The EU is preparing temporary measures to ensure continuity of train services between the EU (France and Ireland) and the United Kingdom in the event of a no-deal Brexit.
A magyar kormánypárt még soha nem volt ennyire közel ahhoz, hogy elveszítse a tagságát az Európai Néppártban. A kizárás most mégis a kevésbé valószínű forgatókönyvek közé tartozik.
Main agenda items, approximate timing, public sessions and press opportunities.
L'Union européenne a publié une déclaration sur la détérioration de la situation politique et sécuritaire au Cameroun.
The Council adopted its position on the proposal for revising the drinking water directive.
The EU and Georgia issued a joint press statement following their 5th meeting of the Association Council.
President Tusk presented the main topics of his meeting with the newly elected Armenian Prime Minister Pashinyan and reacted to President Macron's letter to European citizens.
A külföldi magyarok körében szervez mozgósító kampányt az MSZP, európai testvérpártjaival. Az akciót Ujhelyi István jelentette be Brüsszelben.
Council gives go-ahead to multiannual management plan for Western Waters fish stocks.
The Council adopted new rules on screening of foreign direct investments.
A megállapodás nélküli brexit hatásairól tájékoztatja a vállalkozásokat az EB. Bonyolult vámeljárásokra is fel kell készülni.
Az állam- és kormányfők márciusi csúcstalálkozójának napirendjén nem szerepel migráció.
The Council added seven ministers to the list of persons and entities subject to restrictive measures in view of the situation in Syria.
The Council gave its blessing to entering an international agreement to prevent unregulated high seas fishing in the central Arctic Ocean.
The Council adopted the Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Agreement between the EU and the Kingdom of Morocco.
The Council adopted its negotiating position on an update to the EU's rules on tyres labelling.
Unpaid road tolls could soon be history, as the EU is setting up a new information-sharing system which will enable the identification of owners of vehicles for which road fees have not been paid.
The Council extended the asset freezes directed against certain persons responsible for the misappropriation of Ukrainian State funds until 6 March 2020.
The Council adopted a reform lowering charges levied on cross-border payments in euros and increasing transparency for currency conversion charges across the EU.
The EU issued a declaration on Venezuela, recalling its conviction that the solution to the multidimensional crisis affecting Venezuela can only be a political, democratic and peaceful one.