Main agenda items, approximate timing, public sessions and press opportunities.
The Council today adopted conclusions on the Coordinated Plan on the development and use of Artificial Intelligence Made in Europe.
The Council adopted conclusions on Yemen.
The Council adopted conclusions on EU priorities in human rights fora in 2019.
The Council adopted conclusion on Climate Change Diplomacy.
Svájccal és az Arab Ligával már hajlandó Magyarország nyilatkozatot aláírni, a párbeszédet sürgető Budapest Folyamatot azonban elutasítja a kormány.
The Council adopted a decision to further regionalise the work of the EU Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) missions in the Sahel, namely EUCAP Sahel Mali, EUCAP Sahel Niger and EUTM Mali.
Weekly schedule of President Donald Tusk 18-25 February 2019.
The EU is taking measures to mitigate the severe disruption to air connectivity between the EU and the UK in the event of a no-deal Brexit.
Main agenda items, approximate timing, public sessions and press opportunities.
The EU is introducing a set of temporary and limited measures to ensure basic road freight and passenger connectivity in order to mitigate the most severe disruption in the event of a no-deal Brexit.
Safer and more energy-efficient lorry cabs may enter the market in the EU from as early as 1 September 2020.
Main agenda items, approximate timing, public sessions and press opportunities.
The EU is introducing new rules which will ensure that products placed on the single market are safe and compliant with EU legislation protecting public interests, such as health and safety in general, health and safety at the workplace, consumers, the environment and public security.
On 15 February, EU ambassadors endorsed the agreement reached with the Parliament on the reform on banks' capital requirements and recovery and resolution rules.
Access to explosive precursors is to become subject to even tighter controls. The Council's Permanent Representatives' Committee today endorsed the provisional agreement reached with the European Parliament on 4 February on a draft regulation imposing stricter rules regarding the availability and use of explosive precursors throughout the EU.
Varsóban, Brüsszelben és Münchenben is tárgyalnak az EU és az USA vezetői biztonságpolitikáról és a Közel-Keletről. Eredményeket ne várjunk.
Presidency and European Parliament reach provisional agreement on establishing a European Labour Authority.
Az EP egyik vezetője szerint az EU jól jár, hogy nem kérünk brüsszeli pénzt az Elios-ügyben, de a magyar adófizetők nem.
Mondja az Európa Tanács. Olyannyira, hogy egy kategóriával feljebb kerültünk a listán.