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L'Allemagne première bénéficiaire de l'aide d'urgence à l'agriculture - Thu, 17/09/2015 - 09:35

La Commission a détaillé les modalités de l'aide dite « flexible » à l'agriculture, de 500 millions d'euros, approuvée le 7 septembre pour contrer la crise qui frappe le secteur.

Les agriculteurs-éleveurs européens, durement touchés par la crise des prix du lait et de la viande, s'étaient rassemblés à Bruxelles le 7 septembre pour une manifestation musclée. Le jour même, la Commission européenne a annoncé vouloir débloquer 500 millions d'euros d'aide pour les producteurs les plus touchés.

Categories: Union européenne

Asszad megígérte: pusztító háborúban vet véget az Iszlám Államnak

Orosz Hírek - Thu, 17/09/2015 - 09:33

Az Iszlám Állam elleni harcban elsősorban Iránra és Oroszországra számít a szír elnök, ám nem zárja ki más országok részvételét sem, úgy mint Törökország, Szaúd-Arábia és az USA. Véleménye szerint Szíria első számú problémája az Iszlám Állam léte, amely más megoldatlan kérdések forrása is, például a Közel-Kelet politikai viszonyainak rendezése, a nyugati országok irányába tanúsított szír magatartás és menekültválság is.

Categories: Oroszország és FÁK

Les céréales enrichies, solution miracle ou poudre aux yeux ? - Thu, 17/09/2015 - 09:28

Les aliments enrichis en vitamines et nutriments représentent une solution miracle contre la malnutrition selon certains. Des spécialistes s'interrogent toutefois sur la portée de cet outil.

Categories: Union européenne

[Revue de presse] Pour éviter la Hongrie, les réfugiés ouvrent de nouvelles voies d'entrées sur le sol européen

Toute l'Europe - Thu, 17/09/2015 - 09:09
Les rapports entre réfugiés et forces de l'ordre se durcissent aux frontières de l'Europe, alors que les réfugiés doivent désormais éviter une Hongrie hostile et se diriger vers la Croatie. L'Allemagne, quant à elle, continue d'instaurer de nouveaux contrôles à ses propres frontières, une idée que la France semble soutenir. A Bruxelles, la détermination des Etats d'Europe centrale paraît sur le point de payer et l'instauration d'une répartition contraignante des réfugiés pourrait être écartée.
Categories: Union européenne

Januárban lesz a drámaíró verseny

Magyar Szó (Szerbia/Vajdaság) - Thu, 17/09/2015 - 09:06

A 15. Vajdasági Magyar Drámaíró Verseny, melyet szeptember 20–21. között tartottunk volna meg, halasztásra kerül. A találkozót 2016. január 21–27. között rendezzük meg, a magyar kultúra napja és az Újvidéki Színház születésnapi rendezvénysorozata keretein belül.

Permutation QM2 MECAN

ColBleus - Marine nationale (FR) - Thu, 17/09/2015 - 09:02

Permutation QM2 CAT MECAN alerte FAN à Toulon cherche permutation pour Cherbourg ou Brest
Contact au 0658155525

Categories: Défense

Elindult a Wizz Air Budapest - Birmingham járata

JetFly - Thu, 17/09/2015 - 09:00
Ünnepélyes körülmények között indította el a Wizz Air legújabb, birminghami járatát Budapestről. Kelet-Európa vezető low-cost légitársasága a jelenlegi menetrendi időszakban kedden és szombaton repül a nyugat-angliai nagyvárosba.
Categories: Biztonságpolitika

S. Sudanese rebels claim over 40,000 people fled Unity state

Sudan Tribune - Thu, 17/09/2015 - 08:43

September 16, 2015 (KAMPALA) - At least 44,000 people have crossed the River Nile from South Sudan's oil-rich Unity state into neighbouring territories, a rebel official said.

Thousands of civilians fleeing violence seek shelter at a UN compound in Jonglei state capita Bor (Photo: UNMISS/Hailemichael Gebrekrstos)

Speaking to Sudan Tribune via satellite phone Wednesday, the rebel-appointed deputy governor of Phow state in Unity state, Johnson Kuol said those fleeing crossed the Nile from Guit county and Payikang areas to Kew administrative headquarters currently controlled by the country's armed opposition forces (SPLM-IO).

He said several clashes between their forces and pro-government troops in Upper Nile and Unity states forced more people to abandon homes and flee for safety reasons.

“Every day, we are receiving huge numbers of people from Unity, Upper Nile and Jonglei states and majority of these populations come from Guit County,” stated Kuol.

Majority of those who crossed for safety through Phow state needed umanitarian assistance, he said, describing their conditions as "desperate" and "life threatening".

“Many of the people arriving everyday here are in total crisis with severe hunger. They have no access to medicals, foods and shelters,” said the armed opposition official.

Kuol, however, urged humanitarians organisations to assess the conditions of those internally displaced in these areas before their conditions get out of control.

“These people are direly in need of serious assistance from international and faith based groups. Their conditions are too hard to predict since most of the children appeared to be having severe cases of malnourishment,” stressed Kuol.

The United Nations said most areas in Unity and Upper Nile states could not easily be accessed by aid agencies, due to continued hostilities between South Sudan's warring parties.

Some parts of the country also lack proper roads making it difficult for non-governmental organisations to deliver medicines and food aid to the worse-affected communities.

According to Kuol, the majority of those who fled from Atar in Jonglei, Payikang county of Upper Nile and Guit county in Unity state have temporarily settled in Giraf highland.

The low rainfall in some part of the country has resulted into poor harvests, while continued fighting between the warring parties prevents people from cultivating crops.

A permanent ceasefire declared last month by both warring factions has failed to hold.


Categories: Africa

La France envisage des contrôles aux frontières alors que la droite fustige Schengen - Thu, 17/09/2015 - 08:42

Le gouvernement a donné des gages à la droite qui ne cesse de critiquer l'espace Schengen en évoquant le contrôle des frontières.

Categories: Union européenne

Bashir and Museveni reiterate their support to South Sudan peace

Sudan Tribune - Thu, 17/09/2015 - 08:41

September 16, 2015 (KHARTOUM) - Presidents Omer al-Bashir and Yoweri Museveni reiterated their support to the peace agreement in South Sudan, and vowed to exert the necessary efforts to bring stability to the new nation.

Omar al-Bashir (R) welcomes Uganda's President Yoweri Museveni at Khartoum Airport for talks during an official visit to Sudan September 15, 2015. (Photo Reuters/Mohamed Nureldin Abdallah)

The Ugandan president concluded on Wednesday a two-day visit to Khartoum where the discussions focused on the regional efforts to bring the two warring parties to implement a peace agreement they inked last August.

The Sudanese and Ugandan leaders stressed in joint communiqué issued at the end of the visit that their tow countries are directly affected by the 20-month conflict in South Sudan and vowed to spare no effort to prevent the resumption of hostilities in the neighbouring country.

Bashir and Museveni "expressed their willingness to work together under the umbrella of IGAD and the African Union to maintain peace, security and stability in the region and in the Republic of South Sudan," says the communiqué, which was inked by foreign ministers of the two countries.

In a closed-door meeting, the two leaders also discussed accusations of support to rebel groups but the two sides avoided to speak about what agreed in the discussions in this respect.

However, the final communiqué said the two countries agreed to enhance security cooperation and to reactivate a joint security committee. They also agreed to promote joint military training and cooperation between the two countries.

Bashir and Museveni further directed the intelligence and security services in the two countries to strengthen their cooperation and coordination in order to overcome the differences between the two sides.

Kampala accuses Sudan of harbouring the Lord Resistance Army of Joseph Kony in a remote area in Darfur region but Khartoum denies the accusation. On the other hand, Sudanese officials recently admitted that Uganda restricted the activities of the rebel groups who used in the past to hold their meetings in Kampala. However they say the rebel groups still have presence there.

Ghandour told reporters that the two presidents discussed the issue of rebel groups
President Museveni gave a lecture about the challenges facing economic development and peace in the Lakes region attended by president al-Bashir.

Before to leave Sudan he extended an invitation to al-Bashir to visit Uganda.


Categories: Africa

EU-Kommissar plant europäische Grenzschutz-Teams - Thu, 17/09/2015 - 08:28

Angesichts der anhaltenden Flüchtlingskrise will die EU-Kommission die Außengrenze flächendeckend durch ein europäisches Grenzüberwachungssystem absichern. Bis dahin sollen Notfalltruppen der EU-Agentur Frontex aushelfen.

Categories: Europäische Union

Amnesty: Kinder an ungarisch-serbischen Grenze von Eltern getrennt - Thu, 17/09/2015 - 08:28

Die Lage an der serbisch-ungarischen Grenze eskaliert: Ungarische Polizisten feuern Tränengas auf Flüchtlinge ab – und nach Angaben von Amnesty International sind mehrere Flüchtlingskinder von ihren Eltern getrennt worden.

Categories: Europäische Union

Neuer Labour-Chef will bei EU-Referendum für "Ja" werben - Thu, 17/09/2015 - 08:15

Der neue britische Labour-Chef Jeremy Corbyn hat seine Haltung zum geplanten Referndum über den Verbleib seines Landes in der EU festgelegt. Ein klares Signal aus Großbritannien für Europa.

Categories: Europäische Union

Flüchtlinge suchen sich neue Routen nach Deutschland - Thu, 17/09/2015 - 08:05

Nachdem ihnen die Route durch Ungarn Richtung Westeuropa versperrt ist, suchen sich die Flüchtlinge neue Wege über Kroatien und Slowenien nach Deutschland. Die dortigen Regierungen liebäugeln mit der Schaffung eines Korridors, durch den die Flüchtlinge nach Mitteleuropa geschleust werden.

Categories: Europäische Union
