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Ethiopia vow to work closely with new Somalia president

Sudan Tribune - Sat, 11/02/2017 - 05:42

By Tesfa-Alem Tekle

February 10, 2017 (ADDIS ABABA) - Ethiopia Thursday convoyed a congratulatory message to the newly elected president of Somalia and vowed to extend support to the new administration in the east African nation.

Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed ‘Farmajo' was elected a President of the Federal Republic of Somalia in the election held on Tuesday in Mogadishu.

The newly elect who holds dual Somalia-US citizenship was declared on Wednesday as the new president of Somalia and he was immediately sworn-in to assume a four- year tenure in office.

He won the historic election held after over quarter a century by sweeping 184 votes, compared with 97 secured by incumbent President, Hassan Sheikh Mohamud.

In his congratulatory message, Ethiopian Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn, said the fact that the presidential race had been conducted peacefully and successfully was a major achievement for the people of Somalia and a landmark in the process of building peace and stability in the country.

He said he was convinced that Mohamed's election would further strengthen the longstanding friendly relations and the strategic partnership existing between Somalia and Ethiopia.

The Ethiopian premier further vowed to work closely with the new Somalia leader to get the war ravaged east African neighbour back to on its feet after more than two decades ago of war and destruction.

Hailemariam said his country will continue to extend all the necessary support to the new leadership in Somalia to improve its security and free the country from Al-Shabaab, an al-Qaeda allied Somalia militant group which had long been a regional security threat.

The Ethiopian prime minister assured the new president that he could always count on Ethiopia for all necessary support as he leads Somalia into what "would be a bright future for its people"

Somalia's election has saw a battle among 23 candidates after it was delayed four times.

Former president Hassan Mohamud, who accepted defeat and conceded the election, avoiding a third and final vote.

He said "History was made, we have taken this path to democracy, and now I want to congratulate Mohamed Abdullahi ‘Farmajo".

After taking the oath of office, ‘Farmajo' said: "This victory represents and belongs to the interest of the Somali people and this is the beginning of the era of the unity, the democracy of Somalia and the beginning of the fight against corruption."

The AU, the US and UK has also congratulated the new Somali president on his victory.

The Special Representative of the Chairperson of the African Union Commission for Somalia, commended the successful completion of the electoral process saying the process had been intricate, requiring negotiations and compromises to overcome challenges that once appeared insurmountable, butt congratulated all "for making this historical moment a reality."

The Commission appealed to the president and all leaders to work together in uniting the country by pursuing reconciliation to enable Somalia tackle the political and socio-economic challenges affecting the country.

While congratulating the president and people of Somalia over the successful completion of the election, the US State Department said it looked forward to working closely with President Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed.

It said the transition represented an important step forward for the country and looked forward to the timely formation of a new government.

UK Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson also congratulated Mohamed Abdullahi ‘Farmajo' on his election and said the UK remained committed to supporting the Somali people and he looked to agreeing a new partnership between Somalia and the international community.


Categories: Africa

7 cattle herders killed in S. Kordofan, SPLM-N denies invovlement

Sudan Tribune - Sat, 11/02/2017 - 05:42

February 10, 2017 (KHARTOUM) - Seven cattle herders from the Hawazma tribe have been killed and one injured on Friday morning near Al-Hujairat area, some 30 kilometres west of Kadugli, South Kordofan capital.

Reliable sources in Kadugli told Sudan Tribune, that a band of marauders have committed the crime and stole 1500 heads of cattle, ruling out that elements from the rebel Sudan People's Liberation Movement/North (SPLM-N) were involved in the incident.

They said the incident occurred at a remote area away from the rebel-controlled areas, pointing out that a similar incident took place few days earlier in the same area.

According to the sources, the marauders deliberately followed a pathway leading to the rebel-controlled area of Galad, saying most of the dead fall in the age group between 15 to 18 years old.

The same sources added that the list of the dead include Suleiman Khamis Mohamed Yaqoub, Hussein Khamis Mohamed Yaqoub, Abdel-Rahman al-Hag Tamim, Mohamed Musa Ahmed Mohamed, Adam al-Toum Yaqoub, Khalil Yaqoub Mohamed and Musa Ahmed Mohamed.

They pointed that an injured herder by the name of Mohamed Yaqoub Adam was transferred to the hospital while search is ongoing for three missing herders.


Meanwhile, SPLM-N said it has nothing to do with the incident, pointing its army has no presence in the Al-Hujairat area.

In a statement seen by Sudan Tribune, SPLM-N leadership said it has “set up a committee to investigate this crime”, pointing the movement condemns it “in the strongest words”.

It pointed that the SPLM-N enjoys good relations with the Hawazma and Misseriyya tribes and the rest of the tribes, describing these ties as “blood and common destiny” relations.

The movement added that it has been present in South Kordofan for more than 30 years, saying such crimes are not part of its agenda.

It pointed to some reports that have mentioned presence of outlaws from government militias who carryout armed robberies in the Al-Hujairat area.

The SPLM-N leadership further offered deepest condolences to the Hawazma tribe, stressing the movement would cooperate with them to capture the perpetrators and bring them to justice.

South Kordofan and neighbouring Blue Nile state have been the scene of violent conflict between the SPLM-N and Sudanese army since 2011.


Categories: Africa

South Sudan president sacks Imatong governor

Sudan Tribune - Sat, 11/02/2017 - 05:41

February 10, 2017 (JUBA) - South Sudan President Salva Kiir has issued an executive order sacking the governor of his newly created Imatong state in Eastern Equatoria region.

Governor Nartisio Loluke Manir

President Kiir, according to the order broadcast by the state owned South Sudan Broadcasting Corporation, removed Nartisio Loluke from his position and replaced him with Tobiolo Alberto.

The order did not cite any reason for moving out office an official who portrays himself in the area as the staunch supporter of the president and his leadership style.

However, his supporters extend an accusing finger to his predecessor Louis Lobong Lojore, governor of Namurnyang now changed to Kapaeta State, citing previous differences between the two officials.

Nartisio was the first deputy governor of Lojore after his appointment governor of Eastern Equatoria state in 2010. But later he was removed from his position after he fell out with Lobong due to conflict of interests and political ambitions.


Categories: Africa

Zambian FM arrives in Khartoum for bilateral talks

Sudan Tribune - Sat, 11/02/2017 - 05:40

February 10, 2017 (KHARTOUM) - Zambia's Foreign Minister Harry Kalaba Friday has arrived in the Sudanese capital, Khartoum in an official two-day visit, said Sudan's foreign ministry.

Kalaba's visit is considered the first of its kind by a senior Zambian official to Sudan during the last thirty years.

In a press release extended to Sudan Tribune Friday, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Gharib Allah Khidir, said Kalaba was received by Sudan's foreign minister Ibrahim Ghandour at Khartoum airport.

“The visit which is considered the first of its kind aims to discuss bilateral cooperation opportunities in the economic, cultural and trade domains besides [developing] mechanisms to enhance political coordination in the various regional and international issues” read the press release

According to the foreign ministry, the two ministers will chair a joint session on Saturday to discuss ways to promote bilateral relations in the various fields.

Zambia's top diplomat, who came to Khartoum upon an invitation from Ghandour, is expected to meet a number of Sudanese officials.

In July 2008, Sudanese President Omer al-Bashir, who is wanted by the International Criminal Court (ICC), abruptly canceled a scheduled trip to Zambia to attend the Smart Partnership programme for developing nations.

Zambia is a party to the Rome Statue which forms the basis of the ICC and has the legal obligation to apprehend al-Bashir if judges issue an arrest warrant for him.


Categories: Africa

S. Sudan to lift fuel subsidies

Sudan Tribune - Sat, 11/02/2017 - 05:39

February 10, 2017 (JUBA) - South Sudan Finance Minister, Stephen Dhieu Dau, said fuel subsidies will be scraped after Members of Parliament approved his request.

People queue at a fuel station in South Sudan's capital, Juba on 18 October 2014 (ST)

Fuel prices, which is fixed currently at 22 South Sudanese Pound (SSP) or about 20 United States cents a litre, will be determined by market forces of demand and supply. In the black market, a litre cost 100 SSP - a price expected in the aftermath of lifting subsidies.

Local media quoted Dhieu claiming that lifting fuel subsidies will "save money" for the government to narrow deficit gap of about USD 200 million.

Economic experts say fuel subsidies cost the government United $40 monthly. A liger of diesel or petrol is purchased at about $1 from East African countries and sold at 20% of the actual market price in Juba by state-owned NilePet company.

However, fuel is scarce in Juba and long queues that last several hours are common in Juba. It is not clear when the lawmakers recommendation will be implemented but economists are divided on the effects of the decision.

"South Sudan lack of hard-currencies will continue to inhibits private sector from importing fuel and hence fundamental problem of supply and demand won't be resolved (sic)," writes economist Garang Atem, reacting to removal of fuel subsidies by the government.

Atem said prices of basic commodities such as food items and water will surge, further deteriorating the economic situation. He said NilePet will struggle to supply sufficient fuel, affecting the common man.

"Such reforms should be done in a comprehensive way so that compensation for public sector are reviewed," he said.

Other economists said the move is "excellent" and the subsidies were creating the black market because fuel dealers were creating scarcity.


Categories: Africa

Dele Alli joueur du mois en Premier League - Sat, 11/02/2017 - 03:56
Categories: Afrique

Angola : bousculade mortelle dans un stade à Uige

LeMonde / Afrique - Sat, 11/02/2017 - 02:47
Dix-sept personnes sont décédées et 56 autres ont été blessées dans un mouvement de foule survenu pendant un match de football. Les autorités angolaises ont annoncé l’ouverture d’une enquête.
Categories: Afrique

Nigeria's Arik Air and aviation industry in disarray

BBC Africa - Sat, 11/02/2017 - 01:30
Why delays and chaos means air travel in Nigeria is often grounded.
Categories: Africa

Terrex 3 - Sat, 11/02/2017 - 00:55

Singaporean Terrex 3 Armored Personnel Carrier
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Présidentielle : Emmanuel Macron face au syndrome du "prospectus"

Le Point / France - Sat, 11/02/2017 - 00:10
Sous pression, le candidat d'En marche !, qui ne croit pas à l'efficacité d'un catalogue de mesures, va devoir jouer le jeu présidentiel.
Categories: France

2017. február 11., szombat

Kárpá (Ukrajna/Kárpátalja) - Sat, 11/02/2017 - 00:00
Névnap Bertold - germán eredetű; Jelentése: pompával uralkodó.

Marietta - a Mária olasz továbbképzése. Idézet

“Az élet él és élni akar,
Nem ezért adott annyi szépet,
Hogy átvágódjanak most rajta..”

Ady, Intés az Őrzőkhöz


Ekkel György (?, 1826 – Beregszász, 1905. február 11.).

Az 1848-49-es szabadságharc századosa, ügyvéd. Polgári családból származott. 1848 nyarán egyetemistaként állt be a honvédek közé.  Hamarosan hadnaggyá, majd főhadnaggyá léptették elő. Számos ütközetben vett részt. Az 1849. január 15-ei túrcsehi csata után századosi rangot kapott.  A szabadságharc bukása után Erdélybe menekült.  Később az Ugocsa megyei Szászfaliban bujkált Dolenay Sándor gör. kat. pap segítségével, fegyverét és egyenruháját a templom oltára alatt rejtegetve.

1861 – 1865 között szolgabíró volt a Huszti járásban. Visk és Técső koronavárosok díszpolgárukká választották.

1865-ben Beregszászba költözött. A Beregszászi Hitelintézet jogtanácsosa, majd elnöke, a szabadelvű párt vezére, 1899-től a Bereg megyei honvédegylet elnöke, a beregszászi római katolikus egyház gondnoka volt. Idős korában ügyvédként dolgozott.

Forrás: Keresztyén Balázs: Kárpátaljai Művelődéstörténeti Kislexikon (Hatodik Síp Alapítvány – Mandátum Kiadó, Budapest – Beregszász, 2001.)



Szilárd Leó Nobel-díjas fizikus (1898) a molekuláris biológia egyik megalapozójának tekintik, jelentős szerepe volt az USA atombombájának kifejlesztésében.

Nagy jelentőségű műszaki, technikai bejelentés: Csonka János és Bánki Donát bemutatja a porlasztót (1893).

Pest és Bécs között megindul a gőzhajóforgalom (1831).

Forrás: Magyarország kultúrtörténete napról napra, Honfoglalás Egyesület 2000.



„… aki elkezdte bennetek a jó munkát, elvégzi a Krisztus Jézus napjára.” (Filippi 1:6)

Ha szeretnéd, hogy Isten akarat megvalósuljon életedben, ne siettesd a dolgokat! Sára, Ábrahám felesége így tett, így született meg Izmael, ez pedig mindenféle viszályt és családi bonyodalmat okozott. Ne feledd: „ami testtől született, test az, és ami Lélektől született, lélek az” (János 3:6), tehát csak olyan tervet kövess, amiről meg vagy győződve, hogy Isten Lelke által fogant. Ne próbálj megmenteni semmit, ami a testre alapoz. Isten azt mondta: „szövetségre csak Izsákkal lépek” (1Mózes 17:21). Izsák Isten ígéretének beteljesedésképpen született, Isten útját követve, Isten időzítése szerint. Minden, ami megfogan benned e két forrás valamelyikéből ered: vagy a testből, vagy a Lélektől. Ezért légy óvatos! Az emberek megpróbálnak bevonni mindenféle rafinált tervbe, azt ígérve, hogy ezzel előrejutsz. Istennek nincs szüksége senki segítségére ahhoz, hogy megáldjon, egyedül is el tudja intézni! Ezért, ha bármikor támad a sátán, mutass rá lelki születési helyedre, és emlékeztesd őt arra, hogy ezt a tervet nem te kezdted, és nem is neked kell befejezni. „Aki elkezdte bennetek a jó munkát, elvégzi a Krisztus Jézus napjára.” Még egy gondolat: ha Isten el akar bánni benned valamilyen testi dolgokkal, büszkeséggel vagy bármivel, ami akadályozza utadat, ne állj ellen, ne menekülj, és ne állj az útjába! Ha egy fuldokolóhoz hasonlóan kétségbeesetten próbálod magadat menteni – Isten semmit sem tud tenni érted, amíg fel nem hagysz a kapálózással. Ezért mai igéje számodra ez: ne erőlködj annyira, inkább bízz benne jobban!

A fenti elmélkedés a Keresztyén Média UCB Hungary Alapítvány napi elmélkedése (honlap:, melynek írója Bob Gass. Magyar nyelven negyedévre szóló kiadvány formájában megrendelhető az említett honlapon, vagy a következő címen: Mai Ige, 6201 Kiskőrös, Pf. 33.

Szűz Mária Lourdes-i megjelenése

Négy évvel a Boldogságos Szűz Szeplőtelen Fogantatása dogmájának kihirdetése után, Lourdes mellett, a Gave folyó partján fekvő barlangban, 1858 február 11-én megjelent a Boldogságos Szűz Soubirous Bernadettnek. Ismételt megjelenése után elmondta magáról: “Én vagyok a Szeplőtelen Fogantatás”. Kívánsága szerint csodálatosan szép templom épült a jelenések helyén, és a csodálatos gyógyulások szakadatlan láncolata jelzi, hogy a Szeplőtelenül Fogantatott Szűzanya közbenjárásával szívesen segít a szenvedő embereken.

‘Globalism’ Is the Victory of Western Ideals

Foreign Policy - Fri, 10/02/2017 - 23:56
If liberalism can succeed in the non-Western world, it is safe in the hands of immigrants to the United States. But it does not help if the president of the United States makes them feel unwelcome in their adopted homeland.

Angola stadium stampede in Uige kills 17

BBC Africa - Fri, 10/02/2017 - 23:47
Seventeen are killed in a stampede at a football stadium in northern Angola, local officials say.
Categories: Africa

White House Rocked by Flynn’s Overtures to Russia

Foreign Policy - Fri, 10/02/2017 - 23:27
The national security advisor’s conversations about sanctions with the Russian ambassador have landed him in hot water, raising more questions about Trump’s odd affinity for Putin.

Gúta legjobb sportolóit díjazta (Szlovákia/Felvidék) - Fri, 10/02/2017 - 22:41
Nagyszabású sportünnepet tartottak a gútai művelődési központ színháztermében, ahol kiértékelték a város legjobb sportolóit.

EU High Rep on Working With Trump: Come Early, Stand Firm Often

Foreign Policy - Fri, 10/02/2017 - 22:31
The state of Europe's union is good and strong, says Federica Mogherini.

Trump Passes on Elliott Abrams for State Dept., Throwing Open Selection Process

Foreign Policy - Fri, 10/02/2017 - 22:20
The White House continues its search for an experienced hand after the president rejected a controversial neoconservative.

Zamir Bajrami, Kosovo Volksheld, wegen Erpressung um in Haft sitzende Verbrecher frei zukaufen - Fri, 10/02/2017 - 22:13
 Eine reine Verbrecher Familie wo der Sohn , Bajram Pajaziti in Durres, bewaffnet schon verhaftet wurde. Aber Tausende von Kriminellen, inklusive Ramuz Haradinaj haben sich in Durres illegale Hotels, Villen, Lokale gebaut, wobei die berüchtigsten Lokale schon vor fast 20 Jahren: „Kosovo“ und Drenica“ hiessen. Heute Hotels mit Restaurant. Senior Kosovo official arrested for fraud By Elton Tota  /   10/02/2017  /   No Comments Police of Kosovo have arrested in Pristina two people, one of which is believed to be a senior official of the government of Kosovo and the other one is his son. The news was confirmed by the chief prosecutor of Pristina, Imer Beka. Beka declared […]
Categories: Balkan News

Entre couacs et critiques, le centre de déradicalisation de Pontourny joue sa survie

France24 / France - Fri, 10/02/2017 - 22:05
Vide de tout pensionnaire depuis le 9 février, le centre de déradicalisation de Pontourny, en Indre-et-Loire, sera fixé sur son sort dans les prochaines semaines. Les élus locaux réclament un moratoire pour "tout remettre sur la table".
Categories: France

The Blackwater of Jihad

Foreign Policy - Fri, 10/02/2017 - 22:03
A consortium of elite, well-paid fighters from across the former Soviet Union are training jihadis in Syria. Their business model could go global.
