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Syrie, Yémen, Nigeria: agriculture décimée, la faim comme arme de guerre

Slateafrique - Sun, 07/08/2016 - 10:30

Alors que certains greniers

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Categories: Afrique

En Egypte, le "vin des Pharaons" cherche encore

Slateafrique - Sun, 07/08/2016 - 10:30

Sous un soleil de plomb, des ho

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Categories: Afrique

Arne Dahl im STERN Crime-Interview: "Ich habe sehr viele Leichen gesehen" (FOTO) - Sun, 07/08/2016 - 10:30
Gruner+Jahr, STERN CRIME: Hamburg (ots) - Der schwedische Bestsellerautor Arne Dahl hat in seinen Kriminalromanen viele Verbrechen aufgeklärt. Der Beruf des Polizisten wäre ihm allerdings zu langweilig gewesen. "Beim Schreiben veredeln wir Autoren den Arbeitsalltag der ...

(Bitte verwenden Sie die aktualisierte Fassung vom 07.08.2016 - 12:38) Europas Fußball vereint gegen die Bombardierung von Zivilistinnen und Zivilisten - Sun, 07/08/2016 - 10:27
Handicap International: München (ots) - Mit dieser Aktion unterstützt die UEFA Kinderstiftung die Arbeit der Hilfsorganisation Handicap International. Diese setzt sich weltweit für die Rechte und gesellschaftliche Teilhabe von Menschen mit Behinderung ein. Die Stiftung ...

Rendőrségi kampány a gyerekek és a családok biztonságáért

Szé (Románia/Erdély) - Sun, 07/08/2016 - 10:22

A Maros Megyei Rendőr-főkapitányság idén másodszorra is megszervezte a Tízes a biztonságért elnevezésű kampányakciót, amelynek célja, hogy felidézze azokat a biztonsági intézkedéseket, amelyek a gyerekek és családjaik biztonságát hivatottak szavatolni.
Kategória: Aktuális/Marosszék

LKW-Kartell Schadensersatz - Anwälte gründen Interessengemeinschaft - Sun, 07/08/2016 - 10:21
Dr. Stoll & Sauer Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH: Lahr (ots) - Die auf Massenschadenfälle spezialisierte Kanzlei Dr. Stoll & Sauer Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH hat die "Interessengemeinschaft LKW-Kartell" für geschädigte Spediteure, Transportunternehmen und sonstige Betroffene ins Leben gerufen. ...

rbb-Sommerinterview: Klaus Lederer verurteilt Gewalt - Sun, 07/08/2016 - 10:15
Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg (rbb): Berlin (ots) - Der Linke-Spitzenkandidat für die Abgeordnetenhauswahl, Klaus Lederer, hat eingeräumt, dass seine Partei in den letzten Jahren Wähler verloren hat, vor allem in der Zeit der Regierungsbeteiligung. "Wir haben ja seinerzeit Wähler ...

Tchad: Les forces d'opposition vont braver l'interdiction de manifester

RFI /Afrique - Sun, 07/08/2016 - 10:11
Au Tchad, l’opposition maintient son appel à manifester cet après-midi en dépit de l’interdiction du ministère de la Sécurité publique. Un appel lancé par le Front de l'opposition nouvelle pour l'alternance et le changement (Fonac), la toute jeune coalition coordonnée par Saleh Kebzabo.
Categories: Afrique

A vajdasági iskolákban sem lesz idén őszi szünet

VajdaságMA (Szerbia/Vajdaság) - Sun, 07/08/2016 - 10:06
Csökken az iskolai szünetek száma, ugyanis idén nem lesz őszi szünet a szerbiai és a vajdasági iskolákban.

King, Keynes et Knight : plongée au cœur d'une économie incertaine

La Tribune - Sun, 07/08/2016 - 10:00
Il aura - malheureusement - fallu attendre la crise financière mondiale de 2008 pour que Lord Mervyn King et consorts prennent à nouveau conscience que de nombreux événements futurs sont tout bonnement impossibles à prévoir et à intégrer dans les modèles économiques. Par Joachim Fels*, Managing Director et conseiller économique international au bureau de Newport Beach, PIMCO
Categories: France

A horgosi férfi beismerte, hogy meggyilkolta édesanyját

VajdaságMA (Szerbia/Vajdaság) - Sun, 07/08/2016 - 09:44
Beismerte, hogy családi házukban egy kalapáccsal meggyilkolta 66 éves édesanyját a 41 éves, horgosi illetőségű Bálint Frigyes, írja a Blic belgrádi napilap.

Sudan's FCC groups boycott National Dialogue General Assembly

Sudan Tribune - Sun, 07/08/2016 - 09:23

August 6, 2016 (KHARTOUM) – In an unexpected development, the opposition Future Forces of Change (FFC) Saturday boycotted the National Dialogue General Assembly to protest the organizers' refusal to give them the opportunity to address the consultative meeting.

FFC leaders at the launch ceremony held in Khartoum on 23 February 2016 (ST Photo)

The FFC which gathers some Islamist groups that splinted from the ruling National Congress Party (NCP) are not part of the government sponsored dialogue but they held a series of meetings facilitated by the African Union mediation to prepare them to join a holistic process.

In a statement released Saturday evening, the alliance said they accepted to attend the General Assembly meeting after the emergence of new positive developments in support of an inclusive process.

“The Future Forces of Change agreed to attend the General Assembly with the understanding that it will have an opportunity to address the meeting to explain its position (...) and to express its perception on how to move the dialogue process forward".

Especially since the written invitation extended to the FFC has provided that the meeting is" a continuation of consultations over the upcoming period programme of the dialogue National," the group further stressed.

The FFC went to say they reached some organizers to confirm that they would be allowed to address the meeting as it was said in the invitation.

“But three hours before the beginning of the meeting they informed us that we can not address the meeting,” the group said.

So, the alliance decided not to attend the General Assembly "because it is not acceptable to attend a consultative meeting that will last for long hours without having the opportunity to speak".

However, the coalition reiterated its commitment to work with all the political forces including the governing parties and the 7+7 mechanism to achieve peace and democratic reforms.

The General Assembly will hold its next meeting next October to adopt the final resolution of the internal dialogue process.

The FFC groups, are National Forces Alliance (NFA), National Forces of Change (NFC) and National Unity Parties (NUPs). Some members of these groups, like Reform Now Movement (RNM) and Just Peace Forum (JFM), were part of the national dialogue process.


Categories: Africa

Sénégal: l'école Al-Azhar, symbole de l'enseignement religieux et professionnel

RFI /Afrique - Sun, 07/08/2016 - 09:20
Au Sénégal, certains établissements scolaires proposent un enseignement religieux associé à un cursus général. C'est le cas du centre de formation Al-Azhar. Créé en 2008 dans la banlieue de Dakar et soutenu par l'Unesco, le centre constitue une véritable passerelle entre le système d'enseignement public classique et le système d'enseignement arabo-islamique.
Categories: Afrique

Brésil. Nouvelles accusations de corruption contre Michel Temer

L`Humanité - Sun, 07/08/2016 - 09:19

L'homme d'affaires brésilien Marcelo Odebrecht, qui purge une peine de 19 ans de prison pour son rôle dans le scandale de corruption Petrobras, a dit à la justice avoir versé des fonds illégaux à la campagne du président intérimaire Michel Temer en 2014.

Categories: France

Les confidences de François Hollande pour 2017

Le Figaro / Politique - Sun, 07/08/2016 - 09:09
VIDÉO - Le chef de l'Etat mûrira sa décision de candidature pendant l'été. S'il n'est pas candidat ou s'il est battu en 2017, il ne fera ni comme Giscard, ni comme Sarkozy, qui ont tenté de revenir. Il se mettra « en retrait » de la vie politique.
Categories: France

UNICEF warns of ‘catastrophic' food insecurity in S. Sudan

Sudan Tribune - Sun, 07/08/2016 - 08:42

August 6, 2016 (JUBA) - The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) said it had started responding to the growing food security emergency causing malnutrition in children in both rural and urban areas of, a month after violence broke out in South Sudan.

Acute food insecurity Feb- Sept 2016 (Photo credit: FEWS NET)

“The situation in South Sudan is catastrophic, and even more so for children,” UNICEF spokesperson Christophe Boulierac said in a statement on Friday.

This year, UNICEF has reportedly treated 120,000 children under age five for severe malnutrition, a figure higher than what the agency had in the same period last year.

“Initially, UNICEF had been planning to provide support to 166,000 children in 2016, but that figure has been revised to more than 250, 000,” the official said.

Last month, clashes between South Sudan's rival forces in the capital, Juba displaced over 40,000 civilians, the world body said.

Seven out of the country's 10 states have reached the malnutrition-rate-emergency threshold of 15 per cent, while in Northern Bahr el Ghazal, the malnutrition rate stands at 33 per cent, noted Boulierac.

According to agency, a sharp rise in malnutrition in urban areas, including Juba, where the rates of children admitted for malnutrition to UNICEF-supported Al-Sabbah children's hospitals were some 20% higher in the first six months of 2016 than for the same period last year.

The official, in the statement, also cited the country's inflation rate as one of the main reasons for the high increase, explaining that it made basic household staples too expensive for many families.

He, however, said although UNICEF could not provide the numbers of children dying from starvation, “one quarter of a million children in South Sudan are facing severe malnutrition.”

Inaccessibility of roads due to the ongoing conflict has further limited UNICEF's ability to respond in the most urgent cases, leaving the more expensive option of air transport to deliver supplies, said Boulierac.

“Due to insecurity and the rainy season, UNICEF staffs in South Sudan are unable to be fully mobile and deliver their goods and services,” he stressed.

Meanwhile, of the $154.5 million UNICEF needs for South Sudan in 2016, the agency has reportedly received only $52 million to assist with water and sanitation, child support services, nutrition, health and education.

More than 900,000 children, Boulierac further disclosed, have been displaced in the country, which – with 1.8 million children, or 51 per cent of school-age youngsters out of school – also had the highest proportion of out-of-school children in the world.

“An estimated 16,000 children had been recruited by armed groups, and there were concerns that the renewed violence would lead to a further expansion of that practice,” he explained.

Meanwhile the office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), said a total of 917, 418 South Sudanese refugees have been displaced, mostly in Uganda.


Categories: Africa

Sotchi : les jeux du tsar nommé Poutine ! (3/6)

La Tribune - Sun, 07/08/2016 - 08:30
Depuis la sélection du site jusqu'aux travaux aussi destructeurs que coûteux entrepris pour les Jeux olympiques d'hiver de Sotchi en 2014, une enquête à charge qui dévoile un projet kafkaïen guidé par des intérêts opaques.
Categories: France

"Heile, aber unrealistische Welt" - Mainzer Professor kritisiert deutsche Arztserien - Sun, 07/08/2016 - 08:30
Wort & Bild Verlag - HausArzt - PatientenMagazin: Baierbrunn (ots) - Deutsche Arztserien verharmlosen Experten zufolge oft Erkrankungen und zeigen ein völlig falsches Bild vom Alltag in Krankenhäusern. "An deutschen Arztserien nervt mich vor allem das Bagatellisieren von Krankheiten", betont der ...
