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Diplomacy & Defense Think Tank News

Culture, Festival des BBC Proms à Londres

Fondation Robert Schuman / Actualités - Mon, 17/07/2023 - 02:00
Le festival de musique classique des BBC Proms se déroule jusqu'au 9 septembre au Royal Albert Hall à Londres La programmation prévue pendant huit semaines va de Berlioz à des concerts de Bollywood, de la musique de chambre à des orchestres symphoniques, en passant par des chœurs.

Culture, Naples pour passion au musée Granet

Fondation Robert Schuman / Actualités - Mon, 17/07/2023 - 02:00
Jusqu'au 29 octobre, le musée Granet à Aix-en-Provence présente l'exposition "Naples pour passion, chefs-d'œuvre de la collection de Vito" en collaboration avec la fondation De Vito de Florence. Un ensemble de peintures napolitaines du XVIIe siècle ayant appartenu au collectionneur Giuseppe De Vito est présenté au public.

Culture, Festival de Brégence

Fondation Robert Schuman / Actualités - Mon, 17/07/2023 - 02:00
Du 19 juillet au 20 août, le festival de Brégence propose des représentations de théâtre, d'opéra, de ballet et des concerts symphoniques sur les rives du lac de Constance. Le festival d'art lyrique rassemble des artistes du monde entier et sa scène principale est montée sur le lac.

Culture, Jazz in Marciac

Fondation Robert Schuman / Actualités - Mon, 17/07/2023 - 02:00
La 45e édition du festival Jazz in Marciac a lieu du 20 juillet au 6 août. De nombreux concerts ont lieu sur les diverses scènes du chapiteau ou de l'l'Astrada.

Culture, Festival de Salzbourg

Fondation Robert Schuman / Actualités - Mon, 17/07/2023 - 02:00
Du 20 juillet au 31 août, la ville de Salzbourg accueille son festival annuel de musique classique et d'opéra. De nombreux concerts avec des musiciens du monde entier sont au programme.

Culture, Ouverture du festival d'été

Fondation Robert Schuman / Actualités - Mon, 17/07/2023 - 02:00
La 8ème édition du Opening Summer Festival se déroule le 22 juillet à Jaen. L'événement réunit chaque année certains des meilleurs DJ espagnols et internationaux.

Culture, Fête de Saint Dominique à Gdansk

Fondation Robert Schuman / Actualités - Mon, 17/07/2023 - 02:00
Du 22 juillet au 13 août se tiendra la foire de Saint-Dominique à Gdansk. Un millier de commerçants, d'artisans et de collectionneurs, dont les stands occupent plusieurs rues et ruelles du centre ville, participent à cette manifestation. Un programme varié et de nombreux événements culturels sont proposés tels des parades, festivals, concerts, spectacles de rue.

Culture, Ouverture du musée Caruso à Naples

Fondation Robert Schuman / Actualités - Mon, 17/07/2023 - 02:00
A l'occasion des 150 ans de la naissance de l'artiste Enrico Caruso, l'un des plus grands ténors de tous les temps, s'ouvre à Naples au sein du Palazzo Reale. le 19 juillet le musée national dédié à Caruso. Il accueillera certains de ses objets, mais aussi une véritable salle des merveilles, avec des animations en 3D et des plates-formes multimédias, des stations et des installations musicales et cinématographiques, un kaléidoscope d'effets destiné à un public hétérogène.

Culture, Décès de Milan Kundera

Fondation Robert Schuman / Actualités - Mon, 17/07/2023 - 02:00
Le romancier et essayiste Milan Kundera est décédé le 11 juillet, à l'âge de 94 ans. Né à Brno et naturalisé français en 1981 après avoir fui la Tchécoslovaquie communiste, il est connu pour ses romans comme La Plaisanterie et L'insoutenable légèreté de l'être, et son style marquant et novateur. Il avait retrouvé la nationalité tchèque en 2018.

How China is reshaping UN development work

Chinese engagement with the UN development pillar reflects a notion of multilateralism that differs from established (Western) concepts. These concepts frame UN entities as actors in their own right, nurtured by core resources and drawing legitimacy from their neutrality. China seems to see the UN more as a platform for facilitating bilateral exchanges, thriving on individual member state contributions. The Chinese approach could help adjust the UN to changing political realities, but brings risks for its commitment to individual and human rightsChina’s approach receives low scores on conventional global governance indices. But it might well offer a mechanism for adjusting the UN to changing political realities. Beyond Chinese power and expertise, a stronger – and more explicit – focus on bilateral stakes might strengthen the UN’s relevance among an increasingly divided membership. It might also open avenues for drawing on development solutions from across the board, and overcoming outdated North-South assistance models. However, China’s approach also comes with a major risk. A UN built more directly around states’ discrete and immediate priorities will find it difficult to maintain its commitment to individual and human rights and a long-term focus on global public goods. In line with the UN Charter, it is in the interest of all member states to ensure that the global organisation provides a stable normative foundation for multilateral cooperation.

How China is reshaping UN development work

Chinese engagement with the UN development pillar reflects a notion of multilateralism that differs from established (Western) concepts. These concepts frame UN entities as actors in their own right, nurtured by core resources and drawing legitimacy from their neutrality. China seems to see the UN more as a platform for facilitating bilateral exchanges, thriving on individual member state contributions. The Chinese approach could help adjust the UN to changing political realities, but brings risks for its commitment to individual and human rightsChina’s approach receives low scores on conventional global governance indices. But it might well offer a mechanism for adjusting the UN to changing political realities. Beyond Chinese power and expertise, a stronger – and more explicit – focus on bilateral stakes might strengthen the UN’s relevance among an increasingly divided membership. It might also open avenues for drawing on development solutions from across the board, and overcoming outdated North-South assistance models. However, China’s approach also comes with a major risk. A UN built more directly around states’ discrete and immediate priorities will find it difficult to maintain its commitment to individual and human rights and a long-term focus on global public goods. In line with the UN Charter, it is in the interest of all member states to ensure that the global organisation provides a stable normative foundation for multilateral cooperation.

How China is reshaping UN development work

Chinese engagement with the UN development pillar reflects a notion of multilateralism that differs from established (Western) concepts. These concepts frame UN entities as actors in their own right, nurtured by core resources and drawing legitimacy from their neutrality. China seems to see the UN more as a platform for facilitating bilateral exchanges, thriving on individual member state contributions. The Chinese approach could help adjust the UN to changing political realities, but brings risks for its commitment to individual and human rightsChina’s approach receives low scores on conventional global governance indices. But it might well offer a mechanism for adjusting the UN to changing political realities. Beyond Chinese power and expertise, a stronger – and more explicit – focus on bilateral stakes might strengthen the UN’s relevance among an increasingly divided membership. It might also open avenues for drawing on development solutions from across the board, and overcoming outdated North-South assistance models. However, China’s approach also comes with a major risk. A UN built more directly around states’ discrete and immediate priorities will find it difficult to maintain its commitment to individual and human rights and a long-term focus on global public goods. In line with the UN Charter, it is in the interest of all member states to ensure that the global organisation provides a stable normative foundation for multilateral cooperation.
