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Európai Unió : hírek magyarul

Declaration by the High Representative on behalf of the EU on the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination 21 March 2019

Európai Tanács hírei - Thu, 03/21/2019 - 19:23
The EU issued a declaration on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the entry into force of the International Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Racial Discrimination.

Gál Kinga–Timmermans-meccs volt az EP-ben

Eurológus - Thu, 03/21/2019 - 18:42
A magyar jogállamiság volt a téma.

Májusig halaszthatják a brit kilépést

Eurológus - Thu, 03/21/2019 - 18:30
Csak akkor él az ajánlat, ha Theresa May kilépési javaslatát elfogadja a brit parlament, derült ki egy kiszivárgott tervezetből.

Brexit: halasztás jöhet, halogatás nem?

Eurológus - Thu, 03/21/2019 - 16:06
Az EU-csúcson Theresa May halasztási kérelme a téma. Hosszabbítást csak együtt adhat a 27 tagország, előzetesen pedig már kiderültek kemény feltételek. Napokkal a brexit előtt akár rendkívüli csúcs is jöhet.

Elkötelezett Orbán-párti és a kizárás mellett érvelő is vizsgálja a Fideszt

Eurológus - Thu, 03/21/2019 - 13:24
Kétharmados döntés születhet majd a felfüggesztés idejére felállt néppárti bölcsek tanácsában. Volt már hárombölcses megoldás Ausztria esetében 2000-ben, de vannak különbségek.

38/2019 : 2019. március 21. - a Bíróság C-465/17. sz. ügyben hozott ítélete

Falck Rettungsdienste és Falck
Letelepedés szabadsága
Public procurement rules do not apply to services for the transport of patients provided, in emergency situations, by non-profit organisations or associations

37/2019 : 2019. március 21. - a Bíróság C-498/17. sz. ügyben hozott ítélete

Bizottság kontra Olaszország
Környezet és fogyasztók
Italy has failed to fulfil its obligations under the directive on the landfill of waste as regards 44 landfill sites

LIFE programme – Coreper confirms common understanding reached with Parliament

Európai Tanács hírei - Thu, 03/21/2019 - 03:06
EU ambassadors meeting in Coreper on 20 March 2019 have confirmed the common understanding reached by the Romanian Presidency with the European Parliament on the LIFE regulation.

Invitation letter by President Donald Tusk to the members of the European Council ahead of their meetings on 21 and 22 March 2019

Európai Tanács hírei - Thu, 03/21/2019 - 03:06
President Donald Tusk sent the invitation letter to the members of the European Council for their meetings on 21 and 22 March 2019. The discussions will focus on Brexit, external relations including China, EU economy, climate change, disinformation as well as free and fair elections.

Statement by President Donald Tusk on Brexit

Európai Tanács hírei - Thu, 03/21/2019 - 03:06
President Donald Tusk commented the latest developments on Brexit.

Main messages from the Tripartite Social Summit Wednesday, 20 March 2019 in Brussels

Európai Tanács hírei - Thu, 03/21/2019 - 03:06
The main topic of the Tripartite Social Summit was "For a stronger, united and forward-looking Europe ".

Declaration by the High Representative on behalf of the EU on the alignment of certain countries with Council Decision on the application of specific measures to combat terrorism

Európai Tanács hírei - Thu, 03/21/2019 - 03:06
Declaration by the High Representative on behalf of the European Union on the alignment of certain third countries with Council Decision (CFSP) 2019/25 of 8 January 2019 amending and updating the list of persons, groups and entities subject to Articles 2, 3 and 4 of Common Position 2001/931/CFSP on the application of specific measures to combat terrorism, and repealing Decision (CFSP) 2018/1084

Declaration by the High Representative on behalf of the EU on the alignment of certain third countries concerning restrictive measures against the proliferation and use of chemical weapons

Európai Tanács hírei - Thu, 03/21/2019 - 03:06
Declaration by the High Representative on behalf of the European Union on the alignment of certain third countries with Council Decision (CFSP) 2019/86 of 21 January 2019 amending Decision (CFSP) 2018/1544 concerning restrictive measures against the proliferation and use of chemical weapons.

Declaration by the High Representative on behalf of the EU on the alignment of certain countries with Council Decision concerning restrictive measures in respect of actions undermining or threatening the territorial integrity, sovereignty and...

Európai Tanács hírei - Thu, 03/21/2019 - 03:06
Declaration by the High Representative on behalf of the European Union on the alignment of certain third countries with Council Decision (CFSP) 2019/95 of 21 January 2019 amending Decision 2014/145/CFSP concerning restrictive measures in respect of actions undermining or threatening the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine.

EU to accede to international agreement on appellations of origin and geographical indications

Európai Tanács hírei - Thu, 03/21/2019 - 03:06
The EU is acceding to the Geneva Act of the Lisbon Agreement for the protection of appellations of origin and their international registration ('the Geneva Act").

Declaration by the High Representative on behalf of the EU on the alignment of certain countries with Council Decision concerning restrictive measures directed against certain persons and entities in view of the situation in Tunisia

Európai Tanács hírei - Thu, 03/21/2019 - 03:06
Declaration by the High Representative on behalf of the European Union on the alignment of certain third countries with Council Decision (CFSP) 2019/135 of 28 January 2019 amending Decision 2011/72/CFSP concerning restrictive measures directed against certain persons and entities in view of the situation in Tunisia.

Capital Markets Union: Council confirms final agreement on easier access to financial markets for SMEs

Európai Tanács hírei - Wed, 03/20/2019 - 13:28
EU ambassadors endorsed the provisional agreement reached by the presidency and the European Parliament on 6 March on a n easier access to financial markets for SMEs.

Fifteenth meeting of the Stabilisation and Association Council between the Republic of North Macedonia and the European Union

Európai Tanács hírei - Wed, 03/20/2019 - 13:28
Fifteenth meeting of the Stabilisation and Association Council between the Republic of North Macedonia and the European Union was held in Brussels on 19 March 2019.

Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA III): Council agrees its position

Európai Tanács hírei - Wed, 03/20/2019 - 13:28
The Council agreed its position on establishing the Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA III) for the period 2021–2027.

Az Európai Egyesült Államokkal kampányol Dobrev Klára Brüsszelben

Eurológus - Wed, 03/20/2019 - 11:47
A DK politikusa a multikat adóztatná.


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