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Union européenne

Article - Marché unique numérique : mettre l'Europe sur un pied d'égalité

Parlement européen (Nouvelles) - Tue, 19/05/2015 - 15:45
Séance plénière : Comment éliminer les obstacles en ligne et profiter au mieux de l'économie numérique ? Les députés européens se sont penchés sur ces questions lors d'un débat avec le Vice-Président de la Commission européenne Andrus Ansip en session plénière le 19 mai. La Commission a présenté une stratégie le 6 mai et le Parlement y répondra par un rapport de sa propre initiative rédigé par plusieurs commissions parlementaires. Le marché unique numérique est également à l'ordre du jour du Conseil de juin.

Source : © Union européenne, 2015 - PE
Categories: Union européenne

Dangereuse campagne pour l’opposition pro-kurde en Turquie

RFI (Europe) - Tue, 19/05/2015 - 13:48
En Turquie, lundi 18 mai, deux attentats ont visé simultanément les bureaux du Parti démocratique des peuples (HDP, pro-kurde) à Mersin et Adana, dans le sud du pays, sur la côte méditerranéenne, faisant six blessés. A moins de trois semaines des élections législatives du 7 juin, cette double attaque n'est sans doute pas le fruit du hasard, et ce n'est pas la première.
Categories: Union européenne

Communiqué de presse - Aide au développement: les pays de l'UE doivent respecter leurs engagements

Parlement européen (Nouvelles) - Tue, 19/05/2015 - 12:46
Séance plénière : Les députés ont appelé les États membres de l'UE à respecter l'objectif consistant à consacrer 0,7% de leur revenu national à l'aide publique au développement (APD) et à fixer un calendrier pour atteindre cet objectif d’ici 2020, dans une résolution adoptée ce mardi. De plus, ils ont souligné la nécessité de mobiliser les ressources nationales de manière efficace dans les pays en développement en tant que source clé de financement.

Source : © Union européenne, 2015 - PE
Categories: Union européenne

Digital Single Market : Strategy unveiled!

EU-Logos Blog - Tue, 19/05/2015 - 11:26

The long awaited plan to create a European Digital Single Market has been unveiled! Indeed, Commission Vice President in charge for The Single Digital Market, Andrus Ansip, and Commissioner for the Digital Economy and Society portfolio, Günther Oettinger, revealed Wednesday May 6th, the strategy for the creation of the Digital Single Market, which in turn should lead the EU back to a dominant market position in the internet age.

 To better understand and analyse the freshly released strategy, which encompasses 16 central measures to be implemented by the end of the year 2016, Eurochambres, the Association of European Chambers of Commerce and Industry, invited to a business breakfast, just a few hours after the package was released where Jasmin Battista, member of Vice-President Ansip’s Cabinet, outlined the plan.


Speaking about the Digital Single Market, most of us noticed the fact that there are lot of barriers, not allowing us to express our full potential. We need to address these barriers and come up with actions in order to augment the economical growth in Europe. We need to intervene where we see the market is not able to solve the situation by itself.

The situation nowadays is the following one: 28-fragmented national markets and no Single Digital Market yet. Moreover we also have to consider the fact that, if the people are not digitally equipped, digitally trained, we can talk about Digital Single Market but without having the people for it.

We don’t want a shortcut that’s why we are proposing the actions in a 2 years optic. We have to respect certain rules in order to consult properly the things.

How is the strategy structured?

The Digital Single Market Strategy is built on three main pillars and includes a set of targeted actions to be delivered by the end of next year.

The idea of having few key actions, 16 is only a bunch of action, not like the Digital agenda, is given to better focus on what we consider priority.

 1)   Better access for consumers and businesses to digital goods and services across Europe.

The Commission will propose:

  • Rules to make cross-border e-commerce easier.

The Commission proposes a different set of key actions in order to reach a full harmonization of EU rules on contracts and consumer protection. The costs of knowing so many different national legal systems and consumer protection laws are very high. Harmonization equal simplification!

  • To improve the efficiency and lower the costs of parcel delivery.
  • To put an end to unjustified geo-blocking:
    Geo-Blocking indeed is one of the main barriers we face. If we look at the trips inside Europe, with at least one night stay abroad this problem affects most of the people. The initiative could include targeted change to the e-commerce framework and the framework set out by Article 20 of the Service Directive.
  • A modern, more European copyright law:
    Reduce the differences between national copyright regimes and allow for wider online access to works across the EU, including through further harmonisation measures.
  • To reduce the administrative burdens businesses face due to different VAT regimes.

 Creating the right conditions and a level playing field for digital networks and innovative services to flourish.
The Commission will:

  • Propose key measures on the Telecom framework review:
    Including: more effective spectrum coordination, incentives for investments in high-speed broadband, the establishment of a level playing field for all market players and the creation of an effective institutional framework.
  • Update the audio-visual media framework to make it fit for the 21st century.
  • Analyse the role of online platforms.

The beginning of the consultations on online platforms began yesterday. There are a lot of different problems applying to different parts. There was also big public pressure to do something on platforms, enhance transparency and information. 

  • Reinforce trust and security in digital services, particularly concerning the handling of personal data. (General Data Protection Regulation to be adopted by the end of the year)
  • Propose a partnership with the industry on cybersecurity, focusing on producing technology and solutions in the area of online network security.

Maximising the growth potential of the digital economy.

The Commission will:

  • Propose a “European free flow of data” initiative, starting 2016, in order to remove technical and legislative barriers to allow development in the IT sector, promote the free movement of data in the European Union and tackle restrictions.
  • Define priorities for standards and interoperability in areas critical to the Digital Single Market as e-health, transport planning or energy.
  • Support an inclusive digital society where citizens have the right skills to benefit from the opportunities of the Internet and boost their chances of being employed.
  • Launch a new e-government action plan, to connect business registers across Europe and make sure governments no longer request for the same information when they can use the information they already have. This “only once” initiative potentially save around €5billions per year by 2017.



Patrick Zingerle

To know more:


      -. Webpage on the Digital Single Market (#DigitalSingleMarket)

      -. Digital Single Market Strategy: European Commission agrees areas for action (25 March 2015)


Classé dans:Droit à l'information, DROITS FONDAMENTAUX
Categories: Union européenne

Communiqué de presse - Situation en Hongrie : débat mardi après-midi avec Viktor Orbán

Parlement européen (Nouvelles) - Tue, 19/05/2015 - 11:00
Séance plénière : Les députés débattront de la situation en Hongrie avec le vice-président de la Commission Frans Timmermans mardi en fin d'après-midi. Le débat fait suite aux remarques du Premier ministre Viktor Orbán sur la possibilité de rétablir la peine capitale en Hongrie et à une consultation publique sur l'immigration lancée par le gouvernement hongrois. M. Orbán sera présent durant le débat.

Source : © Union européenne, 2015 - PE
Categories: Union européenne

[Revue de presse] Immigration clandestine : l’UE s’en va-t-en mer

Toute l'Europe - Tue, 19/05/2015 - 10:57
Après l’augmentation du budget de l’opération Triton et la proposition de quotas migratoires, l’Union européenne s'attaque désormais aux filières de passeurs.
Categories: Union européenne

David Cameron, Premier ministre d'un Royaume désuni ?

Toute l'Europe - Tue, 19/05/2015 - 10:44
Sans se départir de leur flegme légendaire, mais sans pouvoir cacher leur étonnement, les Britanniques ont accueilli les résultats des élections générales du 7 mai et la reconduction de David Cameron à Downing Street. Une victoire nette et inattendue pour les conservateurs, à même de constituer un gouvernement majoritaire, mais qui n'exemptera pas le pays de nouveaux questionnements sur son unité et son avenir.
Categories: Union européenne

Quand le charbon des Balkans compense le gaz russe - Tue, 19/05/2015 - 10:41

Les pays des Balkans et l'Ukraine font des « investissements substantiels » dans des centrales à charbon polluantes pour revendre de l'électricité à bas prix à l'UE.

Categories: Union européenne

Comments on the DSM (Digital Single Market) strategy

EU-Logos Blog - Tue, 19/05/2015 - 10:38

The Digital Single Market strategy proposed by Commission Vice President in charge for The Single Digital Market, Andrus Ansip, and Commissioner for the Digital Economy and Society portfolio, Günther Oettinger, Wednesday May 6th, raised the interest and comments of all relevant stakeholders involved: European Institutions, consumers, industries and lobbies, all of them are studying deep in detail the contents of the freshly presented strategy.


The European Parliament on his part, welcomed the strategy, defining it as a required step in order to increase and reinforce the confidence in the digital world, to increase economical growth and to increase the rights of citizens, creators and enterprises.

 The Presidents of the three different committees that are going to co-operate on this strategy in the near future, commented the following way:

Jerzy Buzek (PPE Poland), president of the ITRE committee: Europe needs to get back to its position as a global IT leader. In order to reach this goal, it is fundamental to update the Telecom Single Market regulation and to adapt it’s structure in order to facilitate the transition towards a 4.0 industry.

Vicky Ford (CRE, Great Britain), president of the IMCO committee: stated that, on her opinion, the European Commission is pursuing the right path towards the elimination of the still existing boundaries and useless administrative burdens at the European level, but could still do more in order to facilitate the e-commerce.

Pavel Svoboda (PPE, Czech republic), president of the JURI committee: The Committee already discusses some specific issues related to the copyright regulation, but it is urgent to update it.

The Committee of the Regions, on his side, regrets how the newly proposed strategy does not consider the role of local and regional governments in the establishment of broadband infrastructures, their importance in terms of e-governance as well as in stimulating the use of Big Data in order to improve private and public services.

 The telecom operators call for appropriate and concrete measures. Indeed the European Telecom Network Operators (ETNO) welcomed the newly developed strategy asking for concrete and fast measures in updating and regulating the Telecom Network, a higher regulatory harmonisation and the elimination of the still existing barriers to investments in networks.

The European Competitive Telecommunication Association (ECTA) instead, pointed its attention on the competition, “innovation and choice are the best ways to deliver affordable services”. ECTA indeed is asking the Commission to ensure a correct regulation in order to enable also the alternative operators to compete on a level playing field with the historic operators. Moreover the regulatory reform should focus on eliminating the still existing obsolete and inefficient regulations, reinforcing and promoting competition and a zero tolerance approach towards monopoles and duopolies in the new network.

 The cable-operators, represented by Cable Europe, on their side are asking for actions, which recognize the great variety of technologies and therefore maintain a technology-neutral approach, without hindering innovation and investments. A central point will be the development of a legislative framework, which will be satisfactory for the new customers and promote the new services.

 Network industry:

Openforum Europe, the organization that promotes the use of open standards in ICT, considers that certain proposals could be more ambitious to ensure consumers and industries to fully benefit of the new Digital Single Market. The framework for the Copyright reform should be more flexible and the regulations concerning net neutrality ensure an open Internet.

Digital Europe, representing the digital technology industry in Europe, stated that the Commission positively identified the outstanding challenges to face in order to reach the DSM. In the near future we need to ameliorate the technological capabilities in Europe, paying attention on not regulating too much sectors that does not need it.

The European Committee for Interoperable Systems (ECIS), promoting a favourable environment for interoperable ICT solutions, asks the Commission to be very carefully when adopting new regulations because they could in turn hinder the freedom to innovate.


The European Consumer Organization (BEUC), aiming at representing and defending the interests of all consumers at the European level, welcomed the strategy and it’s aim at improving the digital economy in Europe, facilitating the access to goods, services and contents. In order to reach this improvements, market competitiveness and consumer protection have to be improved. Moreover the geo-blocking issue and the copyright reform urge to be solved as a Telecom Single Market to be created. “Harmonization is the best solution”.

 ANEC, the European consumer voice in standardization, welcomed the proposals in order to increase interoperability in the future digital market but regrets the fact that there is no willingness to increase cross-boarder consumer protection. “In order for the DSM to result as an added value for the consumers, better regulations are needed to fulfill the requirements of security, data protection, net-interoperability and accessibility standard rules. Moreover it’s important that future regulations concerning IT products and services focuses more on the consumer perspective.”

 Social Partners:

Business Europe, the leading advocate for growth and competitiveness at European level, focused its attention on the competitiveness Europe would re-gain if Member States correctly implement the dispositions of the Commission. Indeed, a well functioning Digital Single Market would reinforce the industrial processes making them more efficient, raise the e-commerce and promote responsible energy consumption. “Not taking actions could result in a 10% loss of the European industrial base”.

 ESBA, the European Small Business Alliance, sees the development of a Digital Single Market as highly important. Concerning the presented regulation, ESBA welcomes the disposals in terms of connectivity, digital competences and in simplifying the VAT system.

For Ecommerce Europe, representing companies selling goods or services online to consumers in Europe, the Commission positively identified the key barriers to e-commerce. In the following months, priority should be given to the following points: simplification of e-commerce rules, harmonization of data protection regulation, interoperability of parcel delivery services, clarification of the geo-blocking issue, simplification of the VAT regime and fair competition.

 The Culture and Creative Industries:

A dozen associations of the audio-visual sector (FIAPF,, Premier League, Bundesliga, FIAD, MPA…) published a joint communiqué, stating that the European Commission needs to change it’s approach, if really wanting to put in practice its promises of respecting the value of rights in the audio-visual sector, especially concerning the geo-blocking issue.

The associations also emphasized that a strong copyright regulation that respects the principles of territoriality and exclusivity shall be maintained.

 The Game Industry:

The Europen Lottery and Toto association noted that the Commission continues regulating certain sectors, especially the one of the online gaming, in the interests of consumers. The association declared itself in favour of this kind of regulations, if made in a safe regulatory framework that respects the specific character of the sector itself and fights against illegal offers.



Patrick Zingerle

To know more:



      -. Webpage on the Digital Single Market (#DigitalSingleMarket)

      -. Digital Single Market Strategy: European Commission agrees areas for action (25 March 2015)




Classé dans:Droit à l'information, DROITS FONDAMENTAUX
Categories: Union européenne

Pour une mobilité européenne pour tous - Tue, 19/05/2015 - 10:16

Que chaque Européen puisse vivre une expérience de mobilité avant ses 25 ans au sein de l’Union européenne. C’est le vœu de Jérôme Quéré, vice-président des Jeunes Européens - France.

Categories: Union européenne

Berlin, Paris et Rome prêts pour le drone européen - Tue, 19/05/2015 - 09:31

L'Allemagne, la France et l'Italie ont décidé de lancer une étude de définition pour développer et fabriquer un drone de troisième génération « Made in Europe ».

Categories: Union européenne

Le Parlement européen demande en urgence la TVA réduite pour les livres numériques - Tue, 19/05/2015 - 09:25

Les eurodéputés ont appelé la Commission européenne à agir d’urgence pour aligner les taux de TVA applicables aux livres et la presse en ligne avec ceux du papier. Mais la réforme ne devrait intervenir qu’en 2016. 

Categories: Union européenne

Hulot salue les bonnnes intentions de la Russie sur le climat - Tue, 19/05/2015 - 09:18

Nicolas Hulot, envoyé spécial de la France pour la protection de la planète, est « extrêmement surpris » par le changement d'attitude de la Russie vis-à-vis du climat. Selon lui, Moscou ne s'opposera probablement pas à un accord ambitieux à Paris. 

Categories: Union européenne

Le rock indie, dernier dada de la Commission - Tue, 19/05/2015 - 08:57

La Commission européenne cherche à promouvoir le rock indépendant, via un réseau de salles de concert encouragées à programmer de nouveaux groupes -européens.

Categories: Union européenne

En Macédoine, les partis politiques européens mettent de l'huile sur le feu - Tue, 19/05/2015 - 08:45

La crise en Macédoine s'accentue. Les deux principales familles politiques européennes, le PPE à droite et les socialistes du PSE, ne font rien pour atténuer les tensions.

Categories: Union européenne

Les énergéticiens français restent accros au charbon, mais à l'étranger - Tue, 19/05/2015 - 08:40

Les centrales charbon d'EDF et Engie émettent chaque année la moitié des émissions de Co2 de la France-mais hors de l'Hexagone.

Categories: Union européenne

Le FN veut récupérer la controverse sur le TTIP - Tue, 19/05/2015 - 08:35

Le Front national lance une campagne contre le traité transatlantique, deux ans après le début des négociations commerciales entre l'UE et les Etats-Unis.

Categories: Union européenne

A Skopje, deux Macédoine face à face

RFI (Europe) - Tue, 19/05/2015 - 08:07
Une tentative de dialogue doit réunir, ce mardi 19 mai à Strasbourg, sous l’égide du Conseil de l’Europe, le gouvernement et l’opposition macédonienne, mais les chances de succès semblent minces. Lundi soir, les partisans du gouvernement manifestaient tandis que ceux de l’opposition étaient groupés autour d’un camp de tentes.
Categories: Union européenne

Macédoine: pourquoi le bras de fer se poursuit dans la rue

RFI (Europe) - Tue, 19/05/2015 - 01:05
La confrontation se poursuit entre le gouvernement nationaliste et l’opposition sociale-démocrate macédonienne. Des dizaines de milliers de personnes ont manifesté lundi soir à Skopje leur soutien au Premier ministre Nikola Gruevski, une démonstration de force du camp du pouvoir au lendemain d'une journée de mobilisation de l'opposition de gauche réclamant sa démission. Les supporters de l’opposition qui campaient toujours lundi soir devant le siège du gouvernement.
Categories: Union européenne
