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Európai Unió : hírek magyarul

Interoperability between EU information systems: Council Presidency and European Parliament reach provisional agreement

Európai Tanács hírei - Tue, 02/05/2019 - 20:19
Easier information sharing will improve security, allow for more efficient checks at external borders and contribute to prevent and combat illegal migration.

Code of conduct on business taxation: new chair of the Council working group

Európai Tanács hírei - Tue, 02/05/2019 - 20:19
Lyudmila Petkova becomes the new chair of the Council working group overseeing the implementation of the EU's code of conduct on business taxation.

Demersal fisheries in the western Mediterranean Sea: provisional agreement on new multiannual plan

Európai Tanács hírei - Tue, 02/05/2019 - 20:19
Provisional agreement reached on a multiannual management plan for western Mediterranean demersal fisheries.

A román korrupcióellenes ügyészség leváltott vezetőjét jelölhetik az Európai Ügyészség élére

Eurológus - Tue, 02/05/2019 - 12:40
A román igazságügyi miniszter máris tiltakozik Laura Codruța Kövesi jelölése elllen.

EU company law adapted to the digital era

Európai Tanács hírei - Tue, 02/05/2019 - 08:16
The EU has decided to revise its company law rules so that they remain fit for purpose in the digital age. The aim is to achieve greater efficiency, transparency and legal certainty through the use of digital tools.

Iran: Council adopts conclusions

Európai Tanács hírei - Tue, 02/05/2019 - 08:16
The Council adopted conclusions on Iran.

Magyar vétó Brüsszelben, Szijjártó a fél világot kiosztotta

Eurológus - Mon, 02/04/2019 - 14:05
Brüsszel, az ENSZ, az Arab Liga, Hollandia, Franciaország és Írország is megkapta a magáét. „Bokszzsáknak néznek, ez mégiscsak több a soknál!"

Orbántól óvja Timmermans a Néppártot

Eurológus - Mon, 02/04/2019 - 11:03
És aki a Néppártra szavaz, az a szélsőjobbot segíti hatalomra, mondta a szocialisták bizottsági elnökjelöltje.

Magyar diplomáciai ámokfutásról beszél egy uniós diplomata

Eurológus - Sat, 02/02/2019 - 19:32
Egyedül mi nem szavaztuk meg az EU közös álláspontját az Arab Ligával tartandó megbeszélésre.

Weekly schedule of President Donald Tusk

Európai Tanács hírei - Fri, 02/01/2019 - 20:03
Weekly schedule of President Donald Tusk 4-10 February 2019

Ensuring safe flying after Brexit – Council agrees its position

Európai Tanács hírei - Fri, 02/01/2019 - 20:03
The EU is taking the steps which are needed to continue to ensure a high level of aviation safety in its airspace in the event that the UK leaves the EU without a negotiated agreement.

Court of Justice of the European Union: eleven members appointed

Európai Tanács hírei - Fri, 02/01/2019 - 20:03
The representatives of the governments of the member states appointed ten judges and an advocate-general to the Court of Justice of the European Union.

Visa free travel after Brexit: Council agrees negotiating mandate

Európai Tanács hírei - Fri, 02/01/2019 - 20:03
EU ambassadors today agreed that, following Brexit, UK citizens coming to the Schengen area for a short stay should be granted visa free travel.

8/2019 : 2019. január 31. - A Főtanácsnoknak a C-55/18 ügyben előterjesztett indítványa

Advocate General Pitruzzella proposes that the Court find that undertakings are under an obligation to introduce a system for measuring the actual number of hours worked each day

Statement by the Eurogroup President on the nominations for the post of ECB executive board member

Európai Tanács hírei - Wed, 01/30/2019 - 19:55
Euro area members have been asked to submit nominations of candidates to replace European Central Bank Executive Board member Peter Praet, whose term ends on 31 May. The Eurogroup President has received one name: Ireland proposed the Central Bank of Ireland Governor, Philip Lane.

EU to facilitate cross-border mobility of companies

Európai Tanács hírei - Wed, 01/30/2019 - 19:55
The EU has come a step closer to adopting new rules which should facilitate the cross-border mobility of EU companies.

EU to speed up introduction of aerodynamic lorry cabs – Council agrees its stance

Európai Tanács hírei - Wed, 01/30/2019 - 19:55
The EU is bringing forward the introduction of longer, aerodynamic cabs which will reduce fuel consumption, provide better visibility, safety and comfort for drivers, and improve safety for other road users.

Trans-European transport network – Coreper approves mandate for talks on Brexit-related adaptation

Európai Tanács hírei - Wed, 01/30/2019 - 19:55
The EU is taking steps to ensure the maritime connection between Ireland and the other EU countries in the Trans-European transport network (TEN-T) when the United Kingdom leaves the EU.

EU energy efficiency rules adapted in view of Brexit

Európai Tanács hírei - Wed, 01/30/2019 - 19:55
The revised calculation of projected energy consumption figures for 2030 are necessary to track progress towards the EU's energy efficiency target.

Ensuring continued funding for the PEACE programme after Brexit: Council agrees its position

Európai Tanács hírei - Wed, 01/30/2019 - 19:55
EU ambassadors agreed the Council's position on a proposal for a regulation which establishes rules for the continuation of the cooperation programmes across the Irish border in the event of the UK’s withdrawal from the EU without a negotiated agreement.


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