Bosnia and Herzegovina is a potential candidate country for EU accession following the Thessaloniki European Council, in June 2003. On 15 February 2016, the application of Bosnia and Herzegovina for EU membership was submitted by the Chair of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina to the Presidency of the Council of the EU.
President Donald Tusk and President Jean-Claude Juncker represent the EU at the 20th EU-China summit. Chinese Premier Li Keqiang hosts the summit. EU leaders also have talks with President Xi Jinping. EU and Chinese leaders discuss bilateral trade, investment relations and foreign and security issues. They are expected to express their joint support for rules-based trade. They are also expected to confirm their mutual engagement for the modernisation of the World Trade Organisation.
Albania is a candidate country following the Brussels European Council of June 2014. The country became a potential candidate country for EU accession following the Thessaloniki European Council of June 2003. On 18 February 2008 the Council adopted a new European partnership with Albania. The Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA) with the country entered into force on 1 April 2009.
Written by Nicole Scholz (1st edition),
© gustavofrazao / Fotolia
The European Commission has proposed to amend Directive 2004/37/EC by expanding its scope and by including and/or revising occupational exposure limit values for a number of cancer- or mutation-causing substances. The initiative is proceeding in steps. The first proposal of May 2016 covered 13 priority chemical agents, the second, of January 2017, a further seven. The current (third) proposal addresses an additional five.
Broad discussions with scientists and the social partners fed into all three proposals. Reacting to the Commission’s set of measures as a whole, trade unions have acknowledged the importance of further action to improve the existing framework, reiterating the need to reach the target of 50 limit values in 2020, while some considered it necessary to extend the scope of the CMD to substances that are toxic to reproduction. Actors on the employers’ side, while in principle supporting further revisions of the directive, have underlined, among other things, the need to ensure that values are proportionate and feasible in terms of technical implementation.
While welcoming the Commission proposal, the rapporteur’s draft report of 29 June 2018 proposes, inter alia, to grant incentives to businesses that comply with the directive. Moreover, it opts to include, within the scope of the directive, the protection of workers from exposure to hazardous, or harm-causing, medicines (including cytotoxic ones, which are used in the treatment of cancer).
VersionsOrdinary legislative procedure (COD) (Parliament and Council on equal footing – formerly ‘co-decision’) Rapporteur: Laura Agea (EFDD, Italy) Shadow rapporteurs: Marita Ulvskog (S&D, Sweden) Next steps expected: Discussions in EMPL and committee vote
On 19 July 2016, the EU and Kuwait signed a Cooperation Arrangement which aims to increase the number of exchanges between officials and promote regular political dialogue and concrete cooperation initiatives.