to address common environmental challenges. “This step is very much welcomed by the Serbian 2015 OSCE Chairmanship,” he said.

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Foreign Policy - Fri, 05/06/2015 - 21:32
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Magyar Szó (Szerbia/Vajdaság) - Fri, 05/06/2015 - 21:32

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Diplomáciával a gazdaság serkentéséért

Vajdasághírek / Szerbia - Fri, 05/06/2015 - 21:20


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UN refugee agency seeks $13 million to beef up protections for boat arrivals in Southeast Asia

UN News Centre - Fri, 05/06/2015 - 21:15
The United Nations refugee agency today announced that it is seeking $13 million to help with the needs of new boat arrivals to countries in Southeast Asia, where thousands of refugees and migrants from Myanmar and Bangladesh have been risking their lives by crossing the Bay of Bengal and the Andaman Sea.

Sikeresen bocsátottak fel egy katonai műholdat szállító orosz űrrakétát

Orosz Hírek - Fri, 05/06/2015 - 21:11

Sikeresen bocsátottak fel egy katonai műholdat szállító orosz űrrakétát pénteken. A Szojuz-2.1A jelzésű hordozórakétát a pleszecki űrkikötőből indították útnak közép-európai idő szerint 17 óra 24 perckor. A start és a műhold leválása is menetrendszerűen zajlott. Az űreszköz a kijelölt Föld körüli pályára állította a katonai műholdat - közölte az orosz védelmi minisztérium sajtóosztálya.

Categories: Oroszország és FÁK

Russia Puts Military-Purpose Satellite Into Orbit

RIA Novosty / Russia - Fri, 05/06/2015 - 21:11
A spokesman for Russia's Aerospace Defense Forces says that a Russian military satellite has reached its designated orbit and established stable contact with ground control services.

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At Security Council, senior UN official urges continued political efforts to resolve Ukraine conflict

UN News Centre - Fri, 05/06/2015 - 21:05
The tremendous human cost of the Ukraine conflict must be first addressed through mutual respect of the Minsk ceasefire agreement and the fulfilment of its political, economic, social and humanitarian provisions, the top United Nations political official affirmed today as he briefed the Security Council on the situation in the conflict-torn Eastern European country.

Daniel Bekele

HRW / Africa - Fri, 05/06/2015 - 20:58
Language English

Daniel Bekele is the Executive Director of the Africa division of Human Rights Watch, where he oversees a global staff and supervises research and advocacy. He also represents the organization before national and international organizations as well as government officials.

Prior to joining Human Rights Watch, Daniel practiced law in Ethiopia as a partner at Abebe Worke & Associates. He served as the legal department director and secretary of the board for United Insurance Co., and he managed Action Aid Ethiopia's policy research and advocacy departments.

Daniel has extensively consulted with non-governmental organizations including Oxfam, ARTICLE 19, Freedom House, and PACT, as well as with USAID and the World Bank. He has worked in varying capacities with numerous civil society organizations, and led the national-level campaign for the Global Call to Action against Poverty. Daniel's focus includes promoting African civil society organizations, human rights, and good governance.

In the 2005 parliamentary elections in Ethiopia, Daniel was actively involved in promoting human rights, and independent election monitoring, as well as peace initiatives in the aftermath of the post-election crisis. However, he was arrested by the authorities and spent more than two years in prison. He was internationally recognized as prisoner of conscience, and in 2009 received the Alison Des Forges Award for Extraordinary Activism and in 2010 was nominated for the Martin Ennals Human Rights Defenders Award and the Index Freedom of Expression Award. Daniel received a bachelor's in law and a master's in regional development studies from Addis Ababa University and a master's in legal studies from Oxford University, where he is completing a PhD in international law.

Last Name Bekele Type Experts Senior Management Staff Link to Profile Executive Director, Africa Division Photo Daniel Bekele DanielBekeleRegion / Country
  • Africa
First Name Daniel Twitter Feed ID 608730514212679680
Categories: Africa

VMDK a Jobbikról: Egymillió magyar szavazót nem lehet lefasisztázni

Vajdasághírek / Szerbia - Fri, 05/06/2015 - 20:49

By (Haraszthy Ágoston)

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Vajdasághírek / Szerbia - Fri, 05/06/2015 - 20:49

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Orosz Hírek - Fri, 05/06/2015 - 20:42

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Categories: Oroszország és FÁK
