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S. Sudan's warring parties to resume talks next month

Sudan Tribune - Thu, 28/05/2015 - 21:54

May 28, 2015 (JUBA) – South Sudan's warring parties in the ongoing conflict will resume negotiations early next month, the spokesperson for the presidency said Thursday.

President Salva Kiir (L) and rebel leader Riek Machar (R) attend the signing a ceasefire agreement during an IGAD summit on the South Sudan crisis in Addis Ababa on 1 February 2015 (Photo: Reuters/Tiksa Negeri)

President Salva Kiir, Ateny Wek Ateny said, directed chief negotiator, Nhial Deng Nhial and two members of his delegation to travel to Ethiopia on 8 June for resumption of peace talks with representatives of the armed opposition faction.

“The decision was reached during a consultation visit by the Ethiopian and Kenyan foreign ministers who visited South Sudan on Wednesday during which two foreign top diplomats met and held a meeting with President Salva Kiir and some of the senior members of his administration,” he told reporters in the country's capital, Juba.

The meeting, the presidential spokesperson said, discussed whether the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) could use the Arusha model during the upcoming negotiations to see if it's the best approach to resolve the conflict since signatories to the Arusha agreement were also involved in the regional-led talks.

The president, Ateny said, expressed his government's earlier push to have members of the Troika nations participate as observers in the peace talks, instead of playing active roles in the IGAD-led initiative.

“The president welcomes participation of the five African members in the mediation and appreciates the support of the Troika countries in the peace process, but expressed government's desire for them to continue playing positives role as observers,” he added.

Observers, however, say South Sudan's latest position on Troika nations may have been reinforced by resolutions made during the just concluded Great Lakes conference.

In March, the East African regional bloc proposed an IGAD-Plus structure that will bring in other African regions, including South Sudan development partners such as the African Union, the United Nations, China and the Troika, the key funders of the peace talks, which comprises of the United Kingdom, United States of America and Norway.


Categories: Africa

Rebel commander rejects separate dialogue with South Sudan's gov't

Sudan Tribune - Thu, 28/05/2015 - 21:53

May 28, 2015 (JUBA) - A leading South Sudanese armed opposition commander allied to the former vice president, Riek Machar, has confirmed receiving messages and contacts from people in president Salva Kiir's government proposing to him and his group to accept going into a parallel dialogue with the government.

SPLA in Opposition generals Gatwech Dual (R), Dau Aturjong (C) and Gabriel Tanginye pictured in Pagak on 8 December 2014 (ST)

Major General Dau Aturjong who commands rebel forces in Northern Bahr el Ghazla said he had been approached many times by government officials and agents to initiate a separate negotiation with him away from the Addis Ababa peace process.

“They have been trying to talk to us with the view that we get into separate negotiation from Addis [Ababa] with them. They want to localize our grievances but we have told them clearly that we are part of the national matters, which are being discussed in Addis by our team,”, General Aturjong told Sudan Tribune in an exclusive interview on Thursday.

The government, according to him, had been contacting him and his group through different categories of people and organizations to persuade them to make a separate arrangement with Juba.

“They have never stopped contacting us through different category of people. They are using relatives, religious leaders, my comrades in the army, police and security as well as business people,” he explained.

He also said his troops, which size is not known, have taken complete control of areas near the Sudanese border, but denied that he and his forces were getting support from the government of neighbouring Sudan.

His own headquarters, he said, has been 250 kilometers away from the common border with neighbouring Sudan in an area deeply inside South Sudanese territory since he moved to the region in 2014.

He dismissed allegations that his forces were stationed at disputed territories with Sudan and not inside South Sudan.

“Our forces are outside the disputed areas. We are not in Mile 14 area. We are inside South Sudan, far away from the disputed areas. If there is anybody who is looking for us, he will get us here,” he said.

General Aturjong was reacting to a question asking him to comment on reports that his forces had only taken advantage of the withdrawal of the government forces from the disputed territories and that he had been receiving military supplies, weapons and training from the Sudanese army in Abu Matareq in East Darfur state.

He appealed to the humanitarian organisations to go to the area, saying a lot of people had moved to areas under his control and were helping them to settle so that they could cultivate during this planting season.

People, he said, were running away from the government controlled areas to the opposition held territories, adding this was where they could find a way to cope with the situation.

“They say life in Aweil town and other areas is not easy. They are finding it extremely difficult. They cannot cultivate. But here, they can find a place to cultivate. There is a vast area for cultivation,” he claimed.

He further explained that the opposition appointed governor, Akol Madhan Akol, and his officials were working with the opposition leadership in Pagak to find ways in which humanitarian organisations could extend relief assistance to Northern Bahr el Ghazal state.

He said many vulnerable people were coming to the rebel controlled areas in Northern Bahr el Ghazal, adding they needed shelters, food and items like blankets, saucepans, mosquito net, hoes, axes and farming implements.

The rebel commander also commended Sudanese authorities for opening their gate to South Sudanese fleeing the conflict and other associated difficulties to states in Sudan in search of safety and security.


Categories: Africa


Magyar Szó (Szerbia/Vajdaság) - Thu, 28/05/2015 - 21:48

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A tapasztalat erejével

Magyar Szó (Szerbia/Vajdaság) - Thu, 28/05/2015 - 21:43

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„A pünkösdnek jeles napján…”

Magyar Szó (Szerbia/Vajdaság) - Thu, 28/05/2015 - 21:36

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Wass Albert utcákat akarnak a háromszéki városokba

Szé (Románia/Erdély) - Thu, 28/05/2015 - 21:24

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Kategória: Aktuális/Háromszék

‘The Pool Is for Fire Safety,’ and Other Excuses for Remodeling Jacob Zuma’s Mansion

Foreign Policy - Thu, 28/05/2015 - 21:24
South African President Jacob Zuma has faced hundreds of corruption allegations in the past. Now he's been cleared of overusing government funds to ramp up his already lavish private home.

Magyar állami kitüntetést kapott Pierre Gillet

Vajdasághírek / Szerbia - Thu, 28/05/2015 - 21:19

By tklaura

A külhoni magyarok emberi jogainak védelme érdekében végzett munkájáért kapott magyar állami kitüntetést egy belga pap.

A Magyar Érdemrend lovagkeresztjét vette át a brüsszeli magyar nagykövetségen csütörtökön Pierre Gillet római katolikus pap, a Belgiumban működő Emberi Jogok Közép-Európai Bizottságának elnöke. A kitüntetés indoklása szerint a bizottság legfőbb feladatának tekinti, hogy A cikk folytatása …

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RDC : tout savoir sur le nouveau dialogue entre Kabila et l'opposition

Jeune Afrique / Politique - Thu, 28/05/2015 - 21:15
Moins de deux ans apr�s les "concertations nationales", le pr�sident congolais, Joseph Kabila, se dit ouvert � un nouveau dialogue avec l'opposition. Testez notre application pour faire le point sur les positions et les revendications des diverses formations de l'opposition congolaise.
Categories: Afrique

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Cameron szerint a status quo nem elég

Vajdasághírek / Szerbia - Thu, 28/05/2015 - 21:10

By tklaura

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Szerinte a változások nemcsak a britek, hanem Európa javára is szolgálhatnak. A brit kormányfő ezt Párizsban, Francois Hollande francia államfővel folytatott megbeszélését követően nyilatkozta.

Cameron csütörtökön, európai turnéja első napján érkezett A cikk folytatása …

Read more here: Pannon RTV


Hírességek hétvégéje a G. Feszten

Szé (Románia/Erdély) - Thu, 28/05/2015 - 21:09

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