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Tájékoztatás az egységes kérelem keretében igényelhető anyatehéntartás támogatásokhoz benyújtandó orvosi igazolásokról

EU Pályázati Portál - Fri, 08/05/2015 - 10:56
Az átmeneti nemzeti anyatehéntartás, a termeléshez kötött anyatehéntartás és a termeléshez kötött tejhasznú tehéntartás támogatások egyik fontos feltétele, hogy a tenyészetben lévő állománynak gümőkór-, brucellózis- és leukózismentesnek kell lennie.
Categories: Pályázatok

Agenda - The Week Ahead 11 – 17 May 2015

European Parliament - Fri, 08/05/2015 - 10:55
Political group and committee meetings, Brussels

Source : © European Union, 2015 - EP
Categories: European Union

D-Day, World War II, and the Soviet Union / Russia - Fri, 08/05/2015 - 10:07
On 6 June 1944 the armies of "Britain, the Empire, and America," supported by mighty naval and air forces, were hurled across the English Channel to exterminate Nazi tyranny. During the preceding night paratroopers and glider-borne assault troops had boldly landed behind the invasion beaches
Categories: Russia & CIS

Professor Tsoukalis gives interview to Bertelsmann Foundation Flashlight Europe on the Greek and European crisis

ELIAMEP - Fri, 08/05/2015 - 10:00

President of ELIAMEP, Professor Loukas Tsoukalis gave an interview to Flashlight Europe of Bertelsmann Foundation of the Greek and European crisis. You can access the interview here.

Éppen 65 éve történt: megnyílt a Ferihegyi repülőtér

JetFly - Fri, 08/05/2015 - 09:43
Hatvanöt éve kezdte meg működését a magyar főváros új repülőtere. A történelmi esemény 1950. május 7-én, Budaörsről az első Li-2-es utasszállító repülőgép átrepülésével kezdődött Ferihegyen, ezzel indult el a polgári repülés a ma is működő repülőtéren. Az első évben 7 133 utas fordult meg a repülőtéren, 2014-ben ez a szám meghaladta a 9 milliót.
Categories: Biztonságpolitika

EDA Chief Executive briefs European Parliament

EDA News - Fri, 08/05/2015 - 09:05

Jorge Domecq, EDA’s Chief Executive, was invited to speak at the European Parliament Subcommittee on Security on Defence on 6 May. In the session on European defence capabilities, Mr Domecq explained his view on the Agency’s role in the future, the preparation of the June European Council and an update on EDA’s capability programmes.

Mr. Domecq explained that he saw EDA’s development along three main strands: as an enabler for Member States’ level of ambition in cooperatively developing capabilities; to support the European defence industry notably through stimulating R&T; and to act as an interface of military views in wider EU policies.

On the preparation of the June European Council on defence, the Chief Executive emphasised the need of the meeting to be more than a stockpiling exercise and the need to maintain sustained top-down impetus from the highest political level. 

He concluded his presentation with an update on the EDA’s key capability programmes on air-to-air refuelling, cyber defence, governmental satellite communications and Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems. 

Members of Parliament showed support for the work of the Agency and called upon Heads of State and Government to fully use the June European Council in order to achieve maximum results. 


More information:
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Article - Europe Day: visit the European Parliament in Brussels

European Parliament (News) - Fri, 08/05/2015 - 09:00
General : Celebrate Europe Day on 9 May by visiting the European Parliament in Brussels! As part of the Festival of Europe, the Parliament will organise quizzes, exhibitions, a debate with MEPs, mini-conferences and a film screening. Since 2015 is the European Year for Development, this year’s celebration of Europe is focused on what the EU does to reduce poverty in the developing world and many activities will be centred on development cooperation.

Source : © European Union, 2015 - EP
Categories: European Union

Article - Europe Day: visit the European Parliament in Brussels

European Parliament - Fri, 08/05/2015 - 09:00
General : Celebrate Europe Day on 9 May by visiting the European Parliament in Brussels! As part of the Festival of Europe, the Parliament will organise quizzes, exhibitions, a debate with MEPs, mini-conferences and a film screening. Since 2015 is the European Year for Development, this year’s celebration of Europe is focused on what the EU does to reduce poverty in the developing world and many activities will be centred on development cooperation.

Source : © European Union, 2015 - EP
Categories: European Union

Wie stark sind die europäisch-chinesischen Handelsbeziehungen? zwischen Europe und China

EuroNews (DE) - Fri, 08/05/2015 - 08:51
"China und der EU feiern gerade das 40-jährige Jubiläum ihrer diplomatischen Beziehungen und beide Seiten sagen, dass sie diese noch vertiefen…
Categories: Europäische Union

Dr Thanos Dokos and Dr Angeliki Dimitriadi participated at EXPOSEC DEFENSEWORLD conference

ELIAMEP - Fri, 08/05/2015 - 08:00

On 5 and 6 May 2015 Dr Thanos Dokos and Dr Angeliki Dimitriadi participated at EXPOSEC DEFENSEWORLD conference which took place in Athens. You can find more information here.

Jó az irány, de nincs kitörő öröm

Eurológus - Fri, 08/05/2015 - 07:28
Szuverenitásunk a tét az EU-USA kereskedelmi egyezményben.

Jó az irány, de nincs kitörő öröm

EU Pályázati Portál - Fri, 08/05/2015 - 07:28
Szuverenitásunk a tét az EU-USA kereskedelmi egyezményben.
Categories: Pályázatok

Zimbabwe: Silence on ‘Disappeared’ Activist

HRW / Africa - Fri, 08/05/2015 - 05:45
Zimbabwe authorities should urgently provide information on the whereabouts of a prominent human rights activist, Itai Dzamara.

(Johannesburg) – Zimbabwe authorities should urgently provide information on the whereabouts of a prominent human rights activist, Itai Dzamara, Human Rights Watch said today. Five armed men abducted Dzamara on March 9, 2015. He has not been heard from since, raising grave concerns that he has been forcibly disappeared.

read more

Categories: Africa

Normalización de relaciones entre EEUU y Cuba: causas, prioridades, progresos, obstáculos, efectos y peligros

Real Instituto Elcano - Fri, 08/05/2015 - 04:48
DT 6/2015 - 8/5/2015
Carmelo Mesa-Lago
Ríos de tinta han corrido desde el 17 de diciembre de 2014 cuando se hizo el anuncio simultáneo del inicio de conversaciones para normalizar relaciones entre EEUU y Cuba después de 55 años de hostilidad. Este ensayo aborda un análisis de las causas del cambio de política, las posibilidades y obstáculos en el comercio, los sectores económicos prioritarios, la inversión y entrada a organismos financieros internacionales, y las reclamaciones monetarias mutuas.

Normalización de relaciones entre EEUU y Cuba: causas, prioridades, progresos, obstáculos, efectos y peligros

Real Instituto Elcano - Fri, 08/05/2015 - 04:48
DT 6/2015 - 8/5/2015
Carmelo Mesa-Lago
Ríos de tinta han corrido desde el 17 de diciembre de 2014 cuando se hizo el anuncio simultáneo del inicio de conversaciones para normalizar relaciones entre EEUU y Cuba después de 55 años de hostilidad. Este ensayo aborda un análisis de las causas del cambio de política, las posibilidades y obstáculos en el comercio, los sectores económicos prioritarios, la inversión y entrada a organismos financieros internacionales, y las reclamaciones monetarias mutuas.

Análisis de la imagen de España en la prensa internacional en 2014

Real Instituto Elcano - Fri, 08/05/2015 - 04:28
Observatorio Imagen de España (OIE)
Este documento recoge un balance anual de la imagen de España en la prensa internacional en inglés durante el año 2014. Una imagen que está volviendo poco a poco a la normalidad tras el giro hacia los temas macroeconómicos que se produjo a raíz de la crisis de los últimos años.
