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European Union

62/2018 : 8 May 2018 - Judgment of the General Court in case T-283/15

European Court of Justice (News) - Tue, 05/08/2018 - 09:46
Esso Raffinage v ECHA
When assessing whether a registration dossier of a chemical substance complies with the REACH Regulation, the European Chemicals Agency must act in accordance with the procedures laid down by the regulation

Categories: European Union

64/2018 : 8 May 2018 - Judgment of the Court of Justice in Case C-82/16

European Court of Justice (News) - Tue, 05/08/2018 - 09:35
K.A. and Others
Justice and Home Affairs
Requests for family reunification must be examined even if the national of a non-EU country, who is a family member of an EU citizen who has never exercised his right of freedom of movement, is subject to an entry ban

Categories: European Union

63/2018 : 8 May 2018 - Opinion of the Advocate General in the case C-33/17

European Court of Justice (News) - Tue, 05/08/2018 - 09:34
Freedom of establishment
Advocate General Wahl proposes that the Court holds that national legislation requiring a recipient of services to provide security in order to secure a fine that might be imposed on a service provider established in another Member State for breach of a provision of national labour legislation is contrary to EU law

Categories: European Union

Outcome of EDA Ministerial Steering Board

EDA News - Sat, 05/05/2018 - 09:06

The European Defence Agency’s (EDA) ministerial Steering Board met this Saturday morning in Sofia under the chairmanship of HR/VP Federica Mogherini in her capacity as Head of the Agency. Defence ministers among other things welcomed the Agency’s progress on taking forward the new European defence initiatives and encouraged EDA to further develop initiatives in areas such as military mobility and the Main Battle Tank capability.

EDA plays a central role in many of the initiatives implementing the security and defence aspects of the EU Global Strategy presented by HR/VP Federica Mogherini in 2016. Federica Mogherini highlighted the Agency’s aim to support coherence between the Coordinated Annual Review on Defence (CARD), the Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO) and the European Defence Fund (EDF) – using the Capability Development Plan (CDP) as baseline for developing the European capability landscape.

The currently ongoing revision of the CDP will be finalised by June 2018 and Defence Ministers highlighted the importance of ensuring coherence of output and timelines between EU and NATO defence planning processes. At the same time, an Overarching Strategic Research Agenda (OSRA) is being developed with a view to guiding future investments in collaborative European defence research. Ministers of Defence welcomed the progress achieved so far in the trial run of the Coordinated Annual Review on Defence implemented by EDA in its capacity as CARD Secretariat. The first CARD report will be presented in November 2018. EDA also supports Member States as part of the PESCO Secretariat. On 2 May, the PESCO Secretariat (EDA together with EEAS/EUMS) issued the second call for project proposals to PESCO participating Member States to be submitted by 31 July 2018.


Military Mobility

Regarding Military Mobility, and in line with the scope and timelines mentioned in the European Union Action Plan, the Agency is currently preparing two ambitious programmes on the harmonisation of military requirements related to customs and on cross border movement permission.

Both programmes aim at facilitating military mobility activities. The Agency together with the participating Member States will look at harmonising the military requirements related to customs. The programme on cross border movement permission builds on the successful Diplomatic Clearances arrangement which foresees annually issued clearance numbers for air transport aircraft. The arrangement has proven its value by reducing administrative burden and time. The new programme will build on this good practice by looking at surface movement to enhance military mobility for road, rail and inland waterways, also including air assets such as helicopters and air-to-air refuelling aircraft. The Agency’s work in this area is coordinated with the PESCO project on military mobility and conducted in close cooperation with the EEAS, EUMS, the Commission and other stakeholders. It is also coherent with respective NATO initiatives.

  Main Battle Tank

Defence Ministers invited the Agency to pursue the development of the Pooling and Sharing initiative on Main Battle Tanks (MBTs) based on identified MBT surplus capacities in a number of Member States (Providers) and a demand for the acquisition of such assets in others (Receivers). The Agency together with national experts and industry investigated to what extent Providers could pool & share their surplus assets with interested Receivers and upgrade the MBTs to the latest configuration available. In addition, some Member States have voiced interest in upgrading their national fleets and keep them under full national control (Upgraders). The project will provide economies of scale throughout the entire life cycle while enhancing interoperability among Member States.  

  Cooperative Financial Mechanism & other topics

The Steering Board was informed about the progress achieved in the negotiation of the Programme Arrangement of the Cooperative Financial Mechanism. It is intended that the CFM will be structured around two pillars, one intergovernmental, and one involving the European Investment Bank as the sole lender for defence-related projects and programmes in line with its lending policy. Following calls from the European Council to support investments in defence research and development activities, the European Investment Bank and the European Defence Agency concluded a cooperation agreement on 28 February 2018.

Ministers welcomed closer interaction between EDA and NATO. They were also presented with lessons learnt on the successful implementation of the Pilot Project and the first work programme of the Preparatory Action on Defence Research by the Agency under delegation of the European Commission. Finally, the Steering Board welcomed the progress made with regard to the implementation of the dual-use strategy on RPAS regulation, based on close coordination with the European Commission, the SESAR Joint Undertaking and EASA.



61/2018 : 4 May 2018 - Order of the General Court in case T-197/17

European Court of Justice (News) - Fri, 05/04/2018 - 11:46
Abel and Others v Commission
The General Court dismisses the action for damages brought by almost 1 500 individuals following the adoption by the Commission of a 2016 regulation on pollutant emissions from vehicles

Categories: European Union

59/2018 : 3 May 2018 - Opinion of the Advocate General in the case C-207/16

European Court of Justice (News) - Thu, 05/03/2018 - 12:42
Ministerio Fiscal
Advocate General Saugmandsgaard Øe proposes that the Court should find that even criminal offences that are not particularly serious may justify disclosure of basic electronic communications metadata provided such disclosure does not seriously undermine the right to privacy

Categories: European Union

60/2018 : 3 May 2018 - Opinion of the Advocate General in the case C-51/17

European Court of Justice (News) - Thu, 05/03/2018 - 10:00
OTP Bank and OTP Faktoring
Environment and consumers
According to Advocate General Tanchev, a Member State legislative response to a ruling of the Court of Justice concerning the unfairness of contractual terms for lack of clarity is judicially reviewable

Categories: European Union

EDA at EU Open Doors Day

EDA News - Wed, 05/02/2018 - 14:42

This Saturday 5 May, the European Defence Agency (EDA) participates in the 'EU Open Day'. Pass by and meet the EDA staff at information stand 32 in the building of the European External Action Service (EEAS) at Rond Point Schuman in Brussels.

Every year, the European Union celebrates peace and unity on 'Europe Day'. The event marks the anniversary of the 'Schuman Declaration', outlining a vision to unite separate European states into a single community.The public is invited to visit the main European institutions in Brussels on 5 May.

For more information on the celebrations in Brussels, click here.

EU Open Day at the European External Action Service

  • Time: Open from 10.00 till 18.00 
  • Address: EEAS Building, 9A Rond Point Schuman, 1000 Brussels

Agenda - The Week Ahead 30 April – 06 May 2018

European Parliament - Fri, 04/27/2018 - 11:58
Plenary Session - Brussels

Source : © European Union, 2018 - EP
Categories: European Union

Conclusion of European Tactical Airlift exercise 2018

EDA News - Fri, 04/27/2018 - 11:45

Bulgaria, who holds the Presidency of the Council of the EU during this semester, hosted the second European Advanced Airlift Tactics Training Courses (ETAP-C) from April 15th to 27th. This two-week comprehensive airlift tactics training course aims to enhance interoperability between European Air Forces. The participating crews were trained within a simulated theatre-deployment setting, exposing them to a complex surface-to-air and air-to-air threat environment, within which they were tasked to conduct demanding airlift missions.

At the end of the course, 3 graduating crews received a certificate reflecting the training objectives achieved.

EDA initiated the European Tactical Airlift Programme (ETAP) to develop innovative, efficient and more effective approaches to overcome Advanced Airlift Tactical Training and Interoperability shortfalls, within the European Air Transport Fleet (EATF) programme.

ETAP aims to enhance European transport airlift operational capability for crisis management operations through the pooling and sharing of experience, training opportunities and organisational costs, and the development of agreed common tactics, techniques and procedures, to better meet the challenges of flying transport aircraft in a joint and combined modern operational environment.

The organisational and administrative responsibilities for the ETAP have recently been handed over to the European Tactical Airlift Centre (ETAC) in Zaragoza, Spain, which was opened in June 2017 in the presence of EU High Representative and Head of the EDA Federica Mogherini, the Spanish Minister of Defence María Dolores de Cospedal and EDA Chief Executive Jorge Domecq.

This multinational centre, which was established with the support of 10 EDA Member States (Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Portugal and Spain) and one Third State (Norway), delivers European Advanced Airlift Tactics Training Courses (ETAP-C), European Airlift Transport Training (ETAP-T), European Advanced Tactical Instructor Course (ETAP-I), Symposia (ETAP-S) and any other ETAP related activities for military air transport personnel.

The 2018 activities began in January at the International Training Centre (ITC) in Pisa, Italy, with the first three ETAP-I. The first ETAP-C took place in Zaragoza from February 18th until March 3d, with nine crews and six aircraft (2 C-130, 1 C-160, 1 CASA 235 and 2 CASA 295) from Germany, The Netherlands, Belgium, France and Spain. This course was divided in two parts, day and night, with some of the crews attending the night course using night-vision goggles.

International interest in ETAC activities is tangible, with observers from Finland, Bulgaria and the Emirates participating in the January course. NATO AWACS observers from Geilenkirchen also attended to investigate the possibility of joining this type of training in the future.

More information


Agenda - The Week Ahead 23 – 29 April 2018

European Parliament - Fri, 04/20/2018 - 12:47
Committee meetings, Brussels

Source : © European Union, 2018 - EP
Categories: European Union

First EDA Defence Energy Managers Course successfully concluded

EDA News - Thu, 04/19/2018 - 12:59

On 19th of April, 21 students from 8 Member States graduated from the first EDA Defence Energy Managers Course (DEMC). The DEMC aims at increasing energy efficiency and reducing energy consumption in the military domain through the application of defence-specific Energy Management Systems (EnMSs) based on the ISO 50001 standard.  The DEMC is the first of its kind to be run at multi-national level and to deliver both theoretical and practical EnMS training to energy managers from European navies, armies and air forces.  

The implementation of EnMSs under DEMC resulted in saving around 2,5 GWh of energy consumed, reaching normalised reductions in energy consumptions of up to 25.2%.

The course was split into 5 distinct modules (3 classroom-type and two practical of total duration of 12 months) with this first pilot run launched in April 2017. Participants improved their know-how on the complexities of managing energy within a defence organisation. They were also able to acquire the capacity to structure, implement and improve effective EnMSs and to enhance their skills thanks to on-going mentoring, alumni relations and membership in the European Defence Energy Network (EDEN) with permanent access to its established on-line resources.

The DEMC marks another important milestone in EDA’s approach to sustainability in defence and fulfils the level of ambition of the EDA Member States for capacity building in energy management, already identified through the first round of the Consultation Forum for Sustainable Energy in the Defence and Security Sector (sponsored by the European Commission) and the EDA’s own Energy and Environmental Working Group, developing  mainstream sustainability concepts within the defence sector as enablers for improved military capability and reduced environmental footprint of military activities.


The course began with a 5-day classroom-type session (module 1) to guide the participants with the framework and requirements of ISO 50001 EnMS standard and to familiarise them with energy data analysis techniques. Then followed a 6-month mentoring session (module 2) on the development of the core structure of the EnMSs to be applied, including visits at participating Member States’ sites, webinars and extensive one-on-one mentoring. It was followed by module 3 (3-day classroom type session) which, besides reviewing the progress made so far, further elaborated on the EnMS requirements especially related to training, design, procurement, operations (including deployments). The subsequent 5-month mentoring session (module 4), included site visits, during which energy internal audits were  conducted, coupled with further support though webinars and tailored guidance. The concluding 3-day classroom type module (module 5) focused on reviewing the developed EnMSs and providing further guidance on operational control issues related to energy.

The pilot run of the Defence Energy Managers’ Course (DEMC – Pilot) was attended by MoD / Armed Forces’ personnel from Belgium, Germany, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Romania, Sweden and The  Netherlands. During this pilot course, the EnMS concept was developed and is currently applied at 10 military installations of diverse uses (from military academies to armoured vehicles’ camps and naval depos).

With such a successful outcome of the DEMC - Pilot, up to 6 steady state DEMC could be envisaged over the next 3 years. The steady state courses will build upon the pilot course taking into account gained experience, recommendations and feedback from participating Member States. 

The project is delivered by GEN Europe and the Centre for Renewable Energy Sources & Savings (CRES). It is run by the European Defence Agency’s Innovative Research Unit.

More information: 





Russian Volga-Dnepr leaves SALIS

CSDP blog - Wed, 04/18/2018 - 16:29

From January 1, 2019, the Russian Volga will cease providing AN-124 capacity for EU and NATO states under NATO's heavy military air transport program SALIS (Strategic Airlift Interim Solution), which includes 17 European member states and Canada. The loss is sensitive: Under Salis, Antonov and Volga have each had an AN-124 permanently stationed at Leipzig-Halle Airport since March 2006, with additional uplift available at short notice.

Unfortunately, the SALIS Program Office did not succeed in overcoming the Russian withdrawal, despite the long negotiations. The move comes just over a year after the Russian freighter operator announced the end of the near-decade-long Russlan collaboration to market AN-124 capacity with Ukraine’s Antonov. A move thought to be in response to western sanctions on Russian companies. Negotiations conducted by the Salis steering board last week failed to avert the withdrawal. After Volga-Dnepr subsidiary AirBridgeCargo lost about half its 21 landing slots at Schiphol last year, Russia reportedly threatened to ban Dutch carriers from its airspace. Shortly after, KLM struck a deal with ABC over additional slots.

The ending of the Salis contract puts pressure on NATO and the EU, which need access to the world’s largest commercial cargo aircraft. This is a serious loss of capacity: the Ukrainian An-124s of Antonov's air transport industry are only flying 900 flights per year - the largest fleet with two Russian aircraft has been available to SALIS's designers for up to 2300 hours per year.

There is always the possibility that the withdrawal is part of a larger play by Volga-Dnepr president Alexey Isaikin, who is looking to set up a German cargo airline, with AN-124s registered in Germany, at Leipzig. By registering an AN-124 to a German company, the Volga-Dnepr group would no longer be caught in the crossfire of political skirmishes between Russia and elsewhere, which includes problems with Antonov maintenance. And as an EU company, it might get preferential treatment for military shipments over Ukraine’s Antonov. It also adds pressure on Germany, which is keen to develop Leipzig-Halle as a freight airport, to OK the new airline’s AOC and aircraft registration. (Although as one source told The Loadstar, Lufthansa Cargo was unlikely to welcome a new freighter airline on its doorstep, and would “go ape-shit”.)

Tag: SALISVolga-Dnepr

Funding Energy, Circular Economy, REACH and Environment in Defence

EDA News - Wed, 04/18/2018 - 12:19

EDA's "European Funding Gateway for Defence" (EFGD) now provides defence stakeholders with guidance on European funding available for Circular Economy, REACH-related substitution of hazardous chemical substances, Energy and Environmental Management in Defence.

Our comprehensive funding gateway has been updated with information on grants, loans and risk capital available for the Defence sector under the following EU Programmes:

  • LIFE,
  • Cohesion Fund (ESIF) and
  • ELENA (Horizon 2020 - as deployed by the European Investment Bank).
More information:


Cyber defence conference organised by the Bulgarian EU Presidency and EDA

EDA News - Fri, 04/13/2018 - 14:53

The International Conference on Cyber Defence – Building a Rapid Response will be held in the Central Military Club, Sofia, Bulgaria, from 13 to 14 June 2018. This event is co-organised by the Bulgarian EU Presidency and the European Defence Agency (EDA).

The aim of the Conference is to highlight the requirements and solutions for a rapid response to cyber defence crises and how the associated challenges can be met through different research and technology, education, training and exercises initiatives at EU level.

The conference will offer an excellent knowledge-sharing opportunity within the gathering of representatives from governments, EU, academia, Armed Forces, industry, and innovation centers.

The conference will comprise presentations on operational challenges together with presentations by industry start-ups, small to medium sized enterprises (SMEs), cyber defence companies, government structures, and academic institutions.  The topics to be discussed will be related with the following thematic areas:

  • setting the requirements for rapid response
  • rapid response solutions
  • research and innovation on cyber cefence
  • training, developing and exercising a Rapid Response Force
  • cross-sectorial cooperation on EU civil-military synergies
  • the new EU Cyber Defence Education, Training, Exercise and Evaluation Platform 

Call for papers 

A call for papers on topics of interest has been published here. Accepted papers will be presented at the conference.

For more detailed information, please visit the Conference website.


Agenda - The Week Ahead 16 – 22 April 2018

European Parliament - Fri, 04/13/2018 - 10:19
Plenary session - Strasbourg

Source : © European Union, 2018 - EP
Categories: European Union

EDA’s new SME Corner now online

EDA News - Thu, 04/12/2018 - 10:51

The SME Corner at the EDA website has been redesigned to make it an even more comprehensive and reader-friendly source of information on EDA defence industry related matters for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and SME-policy makers. 

The new SME Corner has two main building blocks: (1) industry opportunities and (2) government opportunities. Among many other things, interested parties can find there valuable information about how to get involved in European defence research and capability development as well as guidance and practical advice on how to benefit from existing EDA cooperation opportunities or access EU funding. The SME Corner will be updated and refreshed continuously in order to keep pace with upcoming initiatives of interest to the SME community.

Background: EDA and SMEs

In line with its new approach on industry engagement approved in May 2017, EDA continuously works on topics relevant to SMEs which are the backbone of Europe’s economy and therefore of strategic importance. SMEs count for about 99% of Europe’s businesses and of each euro of added value created in the EU, 58 cents can be attributed to SMEs. Since SMEs are equally important for all EDA Member States, all of them share a common interest in utilizing SME’s innovative and competitive potential for improving Europe’s defence capabilities.

In operational terms, EDA seeks mainly to:

  • tap into the innovation potential of SMEs and harvest it for the sake of developing, maintaining and using defence capabilities;
  • facilitate cross-border cooperation among industry in defence research and capability development;
  • create new opportunities for industry to build supply chains across Europe;
  • strengthen the competitiveness of the European Defence Technological and Industrial Base (EDTIB) in general, and of the SMEs in particular.


the old site is here

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