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Strengthened backbone [CAN2015D1]

Jane's Defense News - Wed, 27/05/2015 - 11:47
General Dynamics Land Systems-Canada (GDLS-Canada) is displaying the newly upgraded variant of its venerable LAV III 8x8 infantry fighting vehicle at CANSEC 2015 – the all- Canadian-designed LAV 6.0. The company was awarded a CAD1.06 billion contract in October 2011 to upgrade 550 Canadian
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Press release - Still much to be done, CAR president tells foreign affairs committee - Committee on Foreign Affairs

European Parliament - Wed, 27/05/2015 - 11:47
"The Central African Republic is doing much better. There is a clear improvement even if it is still very fragile," CAR's interim president, Catherine Samba-Panza, told foreign affairs MEPs on Tuesday. CAR still needs the EU's "multi-dimensional aid", she stressed, calling on member states to redouble their efforts to help the CAR meet its electoral, budgetary and security challenges.
Committee on Foreign Affairs

Source : © European Union, 2015 - EP
Categories: European Union

Press release - Still much to be done, CAR president tells foreign affairs committee - Committee on Foreign Affairs

Európa Parlament hírei - Wed, 27/05/2015 - 11:47
"The Central African Republic is doing much better. There is a clear improvement even if it is still very fragile," CAR's interim president, Catherine Samba-Panza, told foreign affairs MEPs on Tuesday. CAR still needs the EU's "multi-dimensional aid", she stressed, calling on member states to redouble their efforts to help the CAR meet its electoral, budgetary and security challenges.
Committee on Foreign Affairs

Source : © European Union, 2015 - EP

Press release - Still much to be done, CAR president tells foreign affairs committee - Committee on Foreign Affairs

European Parliament (News) - Wed, 27/05/2015 - 11:47
"The Central African Republic is doing much better. There is a clear improvement even if it is still very fragile," CAR's interim president, Catherine Samba-Panza, told foreign affairs MEPs on Tuesday. CAR still needs the EU's "multi-dimensional aid", she stressed, calling on member states to redouble their efforts to help the CAR meet its electoral, budgetary and security challenges.
Committee on Foreign Affairs

Source : © European Union, 2015 - EP
Categories: European Union

Sentry breaks cover [CAN2015D1]

Jane's Defense News - Wed, 27/05/2015 - 11:46
Toronto-based INKAS Armoured Vehicle Manufacturing (Booth 2201) has unveiled the latest in its family of multipurpose armoured personnel carriers: Sentry, a new 4x4 armoured personnel carrier (APC) designed for service with military and SWAT-type forces, and other law enforcement agencies.
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Teams line up for FWSAR [CAN2015D1]

Jane's Defense News - Wed, 27/05/2015 - 11:46
One of the most important programmes for the Canadian Forces is the FWSAR (Fixed- Wing Search And Rescue) requirement to replace the de Havilland Canada CC- 115 Buffalo in the SAR role and to relieve the Lockheed CC-130 Hercules of its SAR commitments. There is also a secondary transport
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

La 20th Century Fox africaine est peut-être née grâce à une Française

LeMonde / Afrique - Wed, 27/05/2015 - 11:45
Le chroniqueur du « Monde Afrique », Serge Noukoué, présente l’entrepreneure des médias Marie-Lora Mungai qui révolutionne la télévision africaine avec des programmes innovants.
Categories: Afrique

Power for the navy [CAN2015D1]

Jane's Defense News - Wed, 27/05/2015 - 11:45
Propelling warships at high speed requires special engines. General Electric (Booth 1721) produces a range of marine propulsion systems based on aero-derivative gas turbines to suit an array of power requirements. GE’s marine turbines span the power range from 4.5MW to 52MW. General Electric
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

This is SPARTA [CAN2015D1]

Jane's Defense News - Wed, 27/05/2015 - 11:45
Lockheed Martin Canada Mission Systems and Training is supporting the development of a unique underwater warfare system by Ottawa-based Maritime Way Scientific (Booth 1529). The Lockheed Martin funding initiative will support the continued advancement of Maritime Way’s Sonar
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

medico-Jahrespressekonferenz: Humanitäre Hilfe kann Krisen nicht lösen / Rekordspendenergebnis ist "kein Grund zur Freude" - Wed, 27/05/2015 - 11:45
medico international: Berlin (ots) - Mit einer 14-prozentigen Spendensteigerung verzeichnet die sozialmedizinische Hilfs- und Menschenrechtsorganisation medico international für das Jahr 2014 ein Rekordergebnis. "Kein Grund zur Freude", so Geschäftsführer Thomas ...

Antilles : interception d’un Go Fast et saisie de drogue par la frégate Ventôse.

Le 24 mai 2015 au matin, la frégate de surveillance Ventôse des forces armées aux Antilles (FAA) est intervenue au large du canal de la Dominique pour intercepter un Go Fast se dirigeant vers la Guadeloupe. Ce Go Fast, suspecté de trafic de stupéfiants, avait été reporté aux autorités françaises par l’Office central pour la répression du trafic illicite des stupéfiants (OCRTIS) via la NCA (National Crime Agency).Lire la suite...
Categories: Défense

Long-term partner [CAN2015D1]

Jane's Defense News - Wed, 27/05/2015 - 11:44
Boeing has been a major supplier to the Canadian forces for many years, the partnership having been established in 1919. For the air force, in particular, Boeing has been a key supplier, the most recent acquisition being the delivery of a fifth C-17 Globemaster III transport in March. The
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Training for Canada [CAN2015D1]

Jane's Defense News - Wed, 27/05/2015 - 11:44
Training and simulation specialist CAE has announced that its comprehensive suite of CH-147F Chinook training devices has been accepted for service at CFB Petawawa. Elements of the full suite have already begun operation, but now the full suite is ready to go live. Included in the system are a
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Visualisation reaches a new level [CAN2015D1]

Jane's Defense News - Wed, 27/05/2015 - 11:44
Ottawa-based Kongsberg Gallium has developed a safety display technology designed to expand the capabilities of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in ordinary commercial use. Kongsberg Gallium provides the geospatial visualisation technology used in several large military drone programmes, and has
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Communiqué de presse - Présidente de la République centrafricaine: "Beaucoup reste à faire" - Commission des affaires étrangères

Parlement européen (Nouvelles) - Wed, 27/05/2015 - 11:44
"La République centrafricaine va beaucoup mieux. Il y a une nette amélioration même si elle reste très fragile", a déclaré la présidente par intérim de la RCA, Catherine Samba-Panza, devant les députés de la commission des affaires étrangères mardi. Le pays a toujours besoin de "l’aide multidimensionnelle" de l’UE, a soutenu Mme Samba-Panza, exhortant les États membres à "maintenir et renouveler les efforts" de soutien aux défis électoral, budgétaire et de sécurité auxquels la RCA fait face.
Commission des affaires étrangères

Source : © Union européenne, 2015 - PE
Categories: Union européenne

Nigeria: la pénurie de carburant paralyse le pays

RFI /Afrique - Wed, 27/05/2015 - 11:43
Le Nigeria est paralysé depuis plusieurs semaines par une grève de fournisseurs de carburant. C'est donc toute une économie qui vit au ralenti. Un accord a finalement été trouvé, lundi, entre le gouvernement et les principaux distributeurs de carburant. Malgré cette annonce, le retour à la normale se fait de manière très lente.
Categories: Afrique

Made in Canada [CAN2015D1]

Jane's Defense News - Wed, 27/05/2015 - 11:43
Rockwell Collins is reaffirming its commitment to Canada by bringing a wide spectrum of its best technologies to CANSEC 2015. “Rockwell Collins is an innovative systems provider with deep roots in Canada’s manufacturing base,” said Lee Obst, vice president and managing director of
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Never lose another aircraft [CAN2015D1]

Jane's Defense News - Wed, 27/05/2015 - 11:42
Recent high-profile airline disasters have raised questions regarding how the international aviation community can improve its ability to quickly locate an aircraft after an accident and, importantly, recover the vital ‘black box’ recorders, especially in crashes over water and in remote
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Virtual training for the military [CAN2015D1]

Jane's Defense News - Wed, 27/05/2015 - 11:41
Cubic Global Defense (Booth 1231), a business of Cubic Corporation, will demonstrate the latest innovations in game-based training technologies for improved military readiness and education capabilities here at CANSEC 2015. “Cubic is at the forefront of what’s next in game-based virtual
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Processing of complex data with integrity [CAN2015D1]

Jane's Defense News - Wed, 27/05/2015 - 11:40
Data Integrity Institute (Booth 1931) is a leader in research and development of technologies for massive and complex data processing based on its own efficient small footprint nanotechnology sorting algorithm, suitable to embed in the new generation of intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs)
Categories: Defence`s Feeds
