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Mali : Adoption de la loi criminalisant l’esclavage au Mali : L’optimisme mesuré de la Coalition nationale de lutte contre l’esclavage

Maliactu - Thu, 04/06/2015 - 03:02
Pour la présidente de la coalition de lutte contre l’esclavage,   Mme  Kéïta  Fatoumata Sissoko,  ces trois derniers mois ont été riche en actvités pour leur structure. » Nous avons eu à rencontrer les membres de  la commission loi qui nous ont suggéré l’organisation d’un atelier afin qu’ils puissent s’appropprier du document » a souligné  Mme […]
Categories: Afrique

Mali : Exécution de six personnes à Tin Hama dans le cercle d’Ansongo : La FIDH et l’AMDH exigent la poursuite des auteurs devant la justice

Maliactu - Thu, 04/06/2015 - 03:00
« Le jeudi 21 mai 2015, six personnes civiles dont deux humanitaires ont été exécutées dans la localité de Tin Hama à la suite d’affrontements opposant la Coordination des mouvements de l’Azawad (CMA) aux forces armées maliennes et au Groupe d’Autodéfense Touareg Imrad et Alliés (GATIA) dans la commune rurale de Tim Hama située à une […]
Categories: Afrique

Mali : Descente musclée des limiers dans la famille Thiam à Nioro : Où va-t-on ?

Maliactu - Thu, 04/06/2015 - 02:58
Le samedi 30 Mai dernier, deux voitures se suivant arrivent devant la famille Thiam à Niorodu-Sahel. Les occupants dont certains sont armés descendent et s’enfoncent dans la cour, neutralisant tout le monde. Une vraie scène digne d’un Western. La maison est mise sens dessus dessous. Interdiction à ses membres de se parler et de bouger. […]
Categories: Afrique

Mali : Refus de la Cma à signer l’accord d’Alger : Et si c’était pour détourner l’attention de l’essentiel ?

Maliactu - Thu, 04/06/2015 - 02:56
Tous ceux des politiciens qui, au plan national, ne pourraient pas émerger, pourraient être tentés par le séparatisme. Dont les jalons sont solidement fixés dans cet accord. En effet, le président de la région n’a aucun compte à rendre au supposé Représentant de l’Etat. Lequel ne sera qu’un «faire valoir», le président ne lui soumettant […]
Categories: Afrique

Mali : Il y a 100 ans naissait le Père de l’Indépendance : Les idéaux de Modibo Kéïta trahis par l’élite malienne

Maliactu - Thu, 04/06/2015 - 02:54
Visionnaire, le premier Président du Mali avait fait du panafricanisme son cheval de bataille. Un idéal qu’il partageait avec ses pairs du Ghana, Kwamé N’Krumah, de l’Egypte, Gamal Abdel Nasser et de Guinée, Ahmed Sékou Touré. En un mot, il voyait grand pour l’Afrique. Au demeurant, il fut membre fondateur de l’Organisation de l’Unité Africaine […]
Categories: Afrique

Mali : Participation du chef de la diplomatie malienne aux réunions de l’ACP à Bruxelles : Le ministre Abdoulaye Diop a invité l’Europe à poursuivre sans relâche son soutien au Mali

Maliactu - Thu, 04/06/2015 - 02:52
Pendant les travaux, saisissant en cela le cadre du dialogue politique ACP/UE, le Ministre Abdoulaye Diop a informé ses pairs européens et des pays de l’ACP sur l’évolution de la situation sécuritaire qui prévaut dans le Nord du Mali, ainsi que les perspectives du processus de paix. A cet égard, le ministre a rappelé que […]
Categories: Afrique

Mali : Laïcité : Comprenons là pour mieux l’utiliser ?

Maliactu - Thu, 04/06/2015 - 02:51
Depuis trois ans, dans notre pays, il y a de plus en plus de questionnements sur la place de la religion dans le pays, les rapports entre les religions, la politique et l’Etat et la société. Tout cela sur fond de crainte, notamment venant des leaders politiques, intellectuels…de voir un jour le Mali devenir un […]
Categories: Afrique

Mali : DR Oumar Mariko, lors de la rentrée politique de SADI en commune I : « Le Mali fait l’objet d’un complot ourdi depuis certaines chancelleries occidentales »

Maliactu - Thu, 04/06/2015 - 02:49
Prenant la parole en premier, la présidente de la section de Djélibougou, Bagayoko Fatoumata N’ Daou a exposé l’état du parti en commune I du district de Bamako. Selon elle, le nombre de militants du parti SADI dans la commune est estimé à 1 015 militants répartis entre 35 comités. Le parti compte également sept […]
Categories: Afrique

Mali : Sit-in « village des sans terres » devant la bourse du travail : Les députés boudent les manifestants

Maliactu - Thu, 04/06/2015 - 02:47
Invité par la Convergence malienne contre les accaparements de terres (CMAT) à venir débattre avec les victimes des accaparements de terre, hier mercredi à la Bourse du Travail sur le projet de la loi foncière agricole, les élus nationaux ont manqué à l’appel.  Pourtant, à en croire le porte-parole dudit rassemblement, Massa Koné, une invitation […]
Categories: Afrique

Dette grecque: des progrès mais les blocages demeurent

RFI (Europe) - Thu, 04/06/2015 - 02:41
La Grèce et ses créanciers internationaux sont dans la dernière ligne droite de leurs négociations. C’est en tout cas ce que laisse penser l’accélération du rythme des rencontres cette semaine. Après le mini-sommet impromptu entre la France, l’Allemagne, la BCE, le FMI et la Commission européenne à Berlin, le Premier ministre grec est arrivé mercredi soir à Bruxelles pour de nouvelles négociations avec ses partenaires européens.
Categories: Union européenne

La déclaration d'amour à l'Europe et à la France du roi Felipe VI

RFI (Europe) - Thu, 04/06/2015 - 02:08
C'était l'un des temps forts de la visite d’Etat de Philippe VI à Paris. 22 ans après son père Juan Carlos, qui avait été le premier monarque étranger à s'exprimer devant les députés français, le roi d’Espagne a prononcé mercredi un discours dans l’hémicycle de l’Assemblée nationale.
Categories: Union européenne

Ex-Janjaweed leader seeks to register his forces as political party

Sudan Tribune - Thu, 04/06/2015 - 02:00

June 3, 2015 (KHARTOUM) - The leader of the Darfurian clan of Mahameed, Musa Hilal, said Wednesday he intends to discuss with government officials what he called "four pivotal issues" including the registration of his militia as political party.

Former janjaweed leader and tribal chief, Musa Hilal welcomed by his supporters at Khartoum Airport on Saturday 30 May 2015 (Photo by Saleh Ajab Aldor)

Hilal, who was one of the main militia leaders that participated in the brutal counter-insurgency campaign during the first years of Darfur crisis returned to Khartoum on Saturday from his home town of Misteriya in North Darfur to participate in the swearing-in ceremony of president Omer al-Bashir
He left Khartoum in mid-2013 and turned his militiamen against the governor of North Darfur state, Osman Kibir accusing him of feeding tribal conflicts in the state.

The notorious Janjaweed leader then started making statements critical of the ruling National Congress Party (NCP), of which he is a member, and calling for deep reforms.

Also, last year Hilal's troops seized control of western localities in North Darfur state including Saraf Omra, Kutum, Kebkabiya, Al-Seraif, and El Waha.

The tribal chief went further to announce the establishment of administrations in these localities, naming his forces the Sudanese Revolutionary Awakening Council (SRAC).

On Wednesday, Hilal addressed a meeting of his supporters in the Sudanese capital saying he intends to discuss with the political leadership in Khartoum four issues including registration of SRAC as political party, the security arrangements, social reconciliation and the political reforms.

He also said the discussions would include the need for equal sharing of power and wealth besides the just development.

"We came to Khartoum to participate in the swearing-in ceremony of president Bashir and we will sit with decision makers in the coming days to discuss those issues clearly and we would achieve an agreement that will take us and the Sudan forward," he said.

The tribal leader denied that he is part of the opposition, stressing he would not rebel against the government.

He said that he went to Darfur to visit his people and discuss their concerns, adding the presidency is fully aware of his activities there.

"We are neither outlaws nor opponents as some people claim", he noted.

"If we were rebels, we would have held arms against the existing legitimate government and we won't hold arms against our government", the tribal leader added.

Hilal further said that differences of opinions don't constitute a crime and divergence of views is not a shame, expressing confidence that SRAC would reach an agreement with the country's top leadership.

The Darfur conflict began in 2003 when an ethnic minority rose up against the Arab-dominated government in Khartoum, which then was accused of enlisting the Janjaweed militia group to help crush the rebellion.

In April 2006 the UN Security Council imposed financial and travel ban against Hilal for obstructing peace in Darfur. The then US president George Bush issued an executive order enforcing similar sanctions on them.

In January 2008, Bashir appointed Hilal as a special advisor for the Ministry of Federal Affairs in Sudan.


Categories: Africa

Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: Bildung Lehrermangel in Sachsen-Anhalt verschärft sich - Thu, 04/06/2015 - 02:00
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: Halle (ots) - In Sachsen-Anhalt droht eine dramatische Zuspitzung des Lehrermangels. Das berichtet die in Halle erscheinende Mitteldeutsche Zeitung (Donnerstag-Ausgabe). Schon jetzt kann jede zehnte Stunde Fachunterricht nicht gegeben werden. Je ...

Renewed fighting in South Sudan displaces over 100,000: UN

Sudan Tribune - Thu, 04/06/2015 - 01:39

By Tesfa-Alem Tekle

June 3, 2015 (ADDIS ABABA) – The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) said over 100,000 people have been displaced over the last two months alone due to fierce fighting in South Sudan.

Ethiopia has witnessed a huge influx of South Sudanese refugees since conflict erupted in the young nation in December 2013 (AFP)

In a statement extended to Sudan Tribune on Tuesday, the UN refugee agency, said the heavy fighting ongoing in South Sudan's Unity and Upper Nile states has also blocked humanitarian aid deliveries for some 650,000 people as aid organizations were forced to withdraw from war zones.

Upsurge of fighting in different areas of the country and mounting food insecurity are said to be the main reasons forcing people to leave their homes.

“It's estimated that more than 3.8 million people, representing a third of South Sudan's population of 11 million, do not have sufficient food,” the statement said.

The youngest East African nation plunged into chaos in December 2013 when President Salva Kiir accused his former deputy Riek Machar of attempting a coup, an accusation the latter denies.

Since January this year some 60,000 South Sudanese have fled home to neighbouring countries mostly to Sudan, Ethiopia and Kenya to escape ongoing fighting between government forces and rebels led Riek Machar.

“UNHCR offices in Sudan, Ethiopia and Uganda have all reported sharp increases in arrivals during May” the statement said.

According to UNHCR, last week alone, some 6,000 South Sudanese arrived in Sudan's White Nile and South Kordofan states.

Since conflict erupted, the UN said some 555,000 people have fled the country while some 1.5 million have been displaced internally.

The UN refugee agency also said its aid programme for South Sudan is lacking funding and expressed concern that the 2015 South Sudan Regional Refugee Response Plan that covers the refugee programmes in the neighbouring countries, run by UNHCR and 39 partners, is only funded at 10 percent.

“This leaves many lifesaving activities such as the provision of clean water, sanitation and health services, food and shelter severely underfunded,” it added.

Meanwhile, the UNHCR has launched its annual World Refugee Day Campaign in the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa.

The Campaign was launched on Tuesday with the release of several films featuring celebrity supporters that tell the human side of the refugee plight.

The UN refugee agency said this year's campaign aims to bring the public closer to the story, showing refugees as ordinary people living in extraordinary circumstances.

The films feature UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador and best-selling author, Khaled Hosseini, photographer and supermodel, Helena Christensen, singer and songwriter Maher Zain and actor Jung Woo-Sung.


Categories: Africa

stern TV: Ex-FIFA-Mediendirektor Guido Tognoni rät Blatter zur Kooperation mit dem FBI - Thu, 04/06/2015 - 01:35
STERN TV: Köln (ots) - "Ich bin der Auffassung, Sepp Blatter könnte sich unglaubliche Verdienste erwerben und plötzlich in einem ganz anderen Licht dastehen, wenn er selbst sagt: Ich werde Zeuge. Ich gehe zum FBI. Ich werde alles sagen", erklärte Guido ...

S. Sudanese activists organise consultative forum on peace talks

Sudan Tribune - Thu, 04/06/2015 - 01:34

June 3, 2015 (WAU) – South Sudanese civil society activists have organised a one-day consultative meeting on peace talks between the country's two warring factions mediated by regional leaders.

Civil society activists demonstrate in Warrap state capital, Kuajok, April 16, 2012 (Julius Uma/ST)

The event in Western Bahr el Ghazal state, also focused on the country's Financial Policy Bill 2015, currently before the national legislative assembly.

Religious leaders and political parties attended the forum, organised by Community Empowerment for Progress Organisation (CEPO).

“Today, CEPO in Western Bahr el Ghazal state with support from Justice Africa is organising a one day consultative meeting aimed at gathering ideas on challenges facing both the Inter-governmental Authority for Development and civil society organisation at the peace venue in Addis Ababa,”, said CEPO's state coordinator, Stephen Robo.

“We need public demands on how the Financial Bill will look like,” he added.

The forum, Robo said, will also explore ways of how taxes can be collected to save the seemingly collapsing South Sudan economy.

“Since our financial situation appears to be collapsing, there is a need for us to find a possible situation of collecting the national taxes that would help rebuild our national economy,” he stressed.

The official further said the forum will also suggest ideas to the mediators and other stakeholders in the negotiation between the warring parties in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

“Both IGAD and other mediating terms are having a lot of weakness during this peace talk. Therefore, this consultation meeting will help the mediating teams by providing them with ideas for the two warring parties to reach a lasting peace,” said Robo.

Peace talks between the rebels and government hit a deadlock on 6 March prompting the mediators to initiate an IGAD-Plus arrangement, involving the five African countries, the African Union, United Nations and the Troika (Britain, Norway and United States).

The negotiations, being brokered by the East African regional bloc offers the best chance to end nearly 18 months of conflict in the world's youngest nation.


Categories: Africa

Donbass Truce Violation Linked to EU Decision on Sanctions - Lawmaker

RIA Novosty / Russia - Thu, 04/06/2015 - 01:32
The Head of the foreign affairs committee of the lower house of Russia's parliament has pointed to an interdependence between shelling in Donbass and the EU’s anti-Russia sanctions prolongation.

Categories: Russia & CIS

Sudanese militiamen recover UNAMID's stolen vehicles in S. Darfur

Sudan Tribune - Thu, 04/06/2015 - 01:28

June 3, 2015 (NYALA) - The Rapid Support Forces (RSF) has restored eight vehicles stolen from the hybrid peacekeeping in Darfur (UNAMID) by an unidentified militia in Jaraf area, 37 kilometer north east of South Darfur capital, Nyala.

The El Fasher 1 Team Site conducts a joint morning patrol with Community Policing Volunteers and interacts with community leaders at the Zam Zam camp for IDPS near El Fasher, North Darfur. (Photo UNAMID/Rabi Abuassi)

Brigadier Isam Fadil, advisor to the RSF said in press statements on Wednesday that their forces captured three of the perpetrators and killed six others besides seizing three four-wheel drive vehicles during heavy clashes with the gunmen.

He added that they thwarted the largest armed robbery attempt against UNAMID following fierce clashes with the armed gang in the jungles of Jaraf area which belongs to the locality of Al-Wihda.

"The (SRF) forces managed to recover UNAMID's cars including 3 Land Cruiser vehicles and 5 trucks besides seizing 3 vehicles belonging to the gunmen," he said

On the other hand, the commander of the Sudanese army's sixteenth infantry division, Maj. Gen. Adil Hamad al-Nil, said the army, after it crushed the rebellion, targeted groups of outlaws in order to achieve security and stability in the state.

He added that armed militias continued to carry out looting, kidnapping and killing attacks while the army was busy fighting against rebel groups, warning the outlaws that the RSF would always be lurking for them.

Hamad al-Nil pointed they received preliminary information from a border guard station about suspicious movements, saying the army and the police informed the RSF which in turn moved quickly and defeated the armed group.

He stressed that maintaining security of the people is their top priority, noting that regular forces have been deployed across the state to secure the farms and villages of voluntary return.

The military commander further pointed that the security committee in the state is well informed about the dense of the crime in South Darfur.

Composed of former militia groups in Darfur and Kordofan regions to fight rebel groups across the country, the RSF currently operates under the command of the National Intelligence and Security Services (NISS) and in coordination of the Sudan Armed Forces.

The SRF forces, themselves, are accused of committing war crimes and atrocities against civilians in Darfur and South Kordofan.

The acting governor of South Darfur state, Omer Mohamed al-Bashir, for his part, emphasized that the perpetrators neither belong to the rebel groups nor have tribal affiliation.

He told the pro-government Sudan Media Center (SMC) that the gang is comprised of 12 people, pointing they all worked for the UNAMID.

Al-Bashir underscored the perpetrators will be brought to a prompt and fair trial in the coming days according to the emergency law imposed since last July.

He urged the UNAMID to reconsider some of its contractors, stressing the perpetrators serve agenda of the rebel groups who have recently suffered serious defeats at the hands of the regular forces.

It should be recalled that South Darfur, at the difference of some other states, is witnessing few rebel activities. However the state is known for criminal activities and robbery committed by armed gangs.

In a bid to curb criminal activities, the state authorities in July 2014 declared an indefinite emergency situation in South Darfur state, including a curfew from 7pm to 7am (local time) in the capital Nyala.


Categories: Africa

Ominous Warning Signs Resurface in Zimbabwe

Foreign Policy - Thu, 04/06/2015 - 01:21
Ethnic hatreds, murky disappearances, and the purging of enemies are all on the rise in Robert Mugabe's dictatorship.

UN health agency warns rainy season now hampering Ebola response in West Africa

UN News Centre - Africa - Thu, 04/06/2015 - 01:18
The United Nations World Health Organization (WHO) today reported an increase in the intensity and geographic area of Ebola transmission in Guinea and Sierra Leone, warned that the onset of the rainy season &#8220from now onwards&#8221 will make field operations more difficult and noted that community engagement remains a challenge in both countries.
Categories: Africa
