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Culture, Exposition Alice Springs à Berlin

Fondation Robert Schuman / Actualités - Tue, 30/05/2023 - 02:00
A l'occasion du 100ème anniversaire de la photographe June Newton, alias Alice Springs, plus de 200 de ses clichés sont exposés au musée de la photographie de Berlin. De nombreux clichés provenant des fonds privés d'Alice Springs, notamment des portraits de son mari et des autoportraits, n'avaient jamais été exposés auparavant et donnent un nouvel éclairage sur son travail.

Culture, Exposition Sonia Boyce à Leeds

Fondation Robert Schuman / Actualités - Tue, 30/05/2023 - 02:00
En 2022, la plasticienne Sonia Boyce est devenue la première artiste britannique depuis des décennies à remporter le Lion d'or de la meilleure participation nationale à la Biennale de Venise. Son installation au pavillon britannique, qui allie sculptures, collages et enregistrements, est exposée à la galerie d'art de Leeds jusqu'au 5 novembre. Intitulée "Feeling Her Way", cette œuvre met en scène et honore les travaux de cinq musiciennes noires britanniques.

Culture, Nuits de Fourvière

Fondation Robert Schuman / Actualités - Tue, 30/05/2023 - 02:00
L'édition 2023 des nuits de Fourvière à Lyon s'ouvre le 31 mai. Jusqu'au 28 juillet, le festival présente plus de 150 représentations de théâtre, musique, danse, opéra, cirque et arts de la scène.

Culture, Nuit blanche à Paris

Fondation Robert Schuman / Actualités - Tue, 30/05/2023 - 02:00
Le 3 juin aura lieu à Paris la Nuit Blanche, où les visiteurs pourront redécouvrir la ville à travers des lieux prestigieux avec un éclairage particulier sur le thème de l'art contemporain. A cette occasion, de nombreux musées et institutions culturelles seront ouverts gratuitement toute la nuit

Culture, Festival Primavera Sound à Barcelone et à Madrid

Fondation Robert Schuman / Actualités - Tue, 30/05/2023 - 02:00
Jusqu'au 4 juin se tient à Barcelone e festival espagnol Primavera Sound qui propose plusieurs concerts de new wave. En 2023 le festival s'installe aussi pour la première fois à Madrid du 5 au 11 juin. Au total plus de 200 artistes se succéderont sur scène.

Erdogan's victory amid controversy: Understanding the reelection in Turkey

SWP - Mon, 29/05/2023 - 12:58
In his victory speech, the 69-year-old newly re-elected President Erdogan pledged to unite a country deeply divided. Claiming 52.1 per cent of the run-off vote, Erdogan emerged victorious yet again.

Taïwan : perspectives électorales au regard des relations avec la Chine

IRIS - Fri, 26/05/2023 - 17:17

Alors que les présidentielles n’auront lieu qu’en janvier 2024 à Taïwan, la campagne électorale a déjà commencé. Trois candidats principaux : le vice-président actuel, Lai Ching-te dit William Lai (Parti démocrate progressiste) ; Hou Yu-ih (Kouomintang), l’actuel maire de Taipei ; et l’ancien maire de Taipei, Ko Wen-je. Comment ces élections vont-elles peser sur les relations inter-détroit ?

Directeur de recherche à l’IRIS et responsable du Programme Asie-Pacifique, Barthélémy Courmont vous donne régulièrement rendez-vous pour ses « Chroniques asiatiques ».

Den USA droht der Zahlungs­ausfall

SWP - Fri, 26/05/2023 - 13:46
Was passiert, wenn Washington das Geld ausgeht?

Urbanisation and rural development in sub-Saharan Africa: A review of pathways and impacts

This paper reviews the current state of literature on the impacts of urbanisation on rural development in the context of sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), with special emphasis to the pathways through which urbanisation affect rural economic development. Assessments of these effects diverge greatly. While some authors see urbanisation as strongly benefitting rural areas, for instance, through increased demand for agricultural goods and services, others highlight negative effects, for example, through the loss of livelihoods emanating from displacements and the conversion of agricultural land that may lead to urban sprawl. Given this complexity, a review that thoroughly analyses the causal relationships between urbanisation and rural development is warranted. To do this, the paper identifies seven pathways through which urbanisation affects rural development both positively and negatively: i) production and consumption linkages; ii) employment linkages; iii) financial linkages; iv) land market linkages; v) information and knowledge linkages; vi) social interactions linkages; and vii) environmental externalities linkages. The study suggests that recognising the importance of such linkages and incorporating them into the local and national economic policies is crucial for sustainable development. Overall, the review findings indicate that the impact of urbanisation on rural development in SSA is conditional and heterogeneous. It is conditional because countries need to be well-placed to reap the benefits of urbanisation, i.e., they need to have conducive infrastructure and institutional settings, as well as strong political commitment and leadership. When well-managed, however, urbanisation can play a pivotal role in reducing rural poverty, improving food security and creating opportunities for rural transformation. To this end, the review has identified research gaps that have important policy relevance in SSA. Addressing these gaps is imperative to harnessing the economic advantages of rapid urbanisation in a way that supports rural areas and promotes sustainable development.

Urbanisation and rural development in sub-Saharan Africa: A review of pathways and impacts

This paper reviews the current state of literature on the impacts of urbanisation on rural development in the context of sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), with special emphasis to the pathways through which urbanisation affect rural economic development. Assessments of these effects diverge greatly. While some authors see urbanisation as strongly benefitting rural areas, for instance, through increased demand for agricultural goods and services, others highlight negative effects, for example, through the loss of livelihoods emanating from displacements and the conversion of agricultural land that may lead to urban sprawl. Given this complexity, a review that thoroughly analyses the causal relationships between urbanisation and rural development is warranted. To do this, the paper identifies seven pathways through which urbanisation affects rural development both positively and negatively: i) production and consumption linkages; ii) employment linkages; iii) financial linkages; iv) land market linkages; v) information and knowledge linkages; vi) social interactions linkages; and vii) environmental externalities linkages. The study suggests that recognising the importance of such linkages and incorporating them into the local and national economic policies is crucial for sustainable development. Overall, the review findings indicate that the impact of urbanisation on rural development in SSA is conditional and heterogeneous. It is conditional because countries need to be well-placed to reap the benefits of urbanisation, i.e., they need to have conducive infrastructure and institutional settings, as well as strong political commitment and leadership. When well-managed, however, urbanisation can play a pivotal role in reducing rural poverty, improving food security and creating opportunities for rural transformation. To this end, the review has identified research gaps that have important policy relevance in SSA. Addressing these gaps is imperative to harnessing the economic advantages of rapid urbanisation in a way that supports rural areas and promotes sustainable development.

Urbanisation and rural development in sub-Saharan Africa: A review of pathways and impacts

This paper reviews the current state of literature on the impacts of urbanisation on rural development in the context of sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), with special emphasis to the pathways through which urbanisation affect rural economic development. Assessments of these effects diverge greatly. While some authors see urbanisation as strongly benefitting rural areas, for instance, through increased demand for agricultural goods and services, others highlight negative effects, for example, through the loss of livelihoods emanating from displacements and the conversion of agricultural land that may lead to urban sprawl. Given this complexity, a review that thoroughly analyses the causal relationships between urbanisation and rural development is warranted. To do this, the paper identifies seven pathways through which urbanisation affects rural development both positively and negatively: i) production and consumption linkages; ii) employment linkages; iii) financial linkages; iv) land market linkages; v) information and knowledge linkages; vi) social interactions linkages; and vii) environmental externalities linkages. The study suggests that recognising the importance of such linkages and incorporating them into the local and national economic policies is crucial for sustainable development. Overall, the review findings indicate that the impact of urbanisation on rural development in SSA is conditional and heterogeneous. It is conditional because countries need to be well-placed to reap the benefits of urbanisation, i.e., they need to have conducive infrastructure and institutional settings, as well as strong political commitment and leadership. When well-managed, however, urbanisation can play a pivotal role in reducing rural poverty, improving food security and creating opportunities for rural transformation. To this end, the review has identified research gaps that have important policy relevance in SSA. Addressing these gaps is imperative to harnessing the economic advantages of rapid urbanisation in a way that supports rural areas and promotes sustainable development.

IDOS researcher Dr Gabriela Iacobuţă has received the dissertation prize of the Johannes-Rau-Forschungsgemeinschaft

The Board of Trustees of the Johannes-Rau-Forschungsgemeinschaft (JRF) has awarded the dissertation prizes for the years 2022 and 2023 for the second time. For the year 2022, Dr Gabriela Iacobuţă from the JRF member institute German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS) was awarded.

IDOS researcher Dr Gabriela Iacobuţă has received the dissertation prize of the Johannes-Rau-Forschungsgemeinschaft

The Board of Trustees of the Johannes-Rau-Forschungsgemeinschaft (JRF) has awarded the dissertation prizes for the years 2022 and 2023 for the second time. For the year 2022, Dr Gabriela Iacobuţă from the JRF member institute German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS) was awarded.

IDOS researcher Dr Gabriela Iacobuţă has received the dissertation prize of the Johannes-Rau-Forschungsgemeinschaft

The Board of Trustees of the Johannes-Rau-Forschungsgemeinschaft (JRF) has awarded the dissertation prizes for the years 2022 and 2023 for the second time. For the year 2022, Dr Gabriela Iacobuţă from the JRF member institute German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS) was awarded.

Mit Allianzen gegen die Krisen von morgen

Die G7-Staaten brauchen neue Verbündete. Der Think7-Beratungsprozess für die G7, ein Zusammenschluss führender Think Tanks und Forschungsinstitute, mahnt kürzlich in einem Communiqué: Die entschiedene Eindämmung der sich rasant ausbreitenden Schuldenkrise in Entwicklungs- und Schwellenländern sei von zentraler Bedeutung in der Ausgestaltung vertrauensvoller Allianzen innerhalb der G20 und darüber hinaus.

Mit Allianzen gegen die Krisen von morgen

Die G7-Staaten brauchen neue Verbündete. Der Think7-Beratungsprozess für die G7, ein Zusammenschluss führender Think Tanks und Forschungsinstitute, mahnt kürzlich in einem Communiqué: Die entschiedene Eindämmung der sich rasant ausbreitenden Schuldenkrise in Entwicklungs- und Schwellenländern sei von zentraler Bedeutung in der Ausgestaltung vertrauensvoller Allianzen innerhalb der G20 und darüber hinaus.

Mit Allianzen gegen die Krisen von morgen

Die G7-Staaten brauchen neue Verbündete. Der Think7-Beratungsprozess für die G7, ein Zusammenschluss führender Think Tanks und Forschungsinstitute, mahnt kürzlich in einem Communiqué: Die entschiedene Eindämmung der sich rasant ausbreitenden Schuldenkrise in Entwicklungs- und Schwellenländern sei von zentraler Bedeutung in der Ausgestaltung vertrauensvoller Allianzen innerhalb der G20 und darüber hinaus.

“Carbon Management”: Opportunities and risks for ambitious climate policy

SWP - Fri, 26/05/2023 - 02:00

Climate policy in the European Union (EU) and Germany changed significantly with the adoption of net-zero emissions targets. A key new development is the growing importance of carbon management. The umbrella term includes not only the capture and storage of CO2 (carbon capture and storage, CCS), but also CO2 capture and utilisation (carbon capture and utilisation, CCU) as well as the removal of CO2 from the atmosphere (carbon dioxide removal, CDR). It is important to provide clarity when differentiating between these approaches and identifying their relation to so-called residual emissions and hard-to-abate emissions. This is particularly important because it will determine the overall ambition of climate policy as well as shape future policy designs and their distributional impacts. Current policy and legislative processes should ensure that carbon management does not delay the phase-out of fossil fuels. New policy initiatives present an opportunity to actively shape the interface between ambitious climate and industrial policy.

Vor der Stichwahl in der Türkei- Dr. Hürcan Aslı Aksoy: Die Wahl ist frei, aber nicht fair

SWP - Thu, 25/05/2023 - 15:20
Es ist eine Schicksalswahl für die Türkei. Bleibt Erdoğan Präsident oder schafft es sein Herausforder Kilicdaroglu vom Oppositionsbündnis, nach 20 Jahren einen Machtwechsel in der Türkei zu vollziehen und das autoritäre Präsidialsystem Erdogans zu beenden. Wir sprechen darüber mit Dr. Hürcan Aslı Aksoy vom Centrum für angewandte Türkeistudien (CATS). Sie sagt, dass die Wahl zwar frei sei, aber nicht fair.
