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Latin America's offshore patrol vessel requirements listed

DefenceIQ - Wed, 27/05/2015 - 06:00
The rise in global demand for offshore patrol vessels (OPVs) can be partly attributed to increased maritime activity, such as illegal offshore fishing and asset protection, while the market has also being bolstered by recent events, including the disappearance of flight MH370 and the M
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

US food shipment arrives in Sudan

Sudan Tribune - Wed, 27/05/2015 - 05:53

May 26, 2015 (PORT SUDAN) – A food shipment from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) arrived in Port Sudan on Tuesday for distribution among the needy population in various parts of the country.

US charge d'affaires in Sudan Jerry Lanier (L) shaking hands with World Food Programme (WFP) official Margot VanderVelden in Port Sudan May 26, 2015 (ST)

The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) received the US contribution of 47,500 tons of sorghum that will be delivered to people mainly in Darfur and eastern Sudan.

The US charge d'affaires in Sudan Jerry Lanier, accompanied by officials from the embassy and WFP, witnessed the unloading of the cargo after conveying his thanks to the governor of Red Sea state Mohammed Tahir Aila for facilitating the reception and distribution of this shipment to fight hunger.

"The shipment amounting to 47,500 tons of sorghum is sent by the American people to the Sudanese people,” Lanier said of the cargo valued at $53 million that represents the first batch of USAID pledge to WFP 2015 operations in Sudan.

The US diplomat underscored that his country is committed to helping those in need in Sudan as it always has since the 60's, adding that the shipment will help WFP provide food for about 1.8 million displaced people in Darfur for 3 months and will also help 500,000 Darfuri students for 6 months along with 226,000 children in central and eastern Sudan.

"I am happy that in this day we received ship Liberty Grace which is based in New York but the shipment came from Galveston, Texas" he said.

Today's contribution from USAID follows another one in 2014 comprised of 68,440 tons of sorghum, 8,730 tons of lentils and 1,320 tons of vegetable oil.

"American people are committed to fighting hunger and malnutrition and will continue to be the biggest supporters of the Sudanese people," the US diplomat said.

"We hope that the fighting stops soon so there is no need for food aid in Sudan," he added.

The United States has contributed more than $195 million in 2014 to WFP.

For her part, the deputy WFP country Director in Sudan Margot VanderVelden noted that the US provided approximately $626 million to Sudan since the secession of the south in 2011.

She said that the aid shipment will be distributed to those affected by the conflict in Darfur and South Sudan.

VanderVelden stressed that if it wasn't for USAID generous assistance, they would not have been able to help thousands of needy people.

In another context, VanderVelden denied in a statement to Sudan Tribune that they have reduced food rations for IDP's in South Darfur state but pointed out that their assessment during the last ten years attempts to identify the most deserving as opposed to other less needy groups.

She pointed out that the process of evaluating those in need is a long process conducted through meetings with mayors and camp chieftains and going to IDP homes as well.

The WFP official said that they are able to access all areas in Darfur with the exception of Jebel Marra.


Categories: Africa

Calm in Unity state as 28,000 displaced people return home

Sudan Tribune - Wed, 27/05/2015 - 05:18

May 26, 2015 (NYAL) – At least 28,000 people who fled their homes last week due to clashes between South Sudan's warring factions in the oil-rich Unity state have returned.

Internally displaced people at a UN camp in Unity state capital Bentiu on 29 October 2014 (ST)

The rebel-appointed commissioner for Payinjiar county, John Pout, said Nyal payam [district] and its surrounded areas were calm.

He claimed pro-government forces burnt several homes when they seized the town from from armed opposition, allegations Sudan Tribune could not verify.

“Most of their homes were burned down [and] the little food taken. Their life has returned to square one after losing everything, including livestock,” Puot said over satellite phone Tuesday.

The rebel official cited lack of proper medication and food shortages as the main challenges facing civilians in the county.

“Children and lactating mothers are at high risk of food shortage, they have nothing to feed on [and] depend on water-lily they got from the river and other wild roots,” he said.

Most non-governmental organisations that operated in the area evacuated their staff due to the deterioration security in Payinjiar.

Poor health services have reportedly made life unbearable for citizens.

Puot urged non-governmental organisations that operated in the county to return and continue providing life-saving services to civilians, while assured them of their safety.


Meanwhile, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) all its stores in Leer, a town north of Payinjiar, were looted after militias allegedly allied to government forces left the area on Saturday.

“Livelihoods have been destroyed and several houses burnt to the ground in Leer. Four vehicles and all the furniture in the ICRC compound were looted. The ICRC is now working to re-start its operations in the town,” the organisation said in a statement.

Daniel Littlejohn Carrillo, the ICRC officer in charge, said the situation on Leer was “awful”, stressing that there were wounded people left without medical care, food and water, which was life-threatening.

According to both ICRC and the United Nations, more than 100, 000 people have been displaced since the fighting reached the heart of Leer town last week. Reports, however, emerged that some of those forced to leave their homes were returning.


Categories: Africa

Jonglei residents celebrate SPLA takeover of Malakal town

Sudan Tribune - Wed, 27/05/2015 - 05:18

May 25, 2015 (BOR) – Residents of South Sudan's Jonglei state celebrated Monday's takeover by the army of the Upper Nile state capital, Malakal from the armed opposition.

Soldiers from the South Sudanese army (SPLA) patrol the streets in the Upper Nile state capital, Malakal, on 21 January 2014 (Photo: AFP/Charles Lomodong)

Several youth and the elderly gathered near television sets in the different hotels as news about the SPLA's victory graced the state-owned SSTV.

Malakal, a key town north of Juba, fell to rebels under the command of Gen. Johnson Olony, a militia leader initially loyal to the South Sudanese government, last week.

The South Sudanese army (SPLA) had, prior to entering Malakal, given the armed opposition rebels a 72-hour ultimatum to completely pull out of the oil-rich capital.


“This is the message to the world that SPLA stood its ground to defend the people of South Sudan and their properties including the oil fields in Upper Nile state. The SPLA has to pursue the rebels to the point of no return”, said Panchol Malok Deng.

Ayuen Deng Majak, a youthful teacher in Bor, said the population would be relieved from stress following the capture of Malakal town.

“The issue of Malakal had been dominating discussion in offices and even at social arenas in Bor where we play different games, chess, dominoes and others. We brainstormed on how to capture Malakal and what it needs to retake it. Many blamed the SPLA as to why they gave Olony these powerful guns,” Majak told Sudan Tribune.

“Nobody knew that the fight to retake it would be as simple as [Philip] Aguer said. Allow me say congratulations to the SPLA”, he added.

The army, its spokesperson said, never encountered resistance while moving to take control of the Upper Nile state capital on Monday.


Categories: Africa

S-300 Maker Fights EU Sanctions with Russia Tempering (Again) Iran Proliferation Threat | Crash-Prone SU-30MKI Earns Safety Audit | Italy Ups Defense Hardware Budget

Defense Industry Daily - Wed, 27/05/2015 - 05:13


  • Russian arms manufacturer Almaz-Antey, which manufactures the S-300 and S-400 air defense systems, is appealing EU sanctions imposed on the company as a result of Russia’s support to separatists forces in Ukraine. The firm has been banned from selling defense and dual-use technologies to European countries, as well as seeing its assets frozen in western Europe. The company has been on the EU sanctions list since July 2014, as well as the US Treasury’s Special Designated Nationals list.

  • Separately, Russian media is reporting that the Russo-Iranian deal for S-300 air defense systems is yet to be finalized, following the signing a decree in April nominally opening the way for the potential sale. With a history of back-peddling and curtailed deals, the future of this latest deal may not be as final as the Russian Foreign Ministry makes out to be.

  • Georgia has unveiled a new unmanned attack helicopter, produced by the government’s State Military Scientific-Technical Center. The armed helicopter has a reported range of 280km and appears to be armed with two M134 mini-guns and eight ground attack missiles.

  • Germany’s Rheinmetall has signed an agreement with state-owned Kazakhstan Engineering to form a joint venture. Kazakhstan is pursuing an ambitious defense modernization program, with support from Israel, Russia and China bolstered by oil and gas reserves.

  • Italy’s 2015 defense budget was released on Tuesday, with a substantial EUR4.9 billion ($5.3 billion) set aside for procurement expenditure. The F-35 has been allocated $634 million, with Italy a Tier Two nation in the multinational program.


  • With India having begun sea trials of the INS Sindhukirti, a recently refitted and modernized diesel-electric submarine, questions have been raised over the extended time (nine years) taken to refit the sub. This lethargic refit has been blamed by the shipyard responsible – Hindustan Shipyard Ltd – on Russian experts deliberately delaying the boat’s overhaul, including insistence on sourcing components from Russia, delaying several processes significantly. The original program called for the refit to take three years. The Soviet-manufactured Sindhukirti has reportedly been fitted with Klub-S missiles – also recently supplied to Vietnam – and new sonar, as well as other new components.

  • India is to review its SU-30MKI fleet following the loss of one aircraft earlier this month. The high-level safety audit is a response to not only this latest crash, but the loss of six SU-30MKIs since the Indian Air Force received the first batch in 2002, a high attrition rate for a fighter which comprises roughly a third of the IAF’s fast jet force.

  • The Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) has declared their fleet of Wedgetail AWACS operational, achieving Full Operational Capability (FOC) in light of operations over Iraq. Following a $2 billion December 2000 procurement contract, the fleet of six Boeing E-7A aircraft achieved Initial Operating Capability in November 2012, following setbacks from 2006 onwards in a much-criticised procurement program.

  • Separately, the RAAF has demonstrated a satellite data link-enabled video stream between a C-17A and an IAI Heron UAV 2,000km away. The fleet of C-17As was recently equipped with SATCOM and imagery equipment as part of the Australian Defence Force’s Plan Jericho upgrade program.

Today’s Video

  • A RAAF video showing the use of the E-7A Wedgetail over Iraq:

Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Burundi: le gouvernement de plus en plus seul

RFI /Afrique - Wed, 27/05/2015 - 04:52
Le pouvoir burundais a rejeté mardi les pressions étrangères alors que les manifestations se sont poursuivies un mois jour pour jour après le début de la contestation contre un troisième mandat du président Nkurunziza. « Le gouvernement est (...) profondément préoccupé par l'activité diplomatique en cours qui tend à saper et – dans une large mesure – à dénigrer les institutions républicaines et constitutionnelles » du pays, a dénoncé le porte-parole du gouvernement. Un discours qui suscite un certain malaise parmi les diplomates à Bujumbura.
Categories: Afrique

Goodluck Jonathan laisse un Nigeria sinistré, selon l'équipe de Buhari

RFI /Afrique - Wed, 27/05/2015 - 04:49
Au Nigeria, à quelques jours de la prise de fonction officielle de Muhammadu Buhari, son équipe dresse un bilan négatif du travail effectué par l’équipe sortante. Les proches de nouveau président élu estiment que le pays est « sinistré », que l’économie est à plat. Depuis le 29 avril, un comité de transition a été mis sur pied : cette structure est composée de 19 personnalités qui ont pour rôle de préparer les dossiers urgents de la future administration de Muhammadu Buhari.
Categories: Afrique

Discours de la reine au Royaume-Uni: ce que va dire Elisabeth II

RFI (Europe) - Wed, 27/05/2015 - 04:36
La reine Elisabeth II prononce ce mercredi son traditionnel discours du trône qui marque l’entrée en fonction du nouveau Parlement britannique. Ce discours est en réalité écrit par le premier ministre. Après la réélection des conservateurs à la tête du pays avec une courte majorité absolue, David Cameron entend mettre en avant une longue liste de projets qui tiennent à cœur aux conservateurs mais que le parti n’avait pu mener à bien durant la coalition avec les libéraux-démocrates.
Categories: Union européenne

US coast guard delegation arrives in Port Sudan

Sudan Tribune - Wed, 27/05/2015 - 04:29

May 26, 2015 (PORT SUDAN) – A team from the United States Coast Guard has arrived Monday in Sudan's coastal city of Port Sudan within the framework of cooperation between the two sides.

Last week, the director general of Sudan's Sea Ports Corporation (SPC), Jalal al-Din Mohamed Shulia, said that a high-level delegation from the US Coast Guard will arrive in Port Sudan to continue discussions on several common issues pertaining to the International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code.

The delegation discussed Monday with the competent ISPS's security committee the course of action and security applications as well as ways for making the necessary coordination for the implementation of the navigational procedures.

During its two-day visit, the US team will tour the al-Khair and Bashair ports on the Red Sea besides meeting with the SPC's top management.

Sudan's foreign minister, Ali Karti, said in press statements on Sunday that they are making efforts to improve ties with the US.

He revealed that several business delegations would visit the US, saying they support all moves aims at serving Sudan's interests and explain their stance towards the US.

Sudan is on the US list of countries supporting terrorism since 1993 and also subjected to economic sanctions since 1997.

However, Washington admitted Khartoum cooperation to combat terrorism but maintains the sanctions to bring the government of president Omer Hassan al-Bashir to end armed conflicts in Sudan and achieve democratic reforms.


Categories: Africa

Not So Fast: Russian Official Reprimanded for 'Scrapping' Mistral Deal

RIA Novosty / Russia - Wed, 27/05/2015 - 04:29
Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin reprimanded a military industrial official for his misleading statements that Russia has decided not to buy two Mistral-class helicopter carriers from France, the Russian Kommersant newspaper reported Wednesday.

Categories: Russia & CIS

Mali : Aux abois en raison des mesures d’approvisionnement drastiques à partir de l’Algérie, la Cma joue sa survie

Maliactu - Wed, 27/05/2015 - 03:48
Le 15 mai 2015 est la date de la signature de l’accord pour la paix et la réconciliation nationale entre le gouvernement malien et certains groupes armés du Nord. Malheureusement, certains groupes de la coordination des mouvements armés de l’Azawad (Cma), à l’image du Mnla, du Hcua et du Maa, ont brillé par leur absence […]
Categories: Afrique

Mali : 10 combattants Ganda Koy libérés par la Cma à Ber

Maliactu - Wed, 27/05/2015 - 03:48
Grâce au maire de Goundam, non moins présidente de l’Association «Trait d’union», Seck Oumou Sall, au président de l’Association «Ginna Dogon», Mamadou Togo et au secrétaire général de l’Association malienne des droits de l’homme (Amdh), Amadou Diadié Tékété, la Cma a libéré 10 combattants de Ganda Koy qu’elle avait arrêtés il y a trois semaines. […]
Categories: Afrique

Mali : Tragédie de Kidal : hommage aux martyrs de Kidal

Maliactu - Wed, 27/05/2015 - 03:44
21 mai 2014-21 mai 2015, il y a un an notre peuple était humilié par ceux qui ont pourtant la charge de conduire sa destinée. Pour des egos surdimensionnés et par des calculs politiciens, notre armée était envoyée sans préparation aucune à la défaite la plus inoubliable de son existence. On ne saura peut-être jamais […]
Categories: Afrique

Mali : Récentes attaques dans le cercle d’Ansongo Les rebelles armés en quête de vivres et de véhicules en complicité avec la Minusma

Maliactu - Wed, 27/05/2015 - 03:42
Venue pour aider le Mali à recouvrer l’ensemble de son territoire, la Minusma, au lieu d’être un moyen à résoudre le problème, est devenu une partie du problème. La solution s’est transformée en difficulté. À Kidal, la Minusma fuit devant les jets de cailloux des jeunes et des femmes ; à Gao ses policiers tuent les […]
Categories: Afrique

Mali : Réactions du Syndicat autonome de la Magistrature à propos de la résolution de refus de levée de l’immunité parlementaire : «Il y a manifestement violation du principe de la séparation des pouvoirs»

Maliactu - Wed, 27/05/2015 - 03:40
À l’Assemblée nationale, des députés reprochent au Syndicat autonome de la magistrature (Sam) d’avoir mal pris la résolution de rejet de la demande de la justice tendant à la levée de l’immunité parlementaire d’un député. Par ailleurs, un article d’un organe de presse, proche de l’hémicycle, attribue la lenteur dans le traitement du dossier de […]
Categories: Afrique

Mali : Mémorial Act

Maliactu - Wed, 27/05/2015 - 03:38
S’il est vrai que l’image que l’on projette de soi détermine la nature des relations avec les autres, il arrive aussi que l’on projette sur autrui ses propres travers que l’on a du mal à accepter. Comment s’étonner d’être traités comme des « gueux » quand la population erre en guenilles, à la recherche du plat quotidien […]
Categories: Afrique

Processus de paix au Mali : Bamako marche pour soutenir l’accord d’Alger

Malijet - Wed, 27/05/2015 - 03:36
Pour soutenir l’accord de paix d’Alger signé le vendredi 15 mai 2015 à Bamako et contribuer ainsi à l’avènement de la paix et de la réconciliation nationale au Mali, la Coordination des associations et organisations de la société civile, a organisé hier mardi 26 mai 2015, une marche pacifique de la Place de la liberté au monument de l’indépendance, en passant par les devantures du Cinéma Babemba et de la bourse du travail. Le ministre de la Réconciliation nationale, Zahabi Ould Sidi Mohamed a lancé un appel à la Coordination des mouvements de l’Azawad (Cma) à signer le document issu des pourparlers d’Alger. Quant à Oumar Ibrahim Touré, sa position est connue pour le vibrant hommage qu’il a rendu à la communauté internationale, pour les sacrifices de la mission onusienne afin que notre pays retrouve la stabilité.
Categories: Afrique

Mali : l’accord pour la paix ou l’avenir de la démocratie locale

Maliactu - Wed, 27/05/2015 - 03:35
Le compte à rebours de la mise en œuvre de l’accord pour la paix est lancé. Notre pays se doit de relever le défi historique de réussir la mise en œuvre de ses engagements. Les impératifs de cette exigence majeure sont multiples. Le Mali, dans son essence propre, est plurielle. La mise en œuvre de […]
Categories: Afrique

Mali : Migration La politique nationale de migration lancée

Maliactu - Wed, 27/05/2015 - 03:32
Le ministre des Maliens de l’extérieur Dr. Abdramane Sylla a procédé mardi 19 mai au Cicb au lancement officiel de la Politique nationale de migration (Ponam). C’était en présence du ministre de la Culture, de l’Artisanat et du Tourisme, du maire de la commune III du District de Bamako, du gouverneur du District de Bamako, […]
Categories: Afrique

Mali : L’unité aérienne du Salvador déployée à Tombouctou

Maliactu - Wed, 27/05/2015 - 03:32
Le 18 mai, la Minusma a salué à Tombouctou l’arrivée des hélicoptères d’attaque du Salvador. Il s’agit d’hélicoptères MD 500 caractérisés par leur rapidité et leur parfaite adaptation au terrain et au climat. Ils peuvent effectuer des patrouilles de jour comme de nuit. Les hélicoptères salvadoriens appuieront les opérations des casques bleus déployés dans la […]
Categories: Afrique
