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Des organisations tunisiennes veulent criminaliser le racisme

Maliactu - Tue, 14/06/2016 - 19:30

Des organisations de la société civile en Tunisie ont présenté mardi une proposition de loi criminalisant toute forme de discrimination, et obtenu le soutien de députés de la majorité, dans le cadre notamment de la lutte contre le racisme.

Composé de 36 articles, ce texte a été élaboré par le Forum tunisien pour les droits économiques et sociaux (FTDES), le réseau euro-méditerranéen des droits de l’Homme (REMDH) et le Comité pour le respect des libertés et des droits de l’Homme (CRDHT).

Il vise, selon ses instigateurs, à offrir un cadre juridique protégeant, conformément aux conventions internationales, les personnes discriminées et à criminaliser toute pratique discriminatoire se basant sur la race, la religion, la nationalité, la couleur de la peau.

Ce projet « provient d’un réel problème de discrimination et d’injustice dans la société tunisienne », a souligné devant la presse Ramy Salhi, un responsable du REMDH.

En Tunisie, « des personnes sont insultées en raison de leur couleur de peau, d’où la nécessité de propager à travers cette proposition de loi la culture du respect de l’autre quelle que soit sa couleur, sa religion et son appartenance », a renchéri Masoud Romdhani, du CRDHT.

Présents, des députés de la coalition gouvernementale ont exprimé leur soutien et promis de porter le projet, qui doit être soumis en commission, avant son examen en plénière par le Parlement.

Le texte « dit clairement qu’il y a du racisme en Tunisie et que le pays est en train de lui faire face », a déclaré Houcine Al Jaziri, du mouvement islamiste Ennahda.

« Nous soutenons cette initiative positive et vous pouvez compter sur nous pour faire passer cette proposition de loi », a dit Néjia Ben AbdelHafidh, députée de Nidaa Tounes.

Selon la juriste Anouar El Masri, la Tunisie ne compte à ce jour aucune loi spécifique à la lutte contre les discriminations, une seule, dédiée à la liberté de la presse, en faisant mention.

Categories: Afrique

Letartóztattak két feltételezett szíriai szélsőségest Németországban

Magyar Szó (Szerbia/Vajdaság) - Tue, 14/06/2016 - 19:23

Letartóztattak két fiatal szíriait Németországban, akiket azzal vádolnak, hogy hazájukban egy terrorista csoport tagjai voltak - jelentette be kedden a német ügyészség Karlsruhéban.

Loi Travail: violents affrontements dans le cortège parisien

L`Express / Politique - Tue, 14/06/2016 - 19:20
Une nouvelle manifestation contre la loi Travail a eu lieu ce mardi à Paris comme dans le reste de la France. Dans la capitale, de violents affrontements ont éclaté entre manifestants et policiers. Le bilan s'élève à au moins 26 blessés et 21 interpellations.
Categories: France

Six police officers hurt in Turkey bomb blast

News.Az - Tue, 14/06/2016 - 19:18
A bomb explosion in eastern Turkey has injured six police officers, according to the country's state-run news agency.
Categories: Russia & CIS

Libye : l'ONU autorise la force navale de l'UE à faire respecter l'embargo sur les armes

Jeune Afrique / Politique - Tue, 14/06/2016 - 19:17

Le chef du fragile gouvernement d'union nationale en Libye, Fayez al-Sarraj, a appelé mardi ses concitoyens à soutenir l'offensive pour reprendre Syrte au groupe jihadiste État islamique (EI). Une manoeuvre militaire à laquelle refusent de participer les autorités contrôlant l'est du pays.

Cet article Libye : l’ONU autorise la force navale de l’UE à faire respecter l’embargo sur les armes est apparu en premier sur

Categories: Afrique

Nigeria football sponsors 'fear lesbians'

BBC Africa - Tue, 14/06/2016 - 19:10
Sponsors shy away from backing female footballers because they believe the game is "synonymous with lesbianism", a senior Nigerian official says.
Categories: Africa

A britek maradnak, Trump mehet

Magyar Szó (Szerbia/Vajdaság) - Tue, 14/06/2016 - 18:57

„Döntés” születhetett arról, ki legyen az Egyesült Államok új elnöke, az ENSZ új főtitkára, és persze arról is, hogy mi legyen a közelgő brit uniós népszavazás eredménye. A különös „siker” állítólag a Bilderberg csoport hét végén Drezdában befejeződött éves tanácskozásának érdeme. 

Tizennégy évvel meg lehet úszni egy brutális gyilkosságot

Biztonságpiac - Tue, 14/06/2016 - 18:57

Tizenegy év és hét év börtönre ítélte pénteken a Budapest Környéki Törvényszék azt a két vádlottat, aki 2012-ben megölt és elásott egy férfit – közölte a bíróság az MTI-vel.

Az elsőrendű vádlott 2012 nyarán megismerkedett az utcán egy férfivel, meghívta magához borozni. Már erősen ittasan mentek át a másodrendű vádlotthoz, ahol összevesztek, majd az elsőrendű vádlott egy balta fokával kétszer fejen ütötte áldozatát.

A vérző fejű sértett menekülni próbált, az elsőrendű vádlott azonban utolérte, és fojtogatni kezdte, később pedig egy kővel többször, közepes erővel megütötte a fejét. A sértett elvesztette eszméletét és a földre zuhant, a vádlott pedig ekkor elhatározta, hogy végez vele. Az eszméletlen sértettet fejen rúgta, majd felszólította a másodrendű vádlottat, hogy álljon a nyakára, míg ő tartja a lábát. Mindezt addig folytatták, amíg nyilvánvalóvá vált, hogy a sértett meghalt.

A holttestet az udvaron fóliába csavarták és gödörbe fektették, majd lomokat, építési hulladékot, közöttük nagyobb betondarabokat tettek rá, és földdel is elfedték.

A bíróság közleménye arra is kitért, hogy az elsőrendű vádlott részegen többször is elmondta a történteket, emiatt 2014 áprilisában a rendőrség telefontanú szolgáltatására érkezett bejelentés az ügyről. Az ítélet nem jogerős.

Categories: Biztonságpolitika

Guinée : après un discours d'Alpha Condé, le RPG connaît des remous

Jeune Afrique / Politique - Tue, 14/06/2016 - 18:48

Deux cadres du RPG Arc-en-ciel ont été exclus du parti au pouvoir après avoir réagi dans une lettre ouverte à des propos tenus par Alpha Condé lors de la célébration du 25e anniversaire de son retour d'exil. Explications.

Cet article Guinée : après un discours d’Alpha Condé, le RPG connaît des remous est apparu en premier sur

Categories: Afrique

The President's speech indicates that they're taking a hit in public opinion about the Orlando attack.

Snafu-solomon.blogspot - Tue, 14/06/2016 - 18:44
Watching the President's speech and one thing is apparent. They're obviously taking a hit in public opinion polls with their handling of the Orlando terrorist attacks. This is awesome.  I told...

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Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Ban Ki-moon and Juncker encourage Cyprus to conclude negotiations by year’s end

The European Political Newspaper - Tue, 14/06/2016 - 18:37
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United Nation Secretary General Ban Ki-moon met with the president of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, to discuss a number of issues. Several EU Commission Vice Presidents and Commissioners were also present during the June 14 meeting in Brussels, according to Margaritis Schinas, the EU Commission chief spokesperson.

Ban Ki-moon visited European institutions on June 14, holding talks with EU Council President Donald Tusk, European Parliament President Martin Schulz prior to his meeting with Juncker at the European Commission headquarters.

Among the issues that were put on the table were migration and Cyprus. “Τhe UN and EU partnership is an inspiring example of what we can achieve when we work together,” Ban Ki-moon told a joint press conference at the Berlaymont.

As regards the migration crisis, the UN Secretary General appreciated the efforts made on behalf of the EU and underlined the need to support the local communities and address the root causes of the displacement.

Ban Ki-moon also said he looks forward to a peaceful settlement for Cyprus, and appeared to be encouraged from both leaders of the Cypriot community about the steps being taken.

“During many years they have identified the pending issues. All the pending issues are on the table and it is a matter of choice on what measures they would like to take,” said Ban Ki-moon.

“I am strongly encouraging them to make a progress, of course if they can take a good decision until the end of this year it would be most, most welcome,” he added. “I will do my best to encourage them, to support them in the difficult process of making decisions.”

“This is the moment to bring this sometimes painful process to an end. I am personally engaged and involved in that process,” said Juncker on the Cyprus issue. “We are working closely together on the ground with the special en voyeur of the UN. I had the pleasure to receive again the two chief negotiators here in Brussels, I was visiting Cyprus a year ago and my feeling is that the two leaders are doing their best to bring this process to an end.

“I would strongly suggest them to ring this process to an end before the mandate of the Secretary General,” he added. “That would be a marvellous farewell gift.”

Juncker also referred to Ban Ki-moon’s life after the UN, jokingly suggesting that he would make a very good chief spokesperson of the EU Commission.

The post Ban Ki-moon and Juncker encourage Cyprus to conclude negotiations by year’s end appeared first on New Europe.

Categories: European Union

Ramadan & Ramazan Schedule

Africa - INTER PRESS SERVICE - Tue, 14/06/2016 - 18:37

By Jawed Naqvi
Jun 14 2016 (Dawn, Pakistan)

In the departure lounge near Gate No 308 at the Istanbul airport there’s a coffee shop, which has thrown a few chairs and tables near the exit to cater to its needy customers whose flights are delayed. It was here that I got an important glimpse the other day of how one can still frontally approach issues of religious sensitivities. The young Turkish waiter asked an old Arab man to place the order. The man said he was only waiting for his flight to be announced. “Not here, please. This is a coffee shop.” The Arab vacated the chair without fuss.

Next, the waiter turned to a well-heeled albeit younger man who could be from anywhere. Occupying a useful seat he was not generating a lira’s worth of business for the coffee kiosk. “I am fasting,” the man pleaded. “Please go and fast somewhere else. We are serving food to the hungry,” he was told politely. The man left without demur.

I believe this is how Kemal Ataturk would have liked his people to be. They should not flaunt their religion in public, and keep it preferably a private affair. Jinnah applauded Ataturk. Gandhi, on the other hand, as an advocate of the controversial Khilafat Movement, had little time for the Turkish hero’s secular politics.

In the Erdogan era, a marked deviation from the Ataturk vision of Islam seems to have crept in. The Turkish president was asked why he cut his last week’s trip to the United States short. He said he thought it would be “unnecessary” to stay until the burial ceremony of boxing legend Muhammad Ali after realising the event on June 10 would have “no religious aspect”.

A new vocabulary of orthodoxy is palpable today, which quickly mutates into extremism, and it is not limited to Muslims.

Even in the Erdogan era, however, there are limits to how far one can take the public display of religion. For example, travelling from Delhi on Turkish Airlines, I saw the bar nicely stocked with a range of drinks that would have pleased Ghalib. When I asked the plane’s chef on the Istanbul-Dakar sector why his bar was so completely depleted, the man smiled back. “We are a discreet airline. We are flying to a Muslim country.”

As far as Islam in Senegal goes it is the official religion. But try and find a woman in hijab in Dakar and you would not succeed though they will in all probability be scrupulously observing their Ramazan fast. With their beautifully assembled attire woven in a riot of colours, one can’t easily tell a Christian Senegalese from his Muslim counterpart. And yet both sides will be observing their faith with sincerity.

I drove to the Keur Moussa abbey on Sunday to listen to the fabled Gregorian chants its black African denizens sing for congregations every week. I remembered the late Muhammad Ali’s persistent questions to his mother at their Louisville church. Why were all the angels white, Ali would want to know. Well, he would have found both Mary and Jesus in their black African avatar at the Senegal abbey, an hour’s drive from Dakar. The angels hovering over them are black too. And the music, it is divine.

The situation in South Asia is fraught by comparison. Americans ‘skedule’ their appointments while the English ‘shedule’ them. The obvious reason for pronouncing schedule differently, the Americans will laugh, can be found in the different ‘shools’ the two attended. South Asia’s debate between Ramadan and Ramazan would reflect a similar unequal contest of receding and upwardly mobile cultures, had it not been usurped by its pervasive religious revivalism.

Given the mushrooming clusters of orthodox believers we face today, the chances are that those who prefer the Arabic Ramadan would be found to be the more assertive Muslims against the conventional lot who have stayed with Ramazan to describe the month of fasting. A new vocabulary of orthodoxy is palpable today, which readily mutates into extremism, and it is not limited to Muslims.

The syndrome exists among a growing number of north India’s Hindus, for example. They have migrated from the traditional and laid-back Jai Ramji ki as a social greeting over the years to Jai Shri Ram, the latter with pronounced religious and even militant underpinnings.

It is highly probable in my view that the mob that lynched Mohammed Akhlaq — whether he ate or did not eat beef — would respond to Jai Shri Ram rather than to Jai Ramji ki as a greeting. It is equally my instinct that the Pakistani policeman who assaulted an 80-year old Hindu man for eating outside his house in Sindh before sunset last week is a partisan of Ramadan over Ramazan. Check it out. My hunch derives from the pattern of vocabulary religious orthodoxy assumes.

Given my early exposure to Ramazan in Lucknow, it is difficult to accept that there is no music on the occasion today. Some of you will remember how in the mornings singers who would call out in unison to the fasting men and women, and their children for sehri, the last meal before sunrise.

On the other hand there was the legacy of Ghalib always offering his own insights with roots placed deep in realism: Iftaar-i-saum kii jise kuch dast gaah ho/ Us shakhs ko zaroor hai rozaa rakha kare/ Jis paas roza khol ke khaane ko kuch na ho/ Roza agar na khaaye to naachaar kya kare. (The one who has the means to break his fast/ that person should indeed keep the fast/ The one who has nothing to break his fast with/ What else can he do but to ‘eat the fast’).

In Delhi, there were poetry soirees during Ramazan where the congregation would conclude with the morning meal. Apparently, a couplet would lure the audiences: Mushaira bhi hai, sehri ka intezam bhi/ Daawat-i- aam hai, yaarane nuqtadan ke liye. (This mushaira will end with sehri. Friendly critics and commoners are welcome for both).

The writer is Dawn’s correspondent in Delhi.

This story was originally published by Dawn, Pakistan

Categories: Africa

Terrorisme: comment empêcher ceux qui ont purgé leur peine de récidiver?

L`Express / Politique - Tue, 14/06/2016 - 18:35
Le profil de Larossi Abballa, qui avait été condamné à trois de prison en 2013 pour son implication dans une filière djihadiste, rappelle celui d'autres terroristes. Experts et politiques se penchent sur le traitement de la récidive, un défi complexe.
Categories: France

Két újabb ukrán elítélt indult haza Oroszországból

Magyar Szó (Szerbia/Vajdaság) - Tue, 14/06/2016 - 18:29

Újabb sikeres orosz-ukrán fogolycseréről adott hírt Petro Porosenko ukrán államfő kedden a Twitteren, eszerint az Oroszországban elítélt Jurij Szolosenkóval és Hennagyij Afanaszjevvel a fedélzetén egy ukrán repülőgép már úton van Moszkvából Ukrajnába.

Instrument d'aide de préadhésion – IAP

Toute l'Europe - Tue, 14/06/2016 - 18:23
L’IAP vise à améliorer l’efficacité et la cohérence de l’aide, au moyen d’un cadre unique pour le renforcement de la capacité institutionnelle, de la coopération transfrontalière, du développement économique et social ainsi que du développement rural. Les aides de préadhésion soutiennent le processus de stabilisation et d’association des pays candidats et des candidats potentiels, dans le respect de leurs spécificités et des processus auxquels ils sont respectivement rattachés.
Categories: Union européenne

Instrument de coopération au développement – ICD (Development Cooperation Instrument - DCI)

Toute l'Europe - Tue, 14/06/2016 - 18:23
L’instrument de financement de la coopération au développement améliore le précédent cadre de la coopération au développement de la Communauté en fusionnant les différents instruments géographiques et thématiques en un instrument unique.
Categories: Union européenne
