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Cameron droht mit Aufkündigung der Europäischen Menschenrechtskonvention - Thu, 04/06/2015 - 07:28

Der britische Premierminister David Cameron hat eine Aufkündigung der Europäischen Menschenrechtskonvention durch sein Land ins Spiel gebracht. Ausländische Kriminelle könnten sich auf europäisches Recht berufen, um etwa ihre eigene Abschiebung zu verhindern – das sei inakzeptabel.

Categories: Europäische Union

South Sudanese rebels react to revocation of dismissal of SPLM leaders

Sudan Tribune - Thu, 04/06/2015 - 07:23

June 3, 2015 (ADDIS ABABA) – The South Sudanese armed opposition faction of the ruling (SPLM) party has welcomed the decision to revoke the “unconstitutional” dismissal of their leader, Riek Machar, and his colleagues from the ruling party, saying the move was an “overdue” good gesture in complementing the Addis Ababa peace process.

South Sudan's rebel leader Riek Machar speaks during an interview with Reuters in Addis Ababa on July 9, 2014. (Photo Reuters/Tiksa Negeri)

President Salva Kiir's SPLM faction on Wednesday announced their leadership had revoked dismissal of opposition leader Riek Machar and others and that he was reinstated to his previous position as first deputy chairperson of the ruling party. They also said the frozen assets or bank accounts for members of the former detainees and armed opposition faction were unfrozen in the country and they could access them.

The rebels commended the decision as correct one but added that this was not the end of the story as many other processes and decisions were still pending in order to end the crisis in the country.

“Well, we welcome the good gesture. It does not come out of the blue. Actually it is overdue because it is a provision in the roadmap agreement on SPLM reunification process signed in Arusha several months ago,” Machar's spokesman, James Gatdet Dak, told Sudan Tribune on Wednesday evening when contacted for comment.

“President Kiir who was responsible for this unconstitutional dismissal of senior party leaders was directed by the roadmap agreement to unconditionally revoke his decision,” he added.

Dak pointed out that the revocation of the dismissal decree was meant to smoothen further steps in the tripartite intraparty dialogue in order to further negotiate within the party and reach an agreement on reforms in structural, organizational and future party leadership matters.

He blamed president Kiir's group for aborting internal party transformation processes which sparked the violence and had now developed into a national crisis beyond the party.

Even from the onset of the crisis in December 2013, he recalled that the opposition leader Machar immediately composed a team of SPLM leaders from his side in January 2014 to meet with president Kiir's SPLM team in Addis Ababa so that the crisis would have been arrested at the party level, adding Machar's idea was rejected and the “conflict has now developed into a national crisis.”

He however said the particular decision to revoke dismissal would be complementary to the Addis Ababa peace process led by the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD), particularly on the executive power-sharing for government during a transitional period.

“Let us wait and see how this reinstatement to previous party leadership positions will reflect on the government's position in regard to leadership structure and executive power-sharing in a transitional government of national unity,” he further added.

He challenged that the government was opposed to IGAD proposed executive power-sharing which would see the rebel leader, Riek Machar, become either a prime minister or first vice president with shared executive powers.

The rebel leader's spokesman however said the intraparty dialogue did not confirm president Kiir to continue as the party chairman, stressing that there were pending processes on mechanisms within the dialogue that would address party leadership in the course of reunification.

He said this would be like restarting from square one from where we left in December 2013 when president Kiir violently interrupted the processes of party transformation, reforms and leadership contest.

On government leadership, he also said president Kiir has become illegitimate president either through expiry of his term limit or by his deeds which caused the war and administered massacre of thousands of civilians in the capital, Juba.

“These are some of the issues the warring parties shall be tackling in the two complementary processes in Arusha or in Addis Ababa,” he said.

He however commended partial implementation of the Arusha roadmap agreement in order to help expedite the Addis Ababa process, but ruled out possibility that the rebel leader would return to Juba as first deputy chairman of the SPLM per party agreement without a comprehensive peace agreement in Addis Ababa.


Categories: Africa

Lettland wird erstes EU-Land mit Grünem Staatschef - Thu, 04/06/2015 - 07:14

Der bisherige lettische Verteidigungsminister Raimonds Vejonis wird der erste Grüne Präsident der Europäischen Union. Der 48-Jährige will das Militär aufrüsten und eine ökologische Wende seines Landes einleiten.

Categories: Europäische Union

Tchétchénie: les locaux d’une ONG vandalisés

RFI (Europe) - Thu, 04/06/2015 - 07:09
Les locaux du Comité contre la torture à Grozny ont été saccagés ce mercredi. Plusieurs personnes masquées ont escaladé le balcon pour pénétrer dans le bureau par la fenêtre, car la porte d’entrée est blindée depuis la dernière agression en décembre 2014. Le Comité contre la torture est l’une des dernières ONG présentes à Grozny.
Categories: Union européenne

Burundi : l'ONU appelle au calme face au risque d'aggravation de la violence

Centre d'actualités de l'ONU | Afrique - Thu, 04/06/2015 - 07:00
Le Secrétaire général de l'ONU, Ban Ki-moon, et le Conseil de sécurité ont exprimé leur préoccupation jeudi concernant le risque que la violence s'aggrave davantage au Burundi et ont réitéré leur appel au calme et à la retenue.
Categories: Afrique

RDC : la MONUSCO salue le lancement d'une opération de l'armée congolaise contre les rebelles des FRPI

Centre d'actualités de l'ONU | Afrique - Thu, 04/06/2015 - 07:00
La Mission des Nations Unies en République démocratique du Congo (MONUSCO) a salué jeudi le lancement d'une opération par l'armée congolaise contre les rebelles des Forces de résistance patriotique d'Ituri (FRPI), dans l'est du pays.
Categories: Afrique

Centrafrique : la MINUSCA ouvre une enquête sur des allégations d'abus sexuels sur un mineur

Centre d'actualités de l'ONU | Afrique - Thu, 04/06/2015 - 07:00
La Mission de maintien de la paix des Nations Unies en République centrafricaine a ouvert une enquête sur des allégations d'abus sexuels commis contre un mineur par un de ses Casques bleus, a indiqué jeudi le porte-parole du Secrétaire général Ban Ki-moon.
Categories: Afrique

Major funding gap has left Iraq on brink of ‘catastrophe,’ UN warns as new humanitarian appeal launched

UN News Centre - Thu, 04/06/2015 - 07:00
Critical aid operations supporting millions of people affected by the conflict in Iraq are at risk of shutting down unless funds are made available immediately, the United Nations official overseeing relief operations in the country warned today as she joined an international appeal for nearly $500 million to cover the immediate needs of 5.6 million Iraqis for the next six months.

UN agency reports world food prices declining to six-year low

UN News Centre - Thu, 04/06/2015 - 07:00
The prices of major food commodities continued their downward trajectory through May as cereal prices dropped amid an increasingly favourable forecast for this year’s harvests, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) confirmed today.

Wulu-Rumbek road re-opened after three-day closure

Sudan Tribune - Thu, 04/06/2015 - 06:30

June 3, 2015 (RUMBEK) – The road connecting Wulu county in South Sudan's Lakes state to the capital, Rumbek has finally been re-opened after three days of closure.

The incident occurred after trainees attending a course in the area rioted when food was not delivered to them, affecting traffic between Wulu and Rumbek Central county.

Lakes state local government and law enforcement minister, Jok Ayom Majak fully intervened and ensured that food was delivered to the trainees and the road re-opened.

Majak said the road closure badly hampered traffic flow between these two counties.

“The trainees closed off the Rumbek-Wulu road which links Rumbek Central to Juba on Saturday and continued till Tuesday,” the minister told Sudan Tribune by phone.

“As I speak to now, people are moving very freely. Trucks are moving freely,” he added.

Lakes state has been blighted by cattle raiding since South Sudan gained independence from the north in July 2011, and continues to be locked in a cycle of inter-clan clashes and revenge killings.


Categories: Africa

Rocket Engine RFP Out | Airbus: 3 TP400-D6 Engines Froze Before Crash | South Korea Tests Domestic Missile

Defense Industry Daily - Thu, 04/06/2015 - 06:01

  • The Air Force has released a RFP for its next generation of space launch engines, as it tries to move away from reliance on the Atlas-V’s Russian-produced RD-180 engines. Reports from March expected the RFP to have been released sooner, with industry being given tight deadlines in order to meet Congressional timelines. The Air Force aims to allocate $160 million, which will be distributed between four companies to produce prototypes for evaluation, with the Pentagon recently arguing for the continued use of the RD-180 as an interim measure before new engines can be introduced.

  • The Air Force is also reportedly investigating a possible leaking of information prior to the release of a RFP as part of the Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle program, with this a potential violation of the Procurement Integrity Act. The first competition in over a decade within the EELV program is to launch next-generation GPS-III satellites, with the RFP being released on 14 May.

  • Following a contract modification worth $149 million, Raytheon will manufacture 74 Standard Missile-6 (SM-6) air defense rounds for the Navy. This follows a $110 million contract in March and the transition of the SM-6 from low-rate to full-rate production last month.

  • The United States and India have announced a set of joint technology programs amid the signing of a ten-year defense cooperation pact by SecDef Carter and Indian counterpart Parikkar. Two projects have been approved initially; one for building generators and another to develop soldier biological and chemical protective equipment. Carter has previously stated that the US would be willing to export the General Atomics-developed EMALS system, building on this on Wednesday with farther-reaching plans to sell the Indians carrier and aircraft engine technology.

  • The Air Force awarded Boeing a $466.5 million contract Wednesday to repair Minuteman III ICBMs, with this set to run to 2021. Also on Wednesday, Lockheed Martin was handed a $226.9 million contract for rockets and pods to fulfill Foreign Military Sales to unspecified international customers.

  • DARPA also awarded Raytheon BBN Technologies and Vencore Labs Inc contracts totaling 34 million for the Edge-Directed Cyber Technologies for Reliable Mission program – abbreviated to EdgeCT – which aims to build in resilience of communication over IP networks through new capabilities at the edge of wide-area networks.


  • Following the news that the 9 May Airbus A400M crash was most likely the fault of defective engine software, the company announced on Wednesday that the aircraft saw three of its TP400-D6 engines freeze in flight. The focus of attention is not on the structural design of the aircraft, rather the quality assurance procedures in place at the Airbus final assembly plant.

  • Romania has taken delivery of six final Panhard PVP armored vehicles, following a 2012 contract for 16 of the vehicles. They will be fitted out for area and perimeter control mission sets by local company CVR.

  • The Polish Defense Ministry is looking to acquire two VIP jets and end their reliance on LOT Polish Airlines-chartered Embraer 175 aircraft in a leasing contract which will end in 2017. The new aircraft are scheduled for delivery in 2016, with a contract expected by the end of this year.

  • Poland has also released a tender for MP-5 type sub-machine guns, with the intention of procuring up to 218 of the 9x19mm weapons for the nation’s police force. Competitors have until July to prepare documentation, with the final deadline in December. MP-5 manufacturer Heckler & Koch also announced Wednesday the appointment of a new CEO, former COO of Rheinmetall Defence’s Combat Platforms division Nicola Marinelli.


  • Bangladesh has begun construction of eight X12 high-speed patrol boats, with state-owned Dockyard and Engineering Works (DEW) Narayanganj manufacturing the vessels, based on the design of X15 patrol boats built by Indonesian firm North Sea Boats under a technology transfer agreement last year.

  • Sweden has supported India’s application to the Missile Technology Control Regime, a multinational association of 34 states aiming to limit the spread of missile and UAV technology through export controls, dialogue and collaboration. India is also seeking to gain early membership of several other non-proliferation organizations, including Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG), Australia Group and the Wassenaar Arrangement.

  • South Korea has reportedly tested a domestically-produced ballistic missile capable of hitting targets anywhere within the North. This ability stems from a reported range of 300 miles, which can be extended to 500 as a result of an unspecified agreement with the US.

Today’s Video

  • The domestically-produced South Korean ballistic missile…

Categories: Defence`s Feeds


Magyar Szó (Szerbia/Vajdaság) - Thu, 04/06/2015 - 06:00


20.00, Digi Sport 1, Sportklub 1: Gyémántliga, Róma.


18.30, Sportklub 3: Karşıyaka–Fenerbahçe (török élvonal, rájátszás, elődöntő, harmadik mérkőzés, az állás: 1:1).

20.45, Sportklub 3: Dinamo Sassari–Milano (olasz élvonal, rájátszás, elődöntő, negyedik mérkőzés, az állás: 2:1).

21.00, RTS2: Partizan–Crvena zvezda (szerbiai élvonal, felsőház, 14. forduló).

21.00, Arena Sport 2: Real Madrid–Valencia (spanyol élvonal, rájátszás, elődöntő, első mérkőzés).

3.00, péntek, Sport1, Sportklub 1: Golden State Warriors–Cleveland Cavaliers (NBA, rájátszás, nagydöntő, első mérkőzés).


Ifjúsági torna, Toulon, A csoport, 5. forduló: Costa Rica–Katar (17.00, Arena Sport 3), Franciaország–Hollandia (19.00, Arena Sport 1).

U20-as vb, Új-Zéland, 2. forduló, E csoport: Nigéria–Észak-Korea (6.00), Magyarország–Brazília (9.00, Duna, Eurosport2), F csoport: Honduras–Fidzsi (6.00), Németország–Üzbegisztán (9.00, Eurosport).

20.00, Sportklub 2: Dinamo Kijev–Sahtar Donyeck (ukrán kupadöntő).

21.00, Arena Sport 4, Digi Sport 2: Fluminense–Coritiba (brazil élvonal, 5. forduló).


12.00, 16.00, Eurosport2, 15.00, Eurosport, RTS1: Roland Garros.

Stigle rakete u Kanjižu

Magyar Szó (Szerbia/Vajdaság) - Thu, 04/06/2015 - 06:00

Stigle su prve protivgradne rakete u opštinu Kanjiža. Stanica u Malom Pesku je bila među prvima koja je dobila rakete. Član saveta zadužena za poljoprivredu, Monika Halas, je izjavila da je ove godine opština potrošila 800 hiljada dinara za protivgradnu odbranu.

- Ukupno smo kupili 27 raketa, jer smo računali da će po tri dobiti svaka stanica u opštini. Novac za kupovinu raketa smo odvojili od sume koju dobijamo kao najamninu za zemljišta u državnoj svojini, a do raketa smo uspeli doći jeftinije od planiranih milion dinara, potrošili smo samo 800 hiljada – izjavila je Monika Halas, dodajući da su pored 21 rakete velikog dometa kupili i šest manjih, jer se u blizini državne granice mogu koristiti samo ove rakete.

Od devet protivgradnih stanica u opštini Kanjiža, samo šest je aktivno, dok u Horgošu, Oromu i Trešnjevcu nema osobe sa kojom je sklopljen ugovor i koja bi rukovala protivgradnom opremom. Za saniranje ovog problema će nadležni prvo kontaktirati rukovodioce mesnih zajednica da nađu odgovarajuće osobe i da se ovaj problem što pre reši.

Predstavnik radarske stanice u Bajši, Ljubodrag Jović, koji je bio prisutan prilikom postavljanja raketa u kanjiškoj opštini, je izjavio da je početkom leta postignut dovoljan broj postavljenih raketa u Kanjiži, ali se sa sigurnošću ne može izjaviti koliko ih je tačno potrebno za jednu sezonu, pošto na formiranje grada utiče više faktora.

Raketama u Malom Pesku već deset godina rukuje Vilmoš Nađ.

- Ako se dobro sećam, za deset godina, samo jedne godine se desilo da nismo morali ispaliti niti jednu protivgradnu raketu. To je posao koji traje 24 sata dnevno; čovek ne sme da napusti teren, jer bilo kad može stići poziv iz Bajše te se u roku od 20 minuta mora biti na licu mesta, čak i ako grmi i seva – kaže Nađ, dodajuću da za svoj rad mesečno dobija 4 hiljade dinara, koja mu se na račun prebacuju svaka tri meseca. On rukovanjem protivgradnim sistemom ne radi samo zbog para, nego i zbog činjenice da su i njegovi usevi u opasnosti ukoliko padne grad. Kaže da je za jednu deceniju samo jednom ovaj kraj pretrpeo štetu nastalu usred grada.

Protiv grada se ljudi mogu boriti i na druge načine, ne samo protivgradnim raketama. Monika Halas je izjavila da je lokalna samouprava ove godine izdvojila sredstva za generatore zemljišta, ali se ovi sistemi u Srbiji ne proizvode, pa za uvoz i upotrebu nisu dobili potrebne dozvole. „Stručnjaci su sumljičavi kada se radi o ovim generatorima, ali se zna da se ovi sistemi koriste u drugim državama, a za nas u pograničnoj zoni značilo bi mnogo“, dodaje Monika Halas.



Nastavlja se sanacija Palićkog jezera

Magyar Szó (Szerbia/Vajdaság) - Thu, 04/06/2015 - 06:00

Kompleks hotela i akvapark bi zadržali turiste na duže vreme.

Sledećih godina će na Paliću biti ogromnih promena, barem na polju turizma, jer je još uvek pregršt neiskorišćenih mogućnosti u proširenju turističkih sadržaja. Čeka nas sanacija Palićkog jezera, izgradnja hotelskog kompleksa na mestu Muškog štranda, a i uređenje vikend naselja.

Od nadležnih iz J.P. Park Palić smo saznali da se ove godine nastavlja sanacija Palićkog jezera za šta je izdvojeno 30 miliona dinara. Sve aktivnosti vezane za rekonstrukciju se temelje na planu za razvoj ekološkog stanja jezera, a sa većim radovima će se verovatno početi dogodine, a pripreme se već vrše: završava se izrada detaljnog plana za uređenje zapadne obale jezera, u toku je supervizija master plana i nastavlja se proširivanje kanalizacione mreže u vikend naselju.

Planira se formiranje vetrozaštitnog pojasa oko jezera, biomanipulacija jezera, odnosno, poboljšanje rada prečišćivača vode. U proteklom periodu pregovaralo se sa KfW Bankom u vezi osiguranja potrebnih sredstava od kojih bi se mogle finansirati gore navedene investicije. Pored toga bi se u skladu sa sredstvima koja stoje na raspolaganju nastavilo i sa obnovom objekata Velikog parka. Planira se izgradnja turističke staze oko Omladinskog jezera, za šta je predviđeno 13 miliona dinara, odnosno uređenje raskrsnica i izgradnja delova puteva.

Prošle godine je od sredstava dobijenih od Sekretarijata za privredu uspešno uređen mol. Ne planira se obnova daljih objekata na Muškom štrandu, jer se planira izgradnja novih objekata na ovom delu: tu bi se podigao kompleks hotela i akvapark koji bi se prostirali na 8,67 hektara, a mesto će dobiti na istočnoj obali jezera, južno od hotela Prezident, na delu između Palićkog i Omladinskog jezera, koji bi obuhvatao ceo Muški štrand. U kompleksu će se naći rekreacioni, banjski i zdravstveni sadržaji, a pored toga će biti mogućnosti i za noćenje gostiju. Biće osigurana mogućnost za sport i izgradnju raznih sportskih terena. Goste bi čekao akvapark, bazeni kao i tobogani. Kompleks želi da usluži sve goste, bilo koje životne dobi koji žele da se odmore, da se zabave, da upražnjavaju sport ili da se leče. Naravno, u ovoj zoni bi bili postavljeni i razni ugostiteljski objekti, objekti za zabavu i objekti za pomoć obrazovanju, kao i objekti za zdravstvenu i socijalnu sigurnost.

J. P. Park Palić je sa Inženjerskom komorom Srbije zajedno raspisao konkurs za izradu idejnih planova kompleksa. Pobednički radovi će se koristiti kao osnov u pregovorima sa potencijalnim investitorima koji će u potpunosti ili delimično ostvariti ove ideje. Protekle četiri godine je J.P. intenzivno radio na izgradnji komunalne i turističke infrastrukture i na pripremi parcela koje su u vlasništvu grada, a koje su najvažnije za Palić.

Najveći potencijal grada i Palića je svakako turizam, za koji je neophodno uređenje Palića i izgradnja odgovarajućih turističkih sadržaja. Palić, kao ciljnu destinaciju, posećuje, iz godine u godinu, sve više turista. Na osnovu statističkih podataka, može se reći da je Palić posetilo oko 22.030 turista, što je za 9,4 posto više nego u istom periodu prethodne godine, a i broj noćenja je povećan sa 7,3 posto u poređenju sa prethodnom godinom i iznosilo je ukupno 40.356 noćenja. Turisti posećuju mahom salaše i restorane u okolini Palića, Zoo vrt, vinarije, prvenstveno Vinariju „Zvonko Bogdan“, a povećan je i broj turista koji nas posećuju kao učesnici raznih konferencija ili seminara.

Palić koji ima turističku prošlost dugu 170 godina ima, naravno, i druge turističke „proizvode“ kao što je vikend-turizam, izletnički turizam i turizam vezan za razne manifestacije. Mnogi stižu da se odmore ili sa poslovnim ciljem, ali sve više organizacija, udruženja, akcenat stavljaju na etno i ekoturizam. Za to, blizina Palića, Palićkog jezera, Prirodni rezervat Lodoškog jezera i subotička peščara omogućava idealne uslove jer pružaju mogućnost organizovana fotosafarija, pešačkih tura i osmatranje ptica što se vezuje za zeleni turizam. Ukoliko bi se izgradio akvapark ili nešto slično, to bi svakako doprinelo da turisti provedu neko duže vreme u Subotici, ali i na Paliću.

Uređenje vikend-naselja je takođe jedan od zadataka u narednom periodu, ali se već sad može znati da će se nastaviti uklanjanje objekata izgrađenih bez dozvole. Za sada je uklonjeno pet zgrada koje su bile u vlasništvu grada, a koje su bile napuštene i u veoma lošem stanju, a za koje nije postojalo dozvola za izgradnju ili predatih zahteva za legalizaciju. Ove godine se planira uklanjanje objekta koji se prostire na 183 kvadratnih metara, koji je takođe u vlasništvu grada i za koji takođe nije predat zahtev za legalizaciju. Za rušenje je Park Palić predvideo 456 hiljada dinara. U vikend-naselju se planira proširenje kanalizacione mreže, uređenje pešačkih staza između plaže i naselja, izgradnju puta pored bloka B5, kao i uređenje zelenih površina. Pre početka letnje sezone planira se priprema štranda, tuševa i postavljanje suncobrana.



South Sudanese rebels inflict heavy casualties on government troops: spokesperson

Sudan Tribune - Thu, 04/06/2015 - 05:39

June 3, 2015 (ADDIS ABABA) – South Sudan's opposition forces led by former vice president, Riek Machar, said they inflicted heavy casualties on government troops loyal to president Salva Kiir on Wednesday after the latter allegedly carried out major offensive against the rebel positions north of the Unity state's capital, Bentiu.

Soldiers from the South Sudanese army (SPLA) celebrate after recapturing Unity state capital Bentiu from rebel forces in January (Photo: Reuters)

Spokesperson for the opposition leader Riek Machar said they repulsed a massive coordinated attack by combined government forces from different army divisions who attempted to recapture their strategic positions in northern part of the state.

“SPLM/SPLA forces in Unity state have repulsed a massive coordinated offensive by forces loyal to president Salva Kiir on Wednesday morning at Rot Riak (Lalok) town, north of the state capital, Bentiu,” James Gatdet Dak said in a press statement to the media on Wednesday.

“The massive attack involved thousands of government soldiers from various army Divisions 4,3 and 5 including Tiger Division as well as pro-government militia forces of Matthew Puljang,” he said.

He said the attack occurred at 9am at Rot Riak area situated at the main road junction between Panakuach and Unity oilfields.

Their forces, he said, repulsed the attack with huge casualties inflicted on pro-government forces, adding that seven tanks in good condition were among the war equipment captured from the government.

“Juba forces were therefore dispersed and ran in disarray in the direction of Mayom or Warrap state,” he added.

Dak said the aim of the major offensive by forces loyal to the government was to try to recapture oilfields under the control of the opposition forces in the state.

He also said another pro-government force attempted to push towards Pariang area but were defeated and repulsed as well.

Other rebel sources told Sudan Tribune that their forces were matching towards the state capital, Bentiu, in retaliation of the government's offensive. They also said they were in full control of the Unity oilfields, north of Bentiu.

Dak accused the government of continuing with the “full scale war project” which he said was in violation of the cessation of hostilities agreement signed by the warring parties in South Sudan since 23 January 2014.


Meanwhile, officials in South Sudan's Western Bahr el Ghazal state on Wednesday said government forces managed to repulse yet another attack by rebels in Wau county, about 50km away from the state capital.

Western Bahr el Ghazal state's minister for local government, Angelo Taban Baijio, told reporters in the capital, Wau, said fighting lasted for several hours on Wednesday when forces allied to the opposition faction led by former vice president, Riek Machar, attempted to take over Kpaile Payam near Wau.

According to the official, rebel forces experienced heavy losses in the fight over the control of the area, but could not say how many were killed from both sides. He said the offensive by the South Sudanese army (SPLA) was in response to Sunday's attack initiated by the rebel forces in the area.

“The SPLA forces have maximally defeated the rebels as a response to the last Sunday attack in Bazia Payam 50km south-west of the state capital,” said the minister.

He attributed the rising armed rebellion in the state to the administrative differences since 2012 in the state.

“What is now happening in Wau county is a continuation of the December 2012's violence of which the state capital has witnessed a serious protest over the allocation of the county's headquarter from Wau town to Bagari. These are the same people today supporting and joining the rebellion,” he said.

The minister warned that any civilian and those who were arrested and jailed for punishment sentence and released after their jail term ended seen supporting the rebellion would be dealt with.

State government officials have been accusing citizens in Wau county of collaborating with the rebels and not providing early warning information to the authorities about the movement of the rebel forces in the area.

They cited the recent attack on Bazia town, 50km away from the capital and wondered how the opposition forces could reach the area without being detected by the citizens.


Categories: Africa

NOZ: Gespräch mit Uwe Schroeder-Wildberg, Vorstandsvorsitzender des Finanzdienstleisters MLP - Thu, 04/06/2015 - 05:00
Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung: Osnabrück (ots) - MLP-Chef sagt Versicherungsmaklern Marktbereinigung voraus Schroeder-Wildberg: Lebensversicherungsreformgesetz sorgt für Ausleseprozess Osnabrück.- Der Vorstandsvorsitzende des Finanzdienstleisters MLP, Uwe Schroeder-Wildberg, sagt ...

NOZ: NOZ - Interview mit Frank-Walter Steinmeier, Bundesaußenminister - Thu, 04/06/2015 - 05:00
Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung: Osnabrück (ots) - Außenminister hofft beim G7-Gipfel auf Impulse im Kampf gegen Epidemien "Brauchen Russland dringend" - Staatentreffen "gut und richtig" Osnabrück.- Bundesaußenminister Frank-Walter Steinmeier hat die Teilnehmer des G7-Gipfels dazu ...

China, India Interested in Purchasing Russia’s Armata - Putin's Aide

RIA Novosty / Russia - Thu, 04/06/2015 - 04:59
Russian Presidential Aide Vladimir Kozhin says that Russia’s foreign partners, including China and India, have expressed interest in purchasing new military equipment presented at the May 9 Victory Day parade in Moscow.

Categories: Russia & CIS

Burkina: l'avenir du régiment de sécurité présidentielle fait débat

RFI /Afrique - Thu, 04/06/2015 - 04:48
Au Burkina Faso, la société civile attend avec impatience les conclusions de la commission de réflexion sur l'avenir du régiment de sécurité présidentielle, le corps d'élite de l'armée burkinabè qui était chargé de la protection du président Blaise Compaoré. La commission a remis son rapport au gouvernement qui doit maintenant décider du futur rôle des quelque 1 300 hommes qui le composent. En visite à Paris, le président de la transition Michel Kafando affirme que le RSP pourrait changer de dénomination et de mission. Une proposition accueillie avec prudence par la société civile.
Categories: Afrique

Boko Haram: le centre des opérations transféré à Maiduguri

RFI /Afrique - Thu, 04/06/2015 - 04:44
Le président nigérian est en visite chez ses voisins impliqués dans la lutte contre Boko Haram. Après le Niger, mercredi, Muhammadu Buhari est attendu ce jeudi au Tchad. Avec le Cameroun, ces deux pays sont engagés militairement contre le groupe islamiste.
Categories: Afrique
