Belgium kontra Bizottság
Állami támogatás
The General Court annuls the Commission’s decision concerning tax exemptions granted by Belgium by means of rulings
A szabadságon, a biztonságon és a jog érvényesülésén alapuló térség
Egy nemzeti törvény nem rendelkezhet visszaható hatályú, általános és automatikus szabály útján olyan külföldi hitelezőkkel kötött hitelszerződések semmisségéről, amelyeknek nem volt engedélyük hitelszolgáltatások nyújtására e tagállamban
The EU is amending its copyright legal framework to make it fit-for-purpose in today's digital environment.
The Presidency of the Council reached a provisional agreement with the European Parliament on an amendment to the gas directive.
EU ambassadors endorsed the agreement reached on a proposal for a pan-European pension product (PEPP), making it easier for people to save for their retirement
Nagyobb befolyása lesz az Európai Bizottságnak az EU-n kívüli gázszállítmányok ellenőrzésében, de az oroszok növelhetik európai részesedésüket.
Aerodynamic cabs will save fuel, improve visibility, safety and comfort for drivers, and increase safety for other road users.
Declaration by the High Representative on behalf of the European Union on the alignment of certain third countries with Council Decision (CFSP) 2018/1930 of 10 December 2018 amending Decision 2014/145/CFSP concerning restrictive measures in respect of actions undermining or threatening the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine
The Council adopted conclusions settings its priorities for the 2020 EU budget.
President Tusk received the letters of credentials from a new ambassador to the European Union.
A védelmi miniszterek kétnapos ülésén az ukrán kérdéssel is foglalkoznak, ami kényes kérdés nekünk.
The EU is strengthening the capacity of law enforcement authorities to fight terrorism and serious crime by improving their access to financial information.
The Council confirms its position on the review of the European architecture for financial supervision. The first trilogue with the Parliament is scheduled to take place on 14 February.
The EU is stimulating the market for zero- and low-emission vehicles by encouraging their use in public procurement
Provisional agreement reached on a regulation on the transparency and sustainability of the EU risk assessment in the food chain.
The EU is streamlining its regulatory framework on seafarers' training and certification.
Remarks by President Centeno following the Eurogroup of 11 February on Philip Lane's candidacy as ECB executive board member, post-programme surveillance for Ireland and Portugal, the Commission's winter forecast and discussions on an euro-area budgetary instrument.
The Eurogroup gave its support to the candidacy of Philip Lane for the position to become a new member of the ECB's executive board.
Weekly schedule of President Donald Tusk 11-17 February 2019
EU ambassadors gave a mandate to the Council Presidency to start negotiations with the European Parliament on an amendment to the gas directive.