The Council appointed Ms Thérèse Blanchet as Director General responsible for the Council legal service.
Council and Parliament negotiators reached today an agreement on new rules to better protect whistle-blowers across the European Union
The Council added eight Russian officials to the list of restrictive measures in respect of actions undermining or threatening the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine, and extended the validity of the measures until 15 September 2019.
The co-chairs of the Brussels III conference on 'Supporting the future of Syria and the region', the European Union and the United Nations, issued a declaration.
Main agenda items, approximate timing, public sessions and press opportunities.
Bocsánatot kért Antonio Tajani, az EP elnöke, mert elismerően szólt Mussolini egyes tetteiről. Tajani meggyőződéses antifasisztának tartja magát.
Környezet és fogyasztók
Az uniós joggal ellentétesek azok a magyar jogszabályok, amelyek kizárják az árfolyamkockázattal kapcsolatos tisztességtelen szerződési feltételt tartalmazó devizaalapú kölcsönszerződés visszamenőleges hatályú megsemmisítését
Migráns munkavállalók szociális biztonsága
Welfare contributions aimed at funding social security benefits in France cannot be charged on income from the assets of French residents insured under the Swiss social security scheme
A & G Fahrschul-Akademie
Motor vehicle driving tuition for categories B and C1 is not school or university education exempt from VAT
Y.Z. és társai
A szabadságon, a biztonságon és a jog érvényesülésén alapuló térség
Where they have been granted on the basis of falsified documents, residence permits obtained for the purpose of family reunification and long-term resident status may be withdrawn, even if the holders of such permits or status were unaware of the fraud committed
Bizottság kontra Cseh Köztársaság
Környezet és fogyasztók
The Court dismisses the Commission’s action against the Czech Republic concerning its refusal to ensure the take-back of 20 000 tonnes of a mixture called TPS-NOLO (Geobal) shipped to Poland from the Czech Republic
EU ambassadors meeting in Coreper on 13 March 2019 confirmed the common understanding reached by the Romanian Presidency with the European Parliament on the draft regulation on an EU space programme.
The EU wants to launch the second edition of the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF), to run from 2021 to 2027.
The Presidency of the Council and the European Parliament reached a provisional agreement on a revision of the rules applicable to clearing houses operating in the EU.
The EU is supporting the digitisation of its economies and societies by setting up a new funding programme, Digital Europe, for 2021–2027.
Miközben az illegális bevándorlás ellen agitál a Fidesz, Strasbourgban nem szavazták meg azt a javaslatot, amely több pénzt biztosítana erre a célra.
Csökken a rendezett kilépés esélye, az európai döntéshozók a britekre várnak. A brexitpártiak sem elégedettek, tartanak az eljárás hosszabbításától.
The EU is stepping up its capacity to protect Europe against cyber threats by creating a new structure to support its expertise in cybersecurity research and technology.
Main agenda items, approximate timing, public sessions and press opportunities.
The Council adopted and published a revised EU list of non-cooperative jurisdictions for tax purposes. 10 new jurisdictions were included in the list.