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Burundi: l'opposition juge "impossible" la tenue des élections générales

Slateafrique - Wed, 27/05/2015 - 12:00

L'organisation des élections générales au Burundi, censées débuter le 5 juin, est impossible en raison du "désordre politique et sécuritaire" actuel dans le pays, a

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Categories: Afrique

First upgraded Skyhawk jet handed over to Brazil

Jane's Defense News - Wed, 27/05/2015 - 12:00
The Brazilian Navy took delivery of its first upgraded Douglas AF-1 Skyhawk from aerospace conglomerate Embraer on 26 May under the A-4BR programme. The single-seat AF-1 has now been redesignated AF-1B and is expected to remain in service until 2028. The upgraded twin-seat aircraft will be
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

H225M Caracal passes Polish helicopter trials

Jane's Defense News - Wed, 27/05/2015 - 12:00
The Airbus Helicopters H225M Caracal has passed Polish state trials, the Polish Ministry of National Defence (MoND) announced on 27 May. The announcement paves the way for the signing of a PLN13 billion (USD3.5 billion) contract for 50 helicopters, following the preselection of the Caracal
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Russia to complete Tu-160 upgrades ahead of time

Jane's Defense News - Wed, 27/05/2015 - 12:00
Russia is to complete a major upgrade of its Tupolev Tu-160 'Blackjack' strategic bomber fleet a year earlier than previously announced, with the final aircraft now set to be delivered back to the air force in 2019. The work, which is geared at replacing all of the aircraft's Soviet-era equipment
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Affaire Samanah : Hennessy et Crenn rattrapés par la justice

Jeune Afrique / Economie - Wed, 27/05/2015 - 11:55

Ce qui aurait dû être l'un des plus beaux projets touristiques de Marrakech vient de se transformer en un scandale juridico-financier, a appris "Jeune Afrique". Sur le banc des accusés : les hommes d'affaires Alain Crenn et Richard Hennessy, à l'origine du projet de resort golfique Samanah Country Club.

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Categories: Afrique

Letölthető az Adblock Böngésző

Kolozsvári Rádió (Románia/Erdély) - Wed, 27/05/2015 - 11:54
Az Eyeo német cég fejlesztette Adblock Plus sokak számára már mindenbizonnyal ismerős. Legalábbis asztali gépen. Most egy lépéssel tovább ment a vállalat, és saját böngészőt tett közzé, beépített reklámblokkolással. Természetesen ingyen. Háttér Az internet ingyenesnek indult és a mai napig ingyenes ...

Cinq de plus

Le mamouth (Blog) - Wed, 27/05/2015 - 11:54
Au coeur de la nuit, et en quasi-limite de portée. Un Caïman Marine de la flottille 33F de Lanvéoc-
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Categories: Défense

Burundi: quand les pro et anti-Nkurunziza cohabitent à Bujumbura

RFI /Afrique - Wed, 27/05/2015 - 11:52
Cela fait un mois que la crise dure au Burundi et le pays semble véritablement divisé. Le contraste est saisissant à Bujumbura entre les quartiers acquis au président, où le calme règne et ceux où la mobilisation anti-3e mandat crée de l'effervescence. Illustration à Kanyosha, dans le sud de la capitale, où chaque secteur vit à son propre rythme.
Categories: Afrique

Studie Energiewirtschaft: Personalauswahlprozess auslagern spart Kosten - Wed, 27/05/2015 - 11:50
BWA Akademie: Bonn (ots) - - 82 Prozent der deutschen Energie-Unternehmen sehen in der Auslagerung ein probates Mittel, um Fluktuation, Fehlbesetzungen und Folgekosten zu reduzieren - Aktueller Report der BWA Akademie "Arbeitsmarkt und ...

EUMC advice for Med counter-trafficking operations leaked

Jane's Defense News - Wed, 27/05/2015 - 11:50
Key Points The leaked advice from the EU Military Committee (EUMC) on the proposed counter-human trafficking EU mission in the Mediterranean argues that strong rules of engagement are essential to the mission's success The EUMC also argue that the European Union is coy about publicising its
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Clever vorsorgen: So sparen Familien mit Kind für die Zukunft (FOTO) - Wed, 27/05/2015 - 11:49
CosmosDirekt: Saarbrücken (ots) - - Das erste Kind kostet Deutsche im Schnitt 584 Euro pro Monat. - Zum Weltkindertag am 1. Juni gibt CosmosDirekt Tipps, wie Eltern für größere Ausgaben möglichst flexibel vorsorgen. Windeln, Schulranzen, Smartphone und ...

ZDFinfo, kurzfristige Programmänderung / Mainz, 27. Mai 2015 - Wed, 27/05/2015 - 11:49
ZDFinfo: Mainz (ots) - Woche 23/15 Samstag, 30.05. Bitte Beginnzeitkorrekturen beachten: 23.10 Der Tempelberg Salomos verlorener Tempel Kanada 2012 23.55 Burgen - Monumente der Macht Krak des Chevaliers 0.40 Burgen - Monumente der Macht Conwy ...

Brazil's 2015 defence procurement budget cut by 25%

Jane's Defense News - Wed, 27/05/2015 - 11:48
Key Points Brazil is to cut its defence procurement funding from USD7.3 billion to USD5.4 billion in 2015 The cuts, due to wider economic issues, could slow or cancel some acquisitions Brazil's 2015 defence procurement budget will be reduced from a previously approved BRL22.6 billion (USD7.3
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Canada names third Arctic/Offshore patrol ship

Jane's Defense News - Wed, 27/05/2015 - 11:48
Canada has named its third Arctic/Offshore Patrol Ship (AOPS) after a Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) coxswain, officials announced on 25 May. The AOPS will be named after Chief Petty Officer Max Bernays, who served as the Coxswain of the RCN's HMCS Assiniboine during the Battle of the Atlantic in the
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Egypt reportedly to buy 46 MiG-29s

Jane's Defense News - Wed, 27/05/2015 - 11:48
Egypt has agreed a deal to buy 46 MiG-29 multirole fighters in a deal that could be worth around USD2 billion, Russian business daily Vedomosti reported on 25 May. The deal is expected to be signed in "the nearest future", according to two sources in the Russian aviation industry cited by
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

USMC to deploy special purpose unit in Central America

Jane's Defense News - Wed, 27/05/2015 - 11:48
The US Marine Corps' (USMC's) special purpose unit concept continues to evolve as the corps prepares to send its first force package to US Southern Command (SOUTHCOM), largely for disaster response. Special Purpose Marine Air-Ground Task Force -SOUTHCOM (SPMAGTF-SC) is to deploy about 280 personnel
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

USN names 23rd Virginia-class attack submarine

Jane's Defense News - Wed, 27/05/2015 - 11:48
The US Navy (USN) has selected a name for its 23rd Virginia-class nuclear-powered attack submarine, as officials announced on 24 May that SSN 796 is to bear the name USS New Jersey . New Jersey will be the fifth Block IV Virginia submarine, to be built under a teaming agreement with Huntington
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Press release - Still much to be done, CAR president tells foreign affairs committee - Committee on Foreign Affairs

Europäisches Parlament (Nachrichten) - Wed, 27/05/2015 - 11:47
"The Central African Republic is doing much better. There is a clear improvement even if it is still very fragile," CAR's interim president, Catherine Samba-Panza, told foreign affairs MEPs on Tuesday. CAR still needs the EU's "multi-dimensional aid", she stressed, calling on member states to redouble their efforts to help the CAR meet its electoral, budgetary and security challenges.
Committee on Foreign Affairs

Source : © European Union, 2015 - EP
Categories: Europäische Union

Press release - Still much to be done, CAR president tells foreign affairs committee - Committee on Foreign Affairs

"The Central African Republic is doing much better. There is a clear improvement even if it is still very fragile," CAR's interim president, Catherine Samba-Panza, told foreign affairs MEPs on Tuesday. CAR still needs the EU's "multi-dimensional aid", she stressed, calling on member states to redouble their efforts to help the CAR meet its electoral, budgetary and security challenges.
Committee on Foreign Affairs

Source : © European Union, 2015 - EP
Categories: European Union
