Updated: 1 week 4 days ago
Wed, 01/30/2019 - 19:55
The revised calculation of projected energy consumption figures for 2030 are necessary to track progress towards the EU's energy efficiency target.
Wed, 01/30/2019 - 19:55
EU ambassadors agreed the Council's position on a proposal for a regulation which establishes rules for the continuation of the cooperation programmes across the Irish border in the event of the UK’s withdrawal from the EU without a negotiated agreement.
Tue, 01/29/2019 - 19:50
The Presidency and the EP reach provisional agreement on carcinogens.
Tue, 01/29/2019 - 19:50
Council and Parliaments agree on a directive on contracts for the supply of digital content and services and on a directive on contracts the sales of goods.
Mon, 01/28/2019 - 19:29
The Council adopted a regulation ensuring consistency of safeguard measures included in free trade agreements.
Sat, 01/26/2019 - 19:21
The EU issued a declaration on the latest developments in Venezuela.
Fri, 01/25/2019 - 19:17
Weekly schedule of President Donald Tusk 28 January - 3 February 2019
Fri, 01/25/2019 - 19:17
The EU is adapting its legislation to ensure legal certainty for ship operators when the United Kingdom leaves the EU.
Fri, 01/25/2019 - 19:17
Main agenda items, approximate timing, public sessions and press opportunities.
Fri, 01/25/2019 - 19:17
The meeting of the European Council will take place on 21 and 22 March in the Europa building in Brussels. The press centre is located in the adjacent Justus Lipsius building.
Fri, 01/25/2019 - 19:17
The EU is promoting increased use of zero- and low-emission vehicles by setting out minimum procurement targets to encourage public bodies to choose them in public procurement.
Fri, 01/25/2019 - 19:17
Council adopts its position on new rules to better protect whistleblowers across the European Union
Fri, 01/25/2019 - 19:17
EU ambassadors endorsed the provisional agreement reached on new amendments to the 2014 regulation on the statute and funding of European political parties and foundations.
Fri, 01/25/2019 - 19:17
European Council President Donald Tusk highlighted the main subjects discussed during his meeting with Prime Minister of New Zealand Jacinda Ardern.
Thu, 01/24/2019 - 19:09
Work-life balance: Presidency reaches provisional agreement with the European Parliament.
Thu, 01/24/2019 - 19:09
President Tusk received the letters of credentials from two new ambassadors to the European Union.
Thu, 01/24/2019 - 19:09
Representatives of the European Union and the Permanent Representatives of the League of Arab States held the seventh meeting of the EU Political and Security Committee and the League of Arab States Permanent Representatives on 23 January 2019 in Brussels, and adopted a joint communiqué.
Thu, 01/24/2019 - 07:07
The EU strongly calls for the start of an immediate political process leading to free and credible elections, in conformity with the Constitutional order, in Venezuela.
Wed, 01/23/2019 - 18:59
European Council President Donald Tusk congratulated Krisjanis Karins on his appointment as Prime Minister of Latvia.
Wed, 01/23/2019 - 18:59
President Tusk received the letters of credentials from two new ambassadors to the European Union.